With the rising number of terror attacks, mass rape gangs, no go-zones and the overall destruction of European values and cultures, is civil war in Europe inevitable? Because I genuinely believe this will not end peacefully.
Is a European civil war inevitable?
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I think at this point many of us find it hard to believe that there's enough Europeans with the will to fight left for there to be a war at all. Europe will die with a whimper, not a bang.
Yes. It’s going to start in France sometime between 2030 and 2050
No we will accept Islam peacefully.
I hope to god your not serious fellow Brit.
lol never
+ Moon until 2030
I hope so. Would be very lame if all of this ended with some sort of soft revolution. For all the shit we've been through, we should at least be rewarded with some good 'ol ethnic cleansing
Yes, france will start it. Everything starts in france, and their youth are switched on.
I don't mind Islam, but so long as it comes with shitskins, and the destruction of the English (although we need a culling, as alot of chavvy fuckers need to die) then i'm against it.
You don’t mind Islam? So you actually like them praying In traffic, women wearing burkas, taking girls as sex slaves? I’d rather have chavs then them on the streets because at least you can arrest the chavs without having the fear of being called racist.
The picture on the right, is a direct result of the picture on the left. We should've allied with Hitler, when we had the chance. We lost everything and gained nothing.
>You don’t mind Islam? So you actually like them praying In traffic, women wearing burkas, taking girls as sex slaves?
If whites adopt Islam, they will immediately start changing it according to our nature. We will 'modernize' it. It's the shitskins that take sex slave, that want their women wearing burkas, that pray in traffic, white won't do that shit. We will take the surface of Islam, and ignore the rest.
This is what i keep saying, it's not the Ideology that matter, it's the people. You give arabs and Whites the same book, they will use it differently. So no, i don't care about Islam. Mixed race niggers on the other hand pollute the race. Chavs are just a fucking disease, mindless cunts, who fistbump niggers and pakis, wanting to be friends with their ilk.
i really really really really hope there will be a civil war and i hope i'll get to join in when i return home in january
I 100% agree user but the message is that they were all prepared to fight and die for their country (well which they thought they where) and no one is now. That’s why I asked will there be a civil war. Or will Europe just roll over?
Not sure about civil war but major Islamist political parties are inevitable
>rising number of terror attacks, mass rape gangs, no go-zones and the overall destruction of European values and cultures
Wow when did this happen?
It's hard to get the native British population riled up, mainly because of the public order act, that means anyone can be arrested due to causing alarm and distress. Get rid of that, and open discussion can occur.
>Everything starts in france
Lol count on that.
For your information, in the 1930s, Germany, Italy and Spain was fascist but not France.
You won't have to. They'll just outbreed you
And what’s wrong with Christianity? We had a morally decent country without Islam, we can do it again with our own religion thanks. Islam shouldn’t be anywhere near Europe. It’s a dull ideogly that lacks creativity and the ability to think for yourself.
>For your information, in the 1930s, Germany, Italy and Spain was fascist but not France.
Yes, because you outlawed fascist parties. Still, your youth, and their identitarian movement seems to be switched on.
The awaken Saxon is often late, let’s hope not too late.
There's nothing civil about where Europe is headed.
Politically, Melenchon (far left) is the most popular politic amongst young people.
>And what’s wrong with Christianity? We had a morally decent country without Islam, we can do it again with our own religion thanks. Islam shouldn’t be anywhere near Europe. It’s a dull ideogly that lacks creativity and the ability to think for yourself.
It's garbage, a corpse of a religion, overly complex, and lukewarm and weak. It never says no, you could argue that it just needs to be revitalized, but i'm severely disappointed in it. It teaches little of the greater questions of life, half of it is details irrelevant to 99% of people, pauls letters ZZzzzzz. We have gay atheist priests now in Sweden, how the fuck did that happen?
Christianity indulges women and their bad behavior, it's why were in such a shit state, is by letting cunts talk about things they know nothing about, none of the women want to say no, all of them want to virtue signal, so when you have women priests, all they do is open the door for everything, just to appease.
And? The rising actual french, the whites, le pen is getting support from. Numbers rise as time goes on.
>Is a European civil war inevitable?
No. This is a strategy to wear a host society down, make it ripe for attack.
All the government, media, law, police gets adjusted.
One day somebody will come and grant peace for society.
As long as you accept Sharia, thieves will get dismembered and women who wear veil will be defended against harassment and animals all get butchered halal. All you have to do is accept Islam.
A civil war would be over very quick since they even take bike wheels as assault weapons from you. And you can't fight a civil war with a plastic spoon.
Like an old oak tree riddled with worm holes. Even if there is strong wood left it is too isolated and cut off by the worms to reliably count on to support the full weight of the tree.
Perhaps someday the dead wood will be cut out though and by some miracle we may find enough good timber left to build something new, something stronger, but who knows? Not at this rate I say so long as the tree is being left to rot with the worms unimpeded.
>Is a European civil war inevitable?
I certainly hope so.
*Englishmen ready to ensure jewish supremacy and shitskin invasion while bombing European cities to rubble
>Europe will die with a whimper, not a bang.
Can't we just tear it down ourselves?
A last really good old-style Euro-war?
If Europe dies why don't we lay the fire ourselfs?
name one country besides Belarus that is pro-Russian in Eastern Europe
> terror attacks, mass rape gangs, no go-zones and the overall destruction of European values and cultures
thats new European values and cultures, its 2017 for fuck sake!
I have to disagree with you, Christianity worked fine in Europe and helped build it, it’s only the work of postmodernists and atheists that dismantal it’s foundations. They also hyjack it as a platform to express there ideology of destroying the west.
>gay atheist preists
Well that isn’t Christian is it?
What can i say?
You faggots deserve this.
It awaited you for a long, long time.
And don't get me wrong... i know collonialism was the best day of your life, but seriously, tho
They all died.
pic related wont happen desu - i gave up
the feels, user
Surprise surprise:
It will be started by Muslims who want to overtake the state and implement sharia law because they think they're superior cause of muh Allah and kafirs are cattle.
Of course they will fail to take it so fast because of their numbers and the other side will defend itself resulting in civil war.
After the civil war some radical governments will march their troops all the way to the Mudslimes home countries and salt the earth there so nothing ever grows ====> That's what the jew wanted all along, good job goy.
I understand your Contempt Hanz, but the message of the picture is that will where willing to fight and die for their country, which non are doing now when it’s happening right in front of them.
First, Le Pen is politically dead.
And the time favorite more the number of non-whites than the number of whites.
And the majority of white doesn't want a war.
>I have to disagree with you, Christianity worked fine in Europe and helped build it
Maybe, or did we rise in spite of it? We don't know how differently things would of turned out.
>Well that isn’t Christian is it?
Right, and neither is female priests. So how would you go about solving that problem? How will you get Christanity back to it's roots, and forbid homosexuality, women priests, etc..you can't, not without being a ist or an ism. Christanitly lost the will to say no, the British don't have the guts to stand up to their women, Islam isn't invading, it's walking in.
Very poetic user, sad but true.
Let’s hope the English oak that we have will never rot but grow stronger, in time...just hope it isn’t too late.
It will not end in peace, WW3 will begin in Syria/Lebanon and will slowly leak into Europe.
You're all just fucking pussies.
Admitt it!
I get the message bur what you did there will, if Europe should survive the current situation, be remembered as a horrible treason.
This is when men held the realm, it worked perfectly. I agree with you on the women issue, but I can’t find a part of the bible where it calls for women priests. As I said, postmodernists and atheists and the Like hyjack religions to put down their ideologies.
Le pen is only a effect of the cause, the cause is an increasingly white identity realization. Identitarians, etc. You can't even count the number of shitskins because you don't have shitskin recordings. They obviously will not vote for nationalist partys, so don't count. The right, despite being hammered on all sides, is still slowly making ground. Mainly because of the Internet dismantling bullshit that the French state pumps out.
Majority of whites don't want a war, no one really does, but it's going to happen. The older french hope they will be dead by then, the younger will have to deal with their fuckups. By then they will have realized that shitskins have their own interests, and it doesn't include them, no matter how much you want to hug them.
>If whites adopt Islam, they will immediately start changing it according to our nature. We will 'modernize' it
You can't compare Islam and Christianity. Christianity is only foreign in the sense that it's Holy Land exists as a mystical far away place removed from the local politics of the faithful. The actual seats of the religion, and centers of the faith were and are in Rome and Greece, putting the control of the religion firmly in the hands of Europeans giving them the power and authority to shape it as they need.
Islam on the other hand is entirely foreign, with not only it's Holy Land in a far away region but the center of the faith as well. Meccans will ALWAYS have greater religious authority than some upstart white converts in Paris or Berlin, just as a Roman Catholic had more authority than a rogue German priest.
>Ah Ha! You're forgetting Protestantism!
Not at all, the direction of my argument was deliberate. Even the rebellion of that German priest against Roman authority was only a slight shift in doctrine with only the most esoteric of doctrinal difference to highlight the disagreement and even that slight disagreement was enough to plunge Europe into the bloodiest wars it has ever known even to this day. Now imagine the up-hill struggle lasting hundreds of years facing a European led Islamic reformation! Millions of dead to wind up with an "improved" version of Islam that differs only slightly from that of the Meccans!
Islam is a dead end.
I understand. I’ve seen what Hitler said about the British, especially the English. It’s really sad. No more brother wars.
>but I can’t find a part of the bible where it calls for women priests
It doesn't. It says women should not be given authority over a man. But yes, the subversion is real.
I sure hope so.
As a roach I genuinely hope so.Every major city in western europe is becoming more and more dangerous.Police is losing the control
i think countries in particular that are going to war are France, Germany, The Netherlands and Britain. I mean how long people will ignore it?
Hungary and Serbia lol
May I ask which side will you be on?
>The actual seats of the religion, and centers of the faith were and are in Rome and Greece, putting the control of the religion firmly in the hands of Europeans giving them the power and authority to shape it as they need.
Not even remotely true. Anglos and the northern Germanics broke away from Continental europes control, and thus papacy control. The slight shift in doctrine ended up with division, with various denominations and arguments over who is what and right. Islam you really only have two branches.
Furthermore, you do not understand the impact of race. If you honestly think whites will tolerate taking orders from Mecca or whatever, you're delusional. They will break away, find some excuse, saying 'Were the real muslims, you're heretics' etc, whites will then change it from within.
> Even the rebellion of that German priest against Roman authority was only a slight shift in doctrine with only the most esoteric of doctrinal difference to highlight the disagreement and even that slight disagreement was enough to plunge Europe into the bloodiest wars it has ever known even to this day.
It was an excuse. The wars were faught because Rome wished to remain in control, and the others wanted to tear away from it.
IF Europe accepts Islam, the only bits it will take away from it is stopping women fucking things up, and putting faggots away. Stopping the rampant degeneracy that Christanity failed to stop. Failed. You do not understand the effect race will have on an ideology.
It’s not a civil war if you’ve been invaded.
are you retarded
And it's going to be Islamo Fascism vs Euro Fascisim
You were born just in the right time to liberate Britain during the Great European Race War. What's not to like?
Britain killed Europe
generally speaking any eastern european country
on top you got the post-war immigrants who are living all across europe in their 2nd or 3rd generation
e.g. most russian-germans are extremely conservative and right-leaning, they vote AFD and oppose mass immigration from the middle east
and they aren't a minority
The funny thing is that Hitler won WWII Britain would have remained white British.
I don't like islam.I hate niggers and their stupid ooga booga culture. I would side with Europe for sure.
Frogs got a kike Prime minister, it’s seems everyone forgot León Blum.
I am aware of that, did you read any of my posts?
Great, see you then based roach.
Christianity is cancer. I'll never forgive it for opening the floodgates and it's weakness. This isn't subversion of doctrine, this IS doctrine.
People are to pussified, it will go down like western rome.
Let's have an old fashioned total war, show all these rank amateurs in the ME and Africa how it's really done.
What theme shall we go with this time? We've done Everyone Gangs Up On Wilhelm and Revenge Of The Fascist Manlet, maybe we can do a North/East/South/West tourney?
You don’t like Christianity m8 we get it
No. Not civil war. But chain of holocausts is inevitable.
I work as a geopolitical strategist, previously a human terrain modeller, and now a corporate intelligence specialist. I will not post here again.
A series of holocausts is coming to Europe. France will be the most intense, and will eventually complete its conquest of parts of Africa and be instrumental in the takeover of much of parts of the Middle East which used to be European protectorates.
The tipping point was reached a long time ago. Most people I have advised who are in what Sup Forumssters who like to use words like "elites" are simply naive monied people. They haven't spoken to anyone who makes less than 200k Euro per year in a long time and are out of touch. Anyone who makes less than 70k a year is absolutely ready to fire up the ovens already. There is no stopping this widespread of a social desire for holocaust-level violence in the public.
Also, "da joos" is a silly meme. Israelis have nothing but a hope for ethnic European resurgence. This stupid bolshevik meme is undermining your only solid ally in the future destruction of the Muslims. Globalism as per Eisenhower was intended for "free movement of goods only" and specifically prohibited "free movement of people" for the reasons you are seeing now.
Things are going to get way worse before they get better. But once the current solution is managed (basically, eradication of Islam), the developed world will enter a new era. Not a perfect era, but a new era so it is not easy to see what comes after that. But this event is plain for any to see, but very dangerous for any to discuss. I've brought it up, and it is buried -- until council is given privately, then everyone states exactly what they know is true: EU bankers, trade lawyers, politicians, monopoly stakeholders, main concern owners, etc. I work for them all. Even (supposedly Islamic) SE Asian and Middle Eastern royalty know.
Saudi is already prepping. Just check the news.
>european civil war
That's a pretty quaint way of saying "world war 3", considering the point of focus of the first two great wars.
Ww3 will be fought in Europe, the US (calexit or some shit will spark a civil war all the other heavy hitters in the world couldn't help but picking a side in), amd probably some smaller theaters in North Korea and Saudi Arabia
Why are all the politicians pretending that everything is fine? I think many people feel large scale civil unrest is inevitable
are these the policemen who arrested you for antisemetic posts
Because that takes work.
Okay so why are Israelis actively supporting this then? Why bring Europe in to it? Why don’t they just sort their own shit out without bringing terror attacks, acid attacks, mass rape gangs, destruction of white People to Europe?
If you are genuine keep bringing up the question, and I mean you have mountains of evidence and nothing to lose. You could save us all.
Remember all your wars against non-compliant goys in Europe to serve jewish interests? Anglo deserve every single child rape and acid attack they get. Even if world will be completely free from kikery, bongland must be completely fed to pakis as punishment for their past crimes and prevention of new ones.
If any of you actually think that people will not fight like this guy does , you are wrong.
Europeans are stilll europeans, and we are still humans. The reason nothing has happened yet is because:
A) the concept of mass-immigration is still new
B) Government and media brainwashing
C) People are still comfortable, resources are still available
The whole of Europe is a powder keg right now, just waiting for the fuse to be lit. People don't like the immigrants, this is obvious to anyone who lives here or anyone who actually follows the turning of the world. Wars are not fought and drastic measures are not taken until it is absolutely vital, this part of our human nature. We seem to be unable to band together and fix a problem until it is directly affecting all of us. When the economies get worse and resources get scarce don't think for a second that the average european man with a family to feed will just roll over and die.
>but everything is degenerate now and bluhblhah
Look at the Weimar Republic, a time and place a hundred times more degenerate and problem-ridden than now. Whole families had to prostitute themselves to pay for bread. You could buy any sexual favour you could think of (even pedophilia) in Berlin as long as you had an american dollar or two that were not affected by hyper-inflation. Things must have seemed hopeless then, but we all know what happened just 10 years later.
Things have to get worse before they get better, but when the time comes don't think for a second that our vicious nature won't unleash itself on the invaders. We already hate them, all of us. We all know what has to be done, if not consciously. Don't think the european man won't grab that chance to unleash the pent up rage when he gets the chance to actually do something about it. Last time there was trouble in these parts it spread to the whole world, millions died and we even split the atom.
Stop with the defeatism.
I hate repeating myself, look at my other posts Russian turd.
shoot us a mass text when it goes down user. I can't let South Europa die.
Whatever you do, make sure to decommission all of your nukes before formally handing power over to the sand niggers and mudslimes, or else we will have to spread democracy to you.
Study Weimar republic and see how shit things can really get.
And read Mein Kampf.
I hope you're right, lad.
Europe can't have a civil war because Europe is not a country, you twat
Legit thought you were talking about America before you mentioned Europe. Most of our mass deaths are caused by white males. As one, I sure hope the country does revolt against me. I'm not a bad guy. I didn't chose be white, it just fucking happened!
Don't hate.
....so again war throughout Europe that never ends just like the middle east.
What’s he’s saying? I can’t speak leaf.
Violence is already unavoidable.
It wont be long now.
White people won't even take that from Islam, or will try to infiltrate and subvert it from the outset to find some way to make women more equal. And this is assured because the only whites that would even convert to Islam and betray their cultural heritage would be cosmopolitan egalitarian freaks anyway. The only reason they maintain a modicum of respect for its current trappings is that the people following it are 99% nonwhite and so criticizing it is a proxy for criticizing nonwhites.
What's wrong with second pic? Typical Sup Forumstards, being so butthurt about people freely practicing their religion.
Nah, as Spain has shown, government is more important than what the people want.
We didn't have a choice of where we're born, why do you have to hate us for it? The culture of our parents countries are foreign and alien to us. Many of us are secular, educated, cause no social strife and pay taxes.
If you were willing to help us find employment overseas in a different country (MEng) and get citizenship over there and reparations for having to abandon our home and country, then you'd be surprised at how many of us who are skilled workers would take that offer.
The UK is going down the shitter with or without non-whites and if it has to become some ethnostate for me to get a clean break in a non-shit country I'm more than happy to. My taxes probably prop up you worthless NEET parasites anyway.
>we're well integrated I swear but if you paid us generously to leave we'd do it in a heart beat also fuck all of you old white people we have to pay taxes for
No offense friendo, but your post encapsulates everything wrong with non white immigration perfectly.