What the FUCK is going on?

What the FUCK is going on?

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Virtue signaling now more important than getting the job done.

That's called 'progress'.

It's Hotline Britan

Red shoes, bears, and panda, all raise flags for those in the know.


>What the FUCK is going on?
Gremlins got elected to parliament.

Honestly starting to think we deserve to die off at this point

I really don't understand British police. There's this shit, the way Rotherham and the other rape gangs were handled, what's happened to London. They must be making good money because if I were in their shoes I'd be resigning at the very least.

Why is emasculating men for a 'cause so prevalent in society these days? It's fucking pathetic

>May cuts their budget and their numbers by a fifth.
>Crime goes up.

That's the thing about aggressive "inclusiveness", the only way it works is if you lobotmize yourself and only hire people dumb enough that you can still convince them. All it would take is a single cop doing their damned job and giving the slackers an ideal to live up to, but even if they did, the powers that be wouldn't tell anyone about it because they're too busy whinging about trannies and how you shouldn't fear terrorists.

Have you ever been given a task you simply couldn’t do? First you tried. They you tried again. You kept at this for ages, but in the end nothing you do seems to make any difference. You ask your friends, who don’t have any idea, you spy on your enemies - no clues there either. You research and research - but the only solutions are things you just can’t do.

So what do you actually do? You can’t give up, people are relying on you. They do actually care about this. Well, you pretend to solve it, or more actually you try things that look like they are solving it. Because those people love you, and appreciate what you are trying to do, they pat you on the head and say “attaboy”.

Over time you become conditioned to this, and no longer associate solving the problem with the praise you get. But it doesn’t matter, because everyone is happy - well at least not unhappy enough to stop the head pats. What you will never understand though, is that they will always pat you on the head - because being kind was in their nature, and you are just a schmuck taking advantage of them.

So next time you see Canadian politicians with tranny socks or police in heels, you will understand that lefties are just people like you and me, except they stopped developing at age 5.

>crime statistics SOAR

fake news

Next time you see an Australian jailed for having an paintball gun and an unlicensed spoon you'll remember don't be dim, throw that watergun in the bin

>What the FUCK is going on?
You're awake.



This is the issue, it is all optics instead of keeping people safe from others who have weapons who could kill or harm.

Cyberbullying could simply be ignored. A maniac wielding a knife or gun cannot.


We are pretty good at outlawing things here - like sex with dogs and children. I’m pretty sure killing our troops doesn’t get you a $10m payout either - last cunt who did that had a stint in gitmo.

You Canadians could use some laws.

We're exiting Yuri's demoralization phase and entering the destabilization era. Act accordingly.
>shame about your 1PBTID - no bump

They have been spending too much time on the internet.

Got the sauce on this doc?

Thats disgusting. Where is their honor

I like the law where you have no rights and everything is illegal. Unless you're brown. Nannystate jr always trying to please the queen


>What the FUCK is going on?
The wrong side won the last world war.

We were a mistake, God.
Please come back and kill us all

Much obliged.

Try texting your mate that you hate muzzles and then come and tell me we have no rights.

You sorry assholes are the definition of cucked.

UK Police now receive PIZZA RELATED HANDKERCHIEF MAPS as part of their standard equipment.

Memes user.

The left has been memeing hard for generations.

KILL em all
Must gas these degenerate

It's this shit that really blows my mind. How low have these people sunk, how absolutely defeated do you have to be, to not only allow this to happen on your watch but to try and cover it up as well. If I had been the ranking officer in one of these areas I can say with absolute certainty that I would have killed myself. I would have held a press conference, formally apologised to the victims and their families, taken full responsibility, and then driven home and hanged myself. There would have simply been no other way.

The West is killing itself
How is this not obvious by now

furries are winning.
Bow down.

Your life is going to be unnecessarily complex if you anticipate that others will live up to your own standards. Having any level of honour makes you an exception to the rule, Ozanon. It's not a meme to say that the vast majority of the flock are zombified tax cattle with no personal agency beyond eating, fucking and self-preservation/enrichment. Sad!

I want to have sex with that frog

Virtue signaling is now the only true virtue.

The seven virtues are now disgusting and racist reminder of the white male patriarchy. They are now the absolute worst.

The seven deadly sins are now praised as the ultimate good. "Do what you want" is the highest philosophical virtue.

50 years of brainwashing in schools did its job. We let it happen. Now we'll reap what we sowed.

It look like his heart is already taken.

>British government cracks down on hate speech
>Cops start to move away from real crimes
>Crime rates soar

The absolute state of Britain. I hope you all end up in jail for elected such a stupid government.

So glad I don't live in the United Caliphate. What an overbearing Orwellian nanny state shithole.


...I've never been more turned on in my life

fucking creepy bear masks!

How can one of my fellow countrymen support this degeneracy?
you white devil in disguise.
these retard should be shot on sight.