Trump was in cali when he tweeted this
Cell tower
>implying the president's personal device isn't behind six million proxies
>Great WALL of China
Lying cheeto! He's probably golfing and hanging out at the vanilla unicorn. IMPEACH IMPEACH
Doing recon for the gooks on where to nuke
Where else would Trump be? The white house? Not likely.
Manila. UDT Green still on the ground there? Anyone?
The wall!
I’ve seen an Asian streaming on Facebook live map that had it in Cali but the streamer was somewhere where it was day time and it was dark in Cali. Computers gonna computer
Best part of the tweet
he used a vpn
Politicans devices have their locations rerouted through a lot of things to prevent them from being tracked. It has been this way ever since that German politicans every movement was tracked as a showcase of what "metadata" collection can do.
They dont even let the president poop without collecting it so it cant be used against him, you dont think his cell phone wouldn't have safeguards on it to prevent location tracking?
China Korea and the other gook nations don't exist. The trip is a jew trick filed in front of a blue screen in Hollywood.
Thats probably the great firewall of China fucking with things
he has teleportation device that he inherited from his grampa who got it from Nicola Tesla.
When I go on a Caribbean cruise, Facebook tags me at the port I left from instead of where I am unless I have cell connectivity.
If I had a twitter I would never post my actual location while I was still there. Spread misinformation about your whereabouts to avoid being tracked.
I hope Trump golfs more than Obama - he still has a long way to go before getting to 308 times though.
Or he is using Barron's
It's either the VPN router he is on or Peter Theils operation. I've caught tweets with the location tagged in the bay area when he was in NY or DC.
Build it
TFW someone has to collect the president's poop
VPN to to get around the Great Firewall, retard. Kys.
Perhaps it was one of his interns.
I highly doubt Trump is always in control of his own Twitter account.
im sure they arent just playing golf
>taking it serious
Wew the absolute state of....you.
Imagine Trumps runny fast food shits too. Truly deplorable.
Chinese aren't allowed to use twitter he's using tor/proxies
he fucking loves that word.
Can confirm. 'Flew' to S. Korea once. When we landed we realized we were on an island facility and were given a quick run down