Why is everyone shitting on this guy?
He asked some women if they could watch him jerk off, they said yes and he did.
What am I missing?
Why is everyone shitting on this guy?
He asked some women if they could watch him jerk off, they said yes and he did.
What am I missing?
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Filthy kike needs a shower
couldn’t give 2 fucks abou louis but i do think this is all getting to be too much. it’s gotta stop. the media is fueling/paying these fuckin whores to call a newspaper and make this shit up.
He fell victim to the Trump Curse
They aren’t saying they said yes..? Source your claim on them saying yes. Other than “gramama down in the bayou says so”
I dont know whats the big deal either man... Its not rape if there was no physical contact.
If the women were over 18, who the fuck cares...
>wanna see me jerk?
>uhhh... not really
>YES? *fap fap fap*
so yeah i dont like him
>excuse me, miss?
>excuse me errrrrmm....
>would you mind if i....
>perhaps you would oblige me by observing...
>you see the thing is...
>well it's quite funny actually if you think about it
>turns out i have a psychic disorder where i get what some would call an unquenchable thirst for women to watch me perform...
>beat my meat
>polish the family jewels
>self-gratify, if you will...
>what im really trying to say is...
>get to the point louis
>stupid! *smacks forehead*
>stupid! *smacks forehead*
>stupid! *smacks forehead*
>what im really trying to say is....
>would you like to destroy my career 10 years from now?
They didn't say yes to him jerking off, but they said yes to coming up to his hotel room.
I'm sorry "ladies" but when you agree to go up to an entertainer's room you are agreeing to be entertained by his penis. The time to say no is when he asks you to come up
why do jewish guys all have this thing about jerking off in front of women? is it so they can refuse to pay prostitutes? or something in the talmud
Checked for truth
You're missing the fact that Weinstein colluded with an ex-PM of Israel to use former Mossad agents ("Black Cube") to silence and intimidate his US citizen victims, that's why they are suddenly pushing this old news about Louis CK in an attempt to bury the Harvey Weinstein revelations.
Self deprecating kike loves the SJW role, part of the reason comedy is no longer good because of these pussy cucks.
Fuck him.
Comics who aren't niggerfaggots:
O Neil
Di Paolo
You have to realize everyone in the industry already suspects he's a creep. As was the case with Weinstien and Spacey.
That is why they can be successfully 'tried' in the media while Roy Moore will not be.
Exactly. And these stunts of his were just him rehearsing material for his stand up. It wasn't supposed to be seen as sexual but as a stunt for his stand up
Tosh? He's the definition of degenerate nigger faggot
>I just knew I wouldn't get the role if I didn't suck him off
>so I did it
>but it was rape
mfw some poor woman is gonna get her jaw busted and then be forcibly raped by a nigger in a dark alley and these hoes are making bank embellishing their fuck-for-pay pasts
all the media is doing is acting dudes for anything. this time next year I wont be able to tell a girl she looks good without being put on a list.
too early
The only one who he didn't actually do it to said he asked first. It's safe to assume that if he didn't when she said no, the others said yes.
except the women literally said they agreed to it at the time.
Shill harder kike bitch.
>Why is everyone shitting on this guy?
Sup Forums is for people 18+
being a shower is what got him into this mess in the first place
Fuckin A
This is a good thing
Not really, its just that nothing is too far for him. And he at least stays away from SJW shit. He's also the only modern comedian who does shock humor well.
But he's a degenerate nigger fag that hates pedos. HAHA - still a fucker though.
No he just pulls his dick out after he says it and jerks off all fucking Jews do this
Using evil to fight evil?
he also told us to vote for Hilary, so fuck him. I'll never watch his shit again.
Right back at cha Korea run by anime style mob of wise elders who are run by Samsung and Hyundai
one 1 said yes, Louie
fucking hack
Read it in his voice.
He should literally make this a bit.
Maybe refine it a bit, but the punchline is great.
All hildawg supporters do this
Man, I am clearly getting too old for this world. Am I getting this right? Some comedian I never heard of is now in the news because has asked a couple women if they wanted to see him flog the dolphin and they said “Yes”? Wtf? What the hell timeline am I on?
And to make it worse now they want the world to know? Tbqh i don’t know what to make of this shit.
don't make me laugh americuck, everyone in your borderline 3rd world shithole has heard of him, never mind some betacucked burgersoyboy that frequents 4chinks
Prove they didnt say Yes
>implying they have any loyalty to the USA
Is Louis actually a Jew?
I clearly have gotten lost. I was just chasing this white rabbit down this hole and then I remember a girl with a bottle of something that said, “Drink this...” and there was a long fall into darkness and suddenly a lot of flashing lights...
Yea people are reaching with this one.
It seems to me this is pretty normal in Hollywood-type circles.
Girls come to parties, guys whip out their cocks and jerk it.
It's probably a-ok 98% of the time, and then once in a while, one of these girls lose their shit and complain about it.
Hollywood preaches to us all day and night about how misogynistic and shit we are,
yet they're the ones who are actually treating women like subhumans over there and it's totally accepted.
Girls are men's playthings there and nothing more.
Liberals eating their own. He found out really quick friends are well below virtue signaling in the minds of liberals. Sad part is he pissed off nonlibs so he has nobody there to defend him.
>hey if you let me do something gross ill give you some benefit to your career
>no fuck off faggot
>same question
>gosh i have no power, its not like i could just go earn an honest living, I need to be on tv , you promise youll help me ? OK
>10 yrs later: i was assaulted
Yes but this will lead to laws surrounding false accusations.
good one breh
Well he's a mexican...
Are you that Hungarian guy who can identify a pornostar by his cock?
>no fuck off faggot
If Kevin Spacy touched my ass I would have slapped him in the face.
I wouldn't give a fuck if it would cost me my carreer.
My self respect is worth more than that.
I say no to my boss all the time about things that are not reasonable to me.
Some people say yes to shit they don't really want, and all that happens is people will walk over you more and more.
This is the issue:
The Left (80% of NuMales and Leftist Activists), is deadly serious about shutting down "toxic masculinity".
The bullshit Louis CK was doing and talking about - makes him a perfect target for Democrats/Activists.
Basically, this is the Leftists/Hillbots destroying their own.
He wasn't ever funny.
The shame and humiliation he must feel. He is probably locked in his apt. jerking off in exctasy right now
trying to piggy-back this with what may be instituionalized rape(s) and murder(s) in the over 10,000,000 crowd.
wow dude, you're a very cool guy with morals n sheeit
now good luck being that in fucking hollywood
if you don't understand the overarching hypocrisy of all this shit, then maybe you should pack your fucking bags and go back to shithole your parents crawled out of, you dumbfuck brainlet
Why are you trying to convince Sup Forums? We didnt cancel his tour dates, we didnt cancel his movie or drop his HBO specials. Go write a letter to the kikes that fired him if youre so mad about it
why because you watched his tv show? Listen to his stand up
A Mexican Jew with European heritage yes. Contrary to popular believe there is a huge population in Mexico of white European people.
>NYT writes a story about shit we've heard a million times before
>suddenly it becomes real and louis is forced to face the consequences
this is the thing that sort of weirds me out. NYT gets to decide when something becomes real and if the NYT isnt reporting it then it's just rumors and speculation
Wow, the jannies didn't like that. Got a 10 minute ban too. This is news, fuck you guys! Gore is fine but genitals are a no-no?
Again with just the link. Maybe the screenshot was too much.
Haven't demonstrated that yet, so no, but I'm pretty good at it too.
This. Pople don't understand what's going on here- this is just the fucking witch trials, and its only a matter of time before Jesslyn decides to say you raped her because she's pissed at you for providing an irrefutable point in an argument
Tosh may or may not be a nigger faggot, but he is for sure a homosexual male buttfucking faggot
Fuck Mexican bastard. Cant stand him.
If Kramer can still do comedy after the "nigger" fiasco all those years ago, surely Louis will still be active on the stand-up circuit. I wish he would go back to being on the radio all the time. Although there's no O&A equivalent anymore. Newfags will say he's an SJW cuck, but Louis used to be based. Just find his stuff from 2006~2010ish on the radio.
>galifinakis (sp?)
He is one of the WORST sjw faggots. Out of ALL the comics alive today he is actually one of the top 2 sjw nigger faggots. He is pure California liberal crazy (despite being from N Carolina)
he hasnt done anything interesting except for his work on TV FUNHOUSE
>ivory tower folk and bourgeois kikes lose their livelihoods and reputation
>eventually all these sluts will just be crying wolf
just sit back and enjoy the show senpai
I think someone is shilling this story because this shit was public years ago. Why the sudden influx of Louis CK threads? It was well-known that he does this kind of shit and his material wouldn't lead you to believe otherwise.
>"I'm a gross man who likes to jerk off"
Louis CK is total shit.
Looks at you with this sardonic smirk. Pushes a hard-left "we're all perverts" narrative.
NuMales love him and would sell their soul to Satan just for a ticket to his shows.
The people defending him or thinking he's a "great comic" are the same ones thinking Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell are perfect women.
>He is total shit
>Calls others numales while using reddit spacing
Kys nigger faggot
Feminists. They are attacking every male they can.
Louie is a piece of shit traitor though. He was pretending to be this edgy guy who says nigger a lot early in his career, then he turned leftie when he got big. Fuck him!
You realize you can be edgy AND liberal, right? Take my word for it. I voted for Bernie and I'm edgy as fuck.
>Louie is a piece of shit traitor though.
A Mexican Jew is a traitor? Colour me surprised.
> He was pretending to be this edgy guy who says nigger a lot early in his career, then he turned leftie when he got big.
He still says "nigger". Who cares if he does anyway? He never said anything that wasn't degenerate. Disrespecting his wife in public like the filthy kike he is for the sake of comedy. After he got divorced he was saying how cool divorce is and that his relationship with his wife has never been better. He gets the shower.
agreed. been wondering myself not if but when this starts trickling down to the common man.
I do not speak to women unless it's under my discretion and feel it's necessary. I will not be in the same room as a woman otherwise. If I am in a room, and a woman enters I inform her I am busy and tell her to leave. Women are not professionals, they are a liability
stand-up comedy is inherently degenerate. It's modern incarnation was born in Jew York, and then used to spread a modern form of the 'court jester', to entertain subversive thoughts into the minds of the loyal population, to turn them against their tradition and leadership. Stand-up Comedy belongs in New York, for New York only. The jews also used gangster rap in this way, to pull it out of it's extreme niche in ghetto suburbs and urbanites and spread it to the loyal, traditionalist population at large to degenerate them and turn them away from their leadership.
It's not a major "conspiracy", Jews run the publishing and broadcasting industries in their entirety. This is not a business to them, it is a weapon to be used against the population.
Time for another edition of "MGTOW defends a Jew". Except it's a Mexican Jew this time, which is kind of unique.
>Oy vey, las chicas
Comedian here. This is the tip of the iceberg with this faggot. The reason this is so big is because of what is not being said. These four female comedians came out about Louie. But there's tons of NYC female comedians who have waaaayyyy creepier stories about this faggot. It's been a known thing forever. Louie CK is a predator to young female comedians.
I detest feminism and female comedians are cancer. But this faggot deserves what's coming to him. Especially if we're playing by liberal rules which means he has to play by the rules he preaches which means he's fucked.
It should be illegal for someone with dual-citizenship to hold those positions. ESPECIALLY in the US Senate.
all pol does is spread false accusations lmao
>Comedian here
Post on Twitter or a picture of yourself, or you're not real.
Herb Kohl has been retired for 4 years. He is also a homosexual.
What type of a comedian?
Do you do crappy humour where you tell your life story in a retarded way or are you one of those dark types that just complains about how life is shit? Or both combined with more pile of shit making a megapile of shit like Bono?
Yeah. We just get all the subhuman little brown goblin ones though.
LARPing or not, his early reaction suggests that this is very much the case.
>But there's tons of NYC female comedians who have waaaayyyy creepier stories about this faggot.
guise. guise. i know things. i heard stories. just wait. wow really flarps my LARPs
He's a jewish pervert (redundant I know)
>Im a comedian
i bet you close with this joke and it fucking kills
I know a "comedian" who's said the same shit, and all his waiter-tier comedian friends in public all go "yeah yeah we all know about HIM wink wink" like they're being coy. None of them are on louis level, or associate with anyone "in the know", they just read all this shit online and use it like insider knowledge to lend credibility to themselves. Practically masturbating in font of everyone over the fact that they're comedians.