I'm very interested in why or how some ethnicities seem immune to charges of racism. For instance...

I'm very interested in why or how some ethnicities seem immune to charges of racism. For instance, my impression is Jewish people and Japanese people generally don't give a rat's ass if some sjw-type labels them "racist", whereas most European and European-stock fall all over themselves with feelings of guilt and shame and feel the necessity to apologize, etc. I admire Jews and Japanese with not being overly impressed with that kind of shit. Like, "You're saying I'm racist? Okay, and why should that bother me again?". They seem to have somehow collectively rejected that sort of programming. Theories on why that may be? Simply higher intelligence?

post bestiam
sequam serpentus
the truth is not taken lightly

Irish people give no fucks
Trust me

Because they see "racism" as a strength, and so should you.

This hot blonde White girl is dating a Japanese guy. Feeling racist yet?

>This hot blonde White girl is dating a Japanese guy. Feeling racist yet?
Her Asian boyfriend

>>This hot blonde White girl is dating a Japanese guy. Feeling racist yet?

They are scared, basically they need to fucking die.

Of course not. Why would I?

>I'm very interested in why or how some ethnicities seem immune to charges of racism.

Absence of white guilt due to not being white. Simple as that, cunt. /thread and sage

He's pretty hot, I'd suck his dick.

you should try naming the jew, see if they don't give a rat's ass

You mean real Irish people, I take it? The kind born and raised in Ireland? Because an overwhelming number of white Americans seem to have some percentage of Irish ancestry in addition to whatever other European roots, but they are most certainly not immune to being called racist. White Americans seem more susceptible to this idiocy than anyone else on the planet, and it's such a glaring and widespread fault that it's no wonder that sort of verbiage has been weaponized. It's to the point where some Americans might actually go into cardiac arrest if those charges were levelled at them, and I have a hard time understanding why

>What is rudimentary reading comprehension
Fuck off, that's not an answer. "White guilt" isn't the subject of my thread, user.

yeah, that little kid is hot, huh?

idk, it's rare to see other races here

even when I see other races, they seem fine

both righties and lefties are somehow trying hard to prove that Japanese are racist for some reason

That's exactly what I'm saying. Jews have convinced Goys they're pure evil if they so much as much as accuse Hebrews of enjoying bagels, whereas you can tell a group of Jews that they probably want to exterminate all Arabs, and the Jews are very likely going to laugh their asses off and say, "Well, that's obvious." They generally couldn't care less on a personal level, because that sort of reactive programming is plainly manipulative and idiotic to them. And obviously they're right

Yeah, very often when the subject of Japan comes up in the states, people will vaguely allude to the Japanese seeing other Asians as inferior and that sort of thing. Personally, I honestly DO see Japan and it's citizens as vastly superior to the people of other Asian nations, and I'm not even Asian, I'm just American of British ancestry. Probably if any American ever hears racist shit directed at all non-Japanese Asians it's from someone like myself, and NEVER from actual Japanese or Japanese-Americans

'cause we never enslaved foreign races outside of wartime desperation, though we should have (koreans)

racism towards other asians in Japan is kinda complicated

I don't think people overseas understand this

it's mostly about Japan-born Koreans.

they speak Japanese perfectly and have two names that are Japanese name and Korean name

we usually can't tell who is actually Japan-born Korean in usual activities

they can live as a perfectly normal Japanese in most of the times

but there are many conspiracy theories about them because of that

and there are people who think they are cancerous people and hiding

If white people can't get their shit together, hopefully Japan and Korea will inherit the Earth and sort out their differences

Why do you hate Koreans so much?

>whereas most European and European-stock fall all over themselves with feelings of guilt and shame and feel the necessity to apologize, etc

Philosophy. Jews and Japanese were never under the of influence of Western (post-)modern philosophy.

Jewish media, immigrants on social media liking and posting white guilt nonsense, etc

Look at the eyes. Part Sami