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No, Facebook is killing our children and turning them mad.
The question is at what point does someone kill Zuckerberg, I think before Xmas, at least I hope.
I am addicted to Sup Forums, not facebook
slips on a bar of soap...
don't understand what the deal is.
They used a fairly benign weaponized psychology for profit. Fox's commericals, demographics, mind-control/influence... lol.
i cannot understand how a media person can point their finger at a reinforcing click every 3 minutes? That's a very big WOW!!!!
fell into his own ego? Think about the kids... lol?
That Sean Parker has an intensely punchable face.
Would love to kill him desu
I know how to take down the WWW in the UK, should I do it?
And maybe the world rendering any URL like kikebook worthless
Does anyone know where the WWW is stored?
I do. and I have signed the official secrets act which means if i tell you i will be jailed for a long time.
But as i'm going to die soon im thinking, what the fuck do i have to lose?
come on then you snaggle toothed shitbag, its not like your nation cares about the internet, they are too busy letting their kids get raped by muslims and eating halal snack boxes haha so gourmet
i hate eurofags so fucking much
[imperial march theme intensifies]
I am too. I was addicted to facebook for a short period of time, maybe some years, but then I got bored of it and just one day I thought: "What the fuck I'm doing here refreshing to watch other people photos or to see if someone comments my pictures?" And then I deleted my account. I made a new account like two more times because I felt that I needed it to be social and knew new people but that only lasted for some months and then I deleted it again. I haven't used it since some years ago and I don't think I will use it anymore.
Now Sup Forums is another thing. I've been here since the trump campaign, so 2016, only one year ago, but I spent more time here than I spent in facebook. I spent like all my day here, when I'm not sleeping, eating or sometimes going out, but the rest of the time I'm here or watching something (tv series, documentary, movie or porn). I don't understand what is the thing that makes Sup Forums so addicted, I guess it could be some of these: the feeling that I'm practicing english by writing and reading here, that it keeps you distracted from reality watching stupid memes and things lkie that and that feeling of not being alone because you can tell your problems here to other people (exactly like I'm doing right now).
Sup Forums has become my internet, when I'm on the internet I'm here like 90% of the time. I don't know f some day I will get bored of it, I think this is the strongest addiction in internet sites I have had. I've been addicted to other forums or online games in the past but I think they weren't so hard like this.
Please some nuke Sup Forums servers in LA. You will make many people happy.
Is there anyone else under 30 that has never had a facebook?
I thought myspace was gay and had no urge to recreate the experience in 2006 when faceberg came out.
t. possible turbo autist
Amen, brother.
The problem with Sup Forums is that you can't just delete your account or block people or whatever. I take breaks from it, but it's extra hard the more you get redpilled, to socialize with normal folks. But more and more are waking up. Pic related is encouraging. Will dump some more white pill stuff. Then I will ban myself from Sup Forums for a month. Good luck doing the same. It's not great, but I have google extensions and firefox add ons that block certain sites. It at least helps you break the reflexive typing so you have time to think and rationalize out of it.
Round up all Jews
3:56 is perfect... this feeling is why I hate facebook enough to not go on it. But also why socializing is harder and I keep coming to this shitty site.
being a well read memefarmer is best in life
>it's extra hard the more you get redpilled, to socialize with normal folks.
I've been redpilled even after I knew Sup Forums so that is not a problem for me. It's part of myself and I like it.
>Then I will ban myself from Sup Forums for a month.
How do you control the time of the ban?
>I have google extensions and firefox add ons that block certain sites. It at least helps you break the reflexive typing so you have time to think and rationalize out of it.
I have heard that before, blocking even the IP or something. I wish someone could block my IP from the servers and I couldn't come here never or maybe for some time I choose. That feature should exist. Hey I want to block my IP for 1 month, ok done and the sit doesn't appear when you try to enter.
>Now Sup Forums is another thing. I've been here since the trump campaign, so 2016
Get the fuck out
I don't visit Facezucc unless I really have to, to contact people. I put up 0 pics there.
I only wonder how much they are spying on me through cookies or phone apps.
>I don't know f some day I will get bored of it
I doubt it mate, I have been here since 2006 and I see no reason stop, after tearing me down completely Sup Forums helped me rebuild myself entirely. I can now safely say that it, overall improved my life in a nightmarish kind of way, because people here tend to be brutally honest and over time this forces you to honestly judge yourself, which can be a painful but effective way of improving yourself in my opinion. I don't think this ride will ever end for me, I don't really want it to end tbqh. I am now enjoying Mr. Moot's wild ride!
I have coming to Sup Forums since my freshman year of high school, so 2004.
When I came here first it was the raids, trolling habbo, watching the descent of Tom Greens career and sanity, making Scientology ass blasted. Then I stayed because this place has always been a place of rhetorical combat. It teaches you how to deal with your ideas and beliefs being assaulted in a way that gives normies mental breakdowns. It also teaches you that people can go on the internet and tell lies and frequently enjoy doing it. It has undoubtedly made me a better conversationalist, debater, antagonist when needed, and believe it or not more empathetic. The discussions that take place on this website are truly unparalleled and the competitive marketplace of ideas brought on by anonymity is a gift that you wont find elsewhere.
That being said get the fuck out of my website you fucking NORMAL FAG
>The discussions that take place on this website are truly unparalleled and the competitive marketplace of ideas brought on by anonymity is a gift that you wont find elsewhere.
Ok, you must be trolling.
why would I do that?
Facebook is a total emotional bear trap for the weak minded...
Facebook is boring, if you unironically spend all your time on a website seeing the same political and family drama posts you should really seek help.
based on this quote I predict whoever said it to die getting hit by a bus or similar within 1 year. It'd one thing to think like that but actually putting it into words? it almost makes you wonder if he got to billionaire status on sheer luck and no intelligence
Do it faggot
The guy literally built Napster. He's smart, but very punchable and narcissistic.
You aren’t alone. MySpace was shit too, only good for trolling. Faceberg was even more invasive. Not surprised they’ve been taking everyone’s data and started to perform experiments with it. Who could have possibly seen that coming???
You're dying ? .. bruh..
Now are you just going to fuck with DNS or are you literally rerouting IPs or nulling IPs.
I ask because I don't want you to fuck with my BGP table.