And here is the trailer:
'The Boy With The Topknot', Sikh guy blonde girl relationship drama comes to BBC
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Why are you surprised?
UK is south Asia 2.0
And Canada is south Asia 3.0
More Jewrace mixing trash. Britain is a hopeless cause. Let it crash, become England again.
Quintessentially British.
>Sikhs are based guys!!!I'm
The UK stole the cuck crown from Sweden.
It won't be long until you see BBC on the BBC.
>BBC on the BBC
He looks very caucasian though
The kids would probably be bleached as hell.
Looks pretty interesting will watch, thanks OP
>people pay a licence for this shit
Did I say I was surprised?
This is just the latest in a long line of such programmes commissioned by the (((BBC))).
They keep repeating these "culture clash" storylines ad infinitum. All to push the core message that racemixing is okay.
Notice it's the white woman asking to be accepted by his family, not the other way round.
like the bbc and other lefty news media keep saying the next bond will be Idris Elba even though he doesnt want the job
Do you know why almost jews never bother pushing white women interracial couples other than with a black man?
Because they know they can't effectively lower our race that way.
No white women are going to actually be influenced to date a sikh man from this and even if like 1 or two do, that's just two caucasoid races mixing together to produce something that will look italian and have a mean IQ of around 100.
It's not going to poison our gene-pool in the same way that a white woman mixing with a negroid produces a mixed caucasoid-negroid with an Iq half way between that of the averages of blacks at 85 (when raised in white countries) and whites of 100.
Honestly it's good that the BBC feels compelled to try and force some "diversity" on us that for once means something other than niggers.
They could be doing much more damage by continuing to shove niggers into everything.
as strange as it may seem , it would be expedient and in our interests if the BBC were pressured to create far more "diverse" parts for indian subcontinent and east asian actors and even latin american actors , instead of the far more damaging norm where "diversity" at the BBC just means inserting niggers into everything.
It's just London liberal wish fulfilment. The statistics show that interracial relationships are pretty unusual. Nobody is going to look at this show and say "Yes, that looks like a great idea!", they'll just snigger and change the channel. Our politicians and media are cucked beyond belief but the average Brit hates all the PC SJW shit and once they know you can be trusted won't hesitate to let you know it
>reposting a picture of a fake dailymail article that doesn't exist.
Did you never even check that the headline is real before you saved it?
I know quite a few people planning on watching this show, keep trying pal
she qt
>bongs are forced to pay for this shit
why don't you change this?
>Notice it's the white woman asking to be accepted by his family, not the other way round.
what's worse though
It's kinda funny tho cause I know for a fact that if my Sikh mate told his parents he wanted to marry a white girl they'd disown/kick the shit out of him
I thought taking knots was a Canadian thing.
Poo in loo writer and Jewish director
Checks out
yeah but I was wondering... in this show the shitskins are the bigots, so wouldn't that be better than the other way around?
Both equally as bad of course.
But it's funny how the main tension comes from how he is going to tell his parents that he is with a white girl, like she is some kind of peasant with leprosy instead of what she really is which is his racial superior in HER country.
Fuck this smelly curry family. They live in a white country but white people have to tiptoe around them and try to prove themselves to them. She is an anglo goddess and he is shitskin trash lol.
I think I'm feeling sick again.
lol yeah true
>Notice it's the white woman asking to be accepted by his family, not the other way round.
It’s true though. Poos and poo types are vehemently against mixing, even their castes, and are open about it. Then again course they’re allowed to be.
Ah so the hot bitch is actually Dutch. I'm not surprised.
Everyone keeps giving the UK for how things are going, but it's happening everywhere, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Canada, even in america the population of white people have dropped almost 20% since 1980, soon, if nothing is done, the only "white" majority country left will... Russia..
>having a problem with a caucasian and a caucasian in a relationship
Poles can't breed with Italians, or Italians can't breed with Syrians by this logic, right? Maybe we should all encourage out kids to fuck each other and be inbreds. I fucked a girl who's of Lebanese heritage two years ago. Somehow I'm a traitor to my ''irish ethnicity'' right?
>tfw half punjabi sikh and half English
Mum is indian, dad is English. This combo is pretty rare and this is coming from someone who lives in London, a place in which race mixing is normal and highly applauded.
shut up faggot
I know Brazilians have low standards for what counts as white. But woman are not able to bleach
That being said, you never really see them with white girls. The whole thing just seems "forced" which is bad for both sides.
>i didn't mention white in my post
>he mistakes caucasian for white
>american education
>a nigger
Using women to """bleach""" non white men is cucky af
yes :^)
Since I saw the documentary about British Isles during Roman empire, I haven't really had any kinds of expectations for the quality of BBC. They portrayed Roman nobility as pitch black niggers. The wife was of course a white Celt. If you value truth or your own sanity, don't watch BBC. In fact, you should actively discourage other people from watching it too.
you seem to be filled with emotional rage
>emotional rage
What are the other kinds?
kek the BBC announcer even sounds disappointed at the end
>BBC on the BBC
That is reality though, Indians are collectivists. He likely had a arranged marriage waiting with an Indian girl.
t. superiority complex
The whole point of plots like these is to underline the white woman is on a pedestal. That's the realest privilege in the world, the white woman privilege. I imagine this stuff causes some rage among non-white women. Almost every time these miscegenation plots are about a white female with a non-white male.
When the black male is coupling with a white female in a movie or TV show, the subtext is that the male is moving up in the world and getting the high prize asset. In the meantime, the Shaniquas and Taniquas get slapped in the face again. While the progressives in Hollywood and Hollywood hopefuls think they're virtue signalling their opposition to racism, their repeatedly putting the white female on a pedestal is actually more racist than using an all-white cast. But because they are racist at a fundamental level, they are completely unable to see the hidden subtext.
But he's right. It's not supeiority complex in this case. Just superiority.
It doesn't matter, because you can't really lose your men. They can breed your race and other races. Only women are a loss. Shaniquas and Taniquas have already dozen children each with Tyrone and Jamal. Although, it is indeed a loss when white men miscegenate, since white men tend to be far more faithful and monogamous.
Totally thought it was going to be a Samurai flick. Not Indian cuture schtick