/lrg/ - Libertarian Right General

I Don't Have The OP Pasta, Somebody Post The OP Pasta Edition

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Libertarianism died with Ron Paul's campaign.
Also it doesn't solve the problem of capitalism


Please describe this "problem of capitalism"

>implying there is a problem with free-market capitalism

Capitalism, not leftism is responsible for: porn, drugs, sexual degeneracy, consumerist culture, birth control, mass immigration. shitty pop music, sports ball game viewers etc


Socialist technocracy is responsible for: porn, drugs, sexual degeneracy, consumerist culture, birth control, mass immigration. shitty pop music, sports ball game viewers etc

In the absence of government safety nets and incentives not to be productive, these things become a net loss for individuals.

Excessive porn and drugs consume time that could be used building skills and making money. Sexual degeneracy destroys any prospect of a stable, healthy family that can survive without welfare. Consumerist culture is by and large pushed by cronyist monopolies that have a revolving door in DC. Shitty pop music is entirely a control scheme by technocrats. Sports ball viewers are enabled by unemployment benefits.

End the state subsidy and social engineering of degenerate society, and degenerate society disappears.

Those are all the result of a centrally planned society. Virtually all children of the west are forced to go through public education, apply to college, and get one of a limited range of jobs. They aren't permitted any autonomy with their lives, except in frivolous areas. Desperate to feel some sense of self, useless commodities like porn, recreational drugs, video games, movies, comics, and recreational sex products appear. It's no surprise that historical noblemen are known to have been equally decadent; their lives are set out before them and their autonomy is robbed from them. To undo this, we must destroy the government, free the market, and restore autonomy to the white man and his family.
(Leftism is, incidentally, also a consequence of the centrally planned nature of the contemporary west, because neurotic women are put in charge of our children in public schools; their neurosis spreads to the children through oversocialization (see the Unabomber's Manifesto) and manifests as modern leftism.)

Mass immigration is also the result of a centrally planned society. If everyone had full control of his own property, immigration couldn't possibly occur in the waves we see today, because that would necessitate that equally large waves of property-owners would be willing to sell to the migrants.

>Socialist technocracy is responsible
this doesn't exist though

>In the absence of government safety nets and incentives not to be productive, these things become a net loss for individuals.
these are produced without safety net and generate an income..

>Those are all the result of a centrally planned society. Virtually all children of the west are forced to go through public education, apply to college, and get one of a limited range of jobs. They aren't permitted any autonomy with their lives, except in frivolous areas. Desperate to feel some sense of self, useless commodities like porn, recreational drugs, video games, movies, comics, and recreational sex products appear
However you can't prove any of this. What can be proved is that degeneracy is profitable and will continue as long as capitalism continues.


>Tens of thousands of people marched through Barcelona on Saturday urging the Spanish government to immediately meet its pledge to take in thousands of refugees.

Mass immigration is good for capitalism as it brings wages down and through the media they have created a culture of acceptance. Large amounts of the population are on board with mass immigration and if we had only private property these people will still come in.

They generate an income from degenerate people. Instagram whores, camwhores, and consumerism would not be successful in a market populated by a robust society due to the need to generate value in free markets. The people who purchase the services of degenerates are themselves leeches.

You're assuming everything you don't like collects welfare. That isn't true. capitalism degenerates all levels of society not just welfare leeches.
Also you sound like you have little knowledge of how these companies make money. Most of the revenue comes from ads and not purchases. That is why so much of it is free or very cheap

>Mass immigration is good for capitalism as it brings wages down

Mass immigration as it is currently happening (unskilled labor moving somewhere to not work, leech off the state, and depress wages) is only possible with a state. Even in a theoretical wonder-world of free trade with no tariffs, masses of African and Middle Eastern Muslims would never immigrate to the West because their skills are in ZERO demand and they have nothing to offer that automation can't provide. Even with no minimum wage, whatever wage their skills COULD buy wouldn't pay for cost of living. The current migration paradigm is not capitalism, it is technocracy and socialism.

You're not backing up your claim that capitalism degenerates. Tell me how. I've told you why it doesn't, tell me why it does. And not everybody collects welfare, but, for example, the poor Hispanics in my family who have children far too young, are single mothers, or are involved in gangs are all getting an SSI check and a child credit. They are being incentivized to be degenerate. There is no punishment, only the coddling hand of the state.

Go ahead and tell me fatherlessness and single motherhood in black communities is because of capitalism. Tell me the free market is enabling their degeneracy.

>Mass immigration as it is currently happening (unskilled labor moving somewhere to not work, leech off the state, and depress wages) is only possible with a state. Even in a theoretical wonder-world of free trade with no tariffs, masses of African and Middle Eastern Muslims would never immigrate to the West because their skills are in ZERO demand and they have nothing to offer that automation can't provide. Even with no minimum wage, whatever wage their skills COULD buy wouldn't pay for cost of living. The current migration paradigm is not capitalism, it is technocracy and socialism.

There is an entire culture willing to feed and clothes these people even with the absence of a state.

>You're not backing up your claim that capitalism degenerates. Tell me how. I've told you why it doesn't, tell me why it does
Yes i have, here Capitalism, not leftism is responsible for: porn, drugs, sexual degeneracy, consumerist culture, birth control, mass immigration. shitty pop music, sports ball game viewers etc
these are produced without safety net and generate an income..

Yeah, and the Nazis on the moon are responsible for the Jewish conspiracy. Tell me HOW.

The degeneracy, masochism, and cultural self-destruction of Europe was brought about by socialist and technocratic institutions. The European Union, the media (such as the BBC), schooling, everything in Europe is designed from the top-down to convince Europeans that they are not valuable and that brown people are the deserving inheritors of their countries. It has succeeded.

I'm curious if, safety net gone and state minimized, Europeans would voluntarily host refugees and pay for them to live in a flat and do nothing but rape pre-teen girls.

The rich can afford to be decadent. As necessities like food and shelter become so cheap no one really worries about them, they indulge in decadence.

>mass immigration
This isn't caused by capitalism. So many illegals get welfare through stolen SS#'s that the state is actually subsidizing cheap labor. If there was no welfare at all many immigrants would leave.

Checked. I fucking chuckled.

>Yeah, and the Nazis on the moon are responsible for the Jewish conspiracy. Tell me HOW.

>Tell me HOW.
these are produced without safety net and generate an income. ive said this several times are you just ignoring reality now?

>The degeneracy, masochism, and cultural self-destruction of Europe was brought about by socialist and technocratic institutions
Even if the government has something to do with it. People willingly accept this and given the choice they would continue it.

a gift from one side to the other

Cringe: The Thread

sir cringing when the cringe was not intended by the subject that you are cringing at is tantamount to self-defense against a peaceful party which is not allowed under the NAP

I've already told you that degenerate products and services are primary bought by degenerate people who are primarily state dependents. For example, if Coca-Cola is a prime example of consumerist excess, then consider that their dominance is the result of cronyist New Deal corn subsidies inducing a perpetual surplus of high fructose corn syrup, and the majority consumer base for Coca-Cola is fat-bodied dependents who get healthcare subsidies to pay for them to stay alive and be fat instead of dying.

Healthy, productive, fit people don't drink Coke.

Now tell me how free markets are enabling degeneracy when there are basically no free markets in the US today. Subsidies, cronyism, and competitor regulation rule the day.



I’ve been musing about the inevitable “roads” prompt when discussing politics and have thought of something that would be considered a middle-ground approach. I’m interested in hearing your thoughts if you’d hear me out.

Roads (in America) are currently funded largely by general tax such as income and sales tax. This system indiscriminately places the burden on infrastructure tax on all constituents located within the tax code’s area. I believe that a system which funds roads (other infrastructure) entirely from “gas-taxes” and associated fees provides a better economic model. The changes would (hopefully) result in infrastructure being funded solely by people who benefit from it, rewarding uninvolved parties for avoiding unnecessary consumption. The following incentives might be created:

>Incentivize purchasing fuel-efficient vehicles and limiting unnecessary travel

>Incentivize practices which increase transportation efficiency, such as carpooling and using ridesharing services

>Facilitate “voting with your wallet” by more directly funding your preferred method of transport (personal vehicle, carpool, bus, or metro)

>Promote local businesses as they will likely spend less money in transporting goods, providing a potential cost advantage (this is currently true, although to a much lesser extent)

I think this is an interesting concept, but it is in no way perfect. I am challenged when thinking where bicycles fall into this system, as they also utilize roads but do not pay for gasoline or vehicle taxes. I’m open to any ideas on that one.

The above system would also benefit from the removal of government limitations on ride-sharing services, such as taxi medallions and laws limiting the development and implementation of autonomous cars. This is something that we can contact our representatives about already, so please consider it.

Again, interested in hearing your thoughts. Thanks for reading.


Degenerates who buy drugs/pornography instead of food would quickly starve in the street. The social safety net provides for the basics (shelter, food, water, clothing) so any money that they get can go toward crack, WoW subscriptions, smut, etc. Capitalism cannot eliminate the animal desires of consumers, but neither can socialism. The socialist idea of success when it comes to repressing degeneracy is to make everyone so poor that they cannot afford the time or money that pursuing degeneracy costs i.e. you can't bang hookers when you have to spend 80+ hours a week standing online for bread, salt, and gasoline and have nothing of value besides unskilled labor to trade. Grinding poverty for everyone to somewhat reduce degenerate behavior is a bad exchange. I suppose now you'll suggest that the state can jail or execute everyone who makes pornography, hooks, or manufactures drugs and I'll remind you of America's grand experiment with the prohibition of alcohol.


Is pic related really what you guys look like in real life?

I love that guy. I bought his book.

Hhhmmmm, a Lolbertarian thread. This I can get behind.

Yeah, 7 rando kids represent this board.

This is a thread for the discussion of all ideologies that promote self-ownership, individual liberty and the natural order.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/iT0Rw8PT
>Discord & Book Club: AbGmGWH

>The Law (Frederic Bastiat) - mises.org/library/law
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org/library/anatomy-state
>For a New Liberty (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org/library/new-liberty-libertarian-manifesto
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

>Reference - See i.imgur.com/wCIpgNA.jpg
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books

>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal - youtube.com/watch?v=LP41IK91_qA
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) - youtube.com/watch?v=HLaqr3QorCw
>I need a Pinochet! - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Drop it like it's Hoppe - youtube.com/watch?v=HPKGgo4kGQM

who here would a 2/10 open border libertarian?

Can someone refute this pic?

I used to be a libertarian but I cannot help but think that materialism and the death of God is the cause of all the decadence of the west.

There's also the fact that libertarianism requires free will and if you believe in materialism free will is impossible.

So. Fucking. What Kiddo!?

He is right, but it is only a point against left-libertarians.
Because the economic preferences that are the sum of human interaction in given society is dependant on this specific society and not a system.
Hence every form of socialistic/governmental intervention must be prevented to save the purity of those human interactions.
and the free market is a non-system, which will allow our societies to manifest their economic preferences in themselves.

I see it more as a critic to patriotic socialists than libertarians, especially hoppeans nowaday.


What happens to national monuments and historic sights and buildings under libertarian right?

His hatred for democracy makes me wet.

Cringe thread.

Nothing, some private art collector can keep it up if they want...

>What happens to national monuments and historic sights and buildings under libertarian right?
The same as when aristocracy and not the state owned them.


Okay, so just being clear they'd all inevitably go? Once somebody buys them out and decides to build tower blocks over them because that makes market sense then there's nothing to protect them?

Not bashing, just wasn't quite clear what a nationalist libertarian or conservative libertarian position would be over its national symbols, sites and treasures, or its historic traditions. Seems contradictory to me.

I, myself, would be more than willing to privately donate funds to an organization dedicated to the preservation of historical monuments, and I'm certain many others would, also.

I may be a brainlet here, but are you saying that the economy doesn't matter in a sense?
I'm pretty sure that Evola thought something similar in that economical matters are for degenerated bourgeoisie, and I'm starting to think that monarchism and feudalism is the correct way to go, since they both practiced a hands off approach to economics, as well as cultivated the moral integrity of the people, with the help of the church.

I am coming from evola, and I always thought we don't need an economic system, just human interaction as he said and I also hated on capitalism for many years since I thought it is the system we have now, but then I came into contact with right libertarians 2 years ago or so and what they saw as capitalism is what I saw as a non-system
so basically It was just different words for the same thing and since then I like libertarians.


There's no reason why social organizations like churches, fraternal orders, or citizens clubs cannot function under capitalistic or democratic regimes assuming there is sufficient civil liberties. Undermining the church and other social fabric institutions was the goal of the socialists who wished to supplant voluntary organizations with the state. They wanted to leave no alternatives to the state for the needs and desires of the citizenry. Capitalists who desire the breakdown of the family would have to be extraordinarily ignorant. Married men work harder and for more hours than any other sort of employee. Families with children spend vastly more money than singles and single parents.

>tfw he didn't shoot himself
>tfw it was a cyanide pill
>tfw your autistic

>embrace a third position

that does not in any way change the meaning behind the image you mongoloid, go back to fucking snowmen and getting fucked by muslims

>people mentality shaped through public education is a result of the free market system

You can't blame the free market system when there's no free market system in the area that is most relevant to the phenomena at hand.

When you try and convince people that your statist, authoritarian collectivism is different from the collectivist, authoritarian statism of the guys you don't like. Nazis are cute when they talk about their 3rd way which is more aptly knockoff communism for bigoted slaves.

göbbels cyanided himself, not hitler

We don't live in socialism, we live in neoliberal paradise.
It's true that the socialists directly attacked the church through overt violence, but I would say that the current neoliberal order also did the same, but more covertly, by manipulating the desires of people towards materialism, making the church unimportant for most people, killing them spiritually.
Capitalists want cheap labor, and doubling the work force means cutting your labor costs in half.
I don't think that's true, the capitalists use the mass media to sway public opinion towards degeneracy. How is that not a result of capitalist ideology of muh shekels?

Although on prima facie, it looks ugly, I really like the angles. It fits in with the equally distinct contrasts of color.


Here's another nice flag.

>We don't live in socialism, we live in neoliberal paradise.
neoliberalism is socialism light and has nothing to do with free markets.


Increased standards of living are responsible for degeneracy. As living standards increase, time for leisure increases, which means the amount of degeneracy increases also. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

Capitalism has its benefits, but reducing the population of soft-minded consumers to soulless, consumerist bugmen is one of the results of a vast market of unessential products and time for leisure brought to us by increased standards of living.

The quote is correct to the extent that since both communism and capitalism are modes of economic organization, they are necessarily concerned with the allocation of scarce resources and thus are concerned with what is material, which is not a particularly deep observation.

As to the degree to which either capitalism or Marxism is supposed to be subversive, the validity of the statement depends critically on what is meant by "subversive", and in particular on what it is that is supposed to be subverted. But notice that this "subversion" is supposed to happen as a result of the fact that both ideologies are alleged to be materialistic, which means that it is neither capitalism nor marxism per se that can be said to be subversive, but rather materialism.

To the extent that this should be taken to mean that material processes can radically transform old ways of life, I find that there is, again, nothing particularly profound about what is being said here. It is both a Marxist and Schumpeterian truth that the process of technological improvement must necessarily introduce new modes of social organization into the world, and that as a result more "traditional" forms have to fall by the wayside or be affected in some way by these new technologies. (For instance: the internet)

But technological progress is neither capitalism nor marxism. It is its own thing. And if these types of processes be "subversive", and thus "bad" in Evola's eyes, then it would logically entail that, in order for Evola's vision to come to fruition, the ideal society would have to halt all technological progress so that its form could remain fixed in eternity.

This seems to me to be perfectly consistent ideal of what the good life is. He has, in this sense, a Platonic vision of perfection as unchanging, and of change as corrupting, and this must include material changes, disconnected from so called "transcendent" or "superior" principles.

How are you contributing to the development of your community?

I have talked with many libertarians and it seems like libertarianism is an a priori choice. My question is why?


that image is correct, you read hoppe? jump on board then
we need fascists to remove the leftists and shitskins so we may establish a proper covenant
just fuck off with you totalitarian statist tendencies

How much of that do you see in china or ussr?

>I don't think that's true, the capitalists use the mass media to sway public opinion towards degeneracy. How is that not a result of capitalist ideology of muh shekels?

It depends on the phenomena we're considering here. Here it seems that you're referring to two things.

(1) The mores of the people.

(2) The refugee crisis.

You then blame the free market system for the degradation of moral and for the inflow of refugee. This implies that, in the area that are relevant to the matter, there is in fact a private property system, and that it is this system that is somehow the cause of these phenomenon.

In the case of (2), the refugee crisis, we simply know this to be false. Borders and their enforcement are a matter of state, and it has been a state decision not to enforce the borders or to sign treaties that were such that they encouraged politicians not to protect their countries' borders. Moreover, the government is forcibly taking the natives population money in order to subsidize the lives of illegal immigrants in the west. They steal money from people in order to provide migrant with shelter, food, pocket money, a rudiment of education and so on. Western governments moreover impose on their people speech and though standard that are such that protesting against this invasion is made quite difficult. This is all the more true since mandatory public schooling -- another series of acts of theft and coercion -- inculcate people with the state's religion, which in the west is centered around the idea that western people are guilty of historical crimes for which they must atone through the act of their own ethnic cleansing and progressive colonization by outside forces.

Were those thing to happen without government intervention, you would have a point. But I doubt that people would, in a private property system, subsidize with their own money the welfare of culturally alien migrant on their property.

>we must reduce people's standard of living

That is certainly a program.

>that image is correct, you read hoppe?
yes and I love him

why has /lrg/ been gone for so long, or have i just been missing it? i haven't been getting my daily dose of small government, individual liberties, and free markets.

>governments are pushing jewish agenda
>let's just get another government, i'm sure it will work

When will Sup Forums take the yellow pill?

his latest speech was great!
wasn't at an anti alt right thing too?

>the yellow pill?
qt chink gfs?

qt chink gfs.... the bane of all White movements
After all look at the finnish

There is a reason libertarians are a laughable minorities. Libertarianism is the ultimate cuck ideology
>everything can do shit as long as my private property is secure!

Libertarianism is mostly a cult composed of edgy college dropouts who think highly of themselves
>if there was no communist taxes I would be a billionaire
while you are extremely average people with self-esteem issues.

I remember when we were in the thread together and you made this pic.
If you mean the speech about the alt right it was, pretty good.

I mean, it's an interesting question: if it is the case that people left to their own devices are so degenerate as to cause loose moral, then why is it that degeneracy has to be taught in public school, and why is it that it is usually private religious school or home schoolers who wish to take these children out of this system?

Moreover, do we really believe that "degenerate" academic disciplines such as queer studies, fat studies, and so on and so forth, would be able to survive without massive government subsidies at all level? The fact of the matter is that there is no place for these kinds of discipline in a private property order, simply because you cannot *force* people to pay for these idiotic activities without the state.

A big contributor to degeneracy is this, that we live in a system where people are able to offload to cost of their bad decisions on other people. The gender constructionist who wish to waste his time in university getting a degree that will in no way shape or form improve is employability prospect is only able to do so because of the good graces of the state, who either subsidizes his education, the government jobs he'll be able to get after his education is complete, or the welfare he's gonna get as a result of his having graduated in that type of program.

Also how is /anticom/? I heard one of your leaders is a degenerate bisexual.

korwin is the biggest example of a total sociopath, who is only vocal because he inherited a lot of money and knows how to scam people. He created at least 10 parties in his life time, totaly wasting everyones time, SIEG HEILING in public or saying that Hitler was a cool guy.

I'm a small business owner who already pays way more into taxes than I get back. Fuck you

>fell for one
>to much of a coward to make a move and scare her away
>chink manlet probably bangs her now
All I wanted was to conquer a piece for Rome, but those sneaky yellow working drones ruined
it - Abessinia all over again

False. As living standards increase, this is evidence that productivity and efficiency increases -- so while people can occasionally afford more leisure time, there are also productive tasks they can take on that did not exist before, and which have opened up thanks to the efficiency elimination of obsolete labor tasks. So in a society that is technologically advanced with a high standard of living, one can just as easily work 60-80 hour work weeks on a job that nobody would have imagined 100 years before.

Now, you seem to believe that in leisure time, people will only choose degeneracy -- I disagree. I largely think degeneracy is a result of cities. Cities come with the advantage of hyper-specialization, but the disadvantage of basically everything else. People are not tied to the supply side of the economic engine at all, and live in very close proximity; this leads to the corrupt, ignorant sort of culture that breeds leftism and degeneracy.

If we consciously move towards the more agrarian, less-dense society the Founders lived in during the Enlightenment, we, like them, could be highly productive polymaths with property and families and much better things to do than have sex-dungeons full of strangers. But the rejection of the city seems like a personal fantasy. I don't know how we rid ourselves of them, while maintaining some small degree of the hyper-specialization that'll take us to Mars and the asteroids.

we can all agree that communism is garbage

Made that pic?
i make some memes tho
never seen them reposted

>making fun of muh democracy
doesn't sound half bad

You want a medal, faggot?

probably, but those are the types that get things done, and we are here shitposting

then conquer rome, and take some white concubines, problem solved

you wouldn't be laughing if you wasted hours working in a campaign for him, when near end he spews some autistic shit like this and your whole work goes to shit, but I guess volenti non fit inuria

the one you posted, we had a discussion about subhumans who are begging for a state because they can't contain their degeneracy

Big corporations lobby big government to legislate on their behalf while the government pretends to be for the people. Of course Walmart can afford to follow more regulations, it's the smaller shops that can't afford it and go out of business as a result that guarantee Walmart's monopoly and dominance.


>gets things done
no, korwin was 20 times trying to get elected and succeeded once, he is a total fucking faggot, he suport kid diddling and says that rape is ok