>mfw both Mexico and Brazil will vote commie next year
What should I do?
At least the meme about commies being forced to eat their own offspring during a famine would become factual reality in your case.
>Brazil will vote commie next year
I suppose there will be military intervention in south america. This is century is turning out just like the last one. Let's make it work this time.
>he honestly think anyone but Lula will win the next election
Condolences from burgerland.
try it. see if it works.
It won't.
Too much debts and too many violent niggers who don't like their gibs stopped.
Money and produce have to come from somewhere and the lazy cunts won't put the effort to produce it themselves while the chinks want money for it.
Consider how to personally taking advantage of the situation.
To be fair, it doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum wins the election around here.
i met only 1 lula voter and it was a teacher.
i don't know how things go in the north bur here in PR nobody is voting left
Someone fill me in on the monkey's politics? I don't know much about Brazil.
>datafolha polls
>implying marina, dória, alvaro voters won't vote bolsonaro
>implying all those kids turning 16-18 until the next year won't vote for mito
Shit here in Brasil will get 10.000 times worse than shit was in America last year.
Jair Bolsonaro is a better option than Lula, but he's a truly conservative who defends the militar intervention on the 60's.
We need to organize and defend ourselves from the commie attacks at rallies. And here we can't carry defensive protection. We're fucked.
Please start employing the parilla on the kike commies latin american bros, like you used to during the good ol' times in the 70s.
I thought libertarians were gonna win in Brazil, wtf is happening?
Are young people in Brazil more likely to be right-wing?
How much fo Brazillians complain about "white privlege" and "white males" etc.
>Are young people in Brazil more likely to be right-wing?
Yes, they are. Our far right candidate is mocked because a great part of his voter base are from young people.
It looks like it would hard to actually hold the grip without your wrist jamming against the magazine well.
Only people who complain about privilege are people in lefty universities (99% of them)
Some highschoolers are feminists and whine but they arent into it like muricans
>omg brazil will become venezuela sierra leone by 2019 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
itt: yellow press
People are increasingly becoming libertarians
But letfties and traditional conservatives are still almost all of the population
Daily reminder
Well I don't know what you will do personally. However in the grand scheme of thing watching both Mexico and Brazil vote Socialist Governments in and then collapsing Venezuela style would help the continuing arguments against it. You're gonna have to take one for the team. Your Emperor would have been proud, I think.
>Marina voters going for Bolsonaro
You have no idea what you're talking about do you?
wasn't lula convicted?
can he run?
new civil war
I am so glad we escaped that destiny, even if Macri is center-right at best the country will never fall down to communism in the near future.
Brazil already is headed by a comminist leader and party
And it is a real world PVP zone with the highest crime rates anywhere.
>El CONGOlombiano
We have 2 charts of jews in here? My grandfather must be rolling in its grave. We should have learned something but we didn't.
Ayy my brotha
Our fash Trump will be elected. Have some faith, fellow nigger.
>Mexico votting commie
huehuehuehue, no
Mexico only gonna vote PRI party or PAN party in the next election and both are not even close to socialism, the only party that is almost close to socialism(if you wanna call it that way) is the MORENA party but is too weak to compete thanks to the leader of the party Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador who was a strong contender in 2006 but after that he started his downfall and lost credibility every year
>implicando que o Bolsonaro não vá vencer em 2018
Só não vence se o STF não deixar. O gado vai votar em peso nele.
Fly to Portugal asap desu
Several newcomers, so it's hard to predict. But commie ex president LuLa is favourite, fash guy Bolsonaro is second, and eurotrash tier fake capitalist socialist Doria is third. Both Lula and Bolsonaro could be sacked from the election by our commie justice supreme court. Any way I got my Italian passport on time...
I still have faith in Mexico. Brazil can go to hell.
>when chileans vote for Piñera again.
They are all kikes and you know it.
Couldn't fit them in one. They're all probably reporting to Mossad, looking for Hitler and others.
Death to america
Typical pernambunegro.
Lula will be in prison and Bolsomito will raw dog every single one of you commie scum.