Starting off with modern day beta states with zero fighting spirit:
>norwegian army
Starting off with modern day beta states with zero fighting spirit:
>norwegian army
All of the middle east and India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Africa.
Hardest fighters; Islanders.
America, after all the trannies left the army went to shit, also they are all 56%
i freely admit the Australian shitposting divisions have hit hard times over the last few years, but at least we are still not Canada
Australia is literally the biggest island in the world, How can Crumpets even compete without butterknives?
Pakistan army is currently world's number 1 in CT operations faggot all of the west, CIA, goyims and pajeets couldn't turn us into Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan despite all kindza proxy wars being funded inside our homeland
you guys looks like a bunch of faggots.
We all know that US, Russia and Israel are in top when it comes to that, not a fucking 3rd world nation.
Go back and smoke your opium achmed.
Yeah that's why russia sent spetsnaz to cherat, Pakistan to train at the world's most elite commando school.
Fuck off idiot
Turkey > Israel lmao
modern norway's greates warrior is a penguin. how did it come to this?
Hue army haven't joined in a war since 80's
>turkey > israel
remember when literal civilians kicked your army's ass KEK.
Fuckng weaklings.
>having erdofaggot as a leader
Ataturj is turning in his grave. Kopek.
all that mix of chinese and american equipment,the pakis commando trained by americans in cold war and later by chinese,you guys are truly the half-breed of special forces.
the hue army still do peacekeeping missions somewhere in africa.your definition of "war" might be different.
they are soft beta cucks
>elite commando school
Weren't those the faggots who got their asses hand to them by a bunch of poorly motivated soviet conscripts?
>meme flag
I can just show a video of Israeli soldiers trying to kick a tire and falling to ground.
The thing is, we literally invaded Syria and nobody could say anthng about it.
One event doesn't show general power.
Also those civilians are literally potential ISIS fighters, they are stronger than most of the soldier prototypes amongst the world.
Potential isis fighters? What do you mean?
Also ive seen that tire video. Funny shit.
Invaded Syria after getting permission and getting your ass kicked. You have a terrible Kill death ratio in Syria and lost tons of equipment to ISIS and Kurds while running away.
dont exagarrete the numbers tho, also we invaded that place after the Coup attempt.If we wouldn't be strong army would just collapse.
You do know there is an active insurgency in your country, right? Where do you think all the leftovers from Iraq/Syria are going to go?
most of the people who attacked soldiers at that day were radical islamists who share nearly same ideology as ISIS.
t. Swednigger
"You are the hunters, you are now the predators. Taliban is the prey. To Valhalla! To Valhalla!"
>Cant even prevent refugees
T-til valhalla!
>Excpecting a 5mil population country to focus on the military and have a good military.
Please kys
But they can prevent refugees. However we are brainwashed into thinking non-Europeans are worth just as much as Europeans.
If we can do it with around 6m jews ( rest 2m arabs dont serve in the army) you can do it too.
>Such a pussy you start the thread with a meme flag
>implying others are weak
It would be awesome to see Norwegians slaughtering aggressive immigrants crying TILL VALHALL
tho i think that would never happen.
Why should norwegians be enthusiastic about fighting desert coons for USA/israel? lmao
Part of it though is that Norway doesn't actually need a good military. Shit, they might not even need one.
Now if you surrounded Norway with hostile muslim countries, then yeah their military would be much better.
You never know. Nowadays shit go down in a second
>a Penguin
We need proper defense. We should really get a "Gerilja"-style defense at least making it really expensive and hard to occupy the country quickly and managing to keep the peace.
Our traitor politicians is building the defense down now, and only investing in goyplanes to bomb other goys.
America gave you everything for free. Also a Israel defence model wouldn't work in Norway. There is around 4.5mil Norwegian, the rest is mostly from Poland.
your isis sissies are a bunch of retards who got slammed by the iraqi army which is the world's biggest retard daycare center
>one video
implying that makes up for all the wars israel won
>who got slammed by the iraqi army
What the fuck are you talking about ??
"implying that makes up for all the wars israel won"
You cant even read... Jesus why Americans are so retarded.
Is japan army cucked today?
That is pretty much our fighting strategy, hide in woods and make raids on the enemy if we get invaded. They started to focus on city combat also when i was doing my conscription.
>When the average IQ is 65 in your country
nice try mehmet
maybe but their navy is decent
>operating with AKs/AKMs
Gerilja"-style defense clearly you skipped your conscription
Modern Arab armies are shit-tier, especially Egypt which is well funded and massive but can hardly handle a bunch of illiterate ISIS faggots which have been occupying Northern Sinai for years now. Sad!
Good god if that would be true we wouldnt have Worlds 9th Strongest Army and 18th Economy.Use your brain
Compared to the US you are all losers
Europe is fucked. The trojan horse of islam is far too deep. It's sad honestly.
??? I was in faggy Luftforsvaret handling faggy missiles 24/7
that used to be our strategy until the end of the cold war. Now it's all muh (((((nato)))))) and new world, new dangers kind of bullshit.
>meme flag
>1 post by this ID
That would be Andorra, Liechtenstein,Iceland, Costa Rica as they have no army
>9th Strongest
>Believing meme military rankings
Don't forget that Iraq had the 5th strongest military in 1990
Don't pretend like you're not enjoying watching Europe get raped, Schlomo. You people are a blight on humanity.
I can't wait to go full barbarian.
You have enemies around you + you get US money and you are everlasting victims so....
That flag comes from a different government and different population, modern spain is "cucked"
I heard that they have constitunion amendment which making illegal to join offshore wars.
Norway has basically no functioning u-boats or coastal defense, no functioning air-defense. No nothing really. Russia could probably take Norway in 48 hours and there would be no place to fight back from.
And they could do it without much economical loss.
People still use u-boats? They are not the same as a submarine.
why would you do that to yourself dont you claim Antartica how will you compete with the Russians ?
You are fucking rich give some moeny to your military, maybe its the lack of wars in your modern history
are you that cold-hearted you dont care ?
>meme military rankings
Okay whatever floats your boat man
Andorra has the full French army, as one of their Co-Leaders is whoever holds the title of President of France.
Yes, Macron is currently one of the two leaders of Andorra. The other is some Bishop in Spain.
just get a nuke US will respect you then
You fat cuck. Come at us. The fighting spirit is back. Your offsprings, the Gandhis and the Nehrus are gone. We have nukes now, and our population has become more and more patriotic with time. You won't be holding on to the Kohinoor for long, you Rothschild puppet scum.
you have good geografical location , stop bitching
it's more to do with the fact that probably nobody wants to join army there or have conscription.
whatkind of a state is that then ? cucked by the white flag
then it must be forced upon the young
Want another spanking abdul? We've even got Kashmir under control now.
Now now, Play nice with the sand nigger
All western countries except (((USA))) and Israel. Note that the governments of the UK and France like war too but the populaces of those countries are not up for it.
> admitting your continental union is a meme
Oh, Jamal.
>zero fighting spirit
also meme flag
not forced it has to be mad honourable again, here you are not seen as a real man if you did not have a serious excuse to skip conscription. So by not going to the army you cut your dating pool by 50% here just for that.
>eu meme flag
>discrediting a non eu state in yurop
Do you even have an army?
U-boat = German Submarine
Ubåt (Norwegian) = Submarine
Yes it's the same
Why we have no defense? Because (((NATO))) wants us to buy overpriced bombers and wants us to use our army in the target countries.
>You are fucking rich give some moeny to your military
The problem is that the money is going to aggressive warfare, and not defense.
We do also have roads that invaders are free to use, and a fucking long coastline with no defense.
Japan is about to rewrite their constitution and create the most high tech military on earth just FYI
They've been gathering the resources the past decade and researching the tech if you follow their country
They've been planning on this ever since their constitution approached getting rewritten when the WW2 military ban wore off
Lowest fighting spirit
The nation known as Straya. Gave up their rights without even a whimper
Former ENGLAND...known as KEKington Kingdom...Gave up their rights without even a whimper
Canada...hahah fighting...spirit.
Even the worst Muslim fighters all have more spirit than fuck bois from these wayward cuck lands.
Maybe a 100 years ago, cuck. Not today.
The left can me-
You cunts gave up your automatic weapons in the 80s without even a whimper.
Pretty sure More indians have won the VC than aussies and kwis put together cunt
Yeah nah you're wrong cunt, best SF in the world are British,American,kiwi, Australian and Russian.
They keep coming back for more, it's like they're sexually attracted to pain or something.
Never wanted anything to do with that union, literally born into it.
Good luck keeping the cash flowing there bhai.
> literally naming all the countries you are being cucked by
Was this your plan along?
look if the pay sucks it isnt worth it + of course it isnt honourable most of EU states are hypocrite since you are ok to use gun then but after you cant get a gun permit if you dont have a good reason
Im glad they are on our side
They respect America for being the only nation to defeat their unbreakable spirit with overpowering material
Doesn't your country have an all female special force courtesy of your feminist government?