Hi Sup Forums, I just got my German citizenship today, now I can travel to over 150 couintries without a visa ! AMA,
Hi Sup Forums, I just got my German citizenship today, now I can travel to over 150 couintries without a visa ! AMA
leave, pajeet
gratz, where are you originialy from?
Mehmet pls go away
Go back to your shit country we dont want you here
Why tho, I like it here
show flag bet you are not even german.
You are the reason Merkels name will be despised in years to come
lmao saved
why did you left Aghanistan? becouse of war? Hope you integrate here and learn german if you dont already.
you mean get reelected again?
Kill yourself sandnigger
> in years to come
germany won't exist in years to come so that's a non-argument
u filthy poo
I guess you do because the German authorities put me through like 3 years of rigorous background screenings and tests to determine whether I was criminal or welfare leech and they couldn't find any shit on me. Naturalisation is not monkey business
Thanks man, well I came with my parents when I was 13, they didn't flee war per see but economic disparity. I've been here for 10 years and did my Abitur and now I'm studying engineering in a TU so German language is not an issue :)
>escaping war torn country
>leaving women and children behind to defend tehmselves against armed muslims.
This is the reason why you should never show your face in public you faggot.
Very good point.
Guess what, I'm an American and I can travel to more. Fuck off, sand nigger.
>I've been here for 10 years and did my Abitur and now I'm studying engineering in a TU so German language is not an issue :)
Hast mehr erreicht als die meisten Idioten hier auf pol, hast dir deinen Pass verdient. Ich hoffe du bleibst Deutschland treu auch wenn momentan schwierige Zeiten sind.
I don't like Merkel either but it is undeniable that her policies have made Germany an economic super power.
>Existence already ended years ago
Not everyone can fight, refugees will always exist in every war. And I didn't have a choice because I was a kid when my parents decided to leave Afghanistan.
>not everyone can fight
As long as you can breathe and as long as you care for your people you can fight.
you shit, you will be recognised from 5 miles away. and you will be beaten von der polizei.
they chop your balls away and make your cock 50% smaller. you must loud crying i hate allah!
no, it costs very much to be a german......you didnt know? you can eat your pass.
Her "policies" might wreck the country now, you have to ask yourself this, "Would you like to live in Afghanistan, again?" Because that's what you are getting if the trend continues.
>inb4 laughable claims of serious large-scale integration happening ever
Haha es ist leider nur Online dass die Leute so polarisiert sind und großen Maul habe, im normalen Leben sind 99% der Deutschen äußerst tolerant und freundlich. Und ich lebe ja auch im Osten wo der Ausländeranteil ziemlich gering ist und es immer gesagt wird dass die Menschen hier so engstirnig sind, habe aber bis jetzt nur positive Erfahrungen gemacht :))
Why though, it's amazing to be a European
Do german girls really fuck those ugly 30 year olds? That's really odd tbqhfam
This makes me physically sick.
Rest in peace Deutschland
Rope yourself cuck
Now I'm sad. I hope you die in the next terror attack.
Germany is for Germans.
RIP Germany
1871- 1945
Fühlst du dich der Kultur zugehörig, oder möchtest du die Leute konvertieren?
lol no the police are freindly and always ready to help
I don't think Germany can turn into Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a landlocked country with no rivers and rough terrain, very little arable land, shit climate for farming etc, shit institutions, corruption etc. Germany is the opposite. If the immigration levels are controlled people can get integrated into the economy and embrace the German work ethic and industrial spirit
Seeing as you've posted on pol and not int you're clearly baiting to stir shit
how i can be a refugee like you and get citizenship
Have you embraced and fully assimilated into German culture?
That's the only situation in which I would find this acceptable, it makes you one of us. Anything less than total assimilation (hanging Afghani flag on your car like Cubans do in the US, isolating yourself in a familiar Muslim community, etc) would deserve death. Also do you despise the inpouring of hordes of refugees that will never assimilate?
What day you, true citizen or traitor?
Another fucking roach. GTFO of my country
OP is a fag. Not responding to the guy posting in German. Speaking English like an American.
>let me tell you about your continent
are you even huwite?
The absolute state of Germany
Just get in a boat, start heading north them poke a few holes in the boat and embrace Allah's will.
Please don't kill or rape anyone during your stay, and return to where you belong as soon as possible
Also ich bin ja anders aufgewachsen und daher habe ich natürlich ein anderes Bild von Werten und Sitten vermittelt bekommen als was "typisch Deutsch" gelten würde. Aber nach so vielen Jahren in Deutschland finde ich dass ich sehr gut integriert bin und keine Probleme mit Menschen anderer Lebensweise habe
Haha ne, das ist mir zu aufwändig
Kill yourself Hans
I think North Africans can't apply for asylum anymore, I may be wrong though
You speak German?
Did you censor your face or not? I cannot see.
>If the immigration levels are controlled
pretty big IF there, mate
>people can get integrated into the economy and embrace the German work ethic and industrial spirit
like the turks in the 60's and 70's, right?
You have only enjoyed "positive Erfahrungen" to this point because the government has criminalized any criticism of you and the policies that brought you in. They smile to your face, but hate your guts. Eventually, their tolerance for being replaced will hit a breaking point, and the change will be so abrupt you will neither understand nor have time to react to it.
third world vermin has made Germany a super power?
why?are you syrian ?
Türke oder Kurde?
You're literally saying "no, you don't need to assimilate, I prefer my country to be invaded and destroyed by Muslims than to accept this burguer Is right" how fucking jealous do you have to be to get in this state.
I don't think "full assimilation" is even possible because what is understood under "German culture" is very different from city people (leftists) to rural in East Germany (traditional and conservative). But yeah people who have chosen a country as their home but still have some allegiance to the homeland of their forefathers are dumb and tribal. Not interested in that.
Gtfo of the West dunecoon.
Go to North Korea and bring me back a poster.
>german culture
Don't think that's right, I have worked a lot in local industries and and small businesses in metal industry, even the most working class who are generally demonised as bigots are friendly and tolerant. If you speak the language, obey the law and are willing to work for your buck no one has a problem.
fuck off, a foreigner is a foreigner
acting != being
Then you are German if that's true.
Resist the ones who are not putting in the work and sacrifice you are.
Most importantly. Resist the political parties and their puppeteers who embrace them over you.
Try not to fuck shit up and accept that you're and invasor, an external force in this country, try to be good one at least.
Not gonna tell you who to date or what to do with your life, but your actions in your community matters, don't destroy the once beautiful but now fragile nation you live in.
shitty meme flags
The absolute state of Europeans.
You disgust me.
I'm not saying you should kill her kraut bros, but im not saying I wouldn't smile at that news.
why black out your info but not your face?
Good for you, don't go to northern Europe
Captain Sweden is that you?!?!
are you escaped from taliban
Would love to go to Best Korea but I think you still need a visa even with a German passport
I prefer them to not assilmilate, for several reasons. If they don't assimilate, the chance of a pushback will be a lot higher. If they do they take over the leftist values most Sup Forumsacks despise, thus cementing those values, further cucking out the native population.
He's not German. He won't ever be. He's a foreigner and a nigger.
Probably a merimutt.
no it's most probably picrel
I can deal with a mutt but the fucking audacity of that halfbreed.
Why is every fucking Afghan a piece of shit? I can't describe to you how much I hate you roaches
Go back to your shitstanistan you nigger
So why do I disgust you Sweden, is it because I gave an immigrant praise for making the effort to assimilate? Should be instead be out converting ethnic Germans to Islam and pushing for local Sharia laws because tolerance? That will make Germany better just like the place he came from right? Oh wait.
Fuck off Ali you're the reason we need the AfD
You are not European you are a fucking roach, you will.never be German and when the day of the rope comes your kind will be the first to hang
Studier fertig und geh nach Hause.
kamerad ,verbreiten sie schon wieder Feindpropaganda?
Makes sense but I think they will vastly outnumber ethnic Germans before there is sufficient backlash and too late then.
>cry about needing AfD
>give AfD 12%
the eternal kraut
How many without niggers in them?
can remember having this conversation with a chippy polish in britain
polish: I have the right to be in UK!
me: no, you have permission, thats different
fast forward ten years, brexit. feelsgood.img
moral of story: laws change all the time
>I can travel to over 150 couintries without a visa !
Let me remind you that in the western world, outside of Germany, shitting in the streets is considered a criminal offense.
afghanis are rapist nafris are Sex abusers
can you get out? please?
You maroccs are just as bad, fucking drug dealers and criminals, even the fucking Arabs hate you and call you the gypsies of north Africa
What the laws says and what's in the heart of the people are two fundamentally different things. Nobody deep down except retarded shills consider Turks and what have you to be Germans.
Everybody, even themselves, know that they actually don't belong. A comforting thought in some ways.
Moroccan education everyone
Schön speichern ,so ok wie der typ sich hier geben will ,deutschland hat es nicht verdient mit seinen low iq kameraden und kriminellen inzuchtruinierten cousins bevölkert zu werden ,ich würde liber deutschland in flammen aufgehen lassen ,als dass weiter diese perversion von land unter dem selben namen weiterexistiert (alles nur ein scherz liebes Bka haha)