Are race and IQ linked?

Or is it racist pseudoscience?

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IQ is on average lower in black countries but we don't know if it's correlation or causation.


it's evolution. no point in "evolving" like white people did when they literally have food falling from trees.

Post your research, not doing your homework for you

What was his final conlusion? Did he call the video fake?

You don’t need statistics to figure this out. When I was in school there were practically no niggers in higher level classes, and the intensive courses were filled with nothing but!

Women fucking chad and niggers is linked to the worldwide IQ drop.

Psychology is a meme
Therefore iq is a meme
Wake the fuck up goyim.

It's the elephant in the room for Biology departments at every university for a reason


To the best of our knowledge they are absolutely linked.On average certain races perform better at certain tasks.This is likely through differences in evolutionary environment.

This does not mean there aren't blacks that are smarter than most chinese, or jews that are dumber than most whites.

It is not racist to point out these facts. No one will deny on average blacks seem to be better at basketball compared to whites, and whites seem to be better at swimming compared to blacks. Neither will anyone call you racist for pointing out these facts.

The reason people will call you racist for pointing out IQ differences is because IQ is seen as a good. Not only that, but not having high IQ is seen as a bad. Contrary to being good at basketball for example, which is seen as a good, but not being good at basketball is not seen as a bad, as it does not impact your life.

In a similar way, feminists cry foul at the lack of women in STEM, but not at the lack of women in sanitation. Feminists want more women in fun jobs, but not more women in not fun jobs. They want more women in good jobs, but not more women in bad jobs.

Read: the Bell Curve, Bias in Mental Testing, the Neuroscience of Intelligence, the Intelligence Paradox etc.


Ofc niggers have the lowest iq they can't even preserve what the white people gave them...

>don't know
oh hey sargon, how's it going? we actually do know, it's almost entirely genetic, and additionally your genes determine a sort range your IQ can be depending on environmental factors. it's not actually debated among psychologists, just comedy central hosts.

>but we don't know if it's correlation or causation.
i really hope this is b8

science intelligence is all that we were talking about. We weren't ever referring to creative intelligence or emotional intelligence. What made her think we ever were?

Is this true?

those things don't exist. IQ exists alongside personality traits like the big 5, and that's it. emotional intelligence is progressive bullshit.

Any attempt to conflate a political opinion with intelligence or IQ is really just an attempt to promote that opinion to the status of objective fact. I'm too smart to fall for such ruses.

The latter. The only evidence these drooling fags can come up with is population figures, no brain scans or actual examples of individuals or whatever, there is no difference intellect wise between the races, its a culture thing.

The very newest studies prove, beyond doubt, that there is a difference in IQ between racial groups. However, they have no model with sufficient explanative power that can account for this.

Think about it like knowing about gravity, that things fall, without knowing about the force of gravity.

>niggers dont have low IQ, it's just that they're as uneducated as people from the dark ages and that's all there is to it, no genetic component at all
yeah user, totally legit

>This much stupid
Give me one brainscan study.

>no actual examples of individuals or whatever
user, tell me, do you even know what a normal distribution is? seriously

the fact that you think brainscans are necessary just proves you're ignorant about the subject matter. go learn what IQ is and how it's measured. but first learn basic statistics.

They KNOW it cannot be explained by socioeconomic factors alone, which leaves only genes and whatever else. However, they CANT explain why those differences would give rise to different IQ

minerva nusa capcha
damn kek knows jews are evil

Give me some proof of actual differences in the brain and thought processes, population figures are irrelevant and a waste of time. If you can't show me solid figures in the difference in which their brains operate, get out.

Yes, race and IQ are directly linked. Generally speaking, the browner you are, the stupider you are. There are exceptions of course but in most cases, whites are smarter than browns, and browns are smarter than blacks.

Ashkenazi jews are the ones they always refer to.
For example, the average IQ in Israel is only 95.

The fact you don't think studying the actual brain to prove that one race is dumber than the other is necessary proves beyond all reason how weak your movement is.

honestly, what did he mean by this?

>there is no difference intellect wise between the races, its a culture thing.
Whether it's cultural, genetic, or a combination of both does not invalidate the statistics.

See, all human beings are created exactly equal, by God (who you’re retarded for believing in.)
It’s absolutely false to assume that different people in different places had their intelligence affected by this so-called “Evolution” (which you’re retarded for not believing in)
It’s also false to assume that the abundance of easily accessible food in Africa privileges the reproductive strategies of people with low intelligence, allowing them to pass their low intelligence onto their offspring. Hedonistically having lots of sex with absolutely no iota of self control and getting shit-faced basically every day while refusing to spend any time out of your day to think about anything else whatsoever is a sign of intelligence. How can you not know that? Planning for your future and making sure your offspring have the highest fitness possible? That’s for retards. Only a retard has a mental image in their head that there will be a future that you can plan for in the here and now. That’s just a fairy tale like they tell little kids. That’s why white people who grew up always having to plan for the future are so dumb. They had to be retarded so that they would believe in this “future” boogeyman and seek “shelter” for the “winter”.
So as you can see, whites are just intellectually inferior. Don’t deny it, it’s just basic evolution.

>I dont want to read books, find me a website that will prove me utterly wrong in a few paragraphs
educate yourself you illiterate nigger. go read the bell curve. even the left's precious Sam Harris admitted that he dismissed it for being "racist" without reading it because that's what everyone else was doing. he did a talk with the author and admitted that it turns out it's not disputed at all.

Every time someone tries to prove that we're all equal they end up with racist statistics. It's easier to just pretend then live in the real world for most people.



>population figures are irrelevant

What are "population figures"?

Do you mean statistics about people?

Because statistics about people show significant IQ differences.

>solid figures in the difference in which their brains operate

Statistics about people are "figures".




>They don't really consider social or emotional measure of intelligence.
Yes they do. I had to do an IQ-test with a psychologist when I was 16. Social-IQ is literally half of what makes up your mean IQ.

Hunt (2010), p. 411 states: "There is some variety in the results, but not a great deal. The African American means are about 1 standard deviation unit (15 points on the IQ scale) below the White means, and the Hispanic means fall in between."





>Read our brainwashed retarded books written by people who got their degrees in a trailer shed and become just as stupid as us so I don't have to clumsily toss together some kind of justification for being a racist with no proof of my claims


Yeah in spacial reasoning they come up around 95-100 but social fluency they on average score higher than any other race

Its almost as if people who live in absolute fucking shit tend to grow up to be absolute fucking shit


I mean I feel like a bit of a sperg when I apply the averages in IQ to everything imaginable apart from myself, I almost feel like I can control my IQ or at least there is heavy variation in my IQ, I feel, throughout the day. When I try to study late at night I’ll find myself just unable to do some of the maths problems easily like I can during the day and whenever I make a mistake I sperg out and throw my mathematics papers everywhere and hyperventilate while screeching and moaning.

IQ is, in my mind, and if I ever got tested to have an IQ below 110 I would sperg out and kill my parents and then kill myself. If you have an IQ below 110 there is literally no reason to live, you will hardly be remembered after you die and will probably have a shit tier, laughable career. I mean hell, I’d be REALLY disappointed and embarrassed if I had an IQ even below 120.

First off, what kind of value is 100,00? Second, this is a weak graph because it's only per 10,000 population, not 10,000 convictions. There are more white than blacks in America, so it stands to reason that more crimes would be committed against white people as there is more opportunity to do so. Delete that one out of your folder, the others are decent statistics, but anyone who has a high school level grasp on statistics can see that this one is skewed bullshit.
there you go you dumb nigger

> is in my mind the most important trait
Sorry, I’m phone posting from Starbucks.

Correction for socio-economical status shows the same results, as is shown in some of the posts you quoted.

You didn't even read what you're reacting to.


>If you have an IQ below 110 there is literally no reason to live
One of the dumber things I've read in a while.

why do americans ignore yellow?

we dont. you nips have higher IQs than whites

Lets break down what an IQ test actually is.

>create complex arbitrary tasks that require logic to solve
>scores on ability to perform complex arbitrary tasks with logic are linked to ability to perform complex arbitrary tasks with logic
>Most of life is complex arbitrary tasks that need to be solved with logic.

Pretty straightforward that IQ should be useful. Its also crazy fast to find someone's IQ. "accuracy" is hard but you can tell the difference between someone in the bottom half of the bell curve and someone in the top in under 20 minutes.

The problem with this is a lot of "complex arbitrary tasks that require logic to solve" that end up on an IQ test are things that people have seen before. This is the legitimate claim that the test is racist.

But lets examine it in practice.

If you put math on the IQ test and white people teach their children math and black people don't teach their kids math... Then "culturally" the test isn't sensitive to them not learning math.

Other "racist" parts end up being language analogies and the like. If you've been to the deep south or inner city you'll encounter people who don't fucking speak English. Those people will fail word analogies because it isn't there language... Nothing to do with intelligence.

Spacial intelligence? Racist because white kids can afford to play with blocks.

The list goes on. Obviously you can't ask why we don't hold the parents accountable to introduce these things to their children.

Kek, there isn’t though. It is not that there is virtually no reason to live, it is there is no reason to live with an IQ of

>we put these people in a cesspool...
You're delusional. We don't put niggers anywhere. They move in and start turning everything to shit, leftists force people to pay for it, so whites start leaving and you get a positive feedback loop that leaves you with Detroit. It's a real problem, hence why people actually care about this. Not because "muh racism."

gas yourself, brainlet edgelord

What plebs fail to understand is that IQ is just one part of the equation that can make people successful.


But the smartest dude in history was German.

>IQ less than 110
>You wouldn't be able to understand Rick and Morty, why even live?
In reality, it's low IQ people who tend to be able to get more joy out of life. High IQ people get brainwashed into being hedonistic retards and end up an heroing.

The Marxists have finished subverting the humanities and now they're coming after the science of biology.

>Name me people with average or below average IQs that were business tycoons or that notably contributed to society in some way that will be remembered while living a fulfilling life.

So if you're not a business tycoon or invent some groudbreaking new thing you should die?

Obviously this is bait, but we need people to hew bricks and harvest wheat. Plenty of median IQ people have very useful lives and contribute to society. Really even some of the lower on the bellcurve types can be of use.

Do you enjoy eating seafood? Having wood to build things with? Those sort of harvests are vital for first world civilization and typically rely on folks who aren't the brightest bulbs. The fella who built my house wasn't all too bright, but a magician with a saw mill. This log home will be around longer than WalMart.

Oh I’m the brainlet? It appears I struck a nerve with you though, didn’t I? Did what I say offend you because you’re a

>Supposedly a person with >100 IQ
>Phone posting from Starbucks
Made me think desu

It's not bait, the dude is just one of those sub 80 IQ mongoloids that should off himself. He thinks he's smarter than he is, but the reality of the matter is; he can't think past "what do these people contribute to me?" Instead of "what do these people contribute in general." His narrow view of his own little slice of the planet has made the retard more retarded.

>being this assblasted

>Creationists still exist on Sup Forums

>People with sub 110 IQ should be gassed
>You can't look at things objectively!
Look here, stupid. I know you're just another fucking Paki, but you need to learn the basics of the English language. If you use the word "should" that is a subjective tense. Subjective is the opposite of objective. You literally, LITERALLY just contradicted yourself. You're actually dumb enough that you are arguing against yourself in your own post and you had no fucking clue, nor would you have if I didn't point it out. That's how I know you're fucking stupid.

>there are sub 110 iq people on this board that think anything they say matters or contributes to anything useful right now


What's the objective way to say it, then? They must be gassed?
Rick and Morty neckbeards must be gassed.

get me off this ride
SAT scores can pinpoint your IQ to within 80%ish correlation for g (general IQ)
Lower IQ, 1 standard of deviation;jsessionid=7F75E24231A12E5DD9D86E604AC1B69A?doi=
Blacks in white households have very little difference than in black
IQ tests not racially biased, in agreement with most scientists
IQ heritability at .76

I really do hate this “dumb people are useful” meme. You can have a high IQ and still lay a fucking brick, Dylann Roof had an IQ of 125 and he worked for his dad’s roofing business and did landscaping. Also, you are Misinterpreting what I am saying, if you can’t carry out complex tasks, have deep thought, good logic and reasoning skills, be financially successful to some degree and be respected by others for something you did or the life you led then I really don’t see a reason to live. I want my name to be remembered and when people research me I want to be respected. I could probably just kill a few people and be remembered but I really respect intelligence and I want people to have that same respect for me, I don’t see a reason to live if you don’t fit into those categories.

Please just give up already.
It's for the best of all of us.

It would be the correct way to say it yes. But if I can say "no they shouldn't. Here's why." Then your statement is no longer an objective fact. Guys, facts and opinions aren't hard to differentiate. If it can be argued then it is an opinion, thats literally the only question you need to test if you're expressing opinion or fact.

you're genuinely the most autistic person I've seen on this site, and I've seen some serious autism.

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

Time to kill yourself, and at good speed too.

It explains disparities a lot better than "discrimination"

eurocentric intelligence
asians and jews do better

this woman is low IQ

You forgot your image, m8.

How so?

My school is like 50% white, 50% other races.
I study maths, physics and computer science, and whites only make up about 1/4 of the classes usually. They're not even at the top of the classes any way (class sizes are around 20-25 people), which is why I don't believe race/IQ as a definitive factor of intelligence.

>implying that tens of thousands of years in mostly genetic isolation and different selection pressures, founder effects, and genetic drift would have absolutely no effect on the gene frequencies of alleles affecting intelligence across different populations

do you think test were done to people that lived in Africa or African Americans?

if the races we're equal they'd be equal

clearly they are not, so they are not equal.

its really that simple

brain scans don't measure IQ you low IQ moron

race and IQ are clearly related, but IQ doesn't mean as much as racists and mensa like to think