Tell me how North Korea is not true Communism Sup Forums.
You guys are more retarded than my frog.
Tell me how North Korea is not true Communism Sup Forums
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true communism isn't real, s@ged
its not
soviet russia was true communist
But was it true Communism?
Soviet Union was Hijacked Communism, totalitarian but run from Jews who hated the natives. China is communist and totalitarian right now and they're doing great because the guy in charge is Chinese and pro-Chinese. So ideologies are really kind of irrelevant.
easy when you can pass the joint around
hard because that joint was 3 months in the making
>now and they're doing great because the guy in charge is Chinese and pro-Chinese
They are doing ok because they introduced capitalism in parts of their country you nig.
Wherever there are no factories selling to the west people are starving as usual.
NK is closer to natbol.
The image that you have from NK made by mainstream/cuckservative media is not true though.
>totalitarian government
Fuck off with this crap. No one wants to see this e-celeb asshole
>The image that you have from NK made by mainstream/cuckservative media is not true though.
It's literally the image given to them by NK propaganda. Try leaving your tourguide in NK and get shot.
North Korea is a Juche state. In Communism there is no government, there is no currency, there are no classes, and there are no borders. If that sounds like North korea to you, you may be retarded.
>In Communism there is no government, there is no currency, there are no classes, and there are no borders.
never go full retard
North Korea is economically Leninist/ Socialist but has Fascist social policies. Read BR Myer's the Cleanest Race. The propaganda they use for external and internal use is completely different.
>doing great
almost not being able to buy the things you make
a ruling party has all the power
the vast majority of people are workers for pennies
some people can buy buggati cars
true communism comrade
communism is a scam
> China is communist and totalitarian right now
You're fucking retarded. "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics." The "Chinese Characteristics" are just capitalism.
>but has Fascist social policies
Define "facism".
They also inspired the July These and NazBol reign in Ceauscescu's Romania. Very true.
North Korea is National Socialist
There will never be "true" communism, because it's impossible to achieve. Every attempt so far have failed (killing tens of millions in the process) and will fail in th foreseeable future.
inb4 China
They adopted capitalism, otherwise they'd still starve to make useless steel for statistics
>They also inspired the July These
so communism is a retarded idea because with no currency you can't exchange goods efficiently
with no borders someone can come in and take over
no classes - yeah right
unless everyone is doing the exact same thing you will have classes
The propaganda ministers had originally worked for the Japanese and they used the same ethnic policies. RationalWiki is shit 95% of the time but they kind of explain it well here.
> It is also theorized that he drew heavily from the Japanese varient of fascism that had taken root in North Korea while it was under their rule; basically the Japanese government told Koreans that they were part of a Japanese master race to keep them in line. Kim Il Sung continued the myth that Koreans were a master race (albeit not a Japanese one) and he was by all means an ethnic nationalist and extremely racist. This has led to some legitimate questions of whether he was a Stalinist per se, but only because some academics view him as closer to being a fascist.
we are communist except from the part of leeching of capitalism and people being basically slaves
worker at foxcon: I totally own foxcon
>Ceaușescu visited the People's Republic of China, North Korea, North Vietnam and Mongolia in 1971.[1][22][23] He took great interest in the idea of total national transformation as embodied in the programs of the Korean Workers' Party and China's Cultural Revolution. He was also inspired by the personality cults of China's Mao Zedong and North Korea's Kim Il-sung. Shortly after returning home, he began to emulate North Korea's system, influenced by Kim Il-sung's Juche philosophy.
WTF? I don't hate looking up basic history now!
Is this why Romania is a shithole to this day?
What about true democracy
True Democracy worked in Athens and it was good. Modern democracy is shit because of representatives.
tell me how national socialism isn't socialism
Communism is a perfect and infallible system where everyone is happy and lives a perfect life without exception. Therefore, if a communist state fails or its populace suffers in some way then that state's system of governance by definition could not have been true Communism.
>and lives a perfect life without exception
It works in NK because people who aren't happy don't live.
Does this sound like North Korea to you?
>In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.
It doesn't. It sounds like a retarded thing an eleven year old came up with. The North Koreans don't even claim to be striving for Communism.
>trusting wikipedia run by commies
The Juche ideology is not internationalist. Korean nationalism is an essential part of it.