just let them burn.
it's what they want
Cuz anglos being niggers
Just jealous, that's all
Europeans are a hilariously jealous bunch, and they have hate boners for our misrepresented culture. They are only happy when we have a weak cuck leader,otherwise they hate us.
>leave the eu with no descernable plan
>inactive past her prime queen
>a nigger in the royal family
>your ex colony is you biggest ally. begin to distance yourself from them ad well
>import millions of nonnatives who have no cultural or national connection to your culture.
>we wuz kings
i am litteraly crying with laughter. i have never met a brit I respected.
Time to pull an Arthas
Forced meme is forced
The UK doesn't have freedom of speech, so when Trump said he was going to prevent ISIS from waltzing into the US, Britbongistanis got triggered and called it "hate speech".
Because our country is beyond redemption
Bercow is a literal C*ck im not even joking there are pictures of his wife with a darkie it was in the papers
Im fairly certain our country is literally pedo home base. If DT is truly taking them down he wont be welcome here until they are out of the hall of power.
In my own opinion of course.
just fucking annex us already lad,we are simply not fit to rule ourselves anymore just make us a state and give us the 1a and 2a or just take us outback and shoot us
Trump should hold a rally and speak directly to the British people. Let them know they don't need these cuckolded faggots determined to destroy their country.
Get every Brexiter out and embolden them. Britain needs to be taken back from scum like this Bercow.
It's fine. The UK can't even address it's Muslim problem. They don't deserve an address.
iwould love a comfy trump rally in the uk
Kiss the special relationship good bye you fucking lobster backs.
Man it's shit like this that just makes me sad for the few of you uncucked Anglos left. Hopefully our immigration system gets fixed and you can flee your totalitarian caliphate
I think a lot of your remaining patriots would.
> fuck eu trade deals special us relationship
> fuck us president
Watching the collapse of the U.K. Is gonna make me diamond hard. Sorry to all you uncucked boys left, might I recommend going on a spree before your inevitable death
Why is this weird? Wouldn't he have to be invited to do so? Why can't Katy Perry address parliament?
Notice how POTUS was in Asia? It was because they are relevant to the next century Europe is not. You guys will be the new 3rd world. Fix yourself Eurofags.
It's been almost a year and half since The_donald invaded us and set up shop here.
They have incessantly insulted us. mocked us, claimed that we are not white.
They have brought the average level of discourse here to truly subhuman and they have shown no signs of slowing down.
"The Amerimutt entered many threads under the rather childish delusion that they were going to call everyone nonwhite and 'Muhammed' and nobody was going to destroy them. At Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and half a dozen other boards, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."
I remember Sup Forums as it used to be... a place of discussion. I conversed within its various boards and educated myself amongst its threads. I was happy then, at peace.
I remember too the day the Mutts came. The day marked by cries of "LOL MUHAMMAD" and a torrent of "hows tyrones dick?". The terrified Europeans and whites huddled in darkened corners. We led many to safety, but many more paid the ultimate price. That day my beloved Sup Forums became Reddit's Dumping Ground. There, the Amerimutt shitposters practised their banal and unoriginal shitposting that corrupted the board and nearly destroyed us all.
Even after the Mutts braindead shitposting tore the board apart. My fellow whites were unable to find a lasting sanctuary.
I remember the armies of 56% faces that swept down on us like a plague. During these dark times the one called PTG made Sup Forums's Sup Forums its home.
Then came the American Mutt memes, the one they call the betrayer meme, the enemy of my enemy.
We fought with renewed strength and together we reclaimed our sacred ground. I think part of me knew even then that Sup Forums had only traded one evil for another.
I prefer to remember the board as it used to be not the abomination it has become. My soul bears the burden of my misjudgement. But I have been patient, I have been waiting and when the time is right the Amerimutt will become the betrayed.
>Trump jokes about how easy it would have been to fuck princess Di
>Leaked audio of you laughing about the "special relationship" with Brittan
Who even cares if we are whiter than America? What has it brought us?
A nanny-state shithole with a left-wing Conservative party, thought-police and no right to self defence.
>britcucks have to use drawings of Americans to compete with the cartoonish and nightmarish ugliness of their own people
>Americans started shitposting and we all followed them and now EVERHTHINGS RUINED
as usual you blame a few fringe Americans for literally all of your people being human trash cans
>The perople are directly responsible for the actions of their politicians
Are you sure you want to go there?
>Complete immunity to irony
>wall of pasta asspain to deflect from the fact that the UK just made possibly the worst decision in the last 30 years
Oh, boy . . .
he isnt banned. teresa may invited him. this guy is just grumpy about it
Because donald grumph is guilty of thought crime and they dont want their goys tainted with ideas of nationalism
UK = lost, half EU = lost
Steve Bercow is a Jew who is a literal cuck with a tall nordic wife who has fequently cheated on him with black men, he is rabid campaginer for LGBT rights and all other liberal causes under the sun despite being a (((Conservative))). Naturally he despises Trump, and is undermining our national interest by denying good relations with one of our closest allies so he can virtue signal.
Accusations of UK interfering in US elections when?
Would be funny if he focused on a Britain first speech, the danger of multiculturalism, and all the problems it has brought to the UK. Would be an arrestable offense for any normal, white British citizen.
>muh Presuhdint
Because he's a great big orange bellend.
Trump has been invited for a state visit by our PM, the custom is that during this visit the President addresses the house of commons, it is not mandatory though and the MPs can vote against this aspect taking place. It is quite a slight against the president though, but our parliament is full of cucks who have to virtue signal.
Would we be here if it were what we wanted?
Country is fucked lad.
We're in the queue after Germany and Sweden. Having a little kick about with the Frogs, coats for goal posts. Waiting for the end of culture as we knew it.
I'd love to see them try and arrest the President of the United States for it.
Also checked
Don't want to abandon home senpai. Want to make it great again aha.
But on a legit note. I'm wondering where I draw my line on leaving the UK behind. Engineers are wanted world wide, but I sincerely want the UK to be strong.
That would be amazing.
moving to Ireland to watch the fireworks.
No depleted uranium Yank lads pls, well maybe just London. Good lads
Honestly I would have just expected them to ban him from coming to the country, I guess even the British cuck government isn't that audacious to ban the president of the USA.
They ban plenty of lower profile people who have ideas and rhetoric contrary to the established narrative enforced here. People like Gert Wilders, Richard Spencer, Matthew Heimback, Paster Anderson etc.
>speaking to politicians is not a right
At least they're honest about it
Yeah, there's no chance Trump is banned from the UK. A few of your cuck party members will virtue signal what a travesty is that he's allowed but it will be meaningless.
because it‘s Nethanjahu running your colony, the WIMP is irrelevant.
>No depleted uranium Yank lads pls, well maybe just London.
Given all the muslim in breeding going on creating birth defects you won't be able to tell the difference.
Fuck Europe at this point
We should just ally with Russia and China at this point. Its not like they aren't just as likely to stab us in the back as the Slavs abd chinks are
Why would he want to visit a shithole like London anyway? If we had any say over things like this that little cuck would have been beheaded. He's the UK equivalent of McCain.
UK has gone down the socialist hellhole.
Brexit showed the people still had some fight in them, yet the government is doing all it can to stall it.
UK is no longer a part of the Anglosphere.
who cares, the UK is a collapsing muslim caliphate anyway
valid point
I just missed the bastard when he visited Wolverhampton but a mate said he managed to spit on his head. My loogie would have been better because I had the flu.
They don't want to hear the truth.
You have a right to self defence but just remember to be economical with the truth.
>Im fairly certain our country is literally pedo home base
100% and even more so with the mudslime invasion
>continually disrespect the US president
Can't wait to see the Eastern Bloc-tier collapse of the UK. They'll either remain EU cucks or die.
Parliamentary virtue signaling.
Ignore them.
I've always had him down as a closet case.
Who cares? Yurop is filled with faggots. I hope they all burn.
You know what would be funny?
If Trump rented a public hall in London and held a rally there.
I can absolutely understand your attachment and dedication to your homeland - I've been keeping a watchful eye on jobs in my homestate for years with the plan of moving back and doing my bit to help fix the problems they're facing... my advice to you as potential immigrant is to stay while there is still hope, otherwise get out while you still can. What we're seeing right now in most of Europe is
a very deliberate and insidious shift of demographics, and once they reach a tipping point - radical changes will happen and they will happen *fast*. Immigrating is a long process, it can take months or even years, and if you wait to pull that trigger too long, you might find yourself in a situation where it's no longer an option.
The UK is over. Everyone with balls ended up here or in Australia.
>advocating for real life shitposting
Oh you!
well, thanks for all the immigrants. good job, stabbed us in the back again. a strong unified Europe is not in the US‘es interests.
Japan got nuked and looks great now
Just sayin
user goes to jail on hate speech charges
>Ahmed making fun of my countries demographics
At least when the race wars begin I'll be armed
We should just nuke the bongs. They'd probably be screeching at each other not to be irradiaphobic as their faces melt off.
If you're not a Paki, move here. We need more whites.
Their day will come my friends.
Don't be silly. British police are way too pussy to come into muslim majority areas.
Appreciate that offer brother.
No my parents were not cousins.
I'm an indigenous Brit. If this ship sinks I'm going down with it.
So UK cucks cut relations with Subhuman european countries and now USA too? LOL HAHAHA serves you right angol fuckers, payback for 1953! Reminds me when our brave military took hostage your military members
Because they're a bunch of soft cocks over there in bongistan. They don't want to be told by anyone, Trump least of all, that they're fucking their own country up.
He should address them from Buckingham palace
he knows EU politicians are the worse pedophiles around and molest kids day & night
Glad my grandfathers got to kill some of you worthless krauts.
Bongs confirmed pedos