Why are Northern European, traditionally Protestant countries like Sweden so uniquely atheistic/irreligious?
Is it just because they're smart?
Why are Northern European, traditionally Protestant countries like Sweden so uniquely atheistic/irreligious?
Christianity is an outside religion for them.
Mainly, yes. Education.
Because (((god))) isnt real, stupid
Because it's a slippery slope:
protestantism --> atheism ---> moral relativism --> widespread depravity
It ends with death by either suicide or genocide by invaders.
They were never REALLY Christian. Christianity never really took root in Scandinavia, like it did in the rest of Europe, because their pagan heritage is too strong. They've always been "cultural Christians", so to speak.
Can confirm. Fuck christianity and fuck all abrahamic religions.
protestantism was big in scandinavia from 1500s to early 1900s
like very big
>Is it just because they're smart?
And most people still view christmas and easter as pagan celebrations that christianity is trying to assimilate. Religions are a joke for most of us.
Protestantism was a jew trick against Christianity.
Christianity is a jew trick.
tfw to smart for borders
Because if they express a religious view, they are antisimetic islamophobic xenophobic transmorphic bigotogynists
>implying their atheism isn't just christianity without christian metaphysics
Not really, but 90% of people will think you're stupid because they have been brainwashed since kindergarten and obviously they are correct because they are following the majority.
Protestant CULTURE intrinsically shaped Scandinavia, i.e. work ethic and reservedness. But like I said, they've never been as explicitly Christian as places like Britain, or Germany.
Yes. It is because they are smart well educated progressive and freethinking.
Unless you're a Swede, you're not even nordic so I don't know why you're answering
this is more accurate, and this is what has been degrading recently, it used to be extremely taboo to abuse welfare safety nets which is why it worked for decades. Our culture was strict, being gay was illegal for a long time too, even though we weren't that religious on paper.
>protestantism was big in scandinavia from 1500s to early 1900s
Yep, see Kierkegaard.
Catholicism was big before that. See St. Bridget of Sweden, and this:
>American """"""""""education""""""""""
Finns ARE Nordic. They're just not Scandinavian.
Protestants are more prone to Atheism, moral relativism, and degeneracy.
Wrong. Sounds like something vargmeme would say.
Luciferian Jesuit counter-reformation tactics
protestantism is christianity without all the tradition, so basically step 1 towards atheism
Nordic = Norse descended languages
Finns speak some Chink language, therefore not nordic.
This is why.
NORDKEKS BTFO by christian Italy!!!
>all of the C*tholics in this thread
You all sicken me.
also what the fuck is this why is everyone getting 1488 digits
>the oldest surviving tradition of Europe
>sickens you
so are you Jewish or Muslim?
Smart and Sweden don't belong in proximity, even if you say NO before smart, the mental image before the negation is a inexcusable mistake.
>Christianity never really took root in Scandinavia,
They were very fervent about it until ~XIX cent. Like everyone in Europe. The modern secular European cannot comprehend metaphysical objectivism which was a standard for our ancestors until very recently. I once heard a right wing Swedish reporter (Ingrid Carlquist?) explaining that tne Vikings did not ACTUALLY believe in Odin and Thor and "these were just stories for them".
Most modern Western Europeans and pretty much all Swedes are unable to even imagine what its like to really believe in something supernatural.They project their own modern unbelief on their ancestors.
Thats why they cannot understand muslims and they think they want Sharia and martyrdom because of "inequality" or "a lack of jobs"
we's smrt
where I live, most of the people that attend church are deists at best.
Atheism is just a phase in the progression of societies. That's why atheism is now rising in the US, it naturally follows protestantism, which follow catholicism. It is however not the end, because after atheism comes true spirituality, which is rising in most atheistic countries.
Denmark-Norway was pretty much a protestant dictatorship for 300 years
Sweden isn't smart. It is the most cucked country in Europe. You must be talking about Norway
In fact this is so wrong I'm going to give you another (you) just to say once again you are wrong, since you are so wrong that telling you once isn't enough.
1. They were christianized late and poorly, meaning that church density and dioceses were scarce
2. Thus they had a weak experience with scholasticism (which is european rationalism) and sided with the unconscious and irrational, like mythology, aestheticism
3. Basically those are the countries of radicalism and Romanticism that rebelled against scholasticism and the Renaissance. They're not smart, they have their outbursts of emotionality, like the Swedes, Germans and Russians
LOL. If they ere smart they wouldn't have given away their culture, freedom, women, safety and everyday way of life to muslims.
Dude we were Protestant fanatics. During the Swedish Empire our soldiers would unironically believe they were immune to bullets because they were protected by God, that is why we were able to win such unpredictable victories, often outnumbered 10 to 1.
Isn't that obvious? We are not forced to go to church or be/act religious in anyway, hence it will die down in time.. which it now has.
you're confusing moral decline with economic decline
not surprising though, latinos obviously cannot into economics
pay debt
No it's not. Nobody didn't know about Vikings, Thor or Odin before the 18th hundred.
Nobody knew*
Where did I even mention economic decline, Birgit?
You obviously have a materialistic bias, which only confirms my previous post.
Spiritual death precedes moral indifferentism, which leads to all kinds of evil in the material realm.
Pick one, user.
english understanding not very good among italians?
go check up why the roman empire fell, buddy
Sorry Varg, but you're wrong.
Nice to see a burger that knows history :)
Moral decline is the consequence of economic prosperity. As it grows, as do materialistic values.
Olof Palme, long winters.
Honestly this place would be a lot better without: immigrants, lefties and atheists.
The cities are cancer, never go there. The countryside is better, too bad the government wants to infest us too.
t. retard
I love Swedish history.
It is just depressing to see "nationalists" whose only knowledge of it is "we wuz vikangz".
In the 19th century peasants in isolated communities still practised beliefs that can at best be described as christian syncretism.
Offerings to fieldspirits and housecobolds did happen while some superstitions were centered around old gods whose names had changed and significance been reduced.
Albeit leftovers of paganism cant be the cause of irreligionism. It must be the disillusionment that came with the churchs dogmas that were discarded to be followed by the disillusionment of literal interpretation which only persists with americans to this day.
>mongol thinks he's scandinavian
Wow very nice to see :) bless ya burgerbro
white burgers are cool and based
Our folklore and day to day culture is pretty good too, but retards want to forsake it because they don't think it exists, mostly because they all believe that traditions are all that exist in culture, which is very dumb.
Scandinavia is a fucking shithole anyways, I don't really give a shit about religion (I'm christian but I don't really think that matters much). I think they're nonreligous because of all the shitty liberal education that says the world just existed from some shitty explosion, and how g*rmanics can be easily fooled into following what their government and leaders say.
g*rmanics need to be exterminated (except for anglos, they're ok)
>Is it just because they're smart?
I've never considered myself smart, I've only considered others dumb.
Even if you wanna believe in something that was obviously created by man as a way of controlling the populace, I'm not gonna judge you for it, but the lengths in which people take it is nothing short of retardation.
I dunno I like it.
Because Protestantism is worthless. It's soulless, without depth and without mysticism. All proddies are retards and I suppose our superior genes notices that easier than other people
OP said northern Europe, not scandinavia. Finland is more northern than Sweden, you absolute 56%
to be fair it wasn't always a frictionless relationship, couple incidents like melting church bells into cannons did take place
Kill yourself 58%
Only because it would have been necessary for the war effort. Sweden was still zealously Protestant.
No idea, neither my parents or grandparents were religious, whatever happened was far ahead of my time.
Religion is pretty stupid anyway, believe in a god and creator all you want, but its silly to believe the words of men to the point of worship.
>Ameriburgers who know nothing about Finnish history or how Christianity arrived here
t. Swede
Oh, I really needed a swede to teach me Roman history today LEL
If someone had to give a short answer as to why the Roman empire fell, it wouldn't be "economic decline".
Your schoolbooks were written by marxist propagandists, Birgit, sorry.
The same people who are telling you that your muslim refugees are a bit unruly so they need more gibs.
You truly are a disgusting stock.
*Blocks your path*
Hahahahahahahahahah holy shit.
Americans, control your retards
Swedes brought it to you, and that is bretty good.
Why didnt you take the BORGpill?
kek, consider it revenge for stolen clay
very pretty, scandinavia is nice
What the hell are you talking about? Sweden is a muslim country.
Finland have the same word for bible as the russians for a reason, and its not because of swedes.
yeah, when it comes to the landscape Norway bro's got all the luck
Yeah, it is. Without getting into fjords and stuff, even. It's comfortable in a way I can't really describe, especially when it's sunny. Wish more people realized that our native lands aren't so bad themselves instead of going elsewhere for their vacations.
I took this one myself.
Sore loser.
so smart even that you get invaded by muslims and cucked by your (((government)))
Last pic of mine was taken by me, this one too.
Pretty sure the end goal of religion is to abolish religion.
Because we became protestant, and protestantism is an even more jewified christian sect. Catholicism is pretty much just paganism with a few elements of judaism, which is why catholic countries are more religious, while protestant cultures became less religious. Theres no real alternative that appeals to us, though a shallow, pantheistic paganism is still fairly common here.
If you say so, but dumping pretty much our entire jewish infestation on Sweden (and America) doesn't really feel like loosing. Besides, the stolen clay is completely infested with sandniggers now, so they can keep it.
Sweden isn't smart
Gief mountain Norway
The main reason is welfare. The hierarchy of needs doesn't contain religion when you've gotten everything possible, even free money.
On my way to Kiruna in June. I like Sweden's nature.
Fuck the saamis though
Whats your issue with humble reindeer merchants?
They kill our wolves and get funds to preserve their little commune