Holy Shit

Meanwhile on Bong Media... Can't make this shit up.


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I've lost any ability to be surprised, fuck this place.

I didn't realize the Leave campaign was denigrating NATO.


Well to be fair if we didn’t bomb Germany for 3 months straight all of this would of avoided.
RIP to the fallen.

> ''public’s generosity makes up for a lack of it from successive Governments'

Jeee, I wonder where the government money comes from?

>voted Brexit
>set up local poppy stand

Trust us
Obey us
Do not question
Do not dissent

I'd love to see that reporter try and stop me

I love Hitler and hate the Juden should i wear a poppy or not? it just doesn't seem right.

I wear a poppy for the fallen who have lost their European bloodline, be it in England or Germany, that is the true loss.


How is the EU stopping the coming conflict between Spain and Catalunya?

Anything it takes for views huh, fucking scum press

If you've ever protested the police, don't bother mourning victims of crime.

Why are niggers wearing flowers?

>if you voted to leave the modern communist union of europe, you are denigrating the north atlantic treaty organization which was built due to the rising communist threat during the cold war

Nigel, I know you want your cuck-medal for outdoing Sweden, but could you like...stop?

> U cann haveh peez widoud da EU

Thousands of Brits died in Flanders and now they're coming with this crap? What's wrong with those people

Good grief. Why not just fire this guy if he has nothing better to write about? Might as well run a serial of All Wars are Banker's Wars if you're not going to at least say something decent about lives lost for an alleged greater good.

fascism at it's finest.
needs a lot more west us and canada history
these fucks, speak for no one, but themselves.

Just clickbait from a fading website. Ignore.

>if you support your country, don't bother supporting your country


when can we hang these traitorous niggers im getting impatient

the fuck is a poppy

>bunt munn pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe pe nuggers

>the independent

They are so irrelevant they no longer print a physical paper and subsist solely on clickbait shite like this

It's what we took out Bad Man Saddam Hussein in order to liberate the poor farmers from the evil Taliban, in order to save the 9/11 towers. Where have you been?

Lol, shut up. You're softer than 10 ply toilet paper, pussy. Stop pretending you're ready for war. If you were actually ready, you would have no problems going out and starting it. Instead you sit your fat ass in your chair, day in and day out; pretending that you're more than some flabby LARPing bitch. Children play war, men fight wars. Right now, you're just playing, child.

A symbol of those that fell fighting the Germans so we could be ruled by the Germans in 2017.

>implying people who voted leave can read

shieeet how'd you know

lelelel new lows

Odd as it's usually only those teat-suckers on the continent who genuinely believe the EU is what is preventing war between the nations.

Hence why they want to browbeat you in to rejecting Brexit at all costs.

Where did the meme that the EU is the sole reason, or even the primary reason why war has been prevented come from? Do people genuinely not know about the Warsaw Pact and NATO? Or about the revolt in Hungary/Czechoslovakia which resulted in their invasion by the USSR? Or the Balkan wars or whatever? The EU hasn't prevented any war on the continent in it history, hell it hasn't even done anything but sit around and deliberate when an actual genocide was happening right on its doorstep, and the primary factor why shit hasn't hit the fan over the past 70 years is because of the threat of nuclear annihilation/the USA coming in and steamrolling anyone who attacks a NATO country.

EU shills are the worst.

Please kys no one cares

Nah, we want them to actually Brexit now, but they are shooting blanks and move on the spot as usual.

Post your face when germany unironically wearing the poppy today during england-germany match to honour the fallen british.

You JUST can't make this shit up, i swear.

If I gave a shit if you cared or not, I would have asked. I didn't ask.


I don't see why the tories don't kick out May already after all the mumbling and grumbling. The absolute state of the Empire and its subjects these days.

The only reason for not doing it is they need stability during Brexit. After it's over she's fucked.

You show him, bubba!

Y'all gonna fight or what

>ancestors fought for independence of ones kingdom
>vote for independence of union one doesn't want to be part
hurr durr u don't understand remembrance.

Holy fucking shit, don't let (((them))) take your remembrance culture

That's why rather than sitting on your hand you should be making US-UK deals to backstop the process. The UK has the City of London Corporation and can survive just fine on its own. With the London-Washington axis affirmed, there is effectively no chance for failure.

So scared of war you willingly lose your sovereignty and become a slave country.

only way to stop war: interbreed with the muslim

At least a million if not more on the Western Front alone. I travel to Ypres and to Flanders regularly. My political ideaology stems from the sacrifice of the men and boys, who were undoubtedly manipulated into fighting for freedom. I regularly visit the grave of a 15 year old boy who was originally from Nottingham (Notts and Derby Regt).

Try to imagine you're 15 years old in the middle of a moonscape esque landscape totally devoid of nature (a few birds perhaps) being shelled on regular intervals, being pot shotted by snipers and finally going over the top. Your friends lay dying and are being eaten by rats.

The left are truly incapable of being able to relate to this. The white man's guilt.

I'd recommend anyone with an interest in the The Great War to go to Ypres (and sorrounding area), now called Leper. Only there will you see just how tragic past events have lead to our current position we find ourselves today.
We will need to fight again. They did not die in vain.

Da'fuck is a "poppy"?

Sounds like (typical) british faggottry.

No different than all the bullshit ribbon crap Americans wear for all their many retarded causes, Tyrone.

>fight two world wars presumably to prevent England from being dominated by Germany
>get dominated by Germany
>free yourself from German domination
>"If you wanted to free yourself from German domination, don't even bother celebrating the defense of your country against German domination"

The absolute arrogance and dishonesty.

>In the spring of 1915, shortly after losing a friend in Ypres, a Canadian doctor, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae was inspired by the sight of poppies growing in battle-scarred fields to write a now famous poem called 'In Flanders Fields'. After the First World War, the poppy was adopted as a symbol of Remembrance.

>spot the poppy

yeah, nothing is surprising anymore.
demoralisation is complete

>John Lubbock
>An elderly bugman

I've got the Rainbow Poppy in support of all the LGBT soldiers who died terrible deaths in both WW1 and WW2.

Are you even White?

Well someone did, John nocock.

>Remembering their dead

How does honouring the memory of men eho died in one of the most horrific conflicts ever have anything to do with modern politics?

Sup Forums won't let me post s big enough REEEEEEE to fully express my autistic anger.

Speak for yourself. I don't decorate myself with ribbons either.

"I refused to wear the AIDS ribbon!"

Seeing as your countrys overrun with heroin i wouldve thought you guys would already know 'what da fuk' a poppy was

You can't be serious?

How are the two even fucking related?

I'd honestly consider wearing this solely out of respect for Lawrence of Arabia

>if you do not support the EU you do not deserve to mourn your dead

I don't wear a poppy because they are made out of 2 different bits of plastic which will kill marine life for thousands of years.

>centuries of foreign policy to avoid unipolar domination of continent
>two world wars fought to stop Germany dominating continent
>Germany currently dominates continent through EU.


Why does the left insist on politicising the Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Day in general?

It's outside of politics, just a show of acknowledgement and support.

Heard that the journalist has been asked to leave the office for the rest of the day on police advice.

>bong media

>Why does the left insist on politicising the Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Day in general?
because victory in WW2 was adopted as the founding myth of UK by the liberal-left. in their minds, in their propaganda, it wasn't fought to stop Germany dominating Europe, it was fought against nationalism, for diversity/tolerance against an abhorrent ideology with net positive outcomes of ending british empire, women in workplace etc.

How are they going to get clicks and shekels if every single thing that happens isn't a sign of how the neo-nazis are denying the holocaust again?

>Mfw this is why burgers are made fun of so much

>I feel bad for you brits having to deal with these fucking shills.
>These fuckers would love having you guys under Merkel's fucking thumb.

Are you?

>Not wanting to be part of a German-led autocratic empire with pan-European ambitions means you denigrate not wanting to be part of a German-led autocratic empire with pan-European ambitions

Or whatever. These retards have passed the threshold of normal retardation. A normal retard is just stupid, but you can see the mangled logic going on in his oxygen-deprived prune of a brain. A normal retard might even see his errors is you explain them slowly and in simplified terms. This is a whole other level

Wise words

>John Lubbock


>wears a poppy
>hails the guy responsible for wearing a poppy

>Calls other people historically illiterate
>Doesn't seem to realise that both world wars happened before the EU became a thing

Really made me ponder

Poppies are a symbol from the First World War you absolute cuck.

It's the foundation myth of the whole West hence why the whole lot is rotten.

Pic related

>EU was to prevent warfare
>Not the UN who's chartered goal was to prevent World War

Come stateside, where you can drink sweetened tea by the gallon
also you’ll be using gallons

most of the world ended because social engineers 'accepted' casualities in their grand design. If that's your choice, you and yours should be the first. Leave the rest of us poor sods alone.

If it's an aristocratic trait, maybe polute the blood line... jeshhh

America doesn't let white people in


Mark black on the application, questioning a self identification is illegal here.

Was WWII only fought to stop German advance through Europe?

not really.
same lie and shill it always is.

Thought poppies were for WWI? They're just for all vets here.

Jokes on them I don't wear a poppy to whine about war. I wear one to honour my ancestors. Which incidentally is why I voted Brexit.

No, I didn't. I asked a question based on the lads' perspective.

>largest empire in history
>amazing culture
>amazing people (outside the cities that is)
>good tea
>inovators in regards to how we see morality
>changed world history in more ways that anyone can imagine
>"fuck this place"
Get your shit together, you bloodthirsty anglo. Great Britain is an amazing country that's only worthy of respect. It's your duty to reclaim your greatness.

>some idiot has a stupid opinion

voted leave, always buy poppies, they can eat my stinking glaswegian arsehole

kek. right as I'm listening to this idiot bong's logic re: joining EU military: youtu.be/7wd6Npdw_x0?t=13m35s

>We'll be able to choose who we wage war with!
>EU Military compatible with NATO

these people need to be sterilized