ITT: post your absolute worst/ pol/
Bluepilled political cartoons thread:(((the nib))) edition
I only have ones that are shopped
This is super cringe... and where the fuck is Ripley. They always conveniently forget about her and Sarah Connor. The girl from Pirates of the Caribbean who put all the other pirates to shame? The problem isn't the diversity, its how they make it the point of the character. Pic somewhat related. Video game with female lead. Didn't feel like a "muh diversity" while playing it. She's a lounge singer who lost her voice and the character makes sense! It's never, "You go gurl, SLAY!!!" It's just a woman working to find her voice and figure out what is going on.
Could you post more please
It's actually remarkable how stupid these comics are.
I seriously speculate that people who think like this have an IQ deficit.
Love how he kept Trump's hands white instead of making them orange. The orange thing's been blown out of hand a bit. He doesn't look that orange anymore.
Speaking of stupid...
People who write comics like this should actually kill themselves.
Hopefully when trump wins the second term.
>No citations
What all the the real statistics
Notice anything
The funny thing is actual strong women characters don't get noticed because their actual well written female characters.
So they just slip under the radar and people only focus on either the useless eye candy girla or the may sue im tougher then any guy power fantasies
Notice how the NRA members never kill anyone. Personally I'm all for blaming every mass murder with gun on the NRA if we blame every Islamic terrorist attack on all Muslims. I don't get how the left sees one as not all, and the other as a lone wolf. Name one mass murderer that was a part of the NRA.
Its sad. I was super into Transistor for a while, and was amazed with how much character development they put in to a silent character. I really need to play through it again.
These where comics that got made before election day
I always wondered how background checks work
Had no idea you just say to the dude, "I never committed a crime" and get your gun
Are the people who draw these things actually retarded?
Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch.
That's not true an nra member killed that church shooter the other day.
That's by a guy.
Genuinely the rantings of a man who makes neighbourhood cats disappear.
She fucks a stranger before getting to know him?
>Yowch! She's right! I'm Wrong!
someone should make a nigger with an uzi edit of this
>uber drivers
>taking take to hit on a girl instead of zipping right off to the next fare
all of these are reminding me of this comic
>diversity = different skin colors
What's not diverse about a hobbit, a british fuckboy wizard, an autist shrimp fisher and a cancer patient?
Fucking retards
Sup Forums should appropriate feminism, for the lols.
The irony is delicious.
I actually think Trump is a blithering idiot, but that his political opponents are all traitorous kikes so I’m more on his side:
Are these meant to be sarcastic? Jesus christ, how far up their asses do you have to be to be this fucking lame?
My favorite comic is Spawn.
Al Simmons is black, but he wasn't forced to be black and him being black had absolutely nothing to do with his character.
Forced diversity is bad, changing characters to be diverse is bad, but coming up with something original and their skin color having no effect on their character, is not only good, but highly encouraged.
No one cares about black panter lol. I will be surprised if it even has more than some token screenings outside of the US and Africa.
Some of them are edited but i believe we are seeing the unedited versions. The cartoonist is a nutcase.
Why is their worldview stunted at like 12 or something?
the funny thing is 100% of these 'absurd' theories are true
gaslighting in comic form
incredible blue pill comic. is a goldmine for bluepilled comics
>Banning guns are in the interests of law-abiding people.
Top kek
Can we PLEASE do something about this god forsaken rat pit already?
Well we can spread fake news about them Ben garrison-style and put them out of business like gawker if you know what I mean
>the state and local tax deduction
Funny, it points to Nebraska, but that mostly affects people in states like California, New York and Illinois
Except for Russia conspiracy theories. Those are 100% totes legit
But Nedroid was legitimately great
My bad we should just execute all NRA members then.
I don't speak frog. Please tl;dr
>hollow point boogeyman
Would they rather he gets FMJ that will over-penetrate and kill more people?
>Marine Lepen is elected and it's the apocalypse and Tariq Ramadan save the day against the evil racist.
post moar.
beware, it's highly cancerous.
>when a liberal names the jew without realizing it
I like how they defame piss fetishists, then defend sodomites, trannies, and shit eaters in the same breath. Why the fuck is pissing on a bitch a sick fetish, but taking it up the ass is a respectable life style?
I love how they put the WHITE AS SNOW women in a "darker" color.
Typical leftist wall of text.
Why don't they just write novels?
but man, think of that amazing art.
I mean how none of them understand "show, don't tell"
Aren't those just filtered photos? Sure, maybe there's some editing, cropping and pasting, but you can still see they're photographs
A good classic.
Why do liberals still think it is 2005 when it comes to fox news?
why is this so bad? it is making a concise point and it is not at all convoluted. attack the argument, not the messenger.
the """artist""""
Any link to get the 3 volumes?
>Trump wants to increase taxes
>Trump wants to increase taxes on the middle class
what kind of fucking backwards ass reality do these retards live in
Because now that there's a president with a (R) next to his name in the White House, they're trying to present themselves as "the voice of liberty and change, the underground punk resistance, etc". It's frankly hilarious how since Nov last year they're branding themselves as modern day revolutionaries who speak for the minority and what not....while having the entire liberal MSM structure that was massively developed under Obama supporting them.
T411 had them.
It look like Yggtorrent only have the first one (which is already far enough for that shit)
>pay more in taxes
Now this is delusion
What the fuck just happened?
Do these faggots not realize we subsist on consuming schadenfreude from their pain?
so tax breaks for the rich are free now?
I dont even...
One is unironically forced and too many.