It's tomorrow guys!
Polish independence march
What are we protesting again, incase anyone asks me?
the cause is "wojieicziki z wlokioulowkanowicz"
We are not protesting anything, we celebrate our nationality and our freedom.
Join the UK based Polish its will be you UK, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland so far, leave the EU. help us remove Kebab.
Dont fall for the shit 'we hate Polish', we love Polish. We just despise the EU
We came to your aid in WW2, dont fall for the lefty bullshit we dont like Europe, its 100% untrue
We need to get together, start a movement against the EU and immigration from Africa and ME
it needs to stop, based Polish lads.
>our nationality and our freedom.
Celebrate it while you still can.
Poland dont let Muslims in your nation, not even one.
you're too important.
Uh ohh..
you too hans
they can't do it anymore
Why are you such cunts to the Polish, you cry when they dont take any of your Muslims because they are scared and who caused that i wonder?
Who made Poland xenophobic?
It was you and Russia, twice they suffered.
Fuck Germany and fuck Russia. I like Germans, but your leader needs to be jailed.
just gas yourself Ahmed
Vids from last years were /comfy/ as fuck. Of course the Jewish media has a blackout on it so not even my ethnic Polish relatives knew it happened.
Which independence are you celebrating? Independence from Russia, Austria, Germany, or the USSR?
Damnit, I'm going to Poland for the weekend next week. Should have gone this week.
bad luck, I'm flying out tonight with some lads from work.
>National Independence Day (Polish: Narodowe Święto Niepodległości) is a national day in Poland celebrated on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of the restoration of Poland's sovereignty as the Second Polish Republic in 1918, after 123 years of partition by the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Habsburg Empire. It is a non-working day in Poland
1918 rebirth of Polish state after 100 years of occupation
>my ethnic Polish relatives
And the EU is demanding that Poland takes its fair share of Muslims and Niggers LMFAO!
The EU needs to be disbanded, they offer nothing.
The EU wants to create such instability in Europ that we insist they have an Army to deal with the Muslim problem.
We see though you EU, we know your game and we will make you suffer for it. All of you, you're all toast, we will fuck you so hard just you wait, your day is coming and its soon.
Just saying, for people who take pride in it as escapees from Soviet expansion, it's pretty sad that the fall for Jewish tricks again.
This, work with two Polish lads, super hardworking guys, they actually like to be able to sustain themselves through actual jobs and are close enough culturally to integrate just fine. As a bonus they hate muslims with a passion, what's not to like!
Is that the holiday where you go to richer countries, act like gypsies and commit burlgaries?
I assume you lazy Pole's celebrate VE day and the 1989 revolution as holidays as well, don't you?
the eternal medkit strikes again
Poland is about the only nation in Europe that can rightly tell foreign non white immigrants to fuck off.
Dont let the lefty liberals tell you otherwise Poland, dont let them do it, leave the fucking EU and join the UK and other Europeans nations who will FUCK the EU so hard. for what its done to Europe.
Its no longer a question of if the EU remains after we leave its how badly we destroy it and those in it.
And we will destroy it, you think we are going to let a buying groupe treat us like this Oh god they have no idea of the Anglo anger growing in the UK towards the EU?
No idea what we have in store for them, we are going to fuck their shit up so badly and put an end to the EU becuase its no longer relevant.
Poland needs more diversity
I support you polish people, hope everything works out for you guys
No, we don't.
We just celebrate our independence day, just as you celebrate yours.
Went camping with two Polish lads, it was like we were kin, brothers.
Its pretty racist to celebrate ur independence day u killed too many poor Soviets during that time nazi scum
Poland regained independence on October 7th 1918
>LARPing this hard
I am not baiting i am telling the truth Polands needs more diversity look at Germany ...
I love Germany too, but wtf are they doing with the illeagal immigration?, Europe looks to France and Germany now as the powerhouses and they are doing fuck all, is it deliberate?
Has the EU removed the teeth from nations, is that their plan?
I dont see Italy or the Greeks doing anything apart from bobbing for niggers in the sea.
I swear to god not only are we going to destroy the EU we are going to put its presidents on trial
Ok, "not baiting" commie. Why do we need diversity?
Sure, but no niggers or Muslims.
Polish dont want them and the Gibs i dont think want to go there because they know they'll be killed.
British scum u left glorious EU u dont have any right to say about our glorious Union
God bless you polish man for helping proto-romanians in their fight for their culture and language.
Poland has always been a medium country, on economic and political peripheries of Europe. The first scientific journal on "polish" soil in the 18. century was in Royal Prussia and it was issued in german
Danzig was controlled by the Germans and our nobles were simply exporting wheat to Amsterdam, they didn't sell sophisticated products. Town law in Poland = german town law + polish modifications, that is Magdeburger Weichbild (Sachsenspiegel + some other laws), which was revoked only in 1791 after Constitution of May 3rd was introduced. Townspeople of Poland were Germans, Jews, Italians, Dutch, until they became polonized
If you read "Promised Land" of Władysław Reymont, the industrialists there are polish, german and jewish
Poland is the PERIPHERY of Europe. It can't do more than it was endowed with, we will stay average, like Hungary or Czechia. If you look at Poland's history, then people are emmigrating from here since the abolition of serfdom when it was under russian control in 1863. Then they usually emmigrated to the then developing USA, but also Western Europe. Interwar period - people still emmigrating to Western Europe. When the job markets of the EU were opened, then around 2 million Poles emmigrated
If you compare Western Europe with Poland, then it's completely pointless, because you guys always were materially ahead of us, and you will stay so
Poland needs more people soo the economy can grow also its racist to not help poor imigrants
Germany will be bankrupt within 5 yrs.
They need the GDP of France to sustain the immigrants they took in
£60k per year per immigrant.
Thats £72b a year
Have fun Germany.
>A man walks into a polish bar
>"Can I get a glass of vodka?" He asks.
>"Thats funny," says bartender. "Vodka is made of potato."
>"yes", replies the man.
>They both smile, but inside is pain, for neither can afford potato.
yup, even lower quality than I thought
Thats complete bullshit imigrants help German economy u idiot...Also dont start on terrorist attacks i see only white people killing black people in Germany...
yo does anyone have a link for that priest at the rally a couple of years ago w/o bs music
Glorious EU will crush u with sanctions if u keep acting like assholes...Last time somebody fucked with us ended up like Serbia...
B-but diversity is our strength
Bless you. 90% of the men who arrived are semi literate criminals fleeing from the rape and war they were involved in.
They have no intention of working, just like most of the niggers and Muslim in the UK
And btw. how fake are those commemorations given that 20 years later Poland was torn apart like never before? Why the fuck is there so much pretending that we're stronk, when we got destroyed badly?
>Poland has always been a medium country, on economic and political peripheries of Europe.
You know history didn't start with the age of discovery. And even then it took 2 more centuries before Poland was no longer the dominant force in the region.
In the nearest future the central region between the Baltic and the Black sea will be extremely important again but it remains to be seen if we're gonna capitalize on it. Basically we have to keep Poland out of war.
did you guys get a plumber union over there or something, how are you independent?
Ur just a racist u cant accept the fact that black people deserve to live in Europe
>A man walks into Polish carpentry shop.
>"I would like to order table," he says.
>"For what?" asks carpenter.
>"To eat potato on," replies man.
>"Haha that is funny," laughs carpenter.
>"Yes," says man. For what is point of table if you have no potato to put on it?
Jesus Christ I'm going to Osvětim tomorrow am I fucked?
>You know history didn't start with the age of discovery
I know, doesn't change the fact that Eastern Europe was always a periphery in terms of economy
Right wing propaganda...
>bullshit imigrants help German economy u idiot
Actually they've already done studies that prove that, unsurprisingly, not knowing German, being illiterate, having multiple economically inactive children, women that are forced by their spouses to remain unemployed and increased criminal activity, all leads to the average middle eastern or African migrant costing the German national purse tens of thousands a year in welfare.
>Most refugees to be jobless for years, German minister warns
>Prediction of long-term unemployment as hopes fade of boost to workforce skills
>Up to three quarters of Germany’s refugees will still be unemployed in five years’ time, according to a government minister, in a stark admission of the challenges the country faces in integrating its huge migrant population.
>Aydan Özoğuz, commissioner for immigration, refugees and integration, told the Financial Times that only a quarter to a third of the newcomers would enter the labour market over the next five years, and “for many others we will need up to 10”.
Im not a racist, i dont mind non whites so long as they integrate,. what i dont like are ghettos in London with niggers trying to be American gangstas killing anyone who doesnt show muh respect!
and Paki rape gangs where the govt tries to cover it up incase the right wing goes full 1488
I have Arab, Paki mates, but they are not Muslims, they are just as British as i am.
I have a serious serious problem with IIslam, and niggers who think the world owes them somthing because muh slavery
We cant take all of them in, we are losing our Island right now.
Also it's Gdańsk.
Do you understand that Islam is not a warmongering religion???Look at poor MUSLIM Bosniaks that fighted CHRISTIAN Serb aggressors in 90s...
>While celebrating nothing, three polish man compare their daughter.
>"My daughter got raped by german soldier", said poop-farmer proudly.
>"Hah," retorts bog-cleaner, "my daugher got raped by german officer!"
>"This is nothing," says pebble-appraiser, "my daughter is dead."
>bog-cleaner and poop-farmer nod.
>"it is true, that is best outcome," and then they look at pictures of potato.
>Islam is not a warmongering religion
Top quality bait lad.
The EU doesnt even see that the UK is on a war footing, we are in a fight for our survival and nothing is off the table.
The EU cant see it, maybe it doesnt want to see what its done to us and how furious that has made us.
It goes back a long way, to the begining.
We were always controversial members, and now its time we destroyed the EU.
And make no mistake, we are going to destroy it, even it that means military action.
wtf i love the Dutch now.
Godspeed Britbro.
>mfw you are ruining a nice thread
>muh islam bad
>>>ignores the fact that whites killed soo many africans and other people during the time of colonies in the name of Christ
>photo depicts an Ugandan doctor-engineer stuck at the racist/homophobic/cisgender Hungarian border fence trying to reach the lands that have an urgent need of cultural enrichment.
American stop supporting nazi faggs and embrace communism
>tfw ww3 will be UK, US, and Russia gangbanging Germany yet again.
Only this time we will be the good guys.
Feels good m8
they dont
Das rite America, you need to embrace communism so you can achieve real equality. Everyone is equally poor and starving (excluding the jewish ruling party).
My congratulations, may your country be prosperous, peace reigning, and may awkward anal wart sickness strike to hinder work & social relation of politician that is not patriotic
Greetings to all of brothers
In Christ,
Stfu nazi scum Bosniaks will end ur litle shit country ...Look at Serbian scums they are too afraid too touch us hahahha
>Muh Christianity bad
>>>ignores the fact that that was decades ago and the shit with Islam is happening now.
>tfw we get to liberate france, yet again.
History truly does repeat itself.
Only this time we listen to the wisdom of Patton, and we dont stop until every last commie is wiped from the face of the earth.
Fuck the immigrants. Attacking shitskins should be a job. Then we can help the economy grow
how bad is it gonna smell!!!
a commie, muslim, turk rape baby from the balkans. It just couldn't get any better.
Explain two things to me.
1) How can you reconcile being muslim and a communist? Communism apparently gives all its citizens equality which means males are equal to females. Which contradicts your "holy book".
2) How can you reconcile the fact that idolry is forbidden in islam yet all muslims worship the Kaaba. That's literally a definition of idolry.
I hope you leave the EU so we can all close our borders for your refugees when your economy inevitably crashes
>completely misses the point that colonialism was the best thing to ever happen to Africans.
Stop halfassedly falling into their "muh racism argument", im so sick of that shit.
The white man uplifted primitive indigenous peoples. He should be praised for that, accept nothing less.
>In islam females and males are equal its just propaganda from the western imperialist
answer the second question then
Keep the good work polish annons.
You are going to be an inspiraiton for the world.
Nice, happy independence day!
tomorrow's the day we commemorate our freedom fighters, our independence day is in a week
20k+ torch march let's FUCKING GOO
Argentinian supporting nazism lol ofc
''freedom fighters''