Weird how they come in waves. If you see a "look at this interracial couple" thread, do yourself a favor and ignore it. Same with the "trumpkins explain this _______", "capitalists will defend this_____", "white boi btfo", etc. Those threads are just there to annoy you into leaving the site.
Don't read them.
Easton Kelly
Board is crammed with shill threads.
Open your eyes user...
Jordan Roberts
yeah, it's pretty pathetic when they don't even put in an effort to mask it. They literally spam the same thread over and over within seconds of each other, often responding to their self trying to pose as different people.
William Young
The best thing I ever did was convince MSM pundits through twitter and email to keep their eyes locked on Sup Forums as a distraction, while real niggers did real things. It has worked better than I ever could have hoped and for much longer.
Justin King
they are focussing on bitcoin right now because it went down 5% they think they can push it lower by inducing panic or something
David Brown
Julian Ward
>implying Sup Forums isn't the controlled opposition shills it claims to be under attack against
Do you realize how easily it is to manipulate the general public into giving this board praise because it uses psyops so effectively, some of the pollacks here are EX if not current CIA, Not all are evil either. Beyond the shitposting and shill threads, not all of the shill threads are real, but staged efforts by heroes to keep Sup Forums on its game when it needs to focus, to claim that the board is irrelevant is a lie, normies know too much about it. If you think that Sup Forums doesn't have this fucking retarded autistic power to subvert deepstate and or evil at all you're deluded, its a collective hivemind but not in the sense where everyone is mislead into believing a collective lie, its specifically set up to combat falsehoods.
A giant think tank of sorts, and that's not giving them too much credit, everyone down plays the severity of its power simply because no one believes that it can really do anything, but what would you expect if you got 5,000 autists to go apeshit on a single post and cause absolute fucking havoc for a certain target.
The "not your personal army" modo is true in the regard that its not for personal gain, Sup Forums gives a fuck about bants and the truth. That's it, to claim Sup Forums cares about anything else is a cherry pick.
All attempts at cultural combatancy are engineered to spread the Truth. But don't let the big old government tell you they're irrelevant, because it just confirms what I've been saying.
Get 5,000 autists with various sets of tech skills and you have A quite a force to be reckoned with.
Joseph Mitchell
Duh, shills work on an hourly shift just like "real" jobs
Ayden Sullivan
It got worse since i posted this. It clearly centers around some kind of work schedule.
Upper class liberal government worker, gets out of bed around 9, starts espresso machine, eats soy bar, starts shitposting. Gets paid 6 figures a year.