How comes one movement is okay to you and another is not even though they're almost the same...

How comes one movement is okay to you and another is not even though they're almost the same? Just goes to show how flawed your logic is and the extent to which you don't give a shit about black people. Unlike 'it's okay to be white' (which it's not by the way) Black lives matter is a movement NEEDED to prevent any further OPPRESSION of my race, where as iotbw has no need or purpose.

Fuck yourselves facist pigs

>amount of violence by people saying it's okay to be white: 0
>amount of violence by people saying black lives matter: Over 6 million

One is associated with criminals getting themselves killed. Inextricably tied to it. The other is a phrase without any explicit association to anything. It's just a truism.

You fags on /POL literally say how you want to kill my people and sink refugee boats- yet you're the main people pushing this 'it's ok to be white' (which it's not) bull shit. You're either willingly lying or very stupid (probably both lmao)

We haven't killed people though. BLM has killed more than a few in all the riots they've done though.

Saying you want to kill someone isn't a crime, but I guess it will be soon in Britainistan. But only for saying it about upstanding Muslims.

>It's ok to be white
>Put up posters
>Black lives matter
>Burn down cities and shoot police
Yeah I wonder why that is


They have actually killed people though and refugees aren't really people.

How many cities have the people saying "its okay to be white" destroyed?

>How comes one movement is okay to you and another is not even though they're almost the same?
Answer yourself. Why is it suddenly a problem when we do the same thing?

The alt right ran that brave women over in those protests (rip) and killed 7million jews and counting you retard

"IOTBW" movement isn't organized, never destroyed anything, never loot anything, never beat up anyone. all it does it taggigng "It's okay to be white" around.
it's no crime it's easily removeable

Your pic answers your question. One is an organic movement, the other is a fake Jew agenda.

Black lives matter is basically advocating that blacks should be able to chimp out and assault people with zero repercussions


That guy is clinically schizophrenic

And he didn't even strike that woman, she died of a heart attack because she was a fat feminist smoker on birth control pills



I really don't care.

Didn't even read.

You have a subnormal IQ and no amount of rage on your part will change that.

BLM isn't a black nationalist or black separatist or even a black pride organization, though. It was designed solely to capitalize on misinformation around police shootings.

BLM is financed by Soros.

oh you guys are so ignorant it's unreal. When will you pull your heads out from under the sand lmao!

Wait, so are you selling the shirt or not?
It would go perfect with my "kill niggers" and "gas the kikes" t shirts.

What movement exactly? It's just a few words.

When someone saying "it's okay to be X" is all it takes to send you into a fit of madness, it's probably time to stop and recognize that you're at fault and reexamine your attitudes towards X. You might possibly be projecting feelings towards a specific person onto all people who look similar to that one person. Or you might just be avoiding the recognition and acceptance of some self-contained faults that you see as being similar to those in the group your anger is directed at. Good luck, friend.