So I found this
who the fuck still goes to Sup Forums
>thinking Sup Forums is relevant
These feminists are even more clueless and stupid that I thought.
the roasties are mobilizing
Why is the x behind Sup Forums?
I miss when Sup Forums wasn't a porn board. I thought /bant/ might be the answer but it's just pure shitpost.
I thought Sup Forums was filled with reddit-tier Liberals.
so feminists are going to attack the traps? never interrupt your enemy while they are derping the fuck out- some faggot.
I haven't been there in years
just check now
first thread is s/fur
second thread is magic 8 ball thread
yeah it's not much going on there
>1 upvote
>posted 'now'
you made that post dumbass, youre not fooling anyone
Sup Forums ? Never heard of it, but apparently it's great. I guess I'll have to check it out.
Yet they are too retarded to see that anti-racism will make society more misogynistic by letting in more sandniggers
spent several years on b . took a hiatus and when I came back it was all trap and atheist threads. been here 2 yrs now
>rather than prove we are worthy of men let's just destroy them to prove that we are right
thats neat, this isn't a lost & found or a show & tell, though. Why don't you shove it up your ass and go back to plebbit
Is it 2005?
Feminism attacking Sup Forums? In 2017? Guess they forgot about what happen to tumblr.
paki speak
Trap and cuck fetishists
Sup Forums is a porn board now. We're the closest thing to old/b/ now.
What about /bant/ though?
nu-Sup Forums is irrelevant nowdays, it just lives off the recognition of its reputation. Its useful as a basic filter for newcomers though.
/bant/ is just /trash/ with with user IDs and flags.
These self-indulgent feminist whores are beyond clueless. Sup Forums is just a porn board.
>first thread is s/fur
Don’t these faggots know /trash/ exists?
D'awwwww how cute
They want our attention so bad they make video blogs about it
I feel flattered :v}
It is. Full of wankers, degenerates, liberals. Has Sup Forums done anything noteworthy in the past 5 years? They are not even funny. I can't imagine any true oldfag would still be there.
If they swat at the Sup Forums hive, make sure to take screenshots.
Is gun Sup Forums gud.
>only upvote is yours
>posted "now"
Fuck off Achmed
>Sup Forums
its a conspiracy
Sup Forums must be stopped.
This. Sup Forums has been the r*ddit crossovers containment board for years, as well as teenagers. There are no memes, just the same dumb porn threads over and over, and newfags who post about board culture on Facebook
this is Sup Forums today
Everyone get on reddit and upvote this shit.
I want tumblr 2.0
have any of you seen Sup Forums nowadays
it is the anti/pol/
it needs to be destroyed
New tradition. Go tell Sup Forums and make thanksgiving a thing.
trap and gay shit completely ruined Sup Forums
they have their own boards, why they just don't go there?
onwards to Sup Forumsjina
Someone needs to get reddit to raid Sup Forums. The lulz from Sup Forums's innevitable counter assault would be fucking amazing and would btfo leddit.
if Sup Forums could NUKE any board, which one and why?
>if Sup Forums could NUKE any board, which one and why?
if Sup Forums could NUKE any board, which one and why?
>if Sup Forums could NUKE any board, which one and why?
Newfags, thats where most spawns come from then they either branch out to Sup Forums or Sup Forums and life takes it course.
This type of thing always ends well.
How about you faggots do it. Sup Forums isn't your personal army.
Sup Forums and only Sup Forums
It is now
All of the pre 2010 Sup Forums users have grown up into bitter redpilled adults and moved to Sup Forums. Nu-Sup Forums is just cancer posting and pornography. Really a shell of the old anarchy board it use to be.
I'm pretty sure most of us here started with casual Sup Forums posting, realized most every other popular website is cancer and just stayed here because there's no where else to go.
Im doing it now dipshit. Still trying to find the post.
OP do you have a link?
Yep. Sup Forums might not be what it once was, but I'm sure they still like to have fun.
>Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums
surprised they didn't blame shit seriously on ebaumsworld or leddit this time.
Stop Sup Forums , yeah good luck on that one
It was probably deleted by OP after he got his screenshot, since it's obviously made by him, you dumb 56%
I go there occasionally to remind myself that Sup Forums really could be much worse.
random paranormal?
Underage fags
>started 2010 with Sup Forums and /gif/
>2 years later changed to Sup Forums /wsg/ /diy/
If Sup Forums brought back IDs I would probably use it more. I use it occasionally when I want to talk about non-political things. But I don't hang out on Sup Forums expecting a good thread, I go there to start a thread, hang out in it til it dies, and then move on
whose that in your picture?
>nobody calls out the redditor
yeah, i agree. at one time Sup Forums was what Sup Forums is right now, and in those days i loved the place. nowadays - not so much
Was a Sup Forumstard back in 2008.
You have described the transition perfectly
>Sup Forums
holy shit
what's it like in 2008?
if you were here for the Sup Forums days you would notice that the language used here right now is pretty much identical to Sup Forums circa 2009, roodypoo roodypoo newtgingritch and the peoples republic
Same. But last time I posted to Sup Forums was also in 2008.
I'm a Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fit/, /lit/, Sup Forums guy now, sometime /tg/ and /jp/ (for JAV threads :^))
Holy shit I haven't been on Sup Forums in years.
Mootavius Andre Jefferson
(1 post this ID)
In all fields
>All of the pre 2010 Sup Forums users have grown up into bitter redpilled adults and moved to Sup Forums.
this is so correct.
left Sup Forums after bin laden went down.
the porn cancer was too much, and the loli images were too much.
found /gif/ /r9k/ and Sup Forums checked Sup Forums for fresh naruto and bleach threads
then somehow...I ended up on Sup Forums somehow
everything changed from there.
>raiding Sup Forums
oh lord.
>ron paul Sup Forums!
>do it CANDY-ASS
>for teh lulz and epic winrar
we do not forgive
we do not forget
Sooo, what are they going to do? raid Sup Forums? LOL
desu ddesu
puddi puddi
candy ass
those were comfy days of blue pilled ignorance
2008 my niggas
Christopher Mootatu
such rabble rousing innocence
They cover Sup Forums in garbage so their propaganda appears to be a decent thread.
They do it here too. Shitposts aren't just trolling, they bring down the overall quality of the overall board to a point that the terrible threads they want to post seem decent by comparison.
Sup Forums is an edgy newfag board and it's always been an edgy newfag board. I can't imagine regularly posting there after being on this site for more than a couple years.
Isn't Sup Forums just goreporn threads at this point?
Were any of you faggot larpers into the whole anonymous thing at it's prime?
>one upvote
you posted this, you faggot
B is an irrelevant porn board. Pol is where most of Sup Forums traffic is.
chinkMoot should install an upvote/downvote system on Sup Forums only
remember epic fails
the game
I do, but only for porn.
I thought /r9k/ was the new Sup Forums
anti-leftist feminist whores not anti-women
Nice blog faggot
>posted "now"
>no comments
The 2 paths of a Sup Forumstard
Accept you are a loser and go to /r9k/
Or become autistically focused on world politics and come to Sup Forums
this was the beginning of faggot mods fag.
fucking failguy
You are a fucking idiot
it kind of was for a while, 2012-2013 maybe
then gamergate happened and lots of people who were just kind of sad about life started getting mad about life instead
apparently there was this whole saga with /news/ getting shut-down and becoming Sup Forums v1 which got shut down but back then I was either willfully ignorant or without an internet connection so I missed out on a lot, but I definitely remember hanging out on /r9k/ a lot because that's where the real conversations were happening, as opposed to Sup Forums which was entirely traps and revenge porn at the time