What's your opinion on I3?

What's your opinion on I3?
V4 just wasn't enough.

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it's kinda dead

slavs slaving around as usual. pretty irrelevant.
>inb4 achmed xDxD
you'll get your fair share of achmeds too, just wait. otherwise there'll be no more gibs for you and you can begin eating dirt and each other again.

Absolutely based.
We need to
>start by establishing a common EU parlament party

X5 is better. But Z6 will be kick ass

>X5 is better.
How about XD ?

Nice, Croatia and Poland were the ones that made it.
nah, Trump went to the last one so its not even close to dead now.

Too bad info about this gets censored on the Internet.

yeah, i think the next one is in Romania.

They will not devide us.

Really good idea. The Eastern expansion of the EU was a mistake. EU+i3+Russia=perfect balance

who would give gibs then?

shhhhh, don't destroy their illusions!

Germany will pay us WW2 repatriations, right?


Gib Danzig, Pommern and Schlesien or we invade you again


2022 will be the year when this project will change Europe forever. in 2022 central european countries will stop buying expensive russian gas/oil and they will buy cheaper energy from for example Norway or USA instead.
This is a serious gamechanger as both our economies will start benefiting as well as our biggest enemy Russia will turn into the 4th world overnight.

As for now politicians will not rush with the separating from EU as we are simply not ready to do so.

im pretty sure in 2018 in the next summit they will decide to reinforce external borders of I3 countries to block the migrant routes in countries other than v4

The Pole's righteous homeland are the Poles of course, they have no business anywhere near region with temperate climate.

It's a decent window manager

But if we close the borders how will Merkel get enough enrichment?
atleast they are keeping the land muslim free.

2 backstabers together

dwm and awesome are better when configured properly

balkanfags not allowed in thread.

sorry my german friend

no problem my turkish friend.

V4 have closed borders for quite some time already and i belive Orban forced EU to pay for the wall that they built on the border

Except the Baltic states not slavic and not in eastern europe.

we closed our border too , but some of them are managing to go through. theres a lot of them in serbia where we return them. some of them go to school there.


next fucking shit filled with incompetence and trick. no power behind it at all. waste of time.

More kike tricks to black eastern europe. Have you learned nothing?

those slav look waaay more german than you right now

The Russian larping as Argentinian is back!!
Look at how alpha chechens threat beta russians in your country :]

Grouping up with the only reasonable people left is a good idea.

pls let us join

Task to your ministers and shit.


Fuck off. Go suck Erdogans dick, sub-human turkroach.

You need to get your shit together sebbro.

I like you guys, but you're a shithole right now
>Belgrade is getting larger and larger
>Shitty fertility rate
>Shitty GDP per capita
>Beautiful Serbian countryside is getting empty

I love the Daytona, but given the choice I'd have an Aprilia or the new Ducati. V4s are just so sexy