
What is pol's opinion on fluoride?
Fluoride is a known neurotoxin linked to a decrease in IQ in children, to ADHDnd bone pathology.

The claim that topical usage of fluoride has benefits for oral health is also dubious to say the least as Ca(OH)(2) and FAp layers are so narrow that it is doubtful that they really can act as protective layers for the enamel.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005LJ8EXU/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1510325808&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=reverse osmosis alkaline&dpPl=1&dpID=512TRtx7vqL&ref=plSrch

If you're not catching your own rain water and then running it through a Milli-Q system you are going to end up a soyboy

Ohhhh boy. The Norwegian study that said fluoride was linked to 17% increase in miscarriages is gone from google, but I found this wonderful article:

>Scientists in Scotland are looking into whether adding LITHIUM to water supplies could help mental health.
>prescribed as a mood-stabilising drug
>thought to work by modifying certain chemicals in the brain.
>occurs naturally in many water sources in Scotland at 1mg/litre
>previous research in Austria and Japan suggests that people whose water supply naturally contains lithium are less likely to take their own lives.

Pic slightly related, for the centrists who try to derail this shit.

Jesus christ, the idea of mass medication of the populace is just too much for them to resist. Lithium will just make everyone docile and easy to control.

Also, I hope you're not saying your picture makes sense

Fluoride linked to decresae in IQ.

protective layer too thin to do anything.

as anyone with any reading on this knows, the levels of flouride added are actually lower than naturally occurring levels in some areas - which have historically better dental health.
the amount needed to be toxic is equivalent to having to drink a hundred gallons a day - good luck with that, but don't try = that much water will kill you

paranoia about flouride is right up there with UFOs, black helicopters and anti vaxxers.

the only people who could take it seriously are Homeopaths - for them the fact that water has run over something and ended up in a reservoir makes it powerful ju ju.

Are Alexapure filters any good?

it's true though, there is a quiet subset of NYC hipsters that are into lithium water. Having personally known those people they are indeed docile and easily influenced. However I think it would greatly improve the negro population if added to their water :^)

those natural occurring levels are Calcium Fluoride and not Sodium Fluoride which is added to tap water and toothpaste.

They will filter out >99% of the fluoride.

Good. Fuck fluoride and fuck the new world order

well that's what lithium is traditionally used for in psych patients. It "evens them out" which is just stopping them from feeling extreme emotions. While that is useful for someone with mental illness it's terrible for a regular person


you really want to filter out all the estrogen in public water supplies as well

The worse part is that fluoride calcifies your pineal gland

>Regular person
Pick one and only one.

>hat is pol's opinion on fluoride?
I wonder why this shit is in american water supply that's CRAZY

looks like your govt is legally poisoning you and the medical profession in your country approves it holy shit

No public water, no problem.
There is some arsenic in my well so I have to filter anyhow.

Oh I was just saying that the dipshit NYC hipsters aren't actually able to experience life properly at this point. Lithium probably would be good for negros

>not drinking naturally carbonated bottled water
>not putting carefully chosen bottled water for making coffee
ew, disgusting.

Although, it's not only in the water supply but also toothpastes, and regular food as fluoride-based pesticides are heavily used.

The gov shouldn't be mass medicating people - Especially with dangerous chemicals.

My teeth used to hurt like crazy when i used toothpaste, and didn't stop until i switched to unflorinated mouthwash.

>using bottled water
enjoy your plastic leeching

If you are going to drink water you need to distill it and filter it into glass bottles/cups for consumptions. Do I think flouride is bad in water? No, because i remember getting flouride treatments from the doctor. Do I trust tap? Hell no, especially with all the estrogen pissed into the water supply by women on birth control. Truth is, in this day of (((UNCERTAINTY))) it is best to take ever precaution you can!

Ad hominem


>implying it's at any even somewhat toxic level
checked, though

Anyone have that chart showing correlation between fluoride addition and homosexuality?

BTW in small quantities there is no danger ingesting some fluoride and it saves tons on tooth decay treatement.

Serious question aussie bro do you guys have xenogens in your water supply too?

>Calcium fluoride not sodium fluoride
Here's a little chemsitry, both of these are ionic compounds, which dissolve in your body's aqueous environment. This means the fluoride and the sodium/calcium get completely seperated. Whether you get the fluoride from a sodium or a calcium salt will not make any difference in the effectiveness of fluoride or in its drawbacks.

I'm good with it, I want everyone to be poisoned.

Enjoy growing tits.
Yeah, well we have the same issues with women pissing out hormones from the pill as well as water way pollution by pesticides


Because they are hosts to highly volatile viruses that can evolve and need a new vaccine?

Reverse osmosis or git out

shill or just an unwoke person? the chemicals are not in our best interest, don't delude yourself in to believing metals and chemicals are beneficial to humans in any amount. Poison is poison, right? Right.

you're forgetting to mention that when ionic compounds are suspended in aqueous solutions the separated ions loosly bind to the water thus making it's interation with the body minimal

Exactly. Calcium is good for your teeth which is related to good dental health and not the fluorine Ion.

But that's like a never-ending goal to chase, surely a better answer is to NOT HOMOGENISE immune systems globally. I hear that mumps vaccine is even associated with diabetes, which lo and behold we are developing yet another vaccine for!
Joy! we can all be pin-cushions instead of pill-poppers.

I believe there is also a limit to the amounts of vaccines you can take.

I have one, I've seen a definite change in my family's behavior, they're more eager to go out and less lethargic

My opinion: I don't think it's good. After living in Sweden for 3 years, then coming back to the states, the tap water tasted horrible. Now I have an Alexapure pitcher water filter thing, and I think it removes much of the fluoride and chemicals.

Are you literally retarded?
Wait, shit, sorry. You're a >56%, of course you are. Can't be helped.
Point is, there is no evidence at all that fluoride, IN THE AMOUNT THAT IT EXISTS IN OUR WATER, does anything.
Please try and do some actual research you filthy monkey

Terrible, I think the only way to get clean water is through reverse osmosis and those set ups aren't cheap that or desalination.

>paranoia about flouride is right up there with UFOs, black helicopters and anti vaxxers

yess believe your government goy, they only want what's best for you :^)

The Alexapure and Berkey filters do that too.

It's basically the modern version of well poisoning. Why would you think they care about our teeth if you know they want to ethnically cleanse us?

Are you retarded?
It hasn't been proven that fluoride at the levels in our water is toxic, but it hasn't been proven either that it isn't harmful. We know that high levels are, so it is not unlikely lower levels aren't good for you either, it just hasn't been studied enough.
For a long time it wasn't proven either that smoking cigarettes was detrimental to your health, and still now you can claim it hasn't been proven that only smoking x (insert arbitrary low number here) cigarettes a week isn't unhealthy.

You cunts are fucking retarded, ive been drinking limestone filtered well water from my parents property my whole life and water when i lived in the city, it make no fucking difference.
Reverse osmosis is terribke, your drinking water without vitamins/minerals we need.
Stop smoking crack woukd be healthier for you

>flouride affects spics 2x as much as whites and 4x as much as whites
make of that what you will

personally i want nothing to do with it.

>>flouride affects spics 2x as much as whites and blacks 4x as much as whites
>make of that what you will
>personally i want nothing to do with it.

The majority of reverse osmosis units come with a mineralizer to add good minerals back into the water. Otherwise enjoy your extra hint of Chlorine and calcifying your pineal gland with Fluoride.

Oh you don't notice adverse effects from drinking regular city water? That definitely proves fluoridated water isn't bad for you. It's not unlikely the water you grew up with was already heavily fluoridated or you've been exposed to it in other ways. It is known to cause a lower IQ.

You don't have to use reverse osmosis (and everyone who does should know to add minerals afterwards). Fluoride filters don't filter out the minerals, and I don't know about you, but I get my vitamins from food, not water.


>retard pretending to be smart


"When the conspirators get ready to take over the United States they will use fluoridated water and vaccines to change people's attitudes and loyalties and make them docile, apathetic, unconcerned and groggy. According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population." (Impact of Science on Society, by Bertrand Russell)



The Fluoride Deception (2004) by Christopher Bryson
p xxii “He [Edward L. Bernays] also promoted water fluoridation, consulting on strategy for the National Institute of Dental Research.”
p 159 “Selling fluoride was child’s play, Bernays explained [in a 1993 interview]. The PR wizard specialized in promoting new ideas and products to the public by stressing a claimed public-health benefit. He understood that citizens had an often unconscious trust in medical authority. ‘You can get practically any idea accepted,’ Bernays told me, chuckling. ‘If doctors are in favor, the public is willing to accept it, because a doctor is an authority to most people, regardless of how much he knows, or doesn’t know.…By the law of averages, you can usually find an individual in any field who will be willing to accept new ideas, and the new ideas then infiltrate the others who haven’t accepted it.”


What they add to water is not naturally occurring sodium or calcium fluoride, but a toxic man made fluorosilic acid which literally comes from industrial waste from phosphate mining and stuff like that.

To anyone that’s interested, Reverse Osmosis filters are the only filters I know of that remove fluoride and other toxins, get one with an Alkaline reminaliser so it adds back in the vital electrolytes and such.
amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005LJ8EXU/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1510325808&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=reverse osmosis alkaline&dpPl=1&dpID=512TRtx7vqL&ref=plSrch
Is an example of the type of filter you need.

You can get them for under $200, little bit of an investment but it’s well worth it considering your health is on the line.

Also I read somewhere that Alex Jones’s supplements have been shown to contain heavy metals such as lead, so I’d avoid any of that shills products.