>Makes videos about anti feminism, traditionalism, "redpills", etc
>Isn't getting married, or having kids in her sexual marketplace prime.
Must be good to be a woman with stupid cucks in this age.
>Makes videos about anti feminism, traditionalism, "redpills", etc
>Isn't getting married, or having kids in her sexual marketplace prime.
Must be good to be a woman with stupid cucks in this age.
fuck HBO i hope it dies this year. it def will sink next year.
they enable so many rapes
She's one of (((them))) just like Alex Jones.
They're in it for $$$
You all posted your shill threads at the same time not very smart was it???
Shes not even 30. Let the females live a bit too.
She is in a long-term relationship. It is the man's job to propose marriage. What more is she supposed to do? Do you have any evidence she is not actively working towards the goal of being a mother?
She's a shill
Knows her looks get her attention
So do her jewish producers and financiers
And incels are her main source of donation income
>So do her jewish producers and financiers
Who would that be?
Agreed. Someone should rape her.
Goddamnit, Pekka.
Does that matter? She’s at least trying to spread the message to a wide audience. Plenty of people on Sup Forums talk about gassing the kikes, but they don’t actually do it.
>It’s a man’s job to propose marriage.
I ran into Lauren at YYZ and I talked to her for an hour while our flight was delayed.
I have some bad news for you niggers: she is playing you all. She thinks white genocide is stupid and told me HERSELF that she wishes she was more traditional and religious.
Honestly, you have to look inward and realize you are complicit when someone takes advantage of you.
At least she has a hot sister
>Isn't getting married, or having kids in her sexual marketplace prime.
I don't understand why some always use that as an argument. True Commitment from pretty much anybody is really hard to obtain. So many guys just wanna screw around with Lauren and then dump her, I'm sure. And vice versa, women are not exactly commitment champs either.
>Eyes aren't blue
I puked a little
Fuck off with this thot. how old is she? 30? 32? and no kids?
kys lauren biological garbage.
You know how you can tell that the leftist are scared of popular young conservative you tubers?
By the sheer volume of threads they create every day bashing them
shes sah qt but this is absolutely true
Her sister is literal perfection so fuck her.
This is now a Psy Kitten Thread
Women having children at the age of 30 plus significantly increases the risks of autism and other illnesses.
>Laura Southern claims to be white
Look closely at that pitch black whore. Why can no else see?
Thats 35. But at 30 they only have 10% of their eggs left and their fertility begins to decline linearly
Lauren isn't even asking for donations in her videos, the links can only be found in the video descriptions, if you aren't looking for it, you will not find those. If she is just in it for $$$, then why isn't she asking for donations actively?
30 is still very far from 22.
If you're so mad about it then stop giving her more attention. The more attention you give her, the more reason she has to make more videos.
So what? She wants children, she is just 22, give her time.
Have you ever considered maybe she is private about her private life concerning.....her private parts?
3? Oh man, that just about does the obligatory 2
what a vapid whore
t. childless 28yo NEET
she is just milking beta orbiters while being a liberal thot that doesn't believe in american nationalism, because its a new nation or something, lmao, fuck her
Why do you care about American nationalism, she supports ethno-nationalism in Europe.
>Who would that be?
Implying The Rebel isn't 100% kike propaganda.
>inb4 she was fired/quit
She knew (((who))) was running the show.
I care, because she spreads a dumb counter productive message. Hungarian republic, Ukraine, Czech, Slovakia all countries are much younger than USA, she is a dumb cunt who is just popular because she coloured her dark (kike) hair blonde and call herself Southern, while her real name is (((simonsen))). Controlled opposition not welcome.
>1 post by this ID
Shaming men for not having children at a young age is retarded. A man's number one job is to be a good provider.
>she's a j00
we can safely discard your opinion now
>muh rebel
Yeah, not an argument
i said 28, not 23
he's an ancap anyway so dont expect him to have kids in 10 years either
shut up lauren, you were found out, cunt. her face is jewish as fuck, her sister has reaaaaly beady kike eyes
Her and her sister need to spend the next 15+ years being bred like farm animals.
There is no such thing as Hungarian republic. My country is called Hungary, and it is more than 1000 yares old. These nations were here long before America was founded. They might not had a separete country, but they were here.
you want more kikes in this world?
>She knew (((who))) was running the show.
Yeah, she learned that the hard way when Ezra fired her for refusing to shill for more Israel trip money. Not sure why you'd bring that up if you're attacking her, that's one of the things that makes her look genuine.
>j00 kike JOO JOO kike
nobody found out anything mentally ill weirdo
>Hungarian republic, Ukraine, Czech, Slovakia all countries are much younger than USA
The difference is that those nations and peoples have existed for thousands of years, while America was colonized just a few hundread years ago. America is a colony.
She can have my babies
no motherfucker, she said new countries don't deserve nationalism, hungarians were bitches of austrian for a long time, so your country is pretty new
the rest of the countries I listed are all relatively new, dont they deserve nationalism? she is a bimbo
Her hair isn't dark and Simonsen is a very common Danish surname. I don't believe you're even Polish, only retarded anglos think Simonsen sounds jewish. If you're actually Polish you should be embarrassed for being this ignorant.
Oh my fucking god. I need a shot of her pussy.
Do you even have blue eyes in Canada?
kek. my last name is Simonsen.
Maybe you should wait until she makes a video about it instead of judging based on one tweet her whole ideology. I don't agree with what she said on twitter either.
Hungary was a separate country from Austria, the king/kaiser was the same. Learn history idiot.
Hungarians are new now? America is a proposition nation, not a homeland. A European would understand this, burger on a proxy.