powerful stuff
Protesters 'Scream At The Sky' On Anniversary Of Trump Election
>nigger drums in the background
Absolutely perfect
It's a shame there wasn't a nuke blast going off in the background to really give them something to cry about
The best timeline.
Based salt-bae keeps salting and I keep laughing.
Oh my god, they're actually using throwing tantrums as a protest strategy lol
I never took the left seriously before. But having seen this I am convinced this is a group of people I want running my country.
I think my estrogen-levels rose a bit from watching this...
Probably Facebook attention whores desperate to be 2018 meme
>you did this
Wasted opportunity!!!!!!
Funny thing is that trump hasnt done anything to change their lives in a negative way . So im guessing actors paid to protest. But why throw that money away? Its not working atleast not for the next 3 years . Its as if we are living to be entertained by y these nutjobs
Why did we close the asylums?
Reminds me of this
The crybaby meme is true
we needed a las vegas shooter for these bastards not the country music festival
Just saw the video yeah camera guy is trying to hide their faces because u can see them laughing . They dont care .
theres a colonel of truth in this. for all intensive porpoises these fake shells are a diamond dozen
look at all the autists complaining that a pseudo random number was "wasted2 because they think it has mystical significance. they wanted to celebrate the birthday of a mass murdering little shit who failed at everything, including being a decent human being.
OK I'm a confirmed fag now. This level of Butthurt is making me hard right now.
The funniest part is watching them have the tiny conversation with themselves right before they half assed participate. Never being fully confident in their decision, all that comes out is some forced gutteral shit yell. They aren't even comitted. Fucking pussys can't do anything balls to the wall. At least the Jamaican bitch with the the headphones went all out. Kind of sounded like the tail end of Mel Gibson yelling freedom.
>The future America needs
just like "century of the self"
>who failed at everything
Except for invading France, apparently.
if you really want a giggle, slowplay the vid and count how phone fags are selfiy-ing the 'protest'
post highscore
for humanity
What a waste
I need more of these
Oh my God I thought this was fake. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Just checking the other ones
nah, thats a minor letdown. sweden is dissapointing
Planet of the Apes.
Wait thats the radical left screaming? There is barely any difference to their everyday behavior
So. THIS is the power of the Communist Revolution huh?
ooga booga drums were such a nice touch in all of that insanity.
We need to troll them into doing this ceremony every year.
>there are people right now that believe America doesn't have a massive psychiatric problem
Every single one has their (((iPhone))) out
Oh, that's in the video. Couldn't tell at first because my neighbour has bongo practice again.
Kek, I lost
Underrated post
I wonder what side would I choose if I lived in America.
The one that I barely hear about unless I look for some youtube videos or the one that wouldn't let me sleep at night after a long day of work.
What? This is going on in other countries, too?!
Heh, Kek
They miss their high school pep rallies and try to create the mood whenever they can.
The Left can’t into anything right. Sad. Even /biz/ screams are better.
Soo.. How's that wall of yours going?
It's all entertaining and fun, but you know.. just for precaution. The liberal virus seems progressing.
Because forcing medical care on those who don't have the capacity to realize they need it is morally wrong.
They got so much support from the world. It's incredible. Trump is doomed.
To save money so we could afford the incoming hordes of penniless, uneducated, gibmedat third world immigrants, of course.
KYS you cocksucking piece of shit. Oh and enjoy my violent, schizophrenic cousin Al, I'm sending him to live with you. You'll be fine taking care of him, I'm sure. Don't worry about the knife collection, he won't mind if you confiscate it. Oh but don't mention Stalin, whatever you do, just don't.
reagan wanted to save money
being cheap with lunatics
gets you lunatics
>Literal autistic screeching
It rights itself.
there are 2-3 people walking into a crowd of morons that are lauging the rest are screaching
please screach and laugh at the same time
report with results
Because no one wants to hear their bullshit? At least they're practicing for hell.
remember that one retarded bitch that fell to her knees and screamed ‘NOOOOOOO!!!!’ when Trump’s victory was announced, exemplifying sjw insanity for all to see? This is like some fucked up way for the left to collectively “own” her meltdown...
>we..we’re only pretending to be mentally unhinged. checkm8 drumpftards!
and it only took them a year, and nobody will make the distinction anyway. sad.
Sort of wheezing, I think I broke some ribs laughing and coughing at the same time BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Proof every anti-Trumpster is a dumb cunt :^)
That’s the one!
I am officially OFF the Trump Train. I can't believe I voted for this madman.
Fuck off you toothpaste
What a time to be alive.