uhmm.... pol?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Affirmative action
Fuck off nigger.
can't be affirmative action because they are actually getting degrees you tard, it may be easier for them to get into college but they also FINISH it. BTFO
What's the cut off marks in Universities for Black people?
>85 iq
Ummm, okay, sounds likely
>It can't be affirmative action because they finished their degree.
You're a stupid nigger and deserve to be shot for being so stupid.
There aren't any
None, blacks are pushed through US high schools (usually with top marks, assuming they come to class with a pulse), then they're pushed through US colleges.
what degrees do they have again?
>A degree in African studies
Really noggles my boggles
Wtf Iove affirmative action now
Looks like black women are now the most privileged people in the country.
Wut? I thought they had affirmative actions?
We have affirmative actions here in India.
african studies majors
>require 670 pts less on SAT than asian males to get in
>take advantage of the easiest path into college by majoring in "communications" or "why am I so oppressed"
>wonder why they can't find jobs in the real world that only cares about your actual ability
Just go into the archive and look up one of the other 500 threads that debunk this retarded article.
With the way you phrased he sentence, it came off as "at what point are blacks not allowed to enter university because of their marks (grades)".
Try rephrasing, Pajeet.
Cut off marks == minimum marks required to get into Uni/College.
Different races have different cut off marks, right?
how ironic, yet still the most idiotic
>require 670 pts less on SAT than asian males to get in
What the fuck? This is discrimination.
>give everyone a degree
>act surprised when it's worth nothing because it's useless and everyone has one
Yep cuz my social work degree iz valuble to ppl who needs help.
t. Nubian Queen
That's affirmative action. We have it in India as well.
Yes, we're saying that blacks essentially have to exist and show up to class in order to get into college. They will be given high marks if they attempt to hand in school work/stay in class long enough to take a test.
That's all? Wtf?
>Black women finally go to school the most
>School has become a liberal indoctrination camp
>Niggers still loose
Im sure they are going to do great things with those womans studies degrees.
yes, that's literally all they have to do is show up and they get a passing grade because their niggers.
Not really surprising. White women today are pure degeneracy. Completely unsalvageable.
Look up "who I got into med school pretending to be black"
It was even performed by one of your countrymen.
>social science degree
>black wumens gettin al dem degrees n sheit
>clearly states they're underrepresented in STEM
lol they just got meme degrees not worthy of being subjects like African and gender studies. Anyone can pass those classes that understand the hierarchy of privilege. Those are literally post-modernist meme degrees. The founders of post-modernism literally intentionally got diseases to reduce their privilege. Fucking subjects envisioned by retarded lepers and homosexual syphilitic rejects.
Wow, they can print Hello World to the console.
Is it for the lower casts? Or do you have different races?
It's all to look good on paper so Dems can pretend theyre helping the black community
Sheboons are given a pass because failing a sheboon is RACISS
You see, high schools and colleges get government subsidies for being "successful". To be "successful", they need to pass as many students as possible regardless of student academic proficiency. In the case of blacks, it's even more important that they are allowed to pass both high school and college; generally speaking, the more blacks an institution has, the more federal funding they get with less oversight for said funding.
Not to mention the fact that they get good press for having a "diverse" (black) student body and "facilitating black achievement" (passing blacks through without regard to their ability).
Educated in what?
There are so many pointless, meaningless things to study that having a degree or whatever doesn't mean all that much anymore.
Unfortunately, the bars have been lowered so much that educated is now a subjective term.
>Muh wimminz and negroid studies degree is just as valid as any other
>When someone gives me their burger/coffee order I'll proudly make it becuase I know I'm better than them
this times infinity
>but they also FINISH it.
Which requires being a nigger, showing up most of the time, and not committing too many felonies.
Really the bar has been lowered so much nobody who even shows up occasionally ever fails out of college here, particularly not mud races.
This. I live in an area that is almost entirely all black and every single college brochure/advertisement around here is filled with niggers that have never stepped foot in this state.
The University systems across the board are Marxists shitfests of varying degree from indoctrination tier to gulag tier.
Good. Now they have no excuses for their niggerness.
thinking everyone in college is treated the exact same, and blacks arent given special treatment. Retard
Jewish news for sure.
I would almost guarantee that even if they are the "highest educated group" in America, they are still low on the skills spectrum because of the types of education they pursue.
So this is why education in Americunt is failing
Being a white man in a state university was hellish, probably the most demoralizing thing I've ever done and I had to involuntarily commit my father to a psych ward for violent schizophrenia.
Education, is that what is meant by knowing which pimp still hires black women?
True, but that doesn't really matter either because companies are encouraged by the government to hire minorities.
Also, there are entire corporate and government divisions created solely to employ minorities in middle class jobs (IE: civil service, HR, etc.)
I am 34 so when I was in college it wasn't nearly as visibly bad. I was also cut off from the rest of the campus due to STEM so that helped.
>double oppressed person attains worthless degree
oh my
In India, the caste breakdown is-
30% are General castes which is the "high castes"
41% are OBC- other backward castes
28% are Schedule castes and schedule tribes( the lowest)
Everyone other than General castes have some affirmative actions.
Ahhh, this. Yeah I've seen this.
those double-doubles!
heres what a black student turned in for a final exam essay and got an A-
>On the evening of December Rosa Parks decided that she was going to sit in the white people section on the bus in Montgomery, Alabama. During this time blacks had to give up there seats to whites when more whites got on the bus. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Her and the bus driver began to talk and the conversation went like this. “Let me have those front seats” said the driver. She didn’t get up and told the driver that she was tired of giving her seat to white people. “I’m going to have you arrested,” said the driver. “You may do that,” Rosa Parks responded. Two white policemen came in and Rosa Parks asked them “why do you all push us around?” The police officer replied and said “I don’t know, but the law is the law and you’re under arrest.
I shot you not. An A- for a college final essay
Rosa Parks, made famous by being a typical lazy nigger.
>50,000 black women get degrees in social work
>25,000 white men get degrees in STEM
>Black women are the most educated and least paid
>Muh cis white male patriarchal supremacist privilege
Just fall already, west.
>whites are racist
>paypal me
Where my gibs at?
Even the rat people?
Does that mean we can stop the Affirmative Action PRIVILEGE now?
and This
>Educated in what?
>There are so many pointless, meaningless things to study that having a degree or whatever doesn't mean all that much anymore.
You mean those faggots who worship rats?
It's not a thing. At all.
They're mostly low caste people who used to follow some sort of folk religion. Later they incorporated their beliefs into Hinduism.
Sorta rare, yes.
The rat hunters aren't real?
Rat hunters? Wut? You mean the temple where rats come to drink milk?
That's great and all, but what about Black men? They have the highest dropout rate
This is without exaggerating exactly what happens. They even realize that it happens to them, but thats even more reason for them to do nothing. Why waste time on actually learning if you know it makes literally no difference whether you pass or fail?
Imagine if the press lied as casually as this for our politics.
>Black women have the ability to bitch you to death
I wouldn't be surprised, honestly.
Just in, black women own most student debt in America. How can we fix this?
This will be a headline in 2 years.
a refutation of the article/claim
So, it's upto the teachers? Like, wtf?
"How white men and racism ruined a generation of young black women"
There's your headline.
...in easy arts degrees from grad programs with no standards
wtf, an Indian that speaks proper English?!
social study and art is not a real degree.
my waifu is black
can confirm that she tries to kill me with chants regularly for not taking out the garbage or getting drunk on a weekday with coworkers.
All degrees are created equal?
no but seriously, why is the English of your fellow patriots so broken?
Good. White Supremacy BTFO. Now all the niggers and their cucks can quit crying about it and "muh White Privilege!!"
lol, when the conquered finally make something of themselves, how cute. welcome to white collar slavery dip shits.
educated in what? dindunuffin?
yet there is still no correlation between education and intelligence.
Plus aren't degrees more or less just freely given to black women?
Much better!
We are formerly of Regal lineage and such.
every other black girl has taken courses or whatever to have a job in medical down in the south it's just a massive black female dominated sector and they help each other pass etc.
i worked at a nursing home when i was young just cause my mom was a manager there and i seen allot of girls being hired for a year as something else while taking the classes and paperwork needed to slowly work there way into being a nurse while not making the qualifications for actual medical school.
What happened to /pol?
93 replies and nobody has pointed out the key flaw in their argument.
Black women are ACCEPTED into universities at higher rates. They aren't even getting the most degrees.
know a white chick at an HBCU, when enough of them, ze blacks, dont pass a test they just lower the standard so more of them pass...and then treat the white kids who did pass like shit for actually doing the work. black women may be getting degrees but no ones saying they're all qualified or competent
(((educateD )))
we had this thread yesterday
but I guess we can finally remove affirmative action