User, I hear you're interested in politics

>user, I hear you're interested in politics.

Other urls found in this thread:


>y-you too

>white people


Is this what a white American family looks like?

>"user sit next to your nephew, you never spend time with him"

The politics of gettin it on.

This one actually hit close to home



>chance to teach an entire generation of white kids about right wing beliefs, or at the very least to question the leftist ideals they've been taught at school
Seems good to me. Start off with a fun question like whether they think everyone should have the right to a mommy and a daddy.

that fucking feel man. It hurts

Kek. Your sister fucks pakis?

Let me tell you about the jews

Guys, Hitler did nothing wrong.

Cutting deep there

>mfw dinner politics literally boils down to boomer talking points
>mfw I'd probably come across as some radical on almost any topic
guess it'll be drinking heavily this year again

No blacks in my family, sorry.

How do you say that in pasta lingua? Something something ti dico delgli ebrei?

Fortunately it's already happened enough that they know not to ask about it if they don't want the drunk barrage of red pills.

I'm so autistic.


No non whites in my family...But my sister did marry and breed with a French Canadian, its almost as bad.

Lasciate che vi dica degli ebrei

Thanks. I'm trying to learn pasta nigger because I like visiting your country.

>user where are you getting your information?
>Sup Forums and infowars! They're the only truth out there! IS THAT TAP WATER?! SPIT IT OUT! IT'S A GAY BOMB!

pulls out concealed gun.

ohhhhhh heeellll naaaaawwww

Gas the boomers race war now!

You heard wrong. Now shut up and pass the 12 year old.....uh I mean the stuffing.

My family would know

>paper plates for thanksgiving dinner
>collection of hats is on display as decor
>mostly everyone in clothes you'd wear around the house on the weekends
>alcoholic at the end with 3 beers
>filthy white trash thanksgiving.png


Peace out to St. Dylan Roof

>paper plates
nigger it's called china, these are thanksgiving themed. look underneath the plates that shit is real nigger

Chinet is the word you were looking for

My nephew is a hapa because my sister married a fucking chink.


That's the saddest shit I've seen in a while.


>8 bucks for that shit

"Gas the kikes, race war now, please. Pass the turkey."

kek, thanks for the laugh.

I'm dying

Same, having a conversation is literally impossible without being a bigot nazi in my family.

I have a story that op’s picture reminds me of.

>be me
>last year at thanksgiving (so around this time)
>family is talking about trump because he was just elected
>they start discussing the deep state and get sort of into the conspiracy mood
>my family is pretty conservative but they dont know about me.
>they start talking about who controls the deep state
>my dad suggests its the secret government bureaucrats
>my aunt says that its the billionaires!
>i say out of nowhere and pretty loudly “its probably those fucking jews”
>whole table goes silent
>they all are looking at me
>i start sweating
>”...or something, heh...”

Speaking truth, and sticking to your ideals no matter the backlash or opinion is autistic? I thought it just came with the territory of being a man. Stop letting jews and women define what being a man is, not everything is autistic. (((They))) want to label everything to diffuse you, before you even had a chance.


Don't forget the gay frog chaos gods



top kek

>yeah hehe, it's hard sifting through all that fake news...heh

Almost everyone in my family is redpilled as fuck. It's my libshit brother and his wife visiting from California who have to hide their retardation levels in front of everyone.

Nope, I'm politically apathetic.

I go to/pol/ for the laughs and to be around others who are also on the brink of madness. Helps me feel I kind of fit into some aspect society.

ha I appreciate the pep talk user. I could probably do it with a bit more tact though.

honor killings


>Me after browsing Sup Forums for 5 minutes

>"user your nephew is adorable"
>"He is so beautiful that He could be a TV Show Star."

>Paper plates

Let me guess, the "food" came from Shartmart too?

Thank god my parents only blessed me with a brother who is based.

>"user is so good that you are so nice to your Nephew"
>"user, You and your Nephew make great friends "
>"It's nice that you are supporting your Sister since She is struggling as a Single Mother"

I had to read it a couple times, but well done sir.

I see all whites, not obvious SJWs, so everything is ok there.



Just fucking redpill him about kikes and you create a hero

>what do you think of trump?
>He.... he's kind of an idiot
>hahaha yeah, he's in big trouble now
>>Y..eah I heard

this is how it goes everytime

that's cool. you guys need a kids table. gotta work your way up

h-ha ha y-yes democrats are the real racists heh we conservatives have no color we are all same and we fight evil isis and iran yeah h-heh...

Not as interested as I am in that Turkey!

don't worry achmed, we'll come and finish the job soon enough.

Lol American politics know no borders. Keep talking about us, it only makes us stronger

ye..ah those dd-emocrats made the kkk you know right? heheh yeah..

>be teenage me 10 years ago
>go through super edgy skinhead phase
>grandma says "is it true user, are you really a neo-natzi? What about the holocaust?"
>flash forward to last 4th of July last summer
>whole family is saying nigger this, spic that, everyone's almost as edgy as I was back then

Wish I could say I redpilled them, but I think everyone's just getting tired of all these spics and uppity niggers.

better then our shit. all it is is another conversation about the economy falling apart before it gets back up again, baka.

Where do you live?

>trump sucks right?
>he's a cunt but I like some of his decisions
Every time I say this they are shocked.

South Dakota

You're right, I know people who were as blue-pilled as it gets and they are becoming racist because they realize no matter how much you give minorities and try to help them they will always blame you and despise you because that don't have the intellect to create and sustain what whites can.

so basically, no matter what we do, the left hates us?

>I am but I'd rather not talk about it.

*4 drinks later*

>Thrown out

I was once but now im cynical.


I always bring up the changing demographics in america and how we (whites) are going to be minority soon and it won't be good.
I get the whole, "whites are the oppressors" shit. I push, and then one of my family members ya your just a fucking white nationalists user aren't ya?"
They will eventually come around, because they don't want to live in a third world hell hole.

>tfw been working at walmart for the past 12+ years and haven't had a Thanksging dinner that wasn't supplied by the company since W. was in office in his first term

Spend it with your family and loves ones, at least for those of us who can't.

I can definitely feel the fire rising. I saw a post on here before of some Hitler prophecy about Americans becoming race conscious and making a white state or something like that. I don't know if it's legit but I can definitely feel something in the air more and more. Something big is coming and our patience is running out.

As if that many white people aren't going to be solid GOP voters.

*clears throat*

yeah. this country is a disgrace and you should all feel bad.

This family is not diverse enough
Where are the asian wives? the half-black children? The single mothers?
what a disgrace, Obama would cry

redpill the whole fucking table, women and children fist.

Let me tell you about the Jews...


There are two kinds of people, ones who drink milk with their dinners, and others. Don't be one of the people who drink milk with their dinners, it's just fucking weird.

Fucking pussy


I'd spend thanksgiving with you user

First... Let me tell you about the Jew's.

they're kids you dipshit.

They were the KKK. Them good ol boy Dixiecrats.