Does Europe have native people?

Does Europe have native people?

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think everything is a former colony abo dumbdumb?

Think you were the first people ever to reach Sweden?

Think they inhibited Gothia Sweden?

What are they teaching you there??

Yea they're called white people dumb ass.
And don't try to ramp the bullshit up to 12 and insist " No...not actually! "
Fuck off.

I remember seeing some indigenous right group say Greenlandic Inuit were DENMARK'S only indigenous group on the front page of their fucking website.

It depends which people you define as native
Indo-europeans came much later compared to neolithic europeans, and even before neolithic europeans there was this race with dark skin and blue eyes

Nordics are the one that most closely resemble indo-europeans (they are still mixed with the other two races though) and sardinians are basically the same as the neolithic europeans
No clue about the third race though

Hm this face looks familiar

Estonians, Finns...
There are more.


What's a good example of a Sardinian? This?

No. Europe is for everyone

yeah theyre called Basques and Albanians, both are dark haired manlets with archaic languages

LOL! european has natives, their called europeans your ugly cunt

this question ist good. our natives are paneuropeans. but not jews. i'd say- our ancestors were/are romans.

you are kidding my son.

They look more like Zola, the football player i mean.

There are cultures predating them like the Hallstat people etc



ay moister got ani 91 unleaded

Who's phone did you steal to post here coon?
Or are you raiding some poor old cunts house and decided to fail-shitpost on their pc?

Either way, coons fuck off!

The poles are the true aryans and not the germans. This is as far back as i have gone into european history


More like this


white people basically.

Yes. It's called White people who of various types. Except Jews. They ain't European.



Yeah but what about before that

They are called Istrians and they live in the mountains between Croatia, Italy, and Slovenia.

what about the neanderthall? they were probably the first humans in europe

We are the indiginous tribes of Europe. Celts, Germanics, Scandis, Meds, ehem Finns.
Where did you spawn from cunt?


Yes, Swedes were the first people to atleast settle in Sweden, the Sami's were not, the same can be said for Norway. There have been made discoveries of humans dating back way further than the Samis, but this shit has become so politicized that it barely gets talked about.

Cromagnons, which all Whites descend from.


Yes, the Basques are native European people. That or Atlantean refugees who settled in the Pyrenees.


We tried and hanged a fucking monkey that washed ashore during the Napoleonic war for being a French spy.
There were no Africans in Britain until the late 1800s and then, they were an extremely rare curiosity at most. Christian propaganda right into the early 20th century, the devil was a black man.



Yes samis immigrated to northern sweden about 6000-8000 years ago. Native white people have lived in scandinavia for atleast 10.000 years. Actually a sami-swedish mutt myself

What a stupid question

There have been settlers living in Norway ever since the ice age ended. The Samis came here atleast 2 thousand years ago, so there's a 12 thousand year possible, and likely gap, and there has been found stone-age like equipment as far north as Vardo. They're considered the first settlers because before there was any formal state organized, they were believed to be the first settlers (or amongst since the topic was, and still is to some extent very clouded and lacking in data), and were given the status as such.

Gaels could probably claim to be native to Ireland. I'm a filthy blow in if you go back many hundreds of years.