ITT: We laugh at coin fags.
Its happening
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nop, we are laughing at you cuz you didnt buy alt coins that are MOONNG.
>unironically there are fags here who believe the bitcoin meme
You can't buy literally nothing with it.The creator of bitmeme has bitcoins worth 40 billion.You know what he can do with that fake money?Literally nothing
My ex kept mine. Dumb bitch doesn't realize I'd be a millionaire if not for her. She probably flashed it. I bought almost $100 worth when they were like $5. I hate my life.
>early september
bitcoin is crashing!!! it went from $4400 to $4000!!!
>middle of september
bit coin is crashing hard!!!! it fell from $4650 to $4300 ha haaaa
>middle of october
>over the past two days
xrp though
That's been the story forever.
'omg btc crashed from 5 to 2.50'
'omg it crashed from 20 to 5'
'omg it crashed from 200 to 80'
'omg it crashed from 1100 to 250'
'omg it crashed from 2500 to 1200'
Why? I made over $1100 on buying bitcoin
not to mention all the drugs I've bought
I bought the majority of my coins when they were 600-700 price swings don’t bother me anymore I hardly even look at the price these days,il just keep holding them.
Small advice, go for Monero while it's cheap
I dubelled my money in a few months yea laugh at me.
What makes bitcoin worth the amount it is?
To those who are losing, you were warned.
To those claiming they made profit I am calling out your lies.
To those repeating history of crashes, you're useless because BTC was never part of any economy other than for Talmud cult pedophiles and drug addicts.
To those who still think it's a good idea to place the value on a shared public ledger with no tangible, physical property representing that value? "A fool and his money are soon parted"
It's new
I agree
literally nothing
The entire fiat system is identical except there's a central bank providing a ledger instead of a peer to peer mining system
nothing because it's an imaginary coin.No value at all.It's like you make your own currency and decide to give yourself 1 trillion of your fake currency
IT is worth noting over on infinity an user noted a lot of crypto is a Jew/chink alliance for P&D.
The thread may still be up it’s incredibly interesting and worth a read
>To those claiming they made profit I am calling out your lies
Depends what you mean by profit ,if I sold my coins right now I would be in profit by about $17k but why would I want to exchange my bitcoins for a currency that loses value every day ?,bitcoin is a deflationary currency as there will only ever be 21 million coins mined,next year the price will be even higher and Gaylords like you will still be saying the same shit.
you really dont know the first thing about bitcoin do you
stay poor fag
this guy gets it, i guess you are a retard who deserves to be laughed at if your just NOW buying into it
I know (((the agenda))) is a cashless society so BitCoin is (((their))) ideal money system.
Infinitely more efficient than fiat currency at moving large amounts globally
Limited supply huge demand
Not identical, as there's one crucial difference:
The demand for fiat currency is guaranteed because it's needed for paying taxes.
The demand for BTC is purely speculative. So far, most of the speculators have done well. But that doesn't mean its value will always keep rising.
Why aren't you getting ready to buy? See...the goal is to purchase when the price is low.
Dumb faggots stashing ((((criptocurrency)))). While ((((they)))) keep stashing gold using profit from said dumb bitcoinfag
It circumvents the banking system. Russia, Iran, NK, and other countries that have sanctions against them can't use banking infrastructure to wire money, and neither can other countries or entities wanting to do business with those countries. Bitcoin is a solution to this problem.
well said
Trackable? Yes, that's the point.
Traceable? To what? That (((bank account))) you bought coins with? You're missing the point.
Hackable? No more hackable than anything else, probably way more secure than (((Equifax))).
Unlimited? Fuck no, bitcoin is capped at 21 million ever, and then will only grow in scarcity as coins are lost by dipshits.
>Bitcoin Cash
>+25 % today
There is a limited number of coins and bitcoin has never been hacked ,it’s pretty much impossible to hack and transactions are secured by the worlds most powerful computing network.
Coins can be tracked/traced but only if you can tie somebody to an actual transaction.
You can buy dollars with it, stop this meme. I'm not for bitcoin and want to see it fall as much as you probably do, but let's stay in reality.
Supply and demand
just holding LINK
litecoin holder since 2013. whats the problem?
Their have been daily threads shilling for bc over the last month or so. One faggot was giving small amounts away to get everyone "into it". it was obvious! It's not over yet either.
>Trackable? Yes, that's the point.
and in the next breath I hear "its anonymous"
>Traceable? To what?
Your bitcoin wallet, which is linked to your social security number / national insurance number.
>Hackable? No more hackable than anything else
So, hackable then.
>Unlimited? Fuck no, bitcoin is capped
Yeah - they say its capped but when it comes down to it, they can just increase the cap. Like raising the debt ceiling. Also, the forks. They can fork BTC at any time - and they have a few times.
You have to be the DUMBEST OF CUNTS to fall for this obvious scam.
By the way - all the bitcoiners on youtube are paid in bitcoin to sell bitcoin.
They can change the "rules" anytime.
Mtgox was hacked.
>worlds most powerful computing network
So you're saying as computers become more powerful bitcoin becomes less secure. Check. So quantm computers are going to suck for bitcoiners. Check
Speculation. The value it has for direct utility is about 500$ (buying illegal things).
10 million to 9.8 million
>What makes bitcoin worth the amount it is?
global demand for illegal drugs mailed to your doorstep
Coins can be tracked, but you don't know who owns them.
>bitcoin wallet, which is linked to your social security number / national insurance number.
You're either retarded, misinformed, or shilling if you think that.
Hackable if you don't know how to secure you're shit.
>they can just increase the cap
You don't know how it works, but that's ok.
>Also, the forks
Yea, and depending on the value of the fork those coins have their own value. Gold was a scam and is almost nothing. Bitcoin Cash seems legit and is increasing in value on it's own merits independent of Bitcoin.
>sees flag
Oh right, you're a fucking peasant and have no concept of financial independence or self sufficiency.
>It's like you make your own currency and decide to give yourself 1 trillion of your fake currency
we should do more of this, I suggest someone do homocoin so we can spread rumors how using homocoin can infect you with HIV
>dumb fucks realising they're too late
the thread
>You have to be the DUMBEST OF CUNTS to fall for this obvious scam.
it's good to point out it is a scam and that it is no different from any other currency out there
all based on wet dreams of greedy cunts
So you'd rather leave the most powerful force on the planet in the hand of your current Jew overlords?
Xlm announce thier deal with paypal today faggots. Buy now or stay poor.
Hi salty nocoiners! Almost10 years of missing the boat, and still foaming at the mouth I see!
I keep seeing the twin towers in this image....
Badass spotted.
Don't you know drugs r baad.
They make you hallucinate and have crack babies with no eyes. No - fucking - eyes you leaf.
I bought two Bitcoin last year but lost almost a whole Bitcoin trading shitcoins. My FIAT value is still up so I'm not too upset at this point.
>My ex kept mine.
Well that's you're dumb fault.
Does that mean its technically backed by the black market? If so i understand its high value.0
>Coins can be tracked, but you don't know who owns them.
>You're either retarded, misinformed, or shilling if you think that.
When you "cash out" into a currency that your government actually wants or to buy some actual money like gold, you have to identify yourself to the broker like CoinBase.
>Hackable if you don't know how to secure you're shit.
You can secure your shit on (for eg.) a Trezor wallet but then you have a usb stick and nothing more.
>You don't know how it works
This is a repeating argument - "I cant explain how it works I just blindly trust it - and you don't blindly trust it so you don't understand" I hear this over and over and over.
>Bitcoin Cash seems legit and is increasing in value
So WHY? Why does it increase in value? Which means in terms of USD, by the way. Bitcoin ONLY measures its value in USD.
But my point is; lets say for eg, 1 BTC is worth $100, then the next day its worth $200. WHY HAS THE PRICE GONE UP? Theres literally no reason for BTC to be $1 or $1000. Its not only backed by nothing - there is nothing to represent it.
A concrete example was the recent hurricanes in Houston and Puerto Rico. Bitcoiners confirmed that in that situation, BTC became instantly useless and valueless. Which is precisely why people buy BTC - to hedge against current economic system collapse.
the problem with bitfags is that they wont listen when you tell them that they are in a bubble, a bubble where large stakes of bitcoins are concentrated in just a few hands
all it takes is a more appealing clone and those (((guys))) pull out
Yes - the bitcoiners on youtube are clearly exploiting greed.
(((Their))) goal is a cashless society and exploiting greed to have people VOLUNTARILY exchange their fiat for digital currency is better than forcing it
yes! graphic cards will go back to sane prices!
Pay real, actual money for digits in the cloud.
Access requires electricity and internet connections at multiple locations.
When it disappears where do you go to look for it? Where was it?
Who did you give your money to?
Which law enforcement agency would even claim to have jurisdiction over an investigation?
>$600 like a year ago
>$7500 recently
>drops to $6800
>Nocoiners think it's over
You can buy drugs and weapons with it.
I can buy gold with it...
>Real actual money
What makes it have that quality
-belief that it has that quality
>belief that it has that quality
By me, and everybody else on earth.
i dont think its worthless but it is a pyramid scheme and the only people who made any money were there during the stealth phase.
>$100 worth when they were $5
You bought 20 BTC. That's only a little over 100k. Your ex "only" lost you 100k. Well, until BTC is 50k 18 months from now. Then, it will be $1 million.
Banks are currently working on crypto-money, not this pokemon like crypto-currency.
When banks release crypto-money, bitcoin and all other crypto currencies will wiped out, worthless, and if you're stupid enough to be holding the bag, may god have mercy on your soul.
No. Absolutely no. BTC would be around 200USD for that demand.
About double what it peaked at toward the end of SR.
It is now banks (chink and jew), miners, speculators, geeks and right now Sup Forums.
Chinks dont have eyes anyway
Bubble? Sure, and the same thing could be said for the stock market or real estate. I bought some bitcoin a while back when it was around $200, so a crash to $1000 still puts me way, way ahead of the trading I've done in the market, percentage-wise. That's %500 profit in four years if bitcoin loses 5/6 of it's value today. Yeah, we're all a bunch of dumbasses.
Appealing clones already exist, and is the sole reason the crypto market exists. I think you nocoiners are criticizing the rest of us because you're butthurt that you missed the boat.
t. late 40s retired guy
Because it's allows for a trustless system. No third party necessary
Now you’re just talking bullshit m8
Nobody mines bitcoins with graphics cards that’s ethereum,you need a warehouse full of asic miners with cheap electricity to have any hope of mining a coin
So explain where Im wrong.
All I hear is "bullshit" and " you just dont understand", but BitCoiners can never explain why it has value
Who is going to buy a million dollars in bit coin? Literally who?
>price drops $500 from ATH
>laugh at coinfags
The same reason any item or product goes up in value, because of supply and demand. It’s valuable because people say it is.
Go find an orangutan and see if values Gold, it’s just a shiny rock but we say it’s valuable. Therefore it becomes valuable
See how most cryptos price changes follow each other.
Thats because "Bitcoin" and "Litecoin" aren't different - both are "blockchain technology". You are buying into blockchain technology, not currencies.
What are drugs?
>20% pullback from ath
>it's happening
most coinfags are waiting for this thing to get back down to 4500. money is made from volatility.
>Sup Forums has no idea about how to get massive gains
color me surprised
No - the aristocracy value gold. Thats why it has value. An orangutans opinion is irrelevant.
There are reasons why gold has been valued by royalty and the church for literally millennia.
All currencies value fluctuates to "weight in gold". Any currencies changing value makes it unreliable and cryptos are the most volatile.
Since few people are actually buying and selling in BTC, wouldn't its value be close to zero?
Exactly this.
And I'm curious of one other thing. If there is and always was a finite amount of BTC, then why would the value ever fluctuate at all? As a hypothetical, if only 21bil BTC could ever be mined, then that was true from the beginning. They haven't become more scarce. So how was their original value set? What gave them value originally if the argument that the reason they have increased is due to dwindling supply? Supply hasn't dwindled. Supply has always been 21bil. People are now willing to pay more to own them because of the illusion of dwindling supply. Value is abstract. Something is only ever worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Something with intrinsic purpose or usefulness can retain value as physical supply decreases. But something that has neither intrinsic purpose or usefulness, AND has no physical supply is only abstractly valuable. FIAT cash for example. It doesn't have intrinsic purpose or usefulness. It is only a place holder for wealth. And BTC is only a place holder for cash. Countries have started limiting cash holdings due to the difficulty in tracking illegal utilization. What happens when BTC is recognized as the black market currency? It will become illegal. You will lose your cash placeholder. And since the cash that is the place holder for wealth is becoming more and more illegal to own, we are headed for tough times. Wise investment time. Bullets, brandy, and bunkers. It's the Better Business Beurreau of future holdings.
its a meme
lolberts on suicide watch
banks criminally fucking around with our futures and getting bailed out with your tax money AND blatantly taking money from bank accounts (haircut) and nobody goes to jail
pic related encoded in genesys block
forgot pic
my sides
hope you bought the dip anons
10k here we go