It's been nearly 2 year since the Paris attack of 2015. What's changed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Amazon prime. Wow
Even more french people have died from terrorism.
the demographics of nearly every western country.
More Muslims
What apart from more niggers and muslims entering EU illegally to commit more crimes?
Not much.
Imported more diversity
What's changed? Europe has embraced their Muslim Overlords.
Sweden is fucked. POTUS was right all along.
More muslim attacks. What hasn't changed is Europe's cucked view of guns.
>no chainsaw bayonet
Daily reminder that people were tortured and they purposely shot white people
>2 years
Fucking hell time goes fast
France took in more refugees.
No French people have died from Terrorism. Stupid Batmanclan hoax and Nice truck attack hoax two of the most obvious, silly,. false flag drills ever staged.
Since 2015, many once delicate innie vaginas have been Tindered, Syphilized and BTFO into meaty outties
Why the fuck do we let Muslims into Europe when its evident they are terrible people?
When do we kill all Muslims and nuke the ME?
Yeps, they violently raped young girls with long knives
We're even more accepting towards Islam.
How many mass shootings have occurred in America since this happened?
Lots. But we expect that. This is Europe, we dont tolerate this kind of shit.
Its time they all went back
christ I've been on this shithole every day since then. I have no life.
Also cut off testicles and put them into males mouth
remember when obama promised to close guatanamo in the first 100 days, fuck sweet wasn't it!!!!!!!!!!
Imagoine themn in haven looking at what we are doing to avenge them, NOTHING!
We do nothing, we are just waiting for the next one hoping it wont happen, but it will and there will be more platitues and who we pray for XXXXX
Im, fed up of praying, give me a gun and targets, this is our Europe.
This was a mossad operation, not much we could of done.
More Muslims and Africans are there now.
That's it.
France has formally surrendered to her conquerors and the terrorist attacks have stopped.
They drew some hearts with chalks and put on a filter for their profile picture
But it keeps on happening. There should be more police force monitoring suspicious individuals. Putting soldiers at each street corner won't help.
so fucking gay if you believe anything surface level lies ever happens, I'd like a list of first 100 day promises, this one always triggers the left,
obama never closed guantanamo in 8 years, said he'd do it 100 days, and gave obama phones to shitlords the tax payers pay for, created obama care, which you pay for in you taxes, WHATCH WHAT YOU WON"T GET THIS YEAR IN TAXES, there is a 400 dollar penalty if you don't have health insurance, so you think you're going to get that sweet tax retrurn, nope...................
Yeah, muslims dindu nuffin iz da jooz
I love seeing this passion from you Euroanons, best of luck brother.
>I trust Government
>I Believe what CNN tells me
Who is the retard? Not one drop of evidence has ever been shown which would prove or even hint that even one single person died at Dylan Roof church.
Well, user. Last post before I go to bed. I wasn't going to try to refute you, however even the pictures I had found of the door of the truck had zero (0) drops of blood on it. It's either (a) the grill fell off after the massacres, so the blood is on the grill or (b) you are correct
It isn
When will Europeans start to form a violent resistance to the invasion?
Your governments will not help you I sincerely hoping you are the planning stage at least.
>Nice Truck attack.
>Ran over 200 people
>Not one single drop of blood
Does anyone seriously believe this retardation or is everyone rusing me?
so you've taken to lowering the resolution on images to avoid confronting the nagging suspicion that you're actually just a face blind autist?
It's written on the report made for the National Assembly but when you dare to quote it publicly the medias will call you a far right conspiracy theorist.
>M. le président Georges Fenech. Je crois que certaines choses n’ont jamais été dites. Je pense que l’on pourrait peut-être, à ce stade, éclaircir les choses.
>M. T. P. Des corps n’ont pas été présentés aux familles parce qu’il y a eu des gens décapités, des gens égorgés, des gens qui ont été éviscérés. Il y a des femmes qui ont pris des coups de couteau au niveau des appareils génitaux.
>M. le président Georges Fenech. Tout cela aurait été filmé en vidéo pour DAECH !
>M. T. P. Il me semble. Les victimes en ont parlé.
Here is a clip from my favorite MBV concert at the Bataclan:
Here is a clip from my favourite Lou Reed concert, also happens to be the Bataclan:
I have personal beef with those Mudslimes over the fact that I can't watch literally my two favorite concert tapes without being reminded of their dirty fucking crimes and the lives lost.
A truck that ran over 300 people would be like a paint brush soaked in red paint (the blood)--- blood is red/brown paint. The Paris Nice hoax truck did not have one single drop of blood on it.
>100% fake silly pathetic staged drill with zero fatalities.
Why do people fall for this silly fake terror staged events is what I can't understand.
>oh shit guise i know we are all experts but we forgot the blood!!!!!11 xd
Why is this thread full of Muslim apologists? Have you all been indoctrinated by Islam this quickly already?
Schizophrenia sufferers really need to be chased off back to /x/
My personal disgust for all thing muzzie, I hate em more now, than I did then
What is the sauce for them delibrately targeting Caucasians? I know about the fact that the Frog Government covered up the torture, probably because it would have caused too much 'Islamophobia' if the truth came out... I wonder why.
Most people forgot about that one already, if it didn't affect them personally.
>If you don't believe CNN you are CRAZY@@
Dude anyone who believed anything the government, or CNN, tells them is true should be send to a mental hospital. If you're black you probably get Obama care for free, so report to your nearest funny farm for a lobotomy.
you muslims will all die
People's skin doesn't slide off their body and their blood vessels dont get exposed once a vehicle touches them, you silly baguette. Most people would have hit the vertical front of the truck and either been struck off to the side or fallen beneath it, they wouldn't have actually started an external bleeding until the road or tires shredded their skin, any damage the truck done would have been internal or too quick for blood to seep from under their clothes on it.
Western countries turned into police states that do nothing to stop terrorism and it's roots (mass migration + arming the wrong guys in the Middle East). Instead, the government is growing ever more totalitarian.
9/11, USS Cole, USS liberty, Charlie Hebdo and this were all mossad. If you weren't a T_D nrewfag you would know why, but this is nu/pol/ so oh well.
>I know about the fact that the Frog Government invented the torture
>To add more retardation to a nonsense hoax that never happened
>1,500 people at Batmanclan theater.
>Not a single cell-phone video shot of the imaginary 'terrorist attack'
Hard to film what never happened, reminds me of Sandy Hoax and the Nice truck attack that never happened. Maybe that's why the police were laughing so hard at the press conference.
sand niggers, urged by jews caused all of this, don't you see?
More poz loads for white people, more happy kikes.
You replied to the wrong post Potato.
Of course he was right. Everybody here knew what he was talking about. The only ones who pretended that they didn't, was Swedish media.
You can't be serious lmao
You seen it, so I win :^)
stand your ground faggots
Um there is a cellphone video by the way.
When people realised it was gunshots they stopped recording and tried to actually think rather than film.
There are literally videos of the truck hitting people. Plus it wasn't going that fast, people were crushed under the tires not splattered on the front, idiot. And real life isn't like a video game you soyboy, people don't just explode into a pool of blood like in Doom or Half Life or whatever video games you manbabbies play these days.
>Run by a Muslim cuck Jeh Jedda Cuckson
>Run by Muslim cuck turned by his Saudi honeypot
At the time of all these Euro-hoaxes. More likely you are Muslim than me Mr. DHS. During the Obama administration no federal agencies would hire straight white men like me, just niggers and jews like you. Oh well enjoy ((((your)))) fat federal paycheck promoting hoaxes.
Read the Quran.
"It's not Muslims, sheeeeeesh"
Nothing. We still routinely see false flags like the one in Paris 2 years ago.
You fucking alex jones schizos ruin this place. There's video of the cockscuker, there are thousands of witnesses. You think the Jews could co-opt the tens of thousands of people who gather there for Bastille Day to watch the fireworks? 9/11 WAS a Jew/Saudi operation, but now through the Iraq and Syria war, the Jews have created and fund the golem they "Warned" about in the form of ISIS, who actually do attack Sweden, which bin laden used to joke about as in: "if we hate freedom so much, why do we not attack sweden?"
>There are literally videos of the truck hitting people.
That's a lie right there you just told a lie. I guess that's your job if you work for government.
>You're a soyboy if you don't believe everything CNN tells you!! OK Anderson.
>people were crushed under the tires not splattered on the front, idiot. And real life isn't like a video game you soyboy, people don't just explode into a pool of blood like in Doom or Half Life or whatever video games you manbabbies play these days.
It's pretty funny watching a SJW troll, probably some 'woman of color' mimicinig our code-words. Keep up the very poor work.
cant tell if trolling at this point
conspirationist are so retarded
time floats (passing by) so fast now
2017 feels like 5 months lol
I laffed at the Bix-Nood at the bottom.
I think you replied to the wrong person or are drunk
watch out. you are a targeted individual. we are watching you...
that's not an alex jones post, it's a muslim post you fucking retard
>You fucking alex jones schizos ruin this place.
Alex Jones has switched to(((your side))) he now pretends to believe CNN and government. He pretends the hoax attacks are real like ((you)))
>There's video of the cockscuker
Actually that's a lie, you just told another lie Anderson Cooper Mr. CIA man. Of course that's your job, so accept another huge paycheck for lying every day.
>there are thousands of witnesses.
Yeah if there were do you think one of them could have filmed "the horrific attack?" No? I guess not, because you can't film a hoax that never happened.
inB4 you post the same stupid CGI video which shows the truck shopped in but doesn't show anyone getting run over at all.
Europe is more diverse now.
even more diversity
>Quoth the Mossadnik.
Are you going to be filming any more hoaxes anytime soon Mr. Gutyahr? Those last two or three hoaxes you "just happened to show up and film" were really hillarious. Good work!
Nobody has ever died in the history of earth. Mossad captures them and puts them in vats. They use their life force to do spooky jewy things in order to run all facets of every persons life
Double Krautpost within seconds of eachother saying exactly the same thing.
I swear you are higher beings linked to one sauer kraut string of consciousness
There is a bid difference between hitting something at high speed so it splatters, and driving relatively slowly and just crushing people under the wheels
We've let even more migrants in.
And the president is discussing about ways to let families and children who went to do the jihad in Syria back in...
There's basically no hope for us lads, terrorism won't wake people up because terrorism needs to relentless and sustained to really work and the sporadic stabbing, truck of peace and killing of our children isn't enough. People just don't care unless it affects them directly and atm it doesnt.
Trips of truth.
They are trying to do the same here, saying that ex ISIS members deserve to come back and live on taxpayer money
I remember that day. It was fucking insane. There were suicide bombers running into cafes and shooting people then blowing up, a bomb went off in a football stadium while they tortured 80 people to death. Sup Forums was nuts.
>That's a lie
>Your meltdown about him being a sjw troll
He's absolutely right, he wasn't flying at 60-100 MPH, the guy was driving a solid 20-30mph, that makes people fall down, it doesnt explode them on impact.
If you can't think of a smart argument to support your claims then stop vocalizing your niggerish ways and keep your posts to yourself.
Same here.
Why didn't it trigger a racewar?
I was ready at the time. So ready.
People have legit forgotten how insane that day was here in Europe, its just gone, they don't remember shit.
>a bomb went off in a football stadium
it was outside the stadium actuallly france germany i think
Kek I just refered to England as 'Here in Europe' Hahahaha we're fucking out of that sinking ship now.
Unified Kraut Theory
We are more cucked than ever, military patrolling the streets, macron is president, some official gouvernment bitch made a terrorism apology on twitter 2 days ago, terrorists who went to syria are welcomed back in france, you can eat hallal and no pork food in schools, there is people with ben laden tshirts in the streets
>There is a bid difference between hitting something at high speed so it splatters, and driving relatively slowly and just crushing people under the wheels
You are right (ironically of course) because if you run over them slowly, it crushes the human body, leaving an horrific splattered mess of blood and entrails and brains on the ground. Absolutely zero, none of which was in evidence at the pathetically staged, fake event at Nice, where the bodies were barely damaged, just a little fake blood poured on the ground. Here I will post on horrific photo of a real victim who was run over by a truck.
Little dinky car doesn't do much, but a huge 19 ton truck squashes a human body like an egg
More baby boys named Mohammed were born.
We're more tolerant now, so this should not happen again.
Don't worry mate, things will get better and we will take back the mainland. My sons and I will personally help and will die for it if need be.
i give even less of a fuck now than i did then
your never gonna do it brit, might as well bow to your sandnigger overlords