Does anyone doubt Roy Moore will win? The Washington Post has zero credibility.
The Washington Post
Difficult to even comprehend that at this point in time I trust Sup Forums over the Washington Post.
WaPo is CIA propoganda. Anyone denying that is either an idiot or a shill.
Good for him. This is so obviously a planned, calculated smear campaign, he should tell them to fuck off.
Sup Forums in "defending pedofiles" shock!
Roy Moore will survive and win.
Difficult to comprehend that you trust a pedophile Republican to any Democrat. Is what it really comes down to.
>This is so obviously a planned, calculated smear campaign, he should tell them to fuck off.
So true claims with an agenda are untrue?
The left is thirsty for revenge after Hollywood was destroyed by exposing the rat jew.
If Trump did it, anyone can. Republicans willingly vote for kiddy-diddlers as an act of defiance. Let the world know who you are.
Why is Putin referenced all the time in US political discourse. It's like your elite is completely obsessed by this guy.
>Roy Moore is a pedo because he said she said
Not an argument for why the well-sourced allegations against Moore are untrue, shill.
The left has only two tactics left. Accuse of sexual misconduct and further push fears of race war.
This can only lead to civil war.
I'm glad you're willing to tell the truth
>the left
Shill tactic. Not an argument for why the allegations are untrue.
Hey, it's not her fault it took her over three decades to remember, conveniently one month before this special election.
Just like the well sourced allegations from the piss dossier?
Your media has no power here, shill.
How can they be claimed to be true if not proven in court? I can't follow your strange logic.
No one in his right mind would btw trust MSM these days.
He says they aren't true. Faggots like McCain say he should step down whether they are true or not. His tweet says
>The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying
How can allegations be disqualifying? Fuck them, they aren't even trying to hide it.
>but what about the
Shill tactic. Still waiting on a real argument
can't say for sure. sure would be quite the spin if a meme about the left having russia-phobia
Already 6 posts from this ID. Washington Post apparently retains in-house shills
>lalalalala I can't hear you
The state of the modern left.
>doesn't understand innocent until proven guilty
Look shaka, I know in Africa if someone gets accused of witchcraft, they tire burn the little chimp, but in the USA the burden of proof rests on the accuser, not the acused.
So you guys spent months talking about how Hillary is a pedo due to some "secret code", yet want an actual pedo to win?
When will you stop denying beating your wife?
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the decadent pricks in DC who constantly push this boogeyman theme have a secret Putin shrine at home where they worship him.
It's certainly an interesting psychological phenomena.
Only retards still trust that Compost
Jeff Bezos is the MK Ultra posterboy
Roy Moore is /ourguy/ regardless of whether or not the story is true. He was based before, and liking prime 14 year old pussy makes him even better.
Well, America voted a pussygrabber for President, voted 7 transgenders into power a few days ago, so a suspected pedophile for senator would be a logical next step.
Wouldn't be the first time Dems run phony sex shmear campaign before an election. Timing seems like extra bullshit too. Can't trust a dem. they're liars. Look at the muh Russia shit. They falsely accused Trump of what they were verifiably doing. Accuse your opponent of what you're doing. It's Dem play book since forever. Fuck Communists. Hang them all.
Excellent point. Roy Moore should defend his pedophilia in the court of law.
They're also using this as a front story to overshadow the Louis CK scandal - Louis is /theirguy/, a hollywood liberal elite.
>The Washington Post has zero credibility.
Yeah a guy on Sup Forums has a lot of credibility over the news paper that brought down Nixon.
Not only that, she also allowed her own sexual abuser to serve as a judge for 38 years, presiding over many other rape/pedophilia cases?!
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
>Roy Moore is /ourguy/
Religious evangelicals pedos for Israel our /our guys/ now on neocon pol
>Shill tactic. Still waiting on a real argument
duke lacrosse
No, the woman should prove her claims in court. Are you a fucking nigger or what?
Since when does the accused have to prove his innocence?
My sources tell me that you have molested young boys and that you are into incest.
Disprove my claim.
>Roy Moore isn't a pedo because it helps the dems
Great logic
>the news paper that brought down Nixon
Newspaper is a single word you illiterate stooge. I honestly can't believe, that to this day, the Washington Post is seen as "credible" because it was involved in the Nixon scandal. Wow, so brave, much wow - totally credible in their overwhelming support of the globalist establishment and civil unrest.
Fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers.
This. The timing is (((convenient)))
It brought down Nixon because the Fake News has power. The news is still fake
14 is not pedophilia.
>the Washington Post is seen as "credible" because it was involved in the Nixon scandal.
It's credible because it posts facts, something Fox news and Brietbart don't do. They are propaganda outlets for the Republican Party.
>This. The timing is (((convenient)))
Yeah cause they want a pedo to be a US senator right and just sit back and be quite?
>It brought down Nixon because the Fake News has power. The news is still fake
Nixon was the first to "bash" the media because he wanted to hid his corruption.
>14 is not pedophilia.
Day of the rope will come for you.
Not a pedo and no where near backed by the major zionist orgs as Brooks and etc.
I agree she should prove to the world that Roy Moore is indeed a pedophile so everyone knows the truth that he is a pedophile.
>muh party
Fucking kill yourself, before you are put against a wall and shot.
Not an argument. Some females have FINISHED puberty by 14.
Acshually, just saying that the veracity of the accusers claims are fry at best. It's common for Democrats to lie about this very issue, and before a special election, and after Hollywood goes down for little boys and girls. Just saying your side can't be trusted because you're lying vermin with ideas so shit that lies are needed to keep your retarded arguments from crumbling. That's all I was saying.
Nice rebutal m8.
>Moore is guilty until proven innocent
>It's important to distinguish that Roy Moore placed a 14 year old girls hand on his dick
I don't see the issue other than it being out of wedlock.
Learn to fucking spell you retarded fucking shill. Jesus Christ I hope you get shot by an active shooter. Like not a fatal shot, no, I hope it's a festering wound that cripples you both literally and financially. I hope you suffer for years to come. And then when we're purging our country your time will come commie.
>can't trust evidence that Roy Moore is a pedophile because it comes from people I don't like
The absolute state
>4 women all with the exact story are all lying!
Gross old perverts. The party of lincoln is dead.
>20 women all with the same story about Trump are totally telling the truth!
No shit?
These posters are child molesters! I have no proof beyond my word, but please believe me. If they deny it then that only further proves their guilt. #metoo
I'm not your mate you fucking queer. Shills and CIA niggers are going to have their families eviscerated in front of them, it's coming.
If Boomers can see through it, so can you.
In yer face.
Is it soooo difficult to stop diddling the kids. Why is it always these fervent, southern, religious types that eventually get their come-uppins and everyone acts surprised. It's happened over and over again. The guy pointing his finger and yelling about the gays and corruption and law of God is almost certainly a piece of sh*t and doing all of it himself.
He's a well know religious nut who say gays should be arrested for engaging in sex, so he's clearly got some fucked up sexual views
Not that shocking he's a pedo, it's endorsed in the bible.
That nigga has been in the news for more than thirty fucking years as a prominent figure in Alabama. These allegations go back thirty eight years. Are you dense? It's likely a politically motivated hit job, which happens to fit Dem MO exactly.
Really was a non story.
>said girls imma get naked
Girls remain
>starts wanking
Girls remain
>on phone with louis. Louis sounds like wanking
Remains on phone
>The absolute state
Post this in every Roy Moore slide thread. Watch the shills go fucking nuts.
Where do you live faggot? I can give you an argument straight to your face
And because it's 38 years later, just before a special election, and Dems are known to run this lie out before elections, because they're liars. That's why it's suspect.
>That nigga has been in the news for more than thirty fucking years as a prominent figure in Alabama.
Ok and? How many prominent figures we've seen to have massive cover up of sexual assaults lately.
Chances are good that half of them will kill themselves.
The child rapist?
Do you have evidence or just testimony and if so can you present it or does it not exist?
Not an argument.
How often does this happen in eu? I wonder because young people are much more likely to be at bar/club. Do euros check ID before sex or do ppl not care so much
>And because it's 38 years later, just before a special election, and Dems are known to run this lie out before elections, because they're liars. That's why it's suspect.
Ok we should let a pedo be a senator because you like Republicans.
>He's a well know religious nut who say gays should be arrested for engaging in sex, so he's clearly got some fucked up sexual views
should pedophiles be arrested for engaging in pedophile sex?
Most people who are obsessed with guns have underlying sexual frustrations, plus he looks like a pedophile
He's a retarded shill. He can only grasp at straws
>Do you have evidence or just testimony and if so can you present it or does it not exist?
Christians are now defending pedos.
Plus he thinks about gay sex a lot, probably got some fucked up sexual fetishes.
I believe you user and I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to you. Your bravery has given me the courage to come forward about my own abuse at the hands of those posters. We need everyone who has been a victim of those sick anons to please come forward and support us. #metoo
I don't see what's "fucked up" about that.
Anal intercourse is disgusting and unhealthy and a perversion. Male-to-male sexuality itself is a perversion.
If his proposed penalty would discourage a behavior that ultimately serves no end and does no good for society, why not?
I am an atheist and I agree with his "fucked up sexual views". The reverse is what is actually fucked up.
of course they are dont forget how they hired Podesta during the peak of him being outed as a pedophile satanist
Yes. You're right. And because your democrat masters are all pedos as well. He's gonna fit right in. Your patron saint slick willy was a well documented sexual predator rapist who was close friends with pedo Epstein
The party of small government everyone
Wants government in your bed room.
>You're right.
Great at least you admit the GOP puts party before the nation.
They're all leftists who were getting cover from their (((friends))) in media and politics. Republicans have never received such a pass. The timing here makes it likely it's just another democrat lie.
that wasnt his point at all and you know it you fucking kike
this pathetic projecting the left always does only helps us to pinpoint their crimes. Do these retards think they are being clever.