You guys really need to stop seriously you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of dangerous ideas. I get it haha meme transgressive humor irony and all but it's starting to really undo all the progress we've made towards equality and that's not cool at all. You are creating a new neofascist movement and oppressed groups are fucking terrified and its distracting us from solving the real issues so just cool it with the jokes maybe?
You guys really need to stop seriously you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of...
Your "progress" is exactly what causes Nazis.
>oppressed groups are fucking terrified
Your (((equality))) is just another ploy for the satanic Jew death cult. I shouldn’t respond to bait threads, but nonetheless Jewry must be fought in all of its disgusting forms. Sage
You are boring like the kikes who killed the Romanoff and left a boring script on the wall.
Boring like Lenin, the cryptokike who used to meet xir compsanions in Gay Odessa.
Boring like the proto-jewo-directors of early movies.
Boring like your jewish mother.
Equality is unnatural and unsustainable.
Minorities will destroy the Western world.
Diversity is inherently anti-white and anti-European.
>Psycho right-wing capitalist fascist industrial death machine
Buzzword soup
Throw enough buzzwords in there?
You started it. No exit now.
Stop replying to bait threads you faggots.
>revival of dangerous ideas.
>communist flag
The fucking irony
Any more?
"nooooo anons, don't undo our domination with silly jokes, we were so close in culling you all for the progressive utopia"
Stop this
Those meme should be labeled as weapons of mass destruction and banned by the Geneva Convention due to the harm it causes others. Sick, just sick, how a simple picture can make people suffer so much.
>word salad
Aren't you all supposed to be educated? You don't use five adjectives for one word, otherwise you sound like a moron.
Just stop falling for this obvious bait, sage
>death machine
one of these things is not like the others
hint: it's the last one
Just Say No
To the Psycho
Say no to leftard cliches.
You must have been educated in a communist country. You know you can take some online courses to learn basic math.
>You are creating a new neofascist movement and oppressed groups are fucking terrified
I should spend more time reading what commies think of me. You make me sound so wonderful. In your world there is a new fascist government is out there destroying all the degenerates. What a wonderful thought.
we cant stop this train now even if we wanted too.
You don’t get nazis without a weimar
~150 million people died because of communism. And you call capitalism a death machine. You commies are delusional.
This kind of machine sounds pretty nice.
There are innocent people user, only traitors
>solving the real issues
please expound upon this point in order to clarify your argument