Would you support a pan-arab state?

Would you support a pan-arab state?

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fuck you..,

of course we would

last thing we need is organized bunch of sandniggers ready to conquer europe


Why not? Not baiting or anything just interested in the concept.

What would be the positives?

yeah, as long as they stay there and they dont support wahabbism

no, the best they can do is to continue to killing each other for the good of the most advanced and prosperous western nations

if the core of that pan arab state would be secual arab nationalism than yes, otherwise it would just be a massive caliphate

I think pan-arabism is the cure to islamism so i think thats what they would do.

In Australia? Oh hell yea!

>support arabs


I mean one hand could cause stability. Although it could create a power bloc which could challenge western hegemony.

Im not memeing here I think it would be good overall as if the arabs focused on maintaining their own state they would ditch islamism and leave the west.

but what happens to the other minoritiee living there?

>all these kike loving shills who were brainwashed by kikes to hate Arabs and Muslims

Unfortunately the arabs haven't always been kind to their minorities but its better to have a stable arav state than another israel situation that kurdistan would create

Only if they took back israel

The state wont be stable if they didn't so no point if they don't.

Couldn't it cause a massive problem having a united arab state which could interfere in European politics. I mean they could re-stoke up a muslim-christian conflict in the Balkans and use it as a reason to take over the region.

I doubt they would poke at Europe as an arab bloc still would not be as powerful as a European one.

there was once a pan arab state back in the 60s and 70s, it didnt work. arabs hate each other and cant cooperate

I mean saudi arabia is the third biggest defence spender. A divided Europe and an American government who is increasingly isolationist you never know

Your talking about the UAR which was destabilized mainly by israel separating Egypt and Syria thus causing the syrians to see Cairo where the government was located as distant and that made them feel as if they government wouldnt look out for them.

So a 21st century version of the Ottoman Empire based out of Saudi Arabia or some other Wahabbi oil monopoly state?

Yeah nah mate, shit would be fucked aye.

well, maybe they wouldnt care about them aside from jews, if I remember hezbollah respects the christian minorities living in lebanon

it was the saudis which destabilised it.

How so, i always heard it was the Israelis

Btw coalition or ALP?

It wouldn't be so bad. It would keep the arabs out of the west and thats a start i guess


ALP, coalition fucked up the economy in WA also more environmentally friendly

ALP is more environmentally friendly just to clarify

Agree with you on that. But economically the last thing Australia needs is to increase spending on centerlink and raising taxes which is what ALP always does.

>allowing goatfuckers outside their peninsula
Yeah it worked really well.

A stable arab state is more important in modern times than a stable jewish one. Also when they left their peninsula they defeated both the romans and Persians so what are you on about?


Goatfuckers can't govern themselves for shit.

Most of the states were doing well until foreign intervention fucked them up

I mean the system is pretty fucked. Honestly I'm a brit so I know more about the UK but FDI is useful in Aussie. Also I disagree with you increased income taxes allow increased spending. If its on areas which allow the market to function better (better infrastructure) and allow society a better quality of life I'm all for it.

Completely true, sykes-peco agreement fucked up the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon

Wouldn't work. Those nations are too tribal to band together.


Syrians, Iraqis, Lebanese, and Palestinians aren't originally Arabs

bribed the syrians to break with egypt

neither were egyptians, libyans, tunisians, algerians and morroccans

Of course. Based on the principles of Ba'athism.

Only if they accepted any and all muslim deportees.

Only for the Arabian peninsula.

You guys never considered us Arabs didn't you?

I've been looked down by Emiratis just because I was a Palestinian

As far as i know everyone from Morocco to oman is an arab so dont worry man he's wrong and not you.

no, I hope all those kike loving faggot semites all die in a fire.

>hurr us arabs have to unite with israel against iran

all of you should just stay divided and bomb your self to stone age. so NO

I'll support any type of identitarian, nationalistic movement that fucks with what globalist have planned for the world.

In a way you just acknowledged that an Arab state is good for the world

Depends on your family roots. There's quite a number of Arab tribes from the peninsula who migrated to the Levants and North Africa.

An arab state is the last thing globalists want as seen by the continued support of israel and the continued destabilization of the countries surrounding it

You have to go back mehmet

why these niggers have caucasian jaw

well you are right i suppose many Suddam is better than Islamic nut job.

we arent arabs

if by "doing fine" you mean a barbarous tribal backwater, then yeah

Not only that. I'd become a dual citizen of the country if it was established if islam wasn't the official religion.

Why? I'm not Arab. Maybe if it wasn't Muslim I'd think about it. But Arabs and mudslimes go hand in hand.

>speak arabic
>have arab culture
>are muslims
You're arabs

Precisely. What faggots here fail to realize is that having stable states with legitimate governments in north Africa and the middle east would mean the end of mass immigration from those countries.

But the globalist Jew doesn't like that. You can't run economic speculation when states have stability. You also can't flood europe with migrants, lowering the cost of work and destroying workers rights in target countries. If those arab states eventually start giving themselves, a constitution, civil rights, worker rights and their own currency, becoming another player in the world's economy, you'll have a hard time creating a new world order where you conveniently sit at the top.

>Speak Arabic
Thry speak Arabic differently

>have an Arab culture
Like what?

>are muslims
So?that's like saying all of Europe is Aramaic just because they are Christians


id support a pan arab nuclear wasteland

By that logic; the majority of the people in South America should be identified as Spanish and Brazillians as Portugese.

>supporting any semites under any circumstances
I don't feel like being backstabbed, might be in favor of a nuclear option.

>Like what?
slitting a goat's neck at the age of 5

Only if we bring back secular dictatorships

t. Goldenstein

>>speak arabic
we speak darija and berber
>have arab culture
we have moroccan and maghrbi culture

it's fucking real, tho
the fucking savages let their kids participate in the Sacrifice Holiday thing
the fact they even still DO actual sacrifices of live animals is abhorrent

Is that really worse than getting your own dick bitten off by an old man before you're a year old?

>jew talking about sacrefices
>implying the holyday isnt the comfiest day in the year

Go back to eating grass you vegancuck


Says the one from the culture sacrificing the foreskin of every newborn and letting a 60+ year old man suck their dick afterwards.

Indeed they do

Anything that fucks over israel is good. The idea of breaking up the middle east in to smaller parts is a jew plan.
>When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, the process of regime change in Egypt, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East.
>The latter consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of an Israeli expansionist project.
>Bear in mind this design is not strictly a Zionist Plan, it is an integral part of US foreign policy, namely Washington’s intent to fracture and balkanize the Middle East.
>“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates. According to Stephen Lendman, “A near-century ago, the World Zionist Organization’s plan for a Jewish state included:
>historic Palestine
>South Lebanon up to Sidon and the Litani River
>Syria’s Golan Heights, Hauran Plain and Deraa
>control of the Hijaz Railway from Deraa to Amman, Jordan as well as the Gulf of Aqaba
>Some Zionists wanted more – land from the Nile in the West to the Euphrates in the East, comprising Palestine, Lebanon, Western Syria and Southern Turkey

Because you kikes fuck it for them.

>It honors the willingness ofIbrahim (Abraham)to sacrifice his son, as an act of obedience toGod's command. Before Abraham sacrificed his son, God provided a male goat to sacrifice instead.

Nothing wrong with sacrifice feasts

As long as you eat the animal that you are sacrificing


Also, Christians in Lebanon make up roughly 40%. I wouldn't call them a minority. However they are most likely to emigrate to other countries than other ethno-religious groups.

Yes. A strong Arab Nation to keep them at bay.

A pan-arab state would in time probably implode just like Yugoslavia did, the pan southern slav state. There would be big differences in religion, religious sect, customs, history, wealth, geography and of course genetics.

Shared language doesn't mean everything. It means something but there is loads of other stuff that matter too.

without the Jews, there would be no significant agitators to disrupt unity. there is a reason Jews, Shia, Christians and Mizrachi Jews survived a caliphate and ottoman rule.

We can give them Pluto I guess