They're pushing BMWF again for Christmas

Looks like we're in for a black Christmas. These blonde white women certainly are.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're getting desperate, so they're doubling down on the propaganda while it still has any effect.

What's clear, is that they dropped any pretense of gradualism. Their plans have been greatly altered by an unforeseen force.

All those media students who were spoonfed multicultural leftist nonsense have finally made it into management positions.

>those feels.
That's my house and that's my car
That's my dog in my backyard
There's the window to the room
Where she lays her pretty head
I planted that tree out by the fence
Not long after we moved in
That's my kids and that's my wife
Who's that man, runnin' my life

>demographics change
>commercials change to fit demographics
oh no

and the woman in the top image is a redhead, not a blonde.

Where my WM/BF ads at?


WHO GIVES A SHIT! Get over it. You live on a floating rock in space. Who gives a shit!

The jew has eternally blown up his victory right at the end with his own insane passions of revenge. The propaganda has long stopped having effect, the very existence of this forum is evidence of that. But the jew does not have brakes. They only know to double down. And that is why they lose. Because long after people are starting to wake up, where it would have been wise to dial it down, they instead slam the dial to 10 in an effort to prevent the uprising.

If the jews been half as subtle during their reign in Weimar, if they hadn't let themselves get so drunk on power and plunge the country into nightmarish degeneracy just because they could, they would have never gotten Hitler and the Third Reich.

What's wrong? Are you angry that Black Men are finally taking over what was always theirs?

Yakub himself said that for six thousand years whites would reign

Those six thousand years are finished. The age of the white man is over. The age of the African has begun.

the tactical nihilism is rael

this isn't propaganda, it's britain's future. Deal with it britcucks.


TV never used to be like this. 5 years ago there were hardly any blacks in adverts/TV- representative of the 3% of our population that they make up. It's almost as if an agenda is being pushed

There houses are not that nige in real life.

I crown thee, the crumpit.

I support, Its ok to be white. As a shitskin i really believe its ok to be white. So much so that i even pound my white wife's pussy everyday. Thanks white man.

It was definitely starting 5 years ago. But now they have dialed it up to insane levels to the point where if aliens were to get our TV transmissions, they would think that 85% of all couples were interracial and the only kids being born were mixed. That was one of the very first things to begin me down the journey of redpilling. The fact that TV corresponded less and less with reality, and yet, more and more people seemed to believe it despite what their own eyes told them. Turning off the electric jew was the best decision I have ever made.

Yup. This is just the sprinkle before the storm. It only gets worse from here boys. Zoey and her crew of (((modern))) women will bring the beauty of multiculturalism to fruition. She got a power position and shes not afraid to use it to take down the white patriarchy matrix we all live in. She's a warrior for change and should be exalted for what she is attempting.

They don't pay enough

W-what if those atheist International Jews, Soros, and the Rothschilds are the real Nazis? What if this is reverse psychology? What if they want to use the whites to eliminate blacks and middle-Easterners as a threat to Jews?

I know you're a white bug man who sniffs his mother's panties


How does it feel to have ruined your children's lives? Never an in group, always an outsider. If only their skin was a little bit darker or a little bit lighter.

Disgusting, she actually had to hold that ugly nigger girl. I’m sure she had to take a shower immediately after.

How are these people so broken?


It's obviously posted by someone from here.

Lmao it’s a subtle troll post.

schlomo the post

Contrary to popular belief, only a very small amount of white women burn coal. But yet EVERYWHERE you look, this shit is shoved in your face. It’s not representative of reality in any way

I wonder if black people ever feel patronised by all this forced diversity?

It's always middle class women in the media whereas in reality it's mostly chav thots.

I can't take this shit anymore.

Just need one more panel of the guy outside opening fire on the racemixers

Yeah I’ve noticed that too. Most coal burners in reality are either white trash, or so fat that no white guy would ever fuck her. But on TV, it’s always “the nice girl down the street”.

each time I see something like this I go post a jewish privilege poster during one of my errands


And here you are shilling it and giving it views.


I'm having a white Christmas this year out in the middle of nowhere, fuck them and their PC bullshit adverts.

Ho ho ho, merry Xmas Sup Forums

>not abandoning their kids

70 percent of blacks are raised by single moms

Nearly every ad I see on UK TV channels these days has race mixing WfBm couples. It's clear as day the agenda behind it and it's brazen af fuck.

none of this shit has fuck all to do with X-mas. where is jesus?

Do you know what's great? Just point it out once to your white friends / loved ones about the race-mixing propaganda and you'll get a tiny bit of flak but the confirmation bias will set in immediately. My wife used to think these were cute and fun until I told her it's to convince white people to stop having more white children and they're attacking our culture/heritage.


lol has to be troll

Blacks already have their own festival.... seems racist that Christmas is being pushed on them, is black festival no good?

Hmmm... in the details

LeTavius 'Bixnood' Washington as Zeus


Yeah, it's often so forced that anyone can notice it. I was at a movie once, with a liberal friend from CA. There was an ad before that was foremost propaganda. The ad itself was vaguely for either the concession stand, Coke, or maybe the theater chain, I can't even remember, but basically someone is covering their female friend's eyes and brings them into a theater and presents her to a black man, as a blind date, and she is just immediately ecstatic, and they immediately kiss or share a soda or something. My friend audibly reacted like "what the fuck was that."


name of the show pls

LoI thought Kwanzaa was where you have sex with a flaccid dick.

A white cuckmas

Sadly indeed.

Ayo! Hol Up! So like, you tryna say we wuz greeks n sheit! Sheeeeeiiiitttt!

They’re right next to the women raped
>Non existent

Universal soldier day of reckoning

>let's go the cinem-

>TV never used to be like this. 5 years ago there were hardly any blacks in adverts/TV- representative of the 3% of our population that they make up. It's almost as if an agenda is being pushed
I moved away from home then a decade ago and at that time i didn't buy a TV, i had a computer and i had good internet so i never really needed one. I still watched some shows ofc but i did it on the computer and i had addblock, so i never really came in contact with commercials.

Its like no commercial has a normal same race hetero couple anymore. If you see a white man he is either alone, with another man or very rarely with a black woman. 90% of the couples are BMWF or gays.

Its so detached from reality that even libtards begin to notice it. You hear normies people say shit like ''ofc they are gay'' or ''ofc its a black man'' when you have some a commercial that involves a family.

These jackasses can put whatever they want on TV it won't change the fact that black men need date rape drugs to get a white woman under 250 lbs.

These ads always crack me up. You never see a nice middle class family of a black man, white woman and their kids irl. What you see is a fat white single mum with cornrows dragging round a couple of ape mistakes.

When was the last time Sup Forums saw an ad that featured a white couple?

Quite often but they're always some hopeless chubby bloke and his long suffering wife/gf who has to sort out all of the problems he's caused while rolling her eyes.

Your male , pale,and failed. fuck Trump and fuck white people. the woman advertisers always say.

This needs to start being reality

I need to go see a uni counselor because im losing my fucking mind. Whenever my gf comes to give me a hug or a ksis or even hold my hand i get like vietnam flashbacks to all the BMWF propaganda and it makes me feel ill. Like she only lvoes me because of the kike propaganda. I'm not even black, but it just feels like the only reason she wants to be with me is because she recognises me as a non-white and thats what her programming is telling her to do.

But TV shows us so many proud stay at home black father's raising their mixed children though.

Is that Zizek?

>getting triggered over a commercial

You know what the worst part is? They have all their teeth. I've never seen a non-white in real life without gaping holes in their shifty smile.

Are you saying the black man in this commercial is a cuck? The absolute state of black people today.