Washington Orders RT America to Register as Foreign Agent by Monday or Face Arrests
The first and only media organization to be ordered to do so so far....
Does pol support the 1st amendment being squashed?
Washington Orders RT America to Register as Foreign Agent by Monday or Face Arrests
The first and only media organization to be ordered to do so so far....
Does pol support the 1st amendment being squashed?
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yeah fuck free spietch
Is this really a matter of free speech if it's foreign propaganda?
Upon learning they were Communist idc that much. This US vs Russia animosity is staged by the Jew anyway, just like the Cold War. Capitalists and Communist kikes have always worked together against Aryan man, hence WWII.
>let's allow Russian to poison peoples minds with propaganda while they banned every foreign NGO long ago and censoring their media.
More like
>oy vey our fake new propaganda isn't working anymore
>quickly we must silence any who print the truth
>muh Russia
yeah let's show them russians our moral superiority by banning their media
>yeah let's show them russians our moral superiority by banning their media
but no one cares.
Russia is pretty good in that meme ware stuff and turned it into an effective weapon against the weak points of the west.
Should we just sit there and do nothing?
wait didn't obama allow domestic propaganda because RT was pushing Russian propaganda in the US?
"levelling the playing field"
please be a precursor to revocing this
that would really BTFO CNN
welcome to the party
I've read some rt articles and certainly don't always agree with then but they seem more balanced than a majority of US media, never doing anything blatantly demonstrably false, and they report stories no one else will. With a name like Russia Today it's got to be some thick idiots who don't understand the source.
>Does pol support the 1st amendment being squashed?
You are a fucking moron
We all know that no Israel based/originated organization is going to be subject to the same, right?
Have you considered fixing the weak spots you mud dick loving faggot?
Why would an Israel based organization do something like that in USA when there are true local born grassroots (((Americans))) who control all of the American media
Because Ed Schultz formerly of MSNBC works at RT now and in the past he attacked the TPP. And when he attacked the TPP he was fired from MSNBC and now (((they))) are doubling down even more because (((they))) are still butt hurt and the big American news corps are lobbying to censor more free speech and because some of it has to do with Ed Schultz sticking it to Obama once because of the TPP.
I want public struggle sessions so i can take my anger out on people
Labeling Foreign Agent makes sense for national security, but you would have to label all of the foreign agents without a difference for it to be fair and useful, eg European and Asian media would have to do it also, not only Russian.
RT do decent news with very little of the bullshit, celebrity endorsements or "opinion pieces" that ruin western journalism
no eyesore ads, no "JOIN OUR NEWLETTER LOL", they just do news
if you cunts don't like that, stop reading it
this shit is hilarious.
RT is obviously russian propaganda.
and FOX, CNN, MSNBC and BBC are all ALSO blatant propaganda outlets.
I do not consider any MSM news to be 'legitimate news sources'
I only keep up with them them to keep track of the various 'official narratives' that are currently being pushed.
I only began to include RT when CNN and FOX blackballed ron paul in 2008 and 2012 leaving RT as the only outlet to give a US presidential candidate any serious coverage.
RT is obviously russian propaganda but in our globalized news media market it is a MUCH NEEDED oppositional voice to the masses of american liberal fascists voices.
> RT
> Propaganda
choose both
Haha I heard Alex Salmond has a show on RT, I might start watching that channel now, thanks OP.
The jew senate says RT interfered with the elections, but I watched RT cover the elections and they were pretty even on their coverage. If anything RT undercovered the elections considering the massive shitstorm fake news coverage by both Sharia blue and the alt right. I remember how Sup Forums was brought to a halt with all the "Drumpf" bullshit from r/politics. If anything they should deport John Oliver.