Never get married

There's a common misconception that the women that end up destroying men have obvious tells; that they're visibly broken in some way that with sufficient diligence you can catch before they cause harm. The reality is quite different. All women have the capacity to do this. Time causes circumstances to change.

Of course, tradcucks don't learn. Even on here. "But what if I get a prenup" and "I'm alpha enough bro, I can handle it" and "Everything in life is a risk" and "I'll just run dread game" and "She's a nice/good/honest girl, I've found a unicorn". I think tradcucks are masochistic and suicidal. Marriage capitalizes on their urge to destroy themselves. I see no other explanation.

Never get married.


there has to be another solution to the female problem

Dylan roofs real name was (((marine))) john christian graas

>women that end up destroying men have obvious tells

This is where it gets complicated. What's obvious to me is not obvious to you.

Bottom line is smart people CAN notice what qualities are in the women they choose, whether or not they're suttle or extreme.

If you're retarded and got fucked over, it's because you're retarded. Not because the women was smart.

Hovabout find someone trustworthy you fucking retard ?

to be honest pham, I'm mgtow for other reasons
>be lazy
>hate your shitty job
>realize that you'd be fucked and stuck in this shitty job for life if you were to get married and have children


daily reminder than mgtow is searched up predominantly in finland, followed by canada

If your thinking of getting married instead save time. Find a woman you hate and buy her a house because that's how it will end up.

I'm assuming in Croatia things are hideously traditional.

In the United States you can easily find a girl that will meet you half way and work and take care of her share of finances. In return she gets her freedom and doesn't get slapped the fuck around like she's a man's pet dog.

If you can't even meet a girl halfway when it comes to a family, don't blame marriage. Blame yourself for being a useless piece of shit that can barely even get minimum wage if you have that.


No thanks lad, I will keep to my loving relationship and actual meaningful human contact.

If you can’t control your girlfriend then you are a low test faggot.

Tip for a successful marriage: make her orgasm and dominate. Women by nature are subservient, if you dominate her in bed and make her orgasm subconsciously she will see you as a good mate.
It’s not that hard senpai. Use psychology to your advantage.

Mgtow is just beta males looking for excuses for their own failings

This is the best depiction of 80% of the females in the USA. They resemble niggers in mind. I guess its why some flock to them.

The thing is, I never want to get married but want to raise some sons correctly, what do

>i am assuming countries that i can't place on the map are stuck in the middle ages

You assume wrong.
Consider this: The USA has no culture. What you think of as your local culture, is actually global world wide culture that we all share. Including SJWs and feminism.
Yes, Croatia and the rest of the Balkans are out of the way, so it spreads here slower, but its here. It spreads.

>Bulgaria - 39% divorce rate
>Croatia - 32% divorce rate
>USA - 48% divorce rate

Literally throwing dice.


MGTOW makes a lot of sense. Judging by experience, the only way you can't get fucked over in marriage is to marry a girl that doesn't exhibit any of the following red flags:

-Not a virgin
-Not religious
-Unable to think for herself
-Raised by a single mother
-Doesn't have an older brother to look up to
-Doesn't have any hobbies of her own
-Dyes her hair constantly, has piercings, tunnels, tattoos
-Drinks a lot, smokes, does drugs or ever did any of that
-Listens to nigger music. Seriously avoid girls who listen to hip-hop, RnB, soul, and even jazz.
-Doesn't exercise
-Doesn't know how to cook
-Isn't a patriot
-Is too interested in exotic cultures (avoid girls who are into Japan, Korea, the Orient, America, Africa...)
-Has male friends
-Isn't feminine
-Doesn't like children
-Doesn't like dogs or animals in general
-Isn't sensitive
-Doesn't read books
-Watches (((TV)))
-Grew up watching Disney movies
-Is a feminist or says she endorses some feminist thought
-Disrespects you
-Isn't at least slightly racist or politically incorrect

OK then genius why not share your own personal experience that led you to this. HARD MODE: Tell an actual specific story without buzzword vomit. MGTOW is mostly 13 year old boys who make shit up to try to fit in with adults on the internet while they bear the sexual frustration of puberty. The only men on mgtow are regretful guys who have a divorce or 2 under their belt and usually a couple kids.
You know why you don't hear about happy marriages? Because people in successful marriages don't go around posting about them on MGTOW forums retard!

>If you can't even meet a girl halfway when it comes to a family, don't blame marriage.
I'm not gonna lie, thats the reason. Also, who the fuck would raise the children? Even if the woman would work and meet me half way, her salary would be wasted on childcare and the burden would still fall on me.

Also, I'm a millenial. And the millenial women in croatia are sluts, so these stats the bulgarian bro posted are probably outdated

For now there isn't, women are protected by law and society overall is gynocentric. Only after the economic collapse things will be fixed. It's better to walk away and avoid women.

>so these stats the bulgarian bro posted are probably outdated (You)

Yeah, its probably worse today, since these include marriages made over 40 years ago that pad the data.

>I'm smart

I can't marry a dog.

Basically unicorn. And unicorns don't exist.

yes, the internet allows toxic american slut culture to spread all over the world at an instant.

there is probably 0 difference between american girl and croatian girl right now in terms of mindset. They are both sluts right now.

That doesnt mean that you still cant find a waifu material girl (if you decrease your standards in terms of looks). But as I said, I'm fucking lazy and dont see the fucking reward of doing it (specially when you add the risks involved in it )

Being a confirmed bachelor is not a solution, it self defense.
The solution is social activism, being very patient and rational when invited to talk on shows or events, not getting mad at imbecilic non-arguments, etc.
I don't want my hair to fall out and me to get stomach cancer, so I don't do that. I just take care of myself by not gambling at such bad odds.
Its easier and easier to live well single, with all the new ways to entertainment and hobbies, and with how much female and child stuff gets more expensive. And yet its more and more dangerous to get married with all the new laws and the culture switch.
So you risk more, to get less. Nah, not playing.

In the U.S. we don't even pretend to have culture. We are aware we haven't been around as the rest of the planet. We just are and leave it like that. We don't really talk about culture. When culture is brought up, most people would agree that it's a lack of culture that we have.

And when I say we, I do mean really white people and even blacks. They can piggy back off at least Hispanic/Indian (little bit of Irish) culture that they borrow from and that's fine because it's something.

>millenial women in croatia are sluts

Well, I mean I could easily argue that American millenials are sluts too like Sup Forums does but truth is there are good women in there.

Do you mean women are sluts like they all have kids? or they all have had sex before and you can't find a virgin?.

If the second one, then you really wouldn't marry a girl if she's had sex with what? like more than 3 different people? or you wouldn't even date her?. Out of curiosity how many women have you slept with?. Not sure if what you're experiencing is the typical male low ego problem where he resents a girl because he really hasn't fucked anyone.

>Do you mean women are sluts like they all have kids? or they all have had sex before and you can't find a virgin?.

I mean they are sluts in the way that they'll cheat on you, when someone """" better than you """"" comes along and gives them some attention..

But again, not all of them. But fucking hell, the risk is not worth it lol..

If we were living in a muslim culture, where you could be 100% certain that the woman will never cheat on you and would be incapable of divorcing you and taking your money, I would fucking marry the first semi good looking girl that comes my way lol...

I know a few men who in light of these stats "made it"... But it seems to me living alone in a motel, eating tv dinners would be a dream come true for them... An upgrade in life quality compared to their family bliss.

Maybe in the US&co society is more diverse and there are still white subcultures that are healthy. Maybe even places like rural Swiss&Austria...

Thing is there's not much in life that you are certain of. My mentality is that a marriage is like a job and shit, even my bosses will turn on me just as quick as they befriend me. I am aware of this. I think the trick I have for being with a woman OK on cheating on me is not feeling like she owes me.

I don't really give my wife shit. I just pay my half and my fair share and the little bit extra I throw her way I don't see it like she owes me and needs to pay me back. So if she ever cheats on me cool, no sweat off my back. I don't owe her shit, she doesn't' owe me shit we both just part ways and that's that. Up to that point we appreciated each others' company.

>Not sure if what you're experiencing is the typical male low ego problem where he resents a girl because he really hasn't fucked anyone

It isn't. It's simple biology. Girls with higher dick counts make bad wives.

Grew up watching Disney movies.

None of us will ever be married then.


>Girls with higher dick counts make bad wives

I think you're logic needs to be fine tuned.

If a girl has THAT high a dick count she's just retarded in more ways than one and the reason she'd make a bad wife is because she's retarded first and foremost.

The high dick count is just another data point that just adds the the many other ways she'd most likely be fucking up her life.

I'm sure there are girls out there with high dick counts but good in every other aspect, in which case you should probably give her some credit.

mgtow is nothing but a jew plan to reduce the population of whites. anyone who can't see that mgtow is only hurting white people is a fucking idiot. all 3rd world niggers will be fucking every ugly bitch they can stick their dick in. they won't be doing mgtow and their population will explode with degenerate nigglets.

mgtow is for you faggots on here who can't seem to understand women because all you know how to do is make memes and play vidya games. you all get angry because you can't get pussy. you don't know how to be a man and control a woman. you don't know how to even make a woman's pussy wet. all you city people are cucks and the jews are so happy they have you. you people are the reason the white race is on a steady decline.

the jews are laughing at all you bitch ass nerd virgins claiming mgtow to give you a moral high ground, when in fact you are just making excuses so you don't have to untuck your dicka and go talk to a woman. you guys go ahead and go your own way and enjoy jacking off with your own hand while your at it. and you might as well smear your own cum all over your faces because it's the most worthless thing you faggot ass cucks will ever produce.

>US has no culture
>probably watches American television and listens to American music
>"but but it's global!!!"
Yeah that's because the USA's cultural impact is so strong it has pervaded every nation on the planet

>all 3rd world niggers will be fucking every ugly bitch they can stick their dick in.
because they dont have repercussions for doing so (no child support, no prison time)

If I had a great job and free time, I could focus on relationships and women. But I have a shitty job and no free time, the last thing I need would be a woman fucking with me on top of that..

This day and age is very fucked up for humans, we are not evolved to live in a civilization like that.


I think your grammar needs to be fine tuned.

Your local culture is putting peanuts in Coca Cola bottles and glory holes on gas stations.
Everything else you call "american culture" is global culture, and is prevalent everywhere. It doesn't spread from the USA either, it randomly spawns in the developed world and eventually makes its way to USA.

>all 3rd world niggers will be fucking every ugly bitch they can stick their dick in

1) MGTOW doesn't mean celibacy

2) niggers and arabs having tons of sterile sex with white women doesn't result in babies

I laugh at you western idiots for fantasizing about a good loving loyal woman. The tourists I talked to here all told me about how they find it "fun and naughty" to cheat on their husbands. Your women think it's fun and naughty to betray you and disrespect you and you still think you can find a decent western woman lmao.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>I think your grammar needs to be fine tuned.

You sure showed me. I don't even know what to say. I've been btfo. Please don't respond. You win.

all women are the same though, the difference between turkish women and western women is...

western women dont have any repercussions for cheating.

If you gave turkish women the same rights and protection, they'd become the same (within very short periods of time, as those graphs indicate )


Electricity is White American Culture you Bulg Nigger!

I'll only say thing to anger you. Tesla was a bitch! 8)

Have fun getting divorce-raped.

Lmao only around 1/6 married women have cheated on their husbands according to the most scientifically conducted studies. This just isn't true.

>is not feeling like she owes me
If she agreed to be faithful during marriage, and kids are in the picture, then she does owe you. She owes you what you agreed upon when getting married. If no kids are in the picture and you're not going to get screwed out of money by the government when she leaves, then yes, it doesn't matter, other than having wasted a few good years of your life with someone who isn't compatible with the idea of 'life partner'. If I get married, the only reason will be to have kids, and have someone to carry them and help me raise them.


Yes goy go your own way

>Jewish shill "interviewing" a plant that is there to be used as a strawman

Oh shit, you win

>Falling for the (((MGTOW))) meme

>Listens to nigger music. Seriously avoid girls who listen to hip-hop, RnB, soul, and even jazz.

This right here.

Modern physical women sucks.
Never trust them.

>If she agreed to be faithful during marriage

The marriage was her idea. I guess she's fucking herself out of her own idea if she cheats.

>other than having wasted a few good years of your life

The discussion here is apparently for people who feel they would are wasting their life away by not getting married but still not getting marreid anyway just because "women are whores".

If that's the case then what are they missing out on?.

>If I get married, the only reason will be to have kids, and have someone to carry them and help me raise them.

yeah, then in my opinion and obviously you won't like it, you've been duped into believing marriage is a real thing. Obviously it's possible and a nice idea but to say nature created the "marriage bond" is just ludacris. Marriage is a created idea and what's real is that animals and humans included want to reproduce and anything else aside from that isn't set in stone.

People aren't "supposed" to stay together for life. People teach that.

>doesn't watch TV or Disney movies

So then marry a N. Korean or an Iranian from some backwards village.

What he says could be true, and intuitively and culturally seems accurate - girls fuck around a lot on holidays. 16% sounds like a plausible number of folks who can holiday in foreign countries.

Good idea

How is it they "made it" but still dream of living in a motel?


How about you find a woman that won't cheat on you?



According to themselves? women will always lie about it to avoid social ostracism.


I used to be MGTOW.

Then I decided that that was the life of a coward who cared more about himself than the survival of his family, his people, and his culture.

I refuse to cower and hide. If I need to become another martyr to produce white children. so be it. But I know if I act right and find the right woman I won't need to be.

Go be a coward somewhere else. You shame your ancestors.

I will deflower your daughter 20 years from now

Her fucking the kids out of a good, normal family upbringing if she cheats, is the main problem. The originator of the idea of getting married is meaningless here, both parties agree, one party breaks the original deal. Our discussion is about both parties owing something to the other, it's only tangentially related to the MGTOW thing.

What are MGTOW people missing out on?
Making a family with someone, and raising some kids in a good, normal household. Growing old while watching your kids have their own kids. Looking after grand-kids and helping them through the struggle of parenthood and acting all wise and shit, when in reality you only just managed to muddle through it as they are now. Seeing and leaving behind a family on the planet, and hoping you've passed on good values to the people you leave behind such that they can contribute to the betterment of the community, nation, planet. I think MGTOW people are missing out on the most important and best aspects of life, yet I can see where they're coming from. It's a very sad outcome.

Marriage is simply an agreement designed for better community/family outcomes, and is entirely real. Just difficult to enforce, especially with the way our culture is now.

>what are artificial wombs


If these pussies genes are wiped from the gene pool, we lose nothing of value. Let them be mgtow

>you are a coward for torturing yourself
>i am a brave noble man for torturing myself

Okay. Have a nice torture, bro.

>equating torture that achieves nothing with self-sacrifice that leads to the betterment of your race and people

>Marriage is simply an agreement designed for better community/family outcomes, and is entirely real

Them bottom line yeah, people who are upset at not getting married are going to die unhappy.

Women are whores, it's not going back. Die an unhappy jerkoff. That's fine with me. I'm just trying to help guys figure out how to compromise with the idea. Get married without thinking the marriage is a shit. I'm married I'm not even religious, I don't give a shit about marriage. I told my wife if it makes her happy to have it on paperwork that's fine with me. It's not harming me any. Been married 10 years so far and still getting better.

The bottom line in all this is to find a girl you like and care about and get along with and when you do this you'll realize marriage isn't even an issue.

People tho do the shit backwards and give up before they start trying, but like I said. I'm not really here to argue. If a lot of guys want to stay single (I'm assuming loners without girlfriends even) then that's fine, but I'm trying to help them not live a shitty depressed life.

>equating being robbed of your home, money and friends by a cheating thot who holds your ungrateful child hostage with being a martyr and a hero

i'd rather risk that than live as a hypocritical coward.

My woman is on a plant based diet (vegan).
She's gorgeous with a stunning body, and is as redpilled as me. Hates feminism/SJWs/Muslims/Trans etc etc.
Definitely a keeper, and I now eat healthier since being with her.

>i'd rather get fucked up the ass by society than not get fucked up the ass by society
>at least i am allowing society to use my ass, and the more it hurts the more heroic i am

Alrighty m8lad.


There it is....

"...doesn't get slapped the fuck around like she's a man's pet dog."

In other words, all men are shit; abusers and turds.

Well, no. Many decent men who are good husbands are being crapped on by women with a Sex & The City / Housewives of Divorce County mentality.

I've seen plenty of divorces where the men were very good to their wives, but the wives got "bored" or wanted to date other men. They simply cashed out and walked away. If they got any resistance, they destroyed the guy in divorce.

If you really believe most men are wife beaters, then you should support MGTOW.

Robot gfs are the better options

>In other words, all men are shit; abusers and turds.

Uhmm. yeah, nice paraphrase. My post literally doesn't say that but whatever your brain interprets from my post, go for it.

But the dumbest people are the ones that are reproducing actually.
Have you ever seen a scientist having 8 kids like a trailer bum does?


fuck of OP

"Made it" in so far they have a solid marriage and won't get divorced. Marriage failure rates only tell part of the story. If you're a doormat cuck and take the abuse, as long as you shut up and hand over the shekels, your marriage is "solid"...

image: president of our republic campaigning for reelection.

rape drug

Recently been dating this beautiful 3.14qt girl.
>nice assets
>very intelligent
>hates feminism
>aware that leftists are retarded
>makes fun of chinks
She's American and her ancestors came from Hungary and she's proud of it. Likes Trump and Viktor Orbán.

I'm going to marry this girl and raise a family with her. Sorry Sup Forums

ITT: Beta soyboys who can't get laid.
>All women are evil
Just means you either don't have the balls to keep a woman in line, or your are choosing the wrong women.

You are an idiot. Of course Americans have a culture. It is spread worldwide. Jazz, rock n roll, hip hop all born in America. The constitution and founding father stuff is a big part of our culture. So much more.

Damn yeah I have friends in similar situations.

I've been in it too, found a great girl but constantly let her have ground on what she could do with my time. Ended up resenting her and losing myself and friends and passions of life.

Now I'm aware of this and hold my ground.

Being raised by a single mother is the worst thing after actual physical castration that can happen to a man.

Both modern men and women are corrupt in the west, indeed.

Nowadays, It's a bad game for the beta male as he'll be too stupid to fall for a woman that only needs him for quick housing bux.

It's shit times for women too. Women in the west are terrible too, and many of them get depressed and only in their 30s and 40s because they wasted their time slutting around, or trying to ''start a career''. Alpha 'Jack the Lad' may go and fuck her, but he will never love her. And that's what destroys her. Women need love.

The only (kind of) real winners here are the 'Jack the Lad' alpha Chads, since women won't fuck them over (unless he pussies out), but instead, are all flocking to him and cucking their modern soy beta husbands.

Society needs a reset anyway.

I'm not MGTOW. MGTOW is for faggots who flock around /reee9kucks/ and can't get laid (so it seems), so they they screech like as if women are supposed to be their equals in competition instead of just seeing women like a lesser of a person. They like to blame everything on women instead of looking at the other fruit causes. Kind of like blaming 6 year old children on the death of society instead of blaming the retards that let the 6 year old children vote.

You could come live my lifestyle. I'm a NEET, I do my hobbies, I socialise a lot, and I have a few dozen thots on my contacts list. It's really simple and fun, instead of contributing the the political system that is anti-white/male/family and pro multicult, women, and weakness, with gynocentrism.

Psychically avoiding women on purpose is just retarded and cringe.

>I'm smart

Very subtle. Have a (you)

>Mgtow is just beta males looking for excuses for their own failings
This. If you look at (((mgtow))) it’s obvious that it’s completely motivated by fear (what if I get divorced? What if I lose my kids? Or my house?) and fear is at the heart of virtually all beta-male behavior

Yes, and?

Have you ever seen people put through the fucking ringer of divorce courts, let alone yourself be the cudgel for divorce?

I’m divorced, so I’d say I know more about divorce than some kid who’s scared to death of women. I’m definitely planning on re-marrying and not giving up like some beta cuck


Are you completely blind in the ways of darwism?

Survive and adapt, you're assuming men won't/can't make a move that fixes the problem, there are various methods some legal, some aren't. If you're going to fake blindness to the ongoing issue and discrepancies in statistics for the last 2 centuries be my guest, but its not going to save you from deflecting here faggot.

Try being used as the cudgel fuckwad.

all of these asshole believe they will be the next billionaire bachelor when they will KYS as a 50 year old MGTOW


Yes, yes goy. Don't have white babies, the risk is too great.

Sage white genocide attempts.

Your sense of honor is being used to manipulate you. Your masculinity is not to be mixed with chivalry, that's cucked as fuck, what you really should be fucking doing is not using collectivist shame terminology, you're falling for the meme.

There is a final solution. Less than a decade to go. We need to start compiling resources to accelerate progress towards it.

>Risk raising absolutely degenerate offspring that keep fucking niggers and possibly kill themselves instead of intelligently in fucking the situation by showing the pedestaled pussy the only thing it understands, collective force. Because its the only thing that gives it value.

Its as if you're a retarded millennial shilling for the collective at the sake of your own predisposed children.....

>inb4 you have children

Sorry to fucking hear that their father is mislead into believing that his situation is the same as everyone else's, if that's the case, he's surely fucked when his wife hits the wall.