noone ever talks about the rohingya muslim genocide, tens of thousands of muslims are fleeing because theyre killed and raped. You guys only care about yourselves and are so scared of muslims for absolutely no reason other than fake prejudices. Be a little more open minded and see what is actually happening in the world, it's not all fairytales behind your walls.
The west needs to start caring about Rohinga muslim genocide
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about ragheads
why this bitch so sweaty maybe she would worry more bout gettin electricity and a fan or air conditioning instead of allah
The west does care
If we didn't we wouldn't be sending weapons to help kill the muzzies
These Muslims belong in Germany
this thread is pasta
do they care about us?
But I care very deeply about it and hope it continues in greater strength, OP.
>self defense is genocide
I smell a dirty ratfaced kike
it's just a fucking child
every sane person would if you were in that kind of situation
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.
Pock on Humanity.
Don't worry, Hans. We will take care of them. You only need to worry about Syrian.
But they're subhuman carriers of the worst mind plague in human history.
Yeah I'm sure this has nothing to do with China's newly laid down oil pipes through the area...
Shut the fuck up
Didn't the Myanmuzzies kill a bunch of missionaries?
They don't belong in myanmar, they belong in bangla desh where they come from.
Buddhists hate them because rohingya muslims do not want cohabitation, they just want to pillage, terrorize and replace indigenous population.
Do not fall for Un propaganda
See 1:38-1:46
It will only be up to the Muslims to decide if they want Co-existence with others, but since all they do is act violent, they have shown their answer to the masses that they wish not to Co-exist and see other beliefs as persona non grata.
They belong in Europe
Shut the fuck up.
>they just want to pillage, terrorize and replace indigenous population.
thats called cultural enrichment
>Rohinga muslim genocide
it's beautifull
i'd like to donate to Rohingas
Let the fuckers rot in hell! Third world trash!
I'll start caring when Muslims start caring about us.
fuck off. nobody cares about these niggers.
I'm Buddhist now.
Peace be with you fuckers.
theres literally nothing mudslimes and the cucked eurocuck countries can do.
i love it
>launch large scale attacks against the state
>get shit pushed in
>why do they presecute us so
>UN halp we're being oppressed
imagine being so trash even buddhists want to genocide you
There are 4.4 billion asians in the planet, the world could lose at least 4.4 billion of them.
Fuck you, OP.
>be muslim
>mass migrate to Buddhist country
>they tolerate you with peace and love and shit because that's how they do
>but then you start murdering them, stealing and making the crime rates sky rocket
>surprised when they start killing you all
I only wish we did the same.
>of the worst mind plague in human history.
i doubt they have white guilt
me too
>hey goy! look at them! they've got blue eyes too! they're human too! you need to take them in!
The blue eyed shitskin is an overused Jewish trick.
has the question ever occurred to you what they must have done to piss off buddhists so much that they are treating them this way ?
No, we don't. Shitskin parasite.
I care more about the burmese buddists keeping their country than the mudlsimes taking over another part of the world.
God bless Myanmar.
Fuck off, roach
When I see other Muslims condemning instead of exonerating wrongdoings. They can join the denouncing group but you never C this.
Rohingyian muslims are also kilked by neighbouring bangladeshi muslims.
They're basically jews in the way the practice Islam.
Nobody likes a jew.
Brits was the one who brought them there tho.
>eternal *nglo strikes again
Right. The west should care.
>send more Muslims to Germany.
Have a you seen the live videos of these “people”? They look like mud coloured animals
Literally 60%+ Muslim.
Kill yourself.
Honestly the only place where muslims actually came in and helped the nation was the Qin when they were fighting those fucking Ming.
>third world tragedies are swept under the rug despite being more horrific than nearly anything we’ve experienced in decades
more news at 11
>the west needs to start caring about Rohinga muslim genocide
Or what?
969 for life.
>You guys only care about yourselves and are so scared of muslims for absolutely no reason other than fake prejudices.
Not scared, just recognizing them as enemies. I have over a thousand years of my country's history full of reasons why they should be seen as enemies.
>Be a little more open minded and see what is actually happening in the world
We do, and it's hilarious. Muslims all over the globe celebrated 9/11, Sup Forumsacs all over the world celebrate based buddhists removing kebab.
Good. I hope they all die screaming.
>Or what?
Or they will start suicide-bombings and shit.
It's the same thing as with "stop accusing muslims of being terrorists or they will turn into terrorists".
I couldn't care less, they got this because they act like a plague. Buddhists are only reacting to it in order to survive and conserve their culture.
Liberals want us to think that muslims are the eternal victims.
I can't pretend to speak for everyone like you Germans like to, but I for one fully support the massacre. I hope those based Buddhist bros annihilate those muzzie invaders.
based macaroni-kun
It's so good to see the same "people" that ignore or outright mock the genocide happening in south africa start whining about this.
those faggots are getting their heads bashed in, who gives a shit.
all the fucking bangladeshi mudskins should be killed and raped and killed again
>see goyium! there is one freak with blue eyes, go and save them!
no. I hope the rest of the world follows suit.
If they need any volunteers to finish wiping the scum out I'm game. Especially if I can have one of those sweet old bolt action rifles I've seem them using.
>somehow I'm supposed to believe bhuddist monks, literally THE religion of peace, are monsters while vile muslims, who shit everywhere they go, are victims
>Sharia law promotes violence, rape, execution of LGBT people, and war
>Muslim immigrants literally turning every country they mass immigrate to into rape and violence filled shit holes
>"scared of muslims for absolutely no reason"
Muslim genocide is the best argument for genocide I've ever seen
No one ever talks about the White Genocide occuring in Africa. Farmers who want to grow food being killed in numbers 4x higher than the national averages.
Disgusting and degenerate.
Rohingyas are not clean. You need to sanitize yourself and your mind.
i fled burma myself in 1988 because i was a student and protesting on the streets.
the Burmese millitary still rule and they are killing Rohinga just like they are killing the other minorities.
there is a underground network growing to fight the millitary junta with the pen and the sword and the movement is growing everyday.
its a pact betweern Shan Kachin Mon Arakanese/Rohinga Karen.
rohinga is controlled opposition by the Millitary shadow goverjment aswell as the buddhist nationalist.
China building a pipelin in rakhine state (coinsidence?)
Fuck tatmadaw. go civil movement and democracy.
Burma needs to be a federal democracy otherwise it will always be a shit country and a puppet state of China
Can't wait untill every German Subhuman cuck is finally killed or becomes slaves. Fucking G*rman fags, I hate Europeans so much.
in Burma Genoicide is self defence.
this is a regular policy that is used by the millitary goverment
They're not being genocided. That's a fucking lie. Thety're being kicked out of Myanmar after they invaded, burned Buddhist temples, raped Buddhist women, killed Buiddhist men, and once again proved they're incompatible with the rest of humanity.
They're the victims of nothing. But the leftist narrative is one of depicting Muslims as the eternal victims of their own bullshit.
>use a pic of a kid to guit-trip
Figures. The left just never stops manipulating.
you fucking leave you dont have any culture. youre ancestors where peasants who fled europe
not white, could give a fuck m8
Based Pizza-puffer?
Americuck thats what the burmese say to 40% of the population.
Rohinga are the best black sheep to distract the international media.
they want to create a ISIS cell in Rakhine so that the Junta has a exuse to organise another coupe.
divide and rule
It's the muslims fault, the Buddhists are doing nothing wrong, just like him. Hail Victory
Oh that image of a sad child really made me think :^(
shell zit al lekker te boren in myanmar vergeet dat niet kameraad
Fuck off Dyke nigger
well it's like splitting hairs they're both terrible. It's like comparing aids to cancer. Good post leaf wish more of you made posts like this
you fuck off you dont have any culture.
go fund some jewish state or something
>Start a bunch of shit and illegally enter a country
>Cause tons of fucking trouble for the local buddhists for decades
>Finally the buddhists have had enough of your shit
>Start demanding your own laws and country
>Buddhists finally pushed beyond the point of return and all hell breaks loose
Why would I support people who pissed off the most patient religious practitioners in the world? Buddhists monk are well beyond the average in tolerance and emotional calm, if you pissed them off you clearly fucked up beyond any other group of people would allow.
> We need to take in millions of Iraqis.
> We need to take in millions of Afganis.
> We need to take in millions of Libyans.
> We need to take in millions of Rohinga.
Hmmm what do all these people have in common goyim?
This. I don't a fucking toss about derka derka mohammed jihads and I hope they all get mass graved.
That's a child? I thought it was a 90 year old.
id rather have "no culture" then one that bends over for muslim dick.
leave my country, nigger
Yep I agree we have to learn how Myanmar purges these muslims so effectively. Can't wait till we can do the same thing here.
a prime example of persuasion gone terribly wrong. good job, OP.
Muslims cause problems in every country they are allowed in.
B-but this one has green eyes goyim, they're basically white! Pls accept all 100,000,000 of them as refugees kthnx
Those things are still alive?
WTF! Get rid of them already.
Your decadent morality is a liability in a world we no longer dominate
This. This is why your country is taking it up the ass from Muzzscum. Take the Rohingya in, German faggot, and watch your women and children get raped more. Their goodly neighbors don't wanna take them in cos they're FUCKING TERRORISTS YOU DUMB FUCKING CUNT
The primary targets are fighting aged men and the news plays it as only women and children. For this reason alone I know to side with the other faction.
Plus, who the fuck is so terrible that they make Buddhists violent?
>literally THE religion of peace
It is not, it's one of those narratives everyone likes to believe - it is why western socio-liberals have such big problem with Rohingya
Even Pigs cannot live there
ok now that im done screaming at the brain dead OP who is obviously a moslem invader in germany, i can say any country that is invaded by moslems who steal kill and rape has a duty to protect its own people by identifying the invaders, rounding them up and deporting them. if they resist they have to be neutralized. the jihadist threat cannot be ignored
I have never seen a bhuddist burn cars in France, or slaughter people, or drive over people, or being criminals. French jail aren't populated by 70% buddhists. I have absolutely no reason to believe an islamist newspaper like the times or le monde that tells me buddhists are bad people "genociding" mudslimes at the other side of the world.