
Why do normies get upset when you tell them you don't want this toxin in the water?

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books.google.co.uk/books?id=cDiJAIbMD_oC&pg=PT278&lpg=PT278&dq=fluoride other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans&source=bl&ots=TnY-rk5yRh&sig=VDQC_zdwLXVXi8wREs9_0FTShrA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX5oK9ybnOAhWnAcAKHV5FD78Q6AEIKzAC#v=onepage&q=fluoride other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans&f=false


I just think it's funny that retards actually believe the Gov cares about your teeth. What? Who would believe that?

It disrupts status quo and makes them panic at the thought of having to use their mind to decipher why. Except for the weird and broken ones, mindless animals like staying mindless animals because it makes them feel safe.

None of the countries with the lowest levels of tooth decay use flouridated water. (Sweden, Denmark, Norway). Go figure.

Not like there are any reputable studies showing the danger of flouride or anything

books.google.co.uk/books?id=cDiJAIbMD_oC&pg=PT278&lpg=PT278&dq=fluoride other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans&source=bl&ots=TnY-rk5yRh&sig=VDQC_zdwLXVXi8wREs9_0FTShrA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX5oK9ybnOAhWnAcAKHV5FD78Q6AEIKzAC#v=onepage&q=fluoride other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans&f=false


semi serious answer? Indoctrination. Everybody is (((educated))) The exact same way until the time their brains are nearly finished developing, then you're only allowed the benefit of picking the flavor, you're still in the same shop if you're going to a university. Any time anyone contradicts this, the natural human reaction is to flee to the safety of the herd in every other normie around you parroting the same shit to keep you reassured. You ever notice how people practically take it as a personal attack when you explain why niggers suck? It's not because they think niggers are great, they've been conditioned to treat this new information as an ideological attack on themselves, something to be actively defended against.

tl;dr fuck jews, man

It's not just that though, flouride has long been known as a poison. This isn't even in question, so the argument they make is it's only a 'small amount'. This doesn't work either because it's been proven to cause adverse effects.


Harvard and China Medical University at Shanghai published a study showing flouride exposure reduced IQ in children. Normies will deny such a study took place.


Flouride is shown to destroy the reproductive system of male rabbits.


What do you mean, goy? You be just got to hijack the teaching positions again. If everyone knew fluoride can rot your teeth, calcify your brain, and stunt your ability for abstract thought the same way that they (((know))) it helps your teeth, probably, they'd quit paying for it pretty quick.

The very idea the 'authorities' are actively and conscientiously poising the population en masse opens the door to far too many dangers they prefer never to think about.

it's no secret that districts that do not use fluoride in their water have higher average IQ across the board for all other statistics

Follow the money.
All of the original studies in the US into how fluoride benefits teeth where sponsored by either or both the Steel/ Fertilizer industries of America and the Jews that made their way to the top.

What do both of those industries have an awful lot of? Waste Fluoride that would cost millions a year to dispose of in a way the EPA sees as safe. Instead they save millions by allowing the water companies to dispose of it for them, right through you, that's right. Its a loophole. If it goes through you and they call it a medicine they can dump it directly into the water tables.

I think they later found that its effect in semipermanently binding to the melatonin producing gland in the brain made people incredibly mentally ill, sexually promiscuous and fetishistic etc. Remember that Melatonin represses sexual urges and is literally the hormone of innocence.

> Remember that Melatonin represses sexual urges and is literally the hormone of innocence.

Is this why in Dr Strangelove, General Ripper was talking about 'bodily fluids' being contaminated? Might be a stretch but Kubrick made Eyes Wide Shut too.

Also people sleep a lot worse these days which would compound this effect I think, which is unhealthy for everyone in many ways.

No that actually is 100% unironically what the movie was about. Keep in mind that during the same time period, Kubrick managed to get enough information together to perfectly rebuild the interior of the most classified, advanced, and strategically important aircraft at the time. For a movie. He even got the fucking test lights on the radio perfectly accurate, and thid was before the public was even allowed to know that bomber existed, let alone what the inside looked like.

Checked. This.

Kubrick was killed for what he exposed in Eyes Wide Shut. And yes, it massively contributes to the sleeplessness epidemic that people are slowly coming to think of as normal.

Getting to know Melatonin as more than just a sleep hormone:
>In peer reviewed studies available on .gov websites, Cancer patients treated with melatonin had up to a 40% increase in survival rate. Meaning that 40% of those not treated with Melatonin would have survived had they been given it or removed fluoride for long enough for endogenous production to be restored.

>Girls in Fluoridated areas mensturate on average a year - two years earlier than girls in nonfluoridated areas

>America's epidemic of Transexualism is almost exclusively located in fluoridated communities

>Patients treated with melatonin reported considerably less physical sensation of pain and more than considerably less anxiety than placebo/ control subjects

This list goes on but essentially it Prevents anxiety, can directly destroy tumors and reduces sexual promiscuity/ children producing sex hormones at too young an age. It is the antidote to all of America's problems and America is a unique country in that it fluoridates over 70% of its citizens. Very few other countries do this.

Exactly they don’t want to have complex thought other than what’s going on with tv and shit.

Because it’s scary as fuck to know that the government/corporations are poisoning you so that you’re dumbed down and that you can be profited from when they sell you health care.

Are there any sink filters that are effective against flouride?

Reverse osmosis, easiest way to get into it would probaby be Alex Jones.

Sheriff of Shreveport LA is responsible for keeping fluoride OUT of the public water supply.