You just hate homos.
There's literally NO proof that "Muh degeneracy" is actually bad for society
Other urls found in this thread:
The destruction of the family’s unit isn’t bad for society?
How many children have been produced as a result of homosexuality?
muh degeneracy is a symptom of a sick society, not the cause.
Hard men make good times,
Good times make soft men,
Soft men make hard times,
Hard times make good men.
>NO proof
1 post by this ID
>population making less children
>country has to import niggers and muslims to not collapse on itself
yeah its great for society to depend on other countries just to exist because you allow mentally ill people to pollute your country
high rate of STDs
high murder rate between partners
AIDS basically gay
turning people into mutilated morons
not having kids - import muslims
not bad, not bad at all
> no proofs
It would be incredibly insensitive for liberal progressives to investigate (((themselves))) to see if they were actually doing damage to society. There is no government money in it. Therefor it will never habben. In the desperate search for (((you’s))) the human will become slaves to its (you) dopamine hit.
Facebook and Sup Forums are like crack and we are all addicts. I’ve given up tv and soon I will give up Sup Forums.
((You)) have been warned.
Further reading down the rabbit hole
Book of Jonah
English Standard version. God knew all along what we were because he created us. My question is why he created us this way? What was the point? Where is this desperate search for (((you’s))) going to lead us?
aids and weaker people weaker people = weak socity
And? What am I not allowed to hate people now?
Us gays have nothing to do with you being a social failure. Or your inability to attract a woman. Let alone one willing to reproduce with you.
Want to know what's wrong with society? It's you.
Let me tell you something.
The problem is not degeneracy per se.
The problem is it is being used as a tool of control.
It weaks the mind of people, it makes them slaves of their own pleasures. There is nothing wrong in seeking pleasure, but being the slave of it means being the slave of those who cater for it... And you live for it rather than thanks to it.
In such context, pleasure is like an addiction. So that you can easily be manipulated. It is not the icing on your cake. It is the fucking cake and you have to live with it.
Of course, people in power have an interest in more weak minded people depending on them.
Similarly, other weak minded people will feel comfortable if there are others who join their ranks.
This is exactly where the capitalist jew meets the socialist scum.
This is also where the corporative elite meets the layman proletarian Nazi.
We, as free people, ought to shield ourselves from both those who try to control us and those who are weak-minded and would like us to join their ranks.
Resistance goes both ways. So now don't tell me it's gay hate... It is hate for propaganda that starts with sexuality to eventually enter our pockets and our ballots.
The state will solve the reproduction problem by eliminating the need for a man and a woman to come together for reproduction.
Alduls Huxley anybody? Brave new world? Hello?
Read it.
1931 we were warned.
Maybe, not sure which is the chicken or the egg. However the degeneracy definitely serves as a feedback loop to degrade society and bring it out more
I'll just pluck my eyes out now. WTF? Evil shit is going to exist in this world. But the real problem is exhibitionists and pervs who want to talk about it- and now, post pictures about it. Even people who are supposedly against debauchery LOVE to repeat it and publicize it. geez. Get a room.
The most important discussion on Sup Forums today is this thread. Sooooo sad.
Another thread talking about the same stuff
It's not us. God hates fags.
I like boys more than girls
Sickness is not the cause of death when you die by sickness.
The real cause is a incompetente inmune system...
Come on you retard... Is a negative feedback loop.
Degeneracy create weakness and weakness creates degeneracy.
There's literally NO proof that gassing faggots is actually bad for society
That's still a positive feedback loop. Negative feedback loops correct to stay at a certain value
>hating gays
How is that bad?
Lesbian, gay, or bisexual?
discord gg/N4b7nb
Making people repress homosexuality is a lot more damaging thanot just letting them do whatever
>pleasure is an addiction
Sounds like you have self control problems user
Being a faggot shouldn't be an overwhelming aspect of your identity.
Is being straight a part of your identity?
I think the point went over your head there fella
Answer me.
Roastie slampig pussy is literally killing cucks and chads alike
You know adoption and surrogates exist right?
What is the “family unit” and why is it important?
You do know what reading comprehension is right? Read it again slowly
>You just hate homos.
Interesting how the fall of almost every great civilization has a correlation with increased degenerate behavior.
An increase and acceptance of degenerate behavior is a warning sign of impending collapse
A weak spirit is the real cause. Degeneracy was allowed to exist.
The intact nuclear family (father, mother, children) is the most stable and effective method of raising children that will lead to proper development and raise the chances if success in the child's future which in term benefits society by producing and active member rather than a negative parasitic drain on a nation's resources.
>children of either a single parent or fag parents statistically end up worse off than children of normal parents
thats why you stupid britbong. go prep Mohammad to plow your aids riddled husband.
>be god
>make man
>give man asshole
>fill ass with shit to discourage playing with it
>man still insists on putting penis in butt
>get so pissed you level two cities over it
>calm down
>man makes civilization
>gets fat
>insists on putting dicks in again
>take the subtle approach
>give AIDs to the gays
>man still insists on dipping dick in the shit bucket
>take a more direct approach
>give man was cancer
>now colons are ribbed for pleasure
>give up
>try the whole experiment somewhere else
>this time without assholes
Link to the cited study seeing how biased that site is:
From what I gather, the risks aren’t that much greater (if at all) than heterosexual sex.
Fucking Disgusting!.
Just go migrate in Poo in loo!.
>Muslims entering Europe, mass raping/kidnappings
>is nearly illegal to report on it in several countries
if that isn't proof I don't know what it is.
>There's literally NO proof that gassing people named Greg is actually bad for society
Literally no
How many straight identity movements are there? How many straight pride parades and straight politicians using their sexuality as a voting point have you seen?
What a sad, miserable and boring failure you must be to emphasize what you want to stick your dick into as a corner stone of your identity and life achievements
Science on gays as parents:
Parental Sexual Orientation and Children's Psychological Well-Being: 2013–2015 National Health Interview Survey:
Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School:
Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.
How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?
Australia gay parenting survey:
>1 post
sage, and redpill you fucks.
No. I've had sex once in my life on my wedding night in the missionary position strictly for the purpose of procreation.
But my wife had an orgasm during it so I stoned that bitch to death.
Now I just fuck traps.
Why do fags use the same debate tactics as roasties? Really made me think
>these sources
>what we know
Straight into the trash faggot
Homosexuals make up 2 percent of the US population yet account for 30 percent of child sexual abuses.
All studies in the topic of child rearing indicate intact mother ans father parenthoods raise the most successful children.
>fag flag
>not my identity btw
Is AIDS/HIV bad for society?
Is sexual abuse bad for society?
Is a culture of heavy drug use, particularly methanphetamine, bad for society?
Is unsustainable population demographics bad for society?
Is promiscuity bad for society?
Is sexualization of children bad for society?
I don't care if people want to stick dicks up each other's asses, I care about all the toxicity that infests gay culture.
You're a retard. Just look at the fall of Greece and Rome.
>posts a picture of sexual deviants acting like degenerates in public
>thinks this a example of pushing straight identity
Literally no one in your pic would be shouting about "straight pride" or "straight rights" like you faggots do. They're just acting like a bunch of horny animals
Slide thread.
yea I know
specially now that sexual diseases are comming to a halt It's the first time ever this is tried, so far it works but Pol hates it because they hate people having fun
>be god
>make man
>give him prostate that is readily stimulated through the bumhole
>man literally has a button that makes receiving anal pleasurable that women don’t have
>threaten man with hellfire if he takes advantage of prostate stimulation
Either God is a cunt or the Jews that wrote the bible are.
I'm a fag and I fucking hate homos
So brave! This is the future our ancestors died for and I couldn't be happier!
It relativize the meaning of being a man
Is that the guy from that picture holding an avacado in whole foods or some shit? lol
you should be working to sustain your civilization and progress it. spend your time advancing the human race and contributing to the betterment of all mankind.
i have no problem with gay people whatsoever. i do however, have a problem with worthless trash. stop being worthless trash, being a homosexual does not automatically mean you have to dress like a unicorn and show your penis to kids in the weekend to express your rights.
Some OC from local library
Yes, she is a transgender "man".
Increase in divorce and single mothers is already enough proof
Would you rather be in intense pain from pressure on the prostate when you take a shit or have a decent experience?
>this feels good
>therefore I should be able to do it without consequences
>god created them
>everything is gods plan
>gods plan is going terrible wrong accoring to god
>a wild lucifer arises from chaos and seizes power
>he says: do what thou wilt
>mankind is free finally
>smith machine
>no plates
>quarter of a rep
Why even go to the gym
Gays statistically have shorter relationships and more partners. They are more likely to have been abused as a child and/or have an abusive partner. Further, most child abuse are perpetrated by someone close to the child who was abused as a child themselves. This is the perfect storm for creating abuse and doesn't even address the likely terrible upbringing such an unstable parent dynamic would be.
Could have been a happy wife with two to three kids and a dog
Nah I'll cover myself in tatoos, lop my tits off and grow a beard. Now my life has meaning!
>you are still the most powerful nation
>greeks were peak degenerate in their Golden age
>Rome was an Empire of incestual zoophilic elites that lasted a thousand years
1) everyone's temptations and trials in life are different
2) We have agency so we have the free will to defy God
3) Lucifer tricks us into becoming slaves of hedonism while pretending we're "more free"
4) hedons are empty and depressed inside and can't figure out why because life has no meaning or structure
All sounds very correct, but how are you trying to jew us with this insight?
"God" is a cunt and if he exists he is our enemy
he wanted a race of slaves
but we choosed freedom
exceptional propaganda you got over here, good work not thinking for yourself
Every great civilization in history just called, they said you're totally right none of their collapses had anything to do with degeneracy keep on sucking dick
Yes so?What will stop me from beating your ass to death for being a homo?
You can present as many studies as you want, we're not leaving you fuckers alone with children.
Take a couple uppers and go get fisted to death like a good fag.
>posts a screenshot of an article completely irrelevant to the subject matter
Fantastic debating skills faggot
Just because its trendy for my godforsaken generation to be their own uniques flavor of faggot doesn't take away from the fact that children raised in an intact nuclear family have the highest chance for sucess in life, or that kids in raised by gay couples are disproportionately sexually abused by their parents
>realicing that this world is yours and this live is your only now is bad, because i need pappy god telling me what to do
man is only a bridge, a rope over the abiss, in it's quest to become an angel now is worth less than an ape, but if it wants to become something more he must cross
Classic response from a Satanist. "Freedom is having no rules or boundaries." Sounds good until you realize it destroys any potential to ascend as greater being. Like congratulations, you're basically acting like a dog.
>muh degeneracy is a symptom of a sick society, not the cause.
its actually both you dumb kike
I could say the exact same thing about christcucks, cuck