Seriously what is the deal with all this propaganda?

Explain yourself amerimutts. speaking with friends here they all have in their minds this picture of white women in the US, even girls here know about it and think that american women are crazy for even hanging out with nogs.
Everybody outside the US now thinks that white american women are whores that fuck niggers since they are 14 thanks to all the adds and movies coming from the land of the fat and gunz

Other urls found in this thread:

you're honestly overthinking it, remember we're only 56% whit

It's to indoctrinate younger girls. A lot of young high school girls lay with nogs now even the pretty and popular ones, and not just the trashy/lower class ones when we were growing up. Everytime I pick up my cousin from school it's obvious that these girls are falling for this propaganda, plus you know the white kids are totally cucked and scared to stick up for themselves or anyone else.

Honestly I feel bad for white nations is there a reason why ((they)) decided to destroy the west and not other civilizations, why isn't china and the rest of Asia like this, why haven't the jews enslaved all of africa.Why do the jews want to destroy us what did we do?

Are you kidding? Who do you think founded communism?


Unequivocally this.


>white american women are whores that fuck niggers since they are 14

That's true though. They fuck niggers and spics in middle school.

The question is now. What do we do about it. Young girls are most susceptible to propaganda and the most impressionable. They take this kind of propaganda from every angle from social media to radio and television. Your little brothers and cousins aren't growing up with the same opportunities to experience teen puppy love like we did (that is if you neets ever had gfs in high school). It's being taken from them.

All the younger girls believe all the memes pushed by leftists propaganda surrounding black guys now. The only ones that I have seen with resistance to this is girls from big white families.

America is a literal jew-nigger terrorist state and "right wing" White Americans actually chimp out and autistically screech whenever someone suggests cutting back on jew-nigger international terrorism. I don't know what anyone is expecting.

Every ad this year is the same who could be behind this?

>"The Plurinational State of Bolivia is South America's poorest country. In the countryside, poverty is widespread and deeply entrenched, particularly among the nation's indigenous people, who constitute the majority. About 60 per cent of Bolivians live below the national poverty line."
Worry about your own shit-stain of a country, 87 IQ sub-human scum.

> white american women are whores that fuck niggers since they are 14

This is completely accurate and true. Interracial couples are booming and most of the young women I know would choose a nigger, first and foremost. The white man is shunned and shamed by our society. By the time I reached middle school the coal was already being burned. Black males are treated by white women as something mythical and superior. They all are living the " big black cock" meme. I believe it is fashionable and respected to be sexually involved with niggers.

> [Remove]

Is that a joke ?

Chinks aren't concerned about flushing their culture down the toilet to win the approval of other nations flushing their culture down the toilet.

So what do we do about it?

There's nothing you can do about it. You already made the choice decades ago.

Look at the demographics and replacement rates, realize white people have already lost barring genocide/mass deportation, realize that genocide/mass deportation will not happen in our gynocracy, then realize it's over.


We're a terrible country, don't follow our example.

>white american women are whores that fuck niggers since they are 14
You believe that because you are an indigenous nigger that don't even have an army.

Openly scorn them for hanging around with niggers. You must punish bad behaviour. It's really that simple.

Fuck that. You think Napoleon, Caeser, Hitler, or Alexander the Great thought like that? Fuck no, they fought, we need a strong man to rally behind, not a someone like Richard Spencer, but an actual man of old who has a stiff upper lip and is above all not a pussy.

Nothing. There is absolutely nothing we can do. Get angry and let it seep into my personal life and effect my personal/emotional well being? No thank you. I've moved past that. Myself? I'm going to take as much as I can and contribute nothing. I look forward to the inevitable collapse. The future is Brown, America will be a 3rd world dump in a matter of years. Our women are subverted slobs with no moral compass or principals. Traditions are dead, senpai. Contributing to this society and trying to fight the world is fruitless and worthless. It's all over. Enjoy your life. You wanna smoke weed, do it. You wanna fap to traps, do it. We're so far away from the light, or any hope of salvation. Women and niggers and all other sub humans can rot in hell, fuck it.

Can we stop this meme please. It's about genetics not culture. Neither you nor I have the same culture that our grandparents had. It's meaningless which is exactly why civcucks go on about it all the time. It can, is and has been changed on a whim to suit government policy.

participate in the jewish privilege ad campaign. Spread flyers in your town. They will censor the web when the knowing levels get too high but they cannot censor pamphlets

Sorry you are wrong in the US the only one that are falling in the demographics and replacement rates are the non-whites. White are stable non-white are the ones that are falling.

We need a return to the constitution, not a daddy strong man for your weak ass

this and boomers deny it which is also funny. Only option now is to burn it to the ground so we can get a critical mass to wake up to the jewish problem

What is Christianity?

Look at South Korea though. Consider how long they have been a developing to first world nation and look at where they are going with their culture. Jews financed their entire nation. It's like a mini social simulation that has been going on. Expect a ton of multi-cultural pushes and accepting mass refugees soon.

Doesn't work all the time especially with young girls. They will only listen to you and try to emulate you if you are a trusted family member or just really really good looking. The left has plenty of very attractive people spewing their bullshit so they beat us on that front.

Philosophy of despair. Godamnit men who will be the next Napoleon or Caeser? Where are all the tough Arthurian men of yore or ruthless barbaric medieval legends that we would learn about? We need our William the conquerer or Harald Hardrada. We need a new Napoleon or Hitler. Who will it be? Is it you?

Don't fall for the niggerazation.

Now factor in illegal immigration

>don't even have an army

You are the best fitting subject for this meme.

For a country that is only 2% mixed and 3% black, it's fucking ridiculous how much they are in our media. It's obvious that we are trying to parrot America, with the introduction of Black history month into our country. If there is any evidence of white genocide in the media, it's this.

Okay, go start the race war then, faggot.

I see white women with black guys everywhere, it's over...

I'd love to lead you fine gentleman into war to battle the muds and degeneracy. I would have no problem removing niggers and burning Jews and Muslims alive. With nothing to lose I'd give it all to a worthy cause. I won't cry and bitch about things like coal burning though anymore. Our race traitorous women are lesser than dogs, the fights not for them but for us. There are many larpers and agitators here. I know that some men have the fire I'm their eyes though. It's us vs world.

You must ride the tiger my friends. We have entered the age of Aquarius if you fall the calendar correctly. Men in the world will work together. Other nations in the world will wake up to the Zionist agenda of the world. Our only inevitable truth is for America and Western Europe to economically crash. We are the builders of our nations. The weak shall die and the strong shall persist.
Then the world can follow the Alain De Benoist philosophy of ethnopluraliism. We all work better when we are together. There is a new elite taking over the world. The old elite are dying off. Our Earth is dying off because we are living on earth not with it. The white men is realizing he has to live with earth not in. The Neo liberals of the world will only fall when their system collapses. The pendulum always swings.
Western World needs to suffer to know what’s it like to be great. My friends be proud because you shall be the grandfathers of New World for your children. The whole world is awaking and they will see the mask of the Zionist Agenda.


why are you guys against this? i also feel that it's disgusting but if i get real rational about it, i don't see anything wrong with it
but the gut reaction is still there
it's making me think "rationality" is something the jews created to control and brainwash us

Another point to consider is that many nignogs go into art careers (also fueled by affirmative action and all that shit)
And the fucking LOVE to self-insert and project their niggardry into their work.
So if you see a nigger in an advertisment you can be sure there's a nigger behind it (or a jew with a nigger assistant)

You realize that people tear bricks off the great wall to build their houses with, right? Chinese have no qualms completely destroying their own culture on a whim

Always blonde woman with black male. This is really a fucking fetish, the most common interracial pairing in the US is white man with Hispanic female. But I guess that would be oppressive towards the feminist white women who are needed to vote for more immigration.

There was this whore i knew that actively encouraged their girlfriends to have a black dude take their virginity since only a black guy would make sure they would have a great first time.

It´s too painful to think of a large group of young white girls all losing their virginity to a couple of black guys, just becasue they have been influenced to think they are the best.

I still remember when i was a kid and young girls dreamed of cute blonde white guys.

do you guys also feel this with a white girl and an oriental?

The nigger is like a biological weapon for kikes. Behind every successful nigger is a Jew. Never forget that. Niggers are Jack shit and chumps when it comes to innovations and survival. Niggers aren't and will never be as intelligent and sentient as you are. If the kikes lose control of their pets, the Jews are in big trouble. The problem of removing the welfare system presents itself as a daunting task. Hopefully we get to witness the banks and corporations collapse in our life times. The scum always rises to the top.

Remember this and the pain it has caused when we finally break through the barrier and physically have our hands around (((their))) necks. Those women are worthless pigs, anyhow.

The paper isn't from a reputable institution and the author has no previous publication. The article also doesn't provide details on sample size which is strange for that kind of article.

Fuck. I've been saying this about America since I was a kid. They keep doing this shit where there'll be four people and one of them is black, I'm like jeez that's still OVER double the representation of blacks in this country (USA). Then they CONSTANTLY do the half black half white shit... God it's getting so gay. I just turn off whatever I'm watching as soon as I see the bigger no exceptions

>Those women are worthless pigs, anyhow.

To some virgin whiteboi on Sup Forums? I'm sure they care.

When I see niggers or other non whites in mass media it provokes this odd combination of depression/anger. I can't stomach much tv these days.

It's not true but the left pushes this shit constantly in movies and commercials. The amount of race mixing propaganda is sickening. I live in a blue state and most white women do not want a black, even the liberal ones. The only white women I ever see with black guys are trashy looking whores. They have this look to them. It's hard to describe but you can spot one a mile away. Never attractive and look dirty as in they do not wash or take care of themselves.

The propaganda is getting worse though. I'm going to move my family to a new country. I'm so sick of the left in this country. Where should I go? Any recommendations?

Only undesirable and foolish women want anything to do with your kind. Keep in mind, I am a human, you are a Brown skinned humanoid. Any women with a grain of dignity and self worth wouldn't be seen near shitskins.

> tfw trashy whores are the majority of white women

>Any women with a grain of dignity and self worth wouldn't be seen near shitskins.

That's just you pushing your morality on them. Interracial couples are not taboo in society anymore, even big celebrities have black boyfriends. Chances are nobody cares if you find their relationship disgusting, you're too much of a coward to speak up about in real life anyway, cus you would get your shit rocked white boi.

Society is a degenerate land fill so I'm not surprised. Kikes saying things are acceptable means that those things are vile and repulsive. Shlomo, you can't win here.

cringe (((shit)))

thanks for the flag

I wish a nigger would square me up and rightfully get his skull blasted in half

It's girls from liberal families and Jewish families that end up burning the coal. I say don't stop your enemy when they are killing themselves. They are going to dilute their genes and lower their IQs creating a new race of Australian Abo tier mulatos who we will use for cheap labor such as picking fruit and flipping burgers. The white race will rise again and we will have a lower class who will work and not receive gibs.

I hold the belief that Jew women only stick to other Jews. Most kikes wouldn't want to shame their family. Jews don't want to procreate with goys and niggers.

Make the boomers aware.
If you look at the comments it is already happening.

I need help guys. I'm talking to a black girl online and she likes me. Problem is she is black and when she types messages it's in ebonics. She is cute though but I don't want black kids and my parents will disown me if they find out. Please help me

They do though. Most blacks you see on tv and movies have Jew blood

It's mostly a meme. The only white girls you see with niggers here are ham planets. White girls in general are not particularly fond of hanging out with jiggaboos here.

Even though niggers are 13% of our population they literally chimp out if they aren't over represented in all media.

Man Indians are fucked at this point. The standard "native american" of the future is going to be only 1/16th native Elizabeth Warren wannabe shit, pure natives will disapear.

Though I have to question the validity of this graph, it only measures married newlyweds. Which isn't accurate as blacks don't tend to marry anymore, with black or white women. It should count nu,berry of interacial children born instead.

You would be surprised but a lot of jewish girls also fall for this propaganda too. It's quite funny to watch them burn the coal.

Not true user, Jewish women are some of the biggest whores in the world

Wtf Muhammed I love niggers now I guess.

Thanks for you defeatist (and prob self serving observation)

So don't fuck or date her. Friend zone her and find a good white girl. It's best for both of you desu

Yes, and U fucking gringos have a duty to reverse this, because if not then white people will be gone and I'll be sad.


what sane person even befriends a nigger?

You should read, or have you read "Enjoying the decline" fits your philosophy to a T.

Wtf I love defeatism now.

Just wait for when you have half of your numbers and they double goy.

Jews control hollywood and US mass media, dipshit

What about my jungle fever?

>Everybody outside the US now thinks that white american women are whores that fuck niggers since they are 14
There are

Its because they want to fuck the popular kids. Who are the popular kids? The jocks, niggers are biologically (and or literally) 5 years older than their peers so they dominate school sports like football and basketball.

Gotta disagree from my experience, the fit and popular girls at my school used to joke derisively about even the popular nogs in subtle ways.

There's definitely a concerted effort to force it, but right now most white women of all ages don't like black guys, they still associate them as either being dirty or dangerous or a lower social status than them. Move over to Asian women and they practically consider nogs as monkeys.

If you haven't figured out by now that the Jews control everything, you're never going to.
Most people only wish they could go back to being so ignorant and blissful.

Simply tell the truth:

Black men are:
7x more likely to have STDs
5x more likely to abandon you and your child
3x more likely to beat you
3x more likely to beat your child

Decades ago? You mean the boomers made that choice.

Daily reminder this type of inter-racial relationship is more common and is more damaging. Daily reminder the media pushes this just as much as BM/WF

... only 30 years ago ...

How did we let ourselves get conquered so quick?

How exactly is white men stealing other races' women as damaging as black men stealing white mens' women?

So the mighty kike falls for their own repulsive subversions? Top kek.

Nice shill flag you aren't going to demoralize us any more Jews have faught much greater hardships and have come out stronger on the other side whites will too our right wing takeover will make the Jews look like babies.

I'll check it out, I've been searching for cool books to read

Neither of them have white kids and hapas are usually more fucked up then mulattos

Think how long you have been out of high school and how "diverse" your highschool population was. I'm 8 years out of an East coast high school. My city was mostly white and Hispanic a close 2nd, mixed with enclaves of serbs and bosnians, Vietnamese or Hmong, and pakistanis, Egyptians all these together probably took up like 5% of the population. Black people were probably 10% and back then non of the pretty popular white girls with anything going for them would ever date a black guy. One Jew girl dated a halfie and would guys but none of the normies back then could tell she was a Jew so they all thought she was white. Occasionally one of the popular girls would date a Hispanic guy, but mostly everybody kept to their own except for the few trashy coalburners who were ugly anyway. however white guys would date Hispanic girls a lot and sometimes Hispanic guys would date white girls but the former was more prominent.

Now, at that very same highschool the popular girls fuck black guys and probably lost it to.them in middle School.

Race mixing of every kind is disgusting and loathsome.

Diversity is a ( nice meme )

I got some leaflets from my local council office and figured Sup Forums would appreciate this one

>Now, at that very same highschool the popular girls fuck black guys and probably lost it to.them in middle School.

How do you know that?

I'm close with my younger cousins who are a couple of years out of that highschool. I pick up some of the ones still in highschool occasionally and I see it for myself plus talk to them and try to help them.get a girl.