If blacks are inferior, shouldn't evolution wipe them out long time ago? Huh?
Sup Forums BTFO?
If blacks are inferior, shouldn't evolution wipe them out long time ago? Huh?
It's been trying but everyone gives them free gibs
>>Africa literally hell on earth
>>Still doesn't understand why western society is best.
Kys nigger.
>implying that's how evolution works
something like that would take FAR longer than how long they've even been here.
BAIT (you)
it's called having 20 kids and then hoping like 3 live
Jews keep protecting them.
Evolutionary pressure is non existant in modern day society. That's why niggers were very few in Africa up until modern medicine and technology
They have been here before whites were even a thing.
They are inferior at civilisation not multiplying. You could say they a superior at that
Africa would've been wiped by ebola and civil war decades ago if it weren't for the UN cucks.
why isnt every plant poisonous?
why are there still monkeys?
because if a species keeps surviving and making babies just fine without doing something better, they dont need to become more advanced, so they do not. cockroaches have been around for fucking forever in form we know today
We also have been kind of busy fighting ourselves, you know.
>Evolutionary pressure is non existant in modern day society.
If evolution is real they should still struggle to survive with their "inferior" skills and poor decisions. But here we are in the year of 2017 after Christ.
Africa's black population would be 1/10th of what it is now without western sustenance.
So do you admit that they are as good as you but different?
Oh wait, whites don't have kids anymore.
The gazelle is inferior to the lion, does that mean there are no gazels?
The West is literally the only thing keeping their population over-inflated. When they're gone, Africans will return to a population before World War II, where there was little foreign intervention/aid
well it is isn't it
but they either want un assistance or welfare
and we oblige
What if they evolved to manipulate whites into giving them free shit just like cats?
If it weren't for the mindvirus of cuckstianity, blacks would have been genocided during European colonialism, or would exist only in a state of perpetual slavery.
Nature's dirty little secret is that genocide is natural
Blacks are perfectly suited to hunter gatherer life in Africa
You obviously don't have a clue how evolution works.
Same for pic related
Some African countries like Nigeria have larger GDP than many countries found on Sup Forums.
They do struggle to survive with their inferior skills and poor decisions. But bleeding heart liberals throw money at them so their 20 kids survive.
>>still doesn’t understand that Africa has been ultimately fucked by western society
Its more jews evolved into domesticating whites to follow all their commands.
Everything that exists in nature is natural.
This includes stars, gays, abortions and Sup Forums.
Technology has made most of the evolutionary traits irrelevant. Environmental adaptation is useless now: a black person can live in Sweden, have kids and exist for generations down the line and his kids will have no pressure to adapt, since their survival rate is the same roughly of Swedish kids (environment doesn't kill them.
Food is no longer scarce, so geographic and technologic advantage in food production is mostly irrelevant, even in the third world due to humanitarian programs. Medicine has made resistance to illnesses far more irrelevant than it was just 100 years ago (and 100 years is nothing in evolutionary terms)
And a miriad other factors. I can continue if you want
>If evolution is real they should still struggle to survive with their "inferior" skills and poor decisions.
That has zero to do with evolution. They are well adapted to their environment, but even that is made irrelevant by the introduction to modern technology and medicine in Africa.
No one struggles anymore aside very few poor people.
So they managed to become perfect at making liberals pay them. Who is whose master in here? It looks like blacks evolved to be better at controlling their environment.
Which is exactly what whites used to do.
Guess we're all the same on the inside, huh?
>they were thousands of years behind in technology because of modern western society
Fuck off
They're also grossly overpopulated and are fighting civil conflicts today. Soil Degradation is also turning their country into a wasteland, and no continuing foreign aid will mean a crisis worse than Zimbabwe's famine
>I will just call all uncomfortable questions bait
You clearly don't understand how evolution works. Please just stop. You are making yourself sound more and more stupid with every post.
So bugs are equal to humans because evolution did not wipe them out yet?
Go back to school
Thing with evolution. They can by all means survive without being as intelligent as other species. An ant obviously isn't as intelligent as a wolf. They are adapted to live in a certain environment. Obviously it takes less intelligence to survive in a warm climate with abundant resources. Humans adapted to live in colder climates (whites and asians) and then moved back into warmer climates like Mediterraneans that progressed farther when they had a desire to do things. It's a lot more complicated than I'm saying but there's a book called "sapiens" which goes into more detail.
>you can teach a bird to do math
>you can teach a monkey to do math
But, neither of these would do so on their own without human intervention
i did not say niggers were better than anyone.
Sup Forums doesn't beleeb in evolution. Sup Forums beleebs in jeesus and feminen peen.
you would have been if we had left ALL OF YOU in africa
Infact the only reason blacks are still alive in africa right now, is because countries support the various african nations with food, medicine and money aid.
are you too stupid to realize any of this?
>stop giving them foreign aid
>stop letting migrate
Africa is suddenly a self solving problem
Not necessarily. They lived in an environment that didn't really require intelligence. Gorillas aren't going to win any spelling bees, but they survived because they were able to feed themselves and breed.
In the last few centuries, they've been sustained by white people.
>Soil Degradation
They don't understand how to rotate crops like white farmers have known to do for thousands of years. Even in the bible it was required to let your field rest and be fallow every 7th year so that wild plants can grow and regenerate the soil. It was common knowledge that the soil could be over used and worn out 2000+ years ago.
Yes. Every life form is sacred.
>what is slavery
>what is the Anglo-Zulu wars
>what is the outcome of almost every war on that continent
How exactly does one find a Polish Proxy server?
We've been propping them up throughout recorded history. If the white man just disappeared, as we've seen in Zimbabwe, they would literally starve to death.
They enslaved each other and sold them to the west silly nigel
Besides all they do now is blame whitey for everything bad while the chicoms are entering en masse
And their country is going to end up like Haiti. Even Tacoland, the Dominican Republic, at least know how to preserve their ecosystem
I suggest you do some reading before you talk about this again.
Am I wrong?
>thousands of years behind in technology
No they weren't
Everything you mentioned only occurred in the past 300 years. Why were they still thousands of years behind back in the 1600's? Most of Africa wouldn't even be bronze age technology without the west.
Pandas still exist. They're basically blind, slow, and you have to beg them to fuck each other. Humans are the only reason they exist at this point.
Technically, whites are the ones being filtered out of the gene pool.
Whites have benefitted from technological prowess in recent history, which we could fashion this idea as artificial selection.
Though blacks and other groups are climbing the pyramid in the natural selection game, hence the white fright in trying to preserve their race, which in essence is an admission to a defensive strategy.
Blacks will go when the gorilla also goes extinct.
Actually I'm afraid of many rabid animals, but that doesn't make fear they are better than me.
>If blacks are inferior, shouldn't evolution wipe them out long time ago? Huh?Sup Forums BTFO?
It basically did. See whites.
evolution isn't a maximization of outcome function it's a minimization of effort function
survival of the fittest is a tautology that is often misunderstood
it doesn't mean that the strongest survive, it means that anyone that survived was just barely strong enough and doesn't need to improve anymore
If blacks aren't inferior, how come they get btfo by whitey every time? The only reason they're still here is whites self destructive empathy cultivated by ((()))
if wolves kill a person, does that mean the wolves are more superior?
The person was caught off gaurd
You may believe this but that doesn't mean they are equal
I said sacred, not equal. There is no such thing as equality.
That continent has always been the centre of conflict dating back to the bible. If either of us were to go look up the entire history of the continent, certain that the outcome would be that Africa is the way it is today because of past problems instead of because they are black.
Thats not how evolution works....
If humans were hunter-gatherers, why haven't people who wear glasses gone extinct? Good vision is necessary for survival right? People have been using glasses for 1000 years at this point. The genes should die out!
>Evolution isn't some great equaliser. Humans have shaken off some of the more immediate effects of evolutionary principles, like genes dying out as a result of people with them not being able to have kids or dying early in life.
It's because humans look after each other and work together. Genes that don't benefit humanity survive in the right circumstances.
His question was is x and x equal. You said yes.
90% of blacks were genetically isolated from other races until the last 300 years, look at North Africans, constantly in contact with other races for millennia, also happens to be not black due to the exposure to better genetics.
So how have first humans crossed the great desert at the north?
It would if you stopped letting them into your countries and giving them aid. But you fuckers just won't stop, will you?
It would have, but we just won’t stop sending them aid.
It's not a matter of inferior and superior, it's a matter of vast differences that are left unacknowledged by the regressive left. These differences are factual and measurable, but knowing the facts, measuring the differences, and hypothesizing their origins are deemed racist, or worse, pseudoscience. So long as application of the scientific method in studying racial differences is discouraged, rational people will been deemed racist.
Did you know it took less than 50,000 years for a creature that looked like a cross between a wolf and a cow, and ate primarily fish from the shoreline, to evolve into the first proto-sea mammal? From a four-legged land animal who spent time with his face in the water hunting, to a sea mammal who spent its life in the water. The blowholes of sea mammals evolved in this process: higher nostrils -> larger area to obtain food -> more babies because better fed.
That is evolution. With few exceptions, evolution is consumption. Giraffes evolved from camels. Camels with longer necks could reach tree leaves, ate more, and reproduced more -> passed on their mutation (longer necks) to more offspring. This is why sickle-cell anemia is prominent in Africa, because it is a defense against Malaria. It prevents the protozoa from *consuming* red blood cells.
Now, apply that logic to survival-affecting regional differences.
It is no coincidence that civilizations that have spent the last several thousand years in areas with year-round abundant food are underdeveloped. Development and long-term planning do not affect their ability to survive. Tribes in South America live their lives today almost identically to how they were lived 10,000 years ago. Modular slash-burn-regrow agriculture, hunting, and fishing. Tribes in Africa as well, with hunting and ranching. There is very little in the way of environmental disasters in either locale, and their mild winters do not necessitate advanced architecture.
People are still getting cancer, so cancer must be a good thing.
/sci/ BTFO
God bless you cunts.
Thats not how evolution works
Blacks are black because of the heat at the equator. Tbqh they probably stagnated as a people because food was plentiful for their lower populations and they were apex predators amongst the lions and whatever.
No reason to develop creative reasoning and advance technology if the status quo doesn't change.
Westerners always progressed technology for progress's sake. Put down the pointy stick for a pointy rock, put down the pointy rock for a pointy sword. Africans and aboriginals have their stagnation in common, they never progressed past a pointy rock, some never even decided to make mud huts.
Yeah so if people wonder why niggers are still around it's because we haven't genocided them yet like every other species would have in our position
>Tribes in South America live their lives today almost identically to how they were lived 10,000 years ago.
You don’t seriously believe this do you?
You lack even a basic understanding of how evolution works take this coloring book and sit in the corner while the adults speak.
I have a hamster, he's weak and useless and evolution would have wiped him long time ago if people like me didn't provide him food, cares and home.
Gas the kikes
>Gas the kikes
Gas the kikes
>Gas the kikes
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves here
>Evolutionary pressure is non existant in modern day society
Are you questioning the quality of my bait?
blacks out number whites on earth
The reason for the success of Western European nations is not their genetics, but material, historical, and political circumstances.
The hamster manipulates you into taking care of him. Both a parasite and a manipulator are valid evolutionary strategies.
> Receives aid from other countries
>still a massive shit hole of a country
I'm sure if we left it would implode at this point
If they are not equal, one is above the other
Some do, yes.
2) You need not look any further than the trees of Africa to see the effects of regional influences on development. They are hailed as marvels of evolution, but in reality, they evolved the same way everything else did - mutations that allowed for increased health / decreased predation / more reproduction / increased energy conservation / increased consumption.
Going back to humans again - apply to prehistoric humans who ventured into Europe.
Do not prepare warm clothing for winter - dead.
Do not store food for winter - dead.
Do not develop strong shelter for winter - dead.
Do not harvest firewood - dead.
Furs prepared improperly rot - dead.
Food stored improperly rots - dead.
All of these factors, when flipped, mean more children. When they are flipped and enhanced, mean yet even more children.
At their core, the differences between the races can be explained by regional influences on the evolution of that race. We do people of every color a great disservice by not analyzing and even celebrating those influences and their resulting genetic differences.
Gorillas have small testicles because their females do not mate with anyone but the silverback. Their has never been an influence requiring the silverback to produce more or more potent semen to pass on any traits to his children. Conversely, rats have enormous testicles because females mate constantly; the influence causing the evolution of large testicles was the physical displacement of a reproductive rival's semen with their own. The "larger testicle" trait, like any other, was passed to their young.
Europeans who could think to the future, passed this trait to their children. What we consider intelligence is really a practical application of the scientific method, ingrained in us at a genetic level. It is in our instinct to consider consequence, because if our ancestors did not, they died. No such influence is present in regions with year-round, abundant food.
>his conclusion after the description of cockroaches surviving
they arent inferior. they are actually superior physically.
The bance changes based on current circumstances all the time. They are never equal but none of them is always better or worse.
Yeah man. I remeber the time when bugs used to beat us up. They are fucking dangerous, we shouldn't underestimate them.