how did you discover Sup Forums and do you wish you hadn't?
How did you discover Sup Forums and do you wish you hadn't?
Been on Sup Forums since 04. It's one of the few boards I still check out daily. I don't wish I hadn't because 99% of the internet is boring garbage and it gives me something to do.
I CAME FROM REDDIT DURING ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Here since I was a youngling, like 05/06. Started on Sup Forums but we all end up here eventually
I was Sup Forums before Sup Forums
Started on Sup Forums around 2008 or so.
Mostly came here for luls
Glad I stayed.
I am here from the other place.
i wish Sup Forums never existed.
Wound up on Sup Forums in 09 when I was looking for some ebin wallpapers on /wg/. Found Sup Forums and was hooked. As I got older my political opinions grew and here I am. I'm glad I did because it's the only place I can talk about my opinions without worrying about losing my job or being thrown in jail.
Even though this board is utter shithole, I did learn something, so no.
2013. found b/ first out of curiosity from hearing about all the terrible CP. wanted to see if it was all made up MSM prop. instead got addicted to YLYL threads and would venture here ever so often, then there was trump. he showed me the way. been /b free now for 6 days. feels good. love this place. and Sup Forums in general.
I got into it around the time when HWNDU's first days...
just before gamergate, I knew that the internet was going to be a fucked up place and look what we got.
Youtube censorship and ZUCC'D contents. Truly the death of the initial dream.
I was a Sup Forums trip as far back as 2008 and wished to look into political discussion in late 2013-early 2014.
I quite like it.
Boston bombing.
No, we were chosen to carry the burden.
found Sup Forums around 2004 or 2005, remember talking about all the shit we saw on it during lunch in high school.
Sup Forums has been absolute shit since 2012
Glad I stayed, it's hilarious watching people become politically influenced by a bunch of shitposts made by people who aren't even old enough to vote.
This... Sup Forums around ‘08, a year or so later I discovered Sup Forums had other boards after Sup Forums stopped being fun and became nothing but a place to post porn and dick pics.
My journey
NYT/WSJ --> WhatReallyHappened/Bartcop --> Salon for the lulz and to yell at GlennGreenwald --> Sup Forums (about 2011)
Interestingly enough, most of the "anti-Semitic" arsenal I have was gained from Liberals and when being a Liberal.
I knew about Sup Forums for years but stayed away cause I thought it was just people posting gay porn, gore, etc.
similar, started on b and k in 05, pop in 07 I think. never went on new.
and of course not, only honest place left in the world.
Same here. Now Sup Forums is the only board I browse.
>using a trip for 10 years
I'd love to murder you
>tripping when it isn't appropriate
hello, reddit
Come at me, son.
Been here since 05. Why am I not yet a nazi?
You haven't larped enough, keep trying.
i came here when the migrant crisis started and the clock boy thing,it was the only place i could think of that would tell the truth
all the media was lying and i came and never left
now i am consumed by hatred,i used to be a green voter,now? i cant feel pride in my grandad who fought in ww2 knowing he fought for the jew and the germans aint evil
i feel bad for bullying a german kid in school every day calling them a nazi :L
post address, I have the next 3 days free.
I started, between 2011 and 2012, on Sup Forums. Then, during the whole Trayvon Martin case I decided to see what the hell was going on this mystical Sup Forums. I can distinctly remember being repulsed by literal Nazis; I got used to it. Generally it hasn't affected me in any tangible way – besides increasing my dislike towards wealthy people and pushing me towards Catholicism a tad quicker.
All in all, 10/10 would still choose to shitpost in my free time.
Great grandpa was a Nazi, his son (my Grandpa) turned me into a Nazi. Watched endless hitler and third reich videos on youtube. Found Sup Forums in the comment sections. Definitely do not wish I didn't, it's glad to see there are still thousands of us still alive
I came regularly after brexit because that proved to me that there's hope left in the wolrd, Trump also once more proved that but now nothing significant has happened and the downward existential crisis is accelerating
the boxxy wars carried me to Sup Forums from a basketball forum.
the Zimmerman trial established my undying love for Sup Forums after wandering the wilderness of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /soc/ for a couple years after the death of Sup Forums
Was Sup Forums from around 2005-2009, then stopped but started hearing about Sup Forums a few years ago, and came back.
I regret nothing.
years ago, google search for 'internets' find encyclopedia dramatica.
discover /b from reading ED
get sick of /b discover /pol
no fucking regrets. can't believe i used to actually watch shit like daily show and bill maher
If it wasn't for Sup Forums and the meme election Sup Forums would have been dead a long time ago and Moot still the owner.
Found /d/ while searching for tentacle porn, then started browsing other boards.
I always knew of its existence, but never visited it before 2012/13. I'm a gun owner and back in the day I used to lurk /k/ a lot. /k/ was probably one of the earliest non-Sup Forums boards in which Sup Forums started leaking regularly, especially when gun control and crime statistics where being discussed. Unfortunately, with time, /k/ turned into a vile hive of underages, furries, reddit animu faggots and regular full blown faggots. So I stopped being a /k/ommando and became a Sup Forums regular.
And no way in hell I wish I hadn't discovered it. We are In for this wild ride until the very end faggots.
i used to watch a bunch of lefties on youtube etc, they'd always talk about how bad Sup Forums was so out of curiosity i checked it out and haven't stopped using it since
started at Sup Forums, went to Sup Forums to /r9k/ to Sup Forums. now I just browse pol, k, fit and out.
pol actually helped spur me to improve myself, started as a neet doing nothing but playing vidyah and watching anime, by now I cleaned up my appearance, I'm getting exercise, sleep regularly, picked up new hobbies instead like gardening, fitness, reading regularly, and got a part time job.
thanks, assholes.
Started browsing Sup Forums in 8th or 9th grade, after about a month I realized that place was a shithole and came to Sup Forums. Then those pirate/nazi flags came and I went to Sup Forums, then after a few years I came back here again, when the regular flags were a thing again.
I don't regret it. It hasn't changed my opinions, but I have learned new things.
found Sup Forums in 2005, tried to bookmark interesting threads. ended up on Sup Forums for LOST. escaped Sup Forums from 2010-13 (best years of my life), came back to pass the time when I couldn't walk from a leg injury and I think I ended up here when they tried to corner the dorner.
When i was on blog TV perving over teen girls and trying to get them to strip we got raided by /b
they said they were 9gag, but someone said, no its just the tards from Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums you say?
Then i stayed on /b for a few months then discovered /pol
I am a fresh red pill but kinda wish I wasn't bc now when I see nignogs chimping I hear inside my head - "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and sometimes it comes out like turrettes in public
Came on Sup Forums to r9k just by curiousity after the ''some of you are alright'' shooting. I came on pol a month after, i always liked politics but everywhere is so left leaning it was always frustrating to me. I was your typical autist libertarian before coming here and man what a shock it was when i came here for the first time. There was nazi shit all over and concepts/ideas/mindsets i didnt even know existed. That was a shock how can a place like that exist? But I loved the incomparable freedom this place has and even though it was the edgiest place ive ever been to, people here are fairly open to discussion when youre not baiting or overly confrontational. Then 1-2 weeks later, i stopped going anywhere else for politics when I had the funny and shocking realization that I prefer having conversations and hang out with fucking nazis than leftists
migrant crisis and overall white displacement obsessed me for months i couldnt anything but think about that i was spending any free time i had here. Race realism was also hard to accept it took me dozens of hours of content to change my mind on this because if it's true, then it means so much.
However pol did not make everything is harder, pol also freed me from brainwashing on many levels. I'll give one example: I never liked gays, never felt confortable around them I always thought they were weird, gross and didn't want to have anything to do with them. But since i was brainwashed just like everybody else, I was always overriding those thoughts and forced myself into accepting them, fighting for their rights and condemning homophobes. I even had a 'pro-gay' poster in my room thats how bad it was. But pol allowed me to tell myself this very simple thing ''you know what, i don't like gays and never did, and I'm allowed to not like them. Fuck them''. It felt like a big burden went off my shoulders. I felt free and still remember that feeling 2 years later.
Now that it is dying of multiple cancers it doesn't really matter much.
got on Sup Forums around 2007-2008
no idea when I got here, must have been couple years prior gamergate
I don't remember a single thing Sup Forums did honestly besides some old pointless loic bullshit, I was already a contrarian to begin with and old Sup Forums was way funnier, so meh
>do you wish you hadn't?
I'd probably be more hopeful if I hadn't, but what's the point of a false, ignorant hope?
Hope is good, but hope for what can come to be instead of idealistic fantasies
Pol also made me want to have children or as I prefer to say, gave me back my normal desire to have children. It gave me some level of racial consciousness which is kind of cool even if the situation is dire. Feels good to have some type of connection again with your people instead of just being a nihilist atheist who masturbates to porn.
It had a (minor) role in helping me finding God too.
Overall the experience at first was atrocious but its worth it if you endure and im extremely thankful this place exist I wouldnt trade that place for any other place on the internet
I haven't been on Sup Forums since 2009, who owns this site now that moot is gone?
I remember when he stickied my thread in r9k after some faggot tried to sagebomb it, it was so satisfying
Welcome to the family.
i came from reddit
Pic related
You are me. This is exactly what happened.
Trump brought me here
Been on Sup Forums since 06 but also got introduced to pol during Boston Bombing, as this place was giving good running commentary
Started browsing /biz/ a couple years ago because I wanted to become financially literate. Came to Sup Forums a few months after because threads kept getting derailed over Jewish conspiracy bs, and I was curious to see why /biz/ kept bitching about this place.
Now I hate kikes and niggers. Whoops.
He didn't fight for the jew, he fought for the Empire.
Don't think there wasn't a GREAT WAR shaped hole in his youth tainting everything he aspired to user.
I remember being gutted I wasn't old enough to volunteer for gulf war 1.0, imagine the effect ww2 pre-game propaganda had on the youth.
As I begin to slide into oldfag status, I'm beginning to realise their aren't any villains, just an infinity of dickheads dancing to their own tunes
Was on Sup Forums for gore and porn when it was kill i moved here.
War gifs in 2010.
Then war webms. Good stuff.
former Sup Forumstard
After the elections, unfortunately. I was into the daily Stormer for a while before the elections, and although I knew of Sup Forums, I just assumed it was r/th Donald tier. Politically incorrect didn’t sound very hardcore. When I started to visit the boards, I realized that DS was a distilled version of Sup Forums.
As much as this place sucks, I love it. Gotta soft through the muck and the mire but the nuggets of wisdom and humor are well worth it.
I’ve been here since before Sup Forums even existed. Kill me please
Nofap was going way better before...
Sup Forums found me...
You have to go back
2006-2007 a weabo from college showed me the place. Torrent, news, technology, videogames, tv...
I was a bit shocked by cp and guro on b (and outside b), i laughed a lot with habbo hotel raids and the other raids, when we were considered domestic terrorists by american news.
I liked a lot this place, it gave me the chance to speak with people all around the world, that was such an amazing thing at the first decade of 2000. Only iRC and a few shitty flash chatrooms gave you that opportunity (all the people was in sex and flirt chat-roms).
Travel was and is fucking amazing.
Trump's election, tumbler raid, gamergate and hwndu are the things that remember me those days.
like this?
I've been around this internet shithole since 2007, and I don't know why I keep coming back.
>how did you discover Sup Forums and do you wish you hadn't?
Gay lefty Bavaryan here. Sup Forums decided to shit up other boards I frequent, mainly Sup Forums, so I decided to return the favor and derail literally every thread I can lay my hands on
You're welcome
Chimpout threads on Sup Forums during Fergusson riots pointed me here.
I migrated to Sup Forums from eBaum's world waaay back in the day, probably '07 or so. I just stuck to /o/ and Sup Forums for the time and eventually stopped going to Sup Forums and just went to /o/, /k/, and Sup Forums to Sup Forums
then Sup Forums to /fit/
then /fit/ to Sup Forums
I came here when I "caught" my son here during Trayvon. It was so much fun--those were great days--that I never left. Hi, Max!
I would state what I thought were obvious political and ethical conclusions on Sup Forums and anons would tell me to go back to Sup Forums.
>do you wish you hadn't?
I may have never discovered Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald without Sup Forums, so probably no.
After they shitcanned /new/ - you fucking newfags.
I think around the arab spring, I stayed because if the zimmerman trial, it redpilled me big time and the memes were supreme
from old gaming forum to Sup Forums
Sup Forums to Sup Forums
I lurked some boards during special events like big sports for Sup Forums and whatnot, during the Australian elections I lurked Sup Forums and kinda just stayed.
Knew about it for a long time but heard more about it when HWNDU started
Came here and saw some gore and left
Eventually came back and started agreeing with what I saw
My wife mentioned some stupid conspiracy, "Isn't this weird?"
I did a domain history search of and I've been here every day since.
Redpilled by Trump. Finally woke up to msm lies in 2015. Discovered That was my intro to internet information that wasn't totally fucked. Became disillusioned with sites like breitbart, drudge, and the other usual "gateway drug" right-leaning web sites. Would sometimes see stuff about "pol" and at first thought it was something to do with Poland. When I finally got here I realized I'd been here before, looking for porn years ago. Sure, I'll admit it, who cares. Had no idea pol was a part of the same site you'd go to for Taimanin Asagi hcg's, but here we are, upstream from the low information users, surrounded by shills and shitlibs, fighting the information war one byte at a time, in a world run by kikes.
Prefer being woke. And, really, preference doesn't even matter. There's no going back, only deeper.
Been here about a year despite having heard about the site years ago. I used to try to go on Reddit but I could never last more than about two minutes. Confusing format and too many retards. Since then, I've swallowed the redpill and now instead of seeing just people, I see people and Jews everywhere. Still worth it though.
When moot threw a temper tantrum and shut down /new/.
I don't really regret it but I don't know why I keep coming back. I have nothing in common with the average Sup Forums user.
Dont remeber and no because while I'm generally miserable I am at least able to find others miserable for similar reasons. Plus there are quite a lot of interesting and intelligent people lurking im glad ive briefly met.
I am Sup Forums
I can never eat Indian food again because of pol. POO IN THE LOO!
I think I wandered over from /k/ during the Trayvon days.
>how did you discover Sup Forums
seeing people on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /k/ chimp out and screech GO BACK TO Sup Forums whenever someone posted an opinion that I found reasonable.
>do you wish you hadn't?
sort of. seeing some of the insane stuff from the media on this board makes me pissed as fuck and has lowered my enjoyment of life.
Went back to Sup Forums a yeat and a half ago, out of boredom and curiosity, for the first time in five years or more. Sup Forums was never good but holy shit, it had decayed beyond all recognition, nothing but bananas, cock tributes and cuck threads, I didn't even know what a cuck was but everyone on Sup Forums was doing it. Also seeing "kek" took some getting used to.
I browsed around some other boards and fell on Sup Forums. Election season was in full swing, not to mention numerous happenings and just general interesting threads. The banter felt like old Sup Forums in a way, and the thoughts that were being aired were relatable. I had paroled in 2015 and it seemed to me like the whole world lost its mind, it was like something out of a sci fi film, i didnt recognize it, and people I couldnt talk to a lot of people without them spewing out this new nonsensical language. For the first time I could see thousands of people who shared similar feelings on things on this board. Overall coming here was very validating and informative and I'm glad I discovered Sup Forums, I just don't go on all day, every day like I used to which I'm also glad about.
I was a Sup Forumstard and kept noticing people reply with "go back to Sup Forums" on posts that I agreed with. So I checked out Sup Forums and never went back.
That's when I realized Sup Forums is always right, most of the time... Flat Earthers, Moon landing deniers, and Young Earth Creationists are still fucking morons.
unfortunately I didn't really learn much new here, beyond a lot of statistics and infographs
the people who make the images and memes are the real heroes, and I have little doubt that many of them are federalis--they are the ones who created this little movement, before the media gave it a brand name
I helped introduce the jews=satan worshippers clarification to the board-geist, though there were others who obviously knew as much or more than I did
Morons are shills paid to demoralize us.
Problem is that eventually they get redpilled
used to post on a uncensored media (gore) forum called ogrish back in the early 2000s mainly to watch beheading videos and footage from the iraq war, that forum became a sort of hotbed for nationalists and shitposters very much like Sup Forums is now ...then the ogrish domain was sold and turned into liveleak, the forum was purged and many of us dispersed over to here. So been posting here for over a decade now....damn
Sup Forums raided a forum I helped admin ( was/is like a more hard-core stormfront). At that time, Sup Forums was chaos and only "racist" in order to shock. I was intrigued and started lurking. I participated in the raids on Hal Turner (wackadoo wn1.0 radio host) and we found out he was an fbi asset.
Anyway, there was a huge generational divide there, and lots of the younger crowd from VNN started posting to Sup Forums and other boards. We engineered then a raid on and other racist forums so that it would keep happening. Within about 6 months, the hardcore racists had either redpilled or driven off so many that posted there. Many of the infographics on race stem from this period--notice how the dates for the data often end in 2006-2008. That was VNNfags' doing. This is an abridged version.
Many of us have grown up and moved along (even to different countries), but there are some still around. There are always a couple who answer when I post this.
No Jews, Just Right
I wish I never discovered Sup Forums.
I wish I could just unknow and unsee everything.
I wish I could go back to my old degenerate fedora life.
Ignorance truly is bliss.
follow a similar trajectory as you, i would even go as far to say barrens chat in WoW was my first real exposure to mass anonymous conversations with people around the world. ever since then it has been beautiful to see how far we've come. so superior compared to normies' """""social media""""" (aka social engineering)
>who owns this site now that moot is gone
Hiroyuki Nishimura, he's pretty good to Sup Forums
Been on Sup Forums since 05, migrated between Sup Forums and Sup Forums and others like Sup Forums then eventually here when it was created.