How Putin’s Using Hungary to Destroy Europe

*sips paprika*

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lol he can try and he will fail

Cant wait for war with Russia so I can fight alongside Germans and finally deal with the Russian menace.

Dictatorships never ever win.

By promoting democrasy, personal responsibility and free trade?

Europistan =/= Europe

Why hello Bill Kristol. How is Robert Kagan and the Satanic Talmudic Council of Foreign Relations this evening?

>So militant is Hungary’s anti-liberal stand that it may even have inspired the Kremlin’s agents, both in Europe and at home.

>mfw we are the Israel of Russia
Good gopnik!


we're fighting alongside the russians this time, you britpaki mutt
what even gave you the idea that designated shitskins or europe like uk and france are gonna get to "fight" with US, never fucking mind in a war against Russia
eat shit

>Russia promoting free speech and nationalism in Europe

This world turned into a parody of itself.

>The attack [on Soros] was all about Jews... the narrative and symbolic context of the campaign resembles the narrative of the 1930s.


No joke, I ran for office in my town and had to delete my twitter because it was nothing but memes and telling Bill Kristol to hang himself.

Shut the fuck up already, Jesus H. fucking Christ!
We're a dying cunt of alcoholics/drug addicts, just fuck off with muh Russia shit

You can stay

hello jidf

enjoy nuclear hell fire if you do shit with them, not that i like it but our insane psychomanics wont.

I will aid you.

Those "Germans" you'll be fighting with in this future war will be browner than the dirt on your boots, and they'll be murdering and raping innocent Russian white women and children when your back is turned. but don't worry user, your sorting out that Russian "menace" just like the (((media))) and your (((government))) tells you they are.

Oh also
>What happened in Ocseny would sound familiar to Russian ears. Year after year, thousands of Nazi groups march in the streets of Russian cities chanting “Sieg heil!”
Nazi symbolica-related laws are the same here as in Germany. They're banned and display is prohibited. The police would disperse the "Nazi groups" in seconds. When there were actual Nazi/Nationalists who were threatening the state (like in 2000s) they were hunted down by FSB as if they were Islamic terrorists.

anyone in the UK who thinks Russia is a menace and not an ally is not the sort you would fear fighting. (as they are either SJW or low iq third worlders)

what nuclear fire, you limp-dicked fatboy
ameriSHIT doesn't have the nuts for war, you've proven it time and again
both world wars you war-profiteered on the side and everything since then was either your jewed military industrial complex making up conflicts, or petrodollar "wars" against turd worlders who decided to sell their oil however they want
in a european land war, amerihobbits would get SHAT on
and if you're that pathetic to start a nuke war (your jewed gubmint would never go for it) over getting btfo out of europe, you'd be surprised how many of the other nuclear powers would be happy to nuke you off the face of the earth
but this is all conjecture anyways, because like I said - ameriNIGGERS don't have the BALLS

It's literally BBC/E.U. tier counter propaganda. They do this shit every time an undesirable person winds up as a candidate for p.m./president or a decision that goes against Merkel's policies are made...i.e-border fence . Reality is as long as Hungary is still in NATO, you can dip this article in gasoline, then shove it half way up your ass and light the other end on fire.

why does he need Hungary to do that >? Merkel is doing a great job at doing that herself alone

> britpakis calling germany brown
that's a good one


I'm from Northern Ireland, 99% white. literally haven't seen a black person in about a year and I go out every weekend. Don't call me a paki again faggot

>Putin is destroying Europe
>not the massive wave of third worlders replacing us
If Russia wants to destroy Europe they just have to seat back and watch

Go forth Tibor
Let no amerimutt stop you

gonna tell you right now island ape, i ain't gonna shot towards the russians

Yeah right never seen a black in a year , I see one nearly every other week in Bangor

shill thread

>Blame Putin because Hungarians don't want to be over-ran with "cultural enrichment" that only lives to destroy all other peoples and take over

Grow the fuck up. More and more people are sick of you leftists engaging in social engineering, playing God over the entire planet, and shifting billions around for your own political gain.

You're joking right?

that's where I live, I never see blacks, or do you mean brown people?

>niggers, shitskins, commies


>pls buy my oil

>Be E.U.
>Bring in millions of migrants into Europe
>Ignore European nations that refuse it
>Jail your own people for speaking out against it
>Terror attacks and rapes ensue
>Watch Hungary build a fence around itself, France, Austria, and Poland elect right wing politicians, and UK literally chops its arm off just to get away from you
> It's Russia.......

They have their own problems, but our politcians are so hellbent on destroying this continent that Russia doesn't have to do anything special to make us extinct. We are doing a great job at that on our own

Good, hope you die

whoever wrote that shit has no idea about hungary. We don't even have a word for 'alt-right' ffs

>right wing politicians
is macron right wing now? I thought he was socialist.

Also I just noticed the post numbers start with 1488 :)

You're not wrong. Fuck Russia though. Just as jewed up as any other country. Hell maybe even more. He's an anti-fascist, Muslim sympathizing, Stalin apologist. Why does Sup Forums idolize this faggot?

Thank you for the "intel" comrade amerika :3

fuck off, slavnigger diaspora

so did Hitler tho

Islam is not a problem as long as its domestic and not radical. Christians and Muslims peacefully live together in Russia.

fuck off, slavnigger diaspora

i meant the rise of nationalist parties (Nat. Front gained an extraordinary amount of influence)

> Why does Sup Forums idolize this faggot?
Because most people here in Western Europe have a very distorted view of Putin, due to both how Russia wants to be perceived and how our governments want us to perceive them.
The narrative is that Putin is Hitler 2.0 that wants to kill non white babies and install a christian theocracy, I kid you not

All british cocksuckers should be murdered on sight

NEVER EVER take shit from a perfidious anglo

just butcher the arrogant piece of shit on the spot.

You lost me at "Islam is not a problem"

We don't think that, we just know he's not a cuck.

where you from faggot?

>we just know he's not a cuck.

fuck off, slavnigger diaspora


fuck you cocksucker

>polish diaspora butthurt over brexit

Slavniggerdom was a mistake

From the very few things I know about Russia, that doesn't seem to be the case. He's not a nutjob like our politicians, sure, but when it comes to stuff like immigration he's pretty cucked as far as I know. They are getting flooded with shitskins from the various stans, maybe less than we are, but still not perfect

All pro r*ssian niggers on here are just Kremlin kikes with proxy ip's. We won't have to fight r*ssia because they will collapse economically again next year. Even though killing r*ssians in combat would be a wet dream come true.

fuck you too

>All pro r*ssian niggers on here are just Kremlin kikes with proxy ip's.


Also, daily reminder that Russia's GDP is below Italy's.

Slavniggers must be exterminated.

Any reports of muslim terrorist in Moscow?
huh, weird if you look at how many of them are there.

Difference between Russia and Europe is that muslims consider one their home and have no reason to destroy it meanwhile they have no relation to the other, theyre just invaders here.

Visit Russia and Germany, come back after seeing the difference

fuckin kek at jpeg name

Did you forget Saint Petersburg, genius?

They'll ignore this and claim p-tin is the savior of "whites" lol. God I hate these r*ssian commie niggers with all my heart

>I hate these r*ssian commie niggers with all my heart

We all do. It's what makes us human.



Well in that case, I hope a war between you and russia results in both of you subhumans being wiped off the face of the earth preferably with nukes

>Putin isn't cucke-

The Putin cocksuckers ITT are lower than filth

>triggered slavnigger diaspora

you subhuman

>Hungary's alt-right government


Journalism nowadays is so shit it's unbelievable. The "alt-right" is a political label invented by Richard Spencer for a part of US right wing. The name makes sense in the US. That's it.

Hungary has its own political scene, its own political history and its own political labels. How hard is this for fucking journos?

Orban is a normie christian conservative by Eastern Europe standards. He is only an "extremist" because western politocians are insane cultural marxist famatics and all mainstream right over there is cuckservative at best, but usually pushes policies that are somewhere between Gramsci and Trotsky.


Only proves my point, bomber was not Russian muslim but Kyrgyzstani. Domestic muslims are not bad muslims there.


He's an influential man, true. But people are overestimating his power.

turkroach, your anti-russian stories never worked on anyone who's not the same level lowIQ as you are, you wanna get some polacks in here to back you up about russia?

Im not sayn hes good, but what I think he is doing right thing with jews. Russia cant nor should combat them for now, if you cant fight the jew, becoming jew is second best.

I have no slav blood but atleast I also dont have (((german))) blood either :^ )

You really don't know shit about Russia do you?

fuck off, slavnigger diaspora

you subhumans

>Projecting this hard

Holy shit. Next he will be invading with masses of russians while telling us we cannot create or express any will of our own, have no future beyond simply existing (via free healthcare!) and that we are to be "replaced" and/or marginalized while he holds brash Russian themed parties and pumps glossy propaganda saying we must integrate into a new Russian society under the auspices of suprise death if any action we take looks to corrupt this plan. Fuck you Putin! Evil man.

All slavniggers will perish in the eternal fires of hell

your pretty tuff on the keyboard huh you fucking?

why dotn you go out in the real world and be as big a hero as you are here.

natural selection would make short work of you

LOL you mongrel. Russians never betrayed us.
We will dominate Europe for the next 1000 years together with Russia.
Nothing can stop German + Russian power.

No, I just legally migrated outta here losing 50% of my net worth, still worth it tho. I know who is destroying country and no its not muslims population.

All slavniggers will perish in the eternal fires of hell
- literally Jesus

Auscuckistania shut the fuck up before I let the chinks loose on your faggot ass. R*ssia is the enemy of the civilized world. They are responsible for all the communism that infects our world. They fund commie guerrillas every where and train antifa in western Europe. Kremlin kikes must be stopped.

germans are a subhuman cuck race that will be wiped out once and for all in WWIII

Was thinking the same. It's like we're told that we play unfair in a game we haven't even heard about.

thing is, it's the easiest test of all time to pass actually and eastshit migrants/turkroaches fail it every time
ETHNIC germanics have no problem with Russians, we fought a badass war with them and fucked each other up prertty good
the people who have a "problem" with either side are usually trash underage/uneducated kiddos from the "political prostitute" countries, countries that make their "living" by selling their asshole to the highest bidder, whether there be a conflict a-brewing, or just usual gimmiedat begging
name the shithole your parents crawled out of, THEN post about Russia on behalf of Germany, you pathetic fucking nobody

The master race will never die. Ostpreussen and Memel are German!

So its kikes vs kikes then

No point picking a side

>The narrative is that Putin is Hitler 2.0 that wants to kill non white babies and install a christian theocracy, I kid you not

what is wrong with that? it is better then cultural marxism / SJW authoritarianism, which is what we have now


its more of a practical reason

they hate us and we hate them
but putin needs a troyan horse in there, or its useful to them
orban needs energy

so this retarded cooperation exists, im so fucking ashamed, what would the ppl of 1848 and 56 think of us

Putin isn't Hitler 2.0. He's Stalin 2.0.

Hungary is still being honest and good to Europe, they still act as our shield, even if this cucked and corrupt continent doesn't deserve it at all. Don't ever stop being cool Hungary, you show em, show em all.

you are a cuck white or non-white. your opinion does not matter. go hug your wife while tyrone is running a train on her cuck.

show flag ivan