To my Southern European Brothers

To my Southern European Brothers

We brown people are not your enemies, we are here to liberate you from wh*te subhumans !

These subhumans are ruling over you and claim to be of the same race than you but don't let their lie confuse you, they are are WHITE/NORDIC PEOPLE ruling over BROWN PEOPLE(YOU)




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Mediterranean bois belong to us

Go home Abdul

I, for one, embrace our browness and similarity with our brothers south of the Mediterranean.
I hope our alliance against nordcucks will be fruitful.

I am willing to die for White people unironically.

Meds freaking stink, you are all manlets.

Don't listen to him Pedro, he wants make Spain Al-Andalus again

Not your brother,mohammed .


So this is the endgame of all the divide and conquer posting... woah

Shut the fuck up Muhamad, we r tired of (you)

I am God.

I am going to choose one flag completely at random in this thread and erase that country from existence. Nobody will have any recollection of that country and everything relating to that country's history and culture will simply be gone.

Nice Mohammed. However, you have a same speech than Varg, the "hurr durr leader of aryan race" (idol of Sup Forums).

He consider that there is zero difference between south european people and maghrebi people.

*Nice try Mohamed

Tell yourself whatever you want shitskin, the people of Europe stand united

Those Spanish noble girls are cute.

Ta gueule Karim, stop using the library's free Internet.

You can not ignore the will to divide european peoples, Nigel.

Their interest are divergent, but muslides and Varg's ultra fanboys think to divide own nations.

You don't ignore the truth.

Why would you want to destroy blue eyed blonde genes? Be proud of who you are. I have blue eyes and brown hair, like a good number of Anglos and I like the way I and my ancestors look. Get some self respect and love who you are. Be proud of your North African heritage if you're North African, you have a rich history. If you're mixed I'm not sure what to say to you, sorry your parents cheated you out of an identity.


Are you actually fucking retarded

White power my friend ;) you cant free yourself

>people listen to and agree with Varg.
Thats the most amazing part of it all.
An immigrant welfare parasite wants to pretend Pagan straw huts werent shitholes while turning his host nation(not his ancestors nation) into a shithole through his shameless leeching.

That woman is a plebeian, you know

I don't hate brown people, but I don't totally hate white people either, although they seem uglier


>dude capitalism xD we need to keep supporting the system by paying taxes
imagine being this bluepill

Pfff, the Spanish Royal Family (Borbon) is a bunch of retards who practiced endogamy for generations. They are as white as some of us, the people.

We should have killed them like the Russians did.


You don't understand, the anglos. I mostly want united european patriot and nationalist. I'm against racemixing.

>Be proud of your North African heritage if you're North African
Hey fuck you, true french are nord african, i'm white european.

That's what I'm trying to explain to the briton, Varg want destroy european unit. The finally of Varg's think is a hate between north and south of europe.

This. As a guy from Lyon, who were the first gallo-roman frenchies and truly roman citizens, I would have seen northcuck barbarians as invadors and litteral backwards niggers back in the day, just as I see arabs today. However, even though barbarians, the nordics were of european stock, and of the broader eurasian superior stock, wich means they had the potential to develop a worthy culture, which they eventually did 1000 years later. Arabics and jews have a potential to developing a culture as well due to european admixture, however maghrébins aren't arabs, they're berberic mongrels that were barbarians and never able to develop a worthy local culture even under Rome. The golden age of arabs was brought to Maghreb by pure blood arabic (semitic) rulers and aristocracy, not by local elites, which they never had by the way. Some races have an ability to develop a culture, Europeans being top, and other European related races coming second (Asians, Poos, Persians, Semitics arabs+jews, mongols, etc,..). So "arabs" from Maghreb will never improve like nordics did, so there is no hope or pity to have for them. So even though both nordics and now maghrébins (which you are) have been the enemies of my med brethern and low IQ barbarians threatening our lands, nordics were cousin populations and learned from us, you aren't able to do so even after we colonised your shithole and turned it into a jewel and the only european standard landmass in Africa, you chimped out and returned back to your old tribal savage ways before coming here for gibs after your country ruled by you turned to shit. Nordics learned from us and improved it to conquer he world.

I saw your flag and assumed you were OP. I don't really see what your problem is, we want the same thing.

Can't wait until they star on

We would be taller if our grandparents didn't suffer from fucking hunger and didn't had a 3rd world infancy. But they did because of war. Now, future generations are returning to their normal height. But our grannies are smol

Yes you are, Achmedo Al Piza

We share the same blood the same culture

Soon they will go back to their root

Great men were all manlets : Napoleon, Hitler, Staline, Mao, Alexander, Caesar, Muhammad, Moses, Abou Bakr, Khalid

If you are a lanklet it meant you've condmened to be the Manletman's slave

Please pick your own flag and take me with you.

nice try Abdullah

I do not have any problems with you, Brits. But, there is also european wanting the divide ( captain sweden for example). That's the danger.

So just ignore him, its probably an Abdullah or a marxist troll. Do you think identitarian Swedes would waste their time raging about Meds when they're getting completely colonised and their government is run by social marxists.


It's not his first time making this thread, last time he confessed he was arab (ouch) either way hes mentally ill so ignore him.

t. Abdul the heroin dealer from Marseille

Europe is white, go back to AIDS land nigger.

>make thread about brown people
>say WE
>he confessed he was arab

What a revelation !

Swedens crownprincess

Man, how did subhumans take over the leadership of your over grown soccer club, I mean country. Even as a kid in Spain I saw how trash you people are. Take my advice follow the example of your betters.

why do you tolerate the bernadotte shitskins?

Her mother is the dark one

Southern Europeans are brown because of 400 years of Islamic rape.

Because we genocided wh*te subhumans and only left alive our fellow brownthers

Southern Europeans are genetically Arabo-Berbers

Ummm no?

No frost nigger is ruling over me
My ancestors founded civilization as we know it, I don't care much for insecure nordics claiming to be "superior"

It seems that niggers fucked you well

you do realize that queen silvias parents were germans who had to flee germany after ww2 because they built war material for hitler in a factory they basicly conned from a jew

Morenos will not divide us!

Same culture as stupid nafris? That's a first

And stop with the Napoleon is a manlet meme, it was British propaganda.

G*rmans are southern europeans too

>Her father was German and her mother was Brazilian.
We are literally gonna have a race mixed queen nice.

Nafris are litarellay mulattoes though. Not mediterraneans or arabs

fair enough but name one european royal family with a "pure bloodline" technically silvias mom was of portugese orgin

fuck you nero maledizione

Med is master race. Hellenic-Roman ancestry cannot be rivaled.

even vasas first wife was german

This thread is about Med, fuck off on the side mongreloid subhuman

We meds are all white abdul, fuck off.
Remember vojna krajina.

>implying mediterranean people aren't superior

Med is the literally the masterace,i agree
Fuck off.

I qualify as med with my Italian origins but in no way would I associate with muslim goatfuckers.
Riddle for ya : what separates man from animal?

Being tan is the true color of the European master race.

Sorry Achmedov, i don't speak Slavshit

>ME shitskin trying to go in
Your "ciountries" are just warzones where we send our trashes to

amen brother

Commies in the right, infantas in the left.

THIS. Fuck wh*Te scum

found the nigger Islamo-rat


t. abdul hassan tarim

Whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes

go away ISIS faggot clown lmao everyone hide your little brothers and infant sons, the muslim invaders are here to fuck all the little boys !!!

Lol this again



D/c thread
Euros are white

they get cancer after only 10 minutes under the sun. they need that pure med melanine.

Kick rocks anglo cunt, your deformities have become more and more apparent among the common folk.

The only reason this guy gets mentions is because he said brown eyes are not white

It triggers all the brown eyes and they start we wuzzing

This is why I like varg, he's retarded but he made a good point

Says a gypsy whose country is nothing but a description in history books.

We aren't of the same race ahmed, the north africans can ally with the nordcucks which seem to love your people. We don't want to have anything to do with sandniggers.

>meme flag

You realise OP is an Arab rape baby, not a native European ?

>go away ISIS
No i'm here to stay infidel
convert or die

>one of the darkest calabrians possible is still only a lil browner than the lightest south """meds"""

That's why their daughters flock to Superior Med Bulls. They need our seed.

>implying what he says isn't true

Why do you deny your mullatto heritage?

The conection of Maghrebins - specially Moroccans and Sub-Saharan africans - The truth

>Numerous communities of DARK-skinned peoples are present in North Africa, some dating from prehistoric communities. Others are descendants of the historical Trans-Saharan trade in peoples and/or, and after the Arab invasions of North Africa in the 7th century, DESCENDANTS of slaves from the Arab Slave Trade in North Africa
>In the 18th century, the Moroccan Sultan Moulay Ismail "the Bloodthirsty" (1672–1727) raised a corps of 150,000 BLACK slaves, called his BLACK Guard, who coerced the country into submission.

>due to the patriarchal nature of Arab society, Arab men, including during the slave trade in North Africa, enslaved more BLACK women than men. They used more BLACK female slaves in domestic service and agriculture than males.

>The men interpreted the Qur'an to permit sexual relations between a male MASTER and his female SLAVE OUTSIDE of marriage (see Ma malakat aymanukum and sex), leading to MANY MIXED-race children.
>When an enslaved woman became pregnant with her Arab master's child, she was considered as umm walad or "mother of a child", a status that granted her PRIVILEGED rights.
>The child was given rights of inheritance to the father's property, so MIXED-race children could share in any wealth of the father.

>Because the society was patrilineal, the children took their FATHERS' SOCIAL status at birth and were born FREE.

>Some succeeded their fathers as RULERS, such as Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur, who ruled Morocco from 1578 to 1608. He was not technically considered as a mixed-race child of a slave; his mother was Fulani and a concubine of his father. Such TOLERANCE for BLACK persons, even when technically "free", was not so common in Morocco.
In English Wiki -

them danish, swede and norwegian girls love the greek cock


You do realize she dyed her hair right?

Is it true that Mediterraneans don't even know what death is?

Is the myth true? Are they really immortal, Sup Forums?

MOORoccans are in partucular mulattoes.
The ancestors of the Moorocco Royal Family are in fact sub-saharan people


I wish I had a Spanish princess GF.

tell them, we are neither sandniggers nor nordcucks

>implying you would rather side with sand-niggers than you European brothers

just kill your self.

you sound like a nigger Giorgios, just stop it

>We wuz arabs!
>We wuz Meds!
North Africans are mulattoes

The end of this plague upon earth called whites is near

Giorgio dont be a bully, i will call internet policia