I mean it's not even close.
Why are Anglos so superior to Europeans?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anglo doesn't look brown
Such a poor bait...
it's called a tan
Anglos are numbah one
>language without diacritis
If Anglos are so great, why are their countries so shit? I mean, I’ve literally seen African cities that looked better than London.
That’s because out shit leaders let in all them sand nigger Muslims who wrecked the city get them to fuck and it will be back to the greatest city in the world
Just a reminder EU you speak OUR language because we are your alphas
This. EU is virgin, Anglo is Chad.
Kek, we don’t speak your language you mutt. We speak English, English like in the language of the English people, not American. Ever noticed that no one says color or honor for example? We write it in the English way: colour and honour. Your only cultural influence has been Coca Cola and McDonalds, you failure.
>haha stupid kid
>you didn't cuck us
>your dad did
fug i am ded
First rule of history: don’t take credit for what your ancestors did, as you had literally zero influence on it.
Keep typing in English Van
>first rule of history
Compared to Switzerland, USA is 1st world country.
First rule of History: replace all of your cool documentaries and Hitler shows and R. Lee Ermey shooting watermelons with reality shows about obese, inbred retards doing increasingly stupid shit and UFO garbage.
Keep on thinking you are Anglo or even white at all.
Fixed for you
>Your only cultural influence has been Coca Cola and McDonalds
Hey! Don't forget BLACKED.com
No other country has contributed nearly as much to realm of interrcial pornography as the good ol' US of A.
Free speech in Britain ?
Thats retarded mate.
In all fairness porn does tend to attract the degenerates.
Also, I'm American and have never once visited that site. You seem to be an expert. Is that one of your fetishes?
Why are non-anglos so easily triggered by this? They literally have the same reaction as people do to the iotbw posters.
Die Commie
Who knows? Insecurity, maybe.
Plus, all of the posters trying to divide us Anglos. Most of which that post with Anglo flags are probably non-Anglos, like Poles in England, Frenchmen in Canada, or some of the US' much-too-abundant non-Anglos.
Absolutely, there are huge numbers of divide and conquer shills, even on our own flags. Absolutely ridiculous that the majority of yuropoors have their own little club but try so hard to shit on anglos for wanting something barely similar.
>Absolutely ridiculous that the majority of yuropoors have their own little club but try so hard to shit on anglos for wanting something barely similar.
yeah, considering the French and Germans hate each other, at least we all share a common culture, language and heritage...an Anglo union makes perfect sense.
Porn is a jew run industry from top to bottom. Obviously you know this.
Because while most Europeans are pure-blooded, anglos are a mix of germanic, celtic, fench and other races making them mongrels. Yanks have taken this to a new level, as the already mixed-raced anglo's decided to mix even more with various european fenotypes.
This cant be real
>Europeans pure-blooded compared to the anglos
Holy shit Geert give me what you've been smoking
The Dutch master race has spoken....the English are actually French.
hello Ahmed got your internet I see
like amsterdam?
Thanks Russia we can always count on you for input
Explain this picture
Anglo is literally the name of a germanic tribe you disgusting mongrel. Real anglo's live on the mainland, your island is a mix of every tribe that decided to invade your puny wasteland in the past 2000 years.
>mfw celtic-australian
The Normans who invaded Britain were Scandinavians who settled in france, not Gallic. The Angles, Jutes and Saxons were Germanic...these are the genetics of English people...North European As for the Romans they occupied what is now Holland too so get off your high horse you dyke dwelling bog man
>19th century
we stronk, we conquer naked savages and shit, hahahaha
>20th century
we not stronk, help daddy, save me, pls anybody with a black dick fuck us
>21th century
ooga booga, curry
History of the UK
>kids in the background
th century
>we stronk, we conquer naked savages and shit, hahahaha
I guess the Napoleonic wars don't count, dipshit.
th century>we not stronk
Britain was the only country in Europe the Germans didnt steamroll and couldn't invade
>19th century we stronk, we conquer naked savages and shit, hahahaha
The challenge was invading countries it was defeating the French,Spanish,Germans,Dutch etc over and over again to keep and hold those territories that was impressive
>I’ve literally seen African cities that looked better than London.
London is literally the worst big city in Britain
Remove the Am*rican flag from the OP image please
It's highly offensive
>"Defeating the germans"
>Literally bailed out by the USA and the USSR
I'm so sorry US, that image breaks my heart:
2 kids dabbing, 2 kids kneeling, 4 playing (2 of them half "respecting" the flag). 3/8 whites. Look at her, she lost any kind of hope. She lost any kind of passion for her job or life. She's defeated and overrun in pity and despair. It seems you alredy lost.
My favorite painting , I remember when my dad first took me to see it . I still go every few years . It even used to be on the wall at my old fencing club . You can see the brutal emotions and feel that charge :'(