Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Nice bait.
Muslims are scum.
Well, only one out of those three events could have been prevented by the measures proposed by the person exclaiming that "something must be done".
OIL. The only reason behind all of that. OIL
you act like theres something wrong with the fact that i legit hate muslims and want them gone. i dont need a super concrete reason for that. cry about it nigger. i will fight to keep my country as white as possible and never care about niggers of color if i can help it
>commie talking about history
It makes me think Greeks are retarded and helps to explain why your economy is shit. White people cant ban all white people, they can only look to the things that cause this, like mental health issues. Muslims on the other hand do the things they do specifically because of their faith and if you can't see that you're fucking retarded
Americans are sub 90iq retards.If there are no guns then there is no gun crime.Works for us and we are a gipsy shithole.
You don't know what a commie is then.
It's funny because you're assuming life is fair, Americans don't like muslims get over it. It will never be about numbers it will always be who's behind the gun, humans are emotional beings. That being said muslims are filthy savages
which one? (not the new york one - he was a legal immigrant here for years and never any person of interest to the authorities...)
Mass shooters are not tied to a specific ideology. Besides, what exactly you want to do about those shooters? Take away their guns? First of all, good luck. Second, it's not gonna solve shit.
Yeah it would really have helped if someone in the crowd at Vegas had tried shooting back with a pistol at a target 400 yards away... bystanders more likely to be killed. and of course if multiple people pulled weapons the confusion of who was shooting at who would probably have resulted in lots of good guys shooting each other, and bystanders as well. yeah if only...
What do you want to do about those muslims? Take their religion away? First of all, good luck. Second, it's not gonna solve shit.
>no true scotsman
Leave it to a fingol to spout completely random nonsense.
>posts pictures of a mass murder
>You don't know what a commie is then.
kek - go have fun with your jew-ideology
It actually makes sense, you can't stop muslims, it's over.
Muslim goes on a truck rampage:
>Don't blame a whole group an individual
White gunmen goes nuts:
Another muzzie rampage:
>Please be white!
The stage should have hired a counter-sniper, with the Hotel arming it's guards.
>Domestic terrorism is the same as foreign terrorism
This is your brain on liberalism
good shabbos goy
run along now goyim and spread my (((ideology))))
This isn't a muslim country...
Americans killing Americans is our own problem. Muslims have a different ideology
>1 post by this ID
yes because to protect your freedom to carry guns everwhere all public concerts should be put to the expense of having highly trained armed guards everywhere, and all hotels and all other public spaces should do the same.
and you guys argue that it would be too expensive to have a simple database of gun owners and mentally ill people and felons...
My brother kicking my ass vs a stranger tripping me.
You are ignorant somalian praising cuck. Stalin executed the internationals from the USSR party. He made USSR into a super power, he improved the infastructure and industrialized russia. How ignorant can you be?
Couldn't you make the exact opposite comic with a lefty demanding to ban all guns but not to have any restrictions to immigration. Also love the willful ignorance of the Pulse shooting. And didn't a Muslim couple kill a shit ton of people in California last year?
Really makes you think greek has taken just too much german sperm in the butt.
The truth hurts.
>it would be too expensive to have a simple database of gun owners and mentally ill people and felons...
Don't you have such things yet get continuously ran over and blown up? Maybe because the people causing it aren't in your lists.
>white people: exist
>Muslims kill 3000 in plane accident
When 1% of the population is committing these attacks on a monthly basis, yeah, something needs to be done. We can deal with our psychopathic countrymen ourselves.
What happens when that 1% becomes 10%?
its a tranny
You've never hear the expression, "yeah they're assholes but they're our assholes". ? Muslim immigrants are not our assholes and shouldn't be our problem. They have to go.
Got 'em
You know a filthy commie degenerate made that entire shillmeme, including the Nazi gay shill pics.
>True Patriots like Brittany Venti will lead the Alt-Right
>She is 3/4 White with Blue Eyes, Based Quadroon
>We (56%, Based Cuban & Uncle Tom) elected Trump. MAGA
>True Patriots like Brittany Venti will lead the Alt-Right
>She is 3/4 White with Blue Eyes, Based Quadroon
>We (56%, Based Cuban & Uncle Tom) elected Trump. MAGA!
You can't control who is already in your country.
>thoughts and prayers
>thoughts and prayers
>thoughts and prayers
I guess libcucks just miss literally everyone wanting to know what the fuck happened that caused these people to mass shoot everyone. With a mudslime terrorists you know why
>SJWs aren't real communism
It's not communism once it actually gets implemented, right /leftypol/? God forbid we judge communism by the avowed communists that hold institutional power.
1) Tight security checks on islamic immigration.
2) Shut down mosques that teach radical islam, such as wahhabism
3) If that doesn't help, go for draconian measures.
Makes me think youre an idiot. Gtfo here you greasy sleaze ball.
continupusly.... a few people a year, and our security forces are closing in on the gangs that do it.
america - a mass shooitngg every week, adn multiple shootings a day, every day, adn you don't do anything about it because it makes somuch money fo rthe arms guys and the politicians they bribe.
The last person shot dead within two hundred miles of me was a hunter by accident two years ago. And I live about fifty miles from a big city...
the nearest terrorist attack was three hundred miles away. with a knife.
I think I am safer than most Americans...
*cough* He also killed over 20 million people. Go ahead, justify that you fucking collectivist
>thank you for your service, step right this way, we have a nice little room for you
>don't mind those brown-stained vents
Like a No-Fly List that doesn't work at all the way you intended.
>Invaders shooting people is exactly the same as people who belong here
First 2 are mental health tards that got guns
the other is a meticulous attack on all people by an organization that wants to kill the west.
Well yes a giant slave state can be a super power. Doesn't mean you are not a parasite.
The muslim didn't belong in America.
The problem is easy to solve (deport muslims), has a legal precedent and consequence free.
Capitalism can not exist without a higher power(government) backing it.
muslims are not humans
Muslims aren't a constitutionally protected right.
What are you talking about you filthy yank? USSR was a socialistic state.
What? The first right listed on the Bill of Writes of the United States Constitution protects religious freedom.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Go and kys.
*cough* He didn't kill 20 million people, he starved them to death. Gulag, labor camp, somebody have to do the dirty work to industrialize USSR you dipshit, do you praise the NATO cock?
How are you a parasite when you built your country by your own hands?
Yes the genocidal USSR and genocidal PRC are true communism. American SJWs are also true communism. Doesn't matter that their stance on homosexuality is different. They're still parasites as far as the host country's overall health is concerned.
"He didn't kill 20 million people, he starved them to death"
Say that again....But slowly.
Starving and killing are 2 seperate things.
Who's the parasite state?
>Right wing
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers
>Left wing
It's a religion of peace
>what is black market
>and of course if multiple people pulled weapons the confusion of who was shooting at who would probably have resulted in lots of good guys shooting each other, and bystanders as well.
Brainlets say this every time but always fail to produce evidence of it actually happening.
You are wrong. Starving someone you are responsible for feeding, in example your child or a prisoner. This corresponds with the laws of almost every western country in the world.
>What is war
>Who's the parasite state?
Are you responsible to feed people who don't belong to your nation?
Has nothing to do with the black market.
Is your pic meant to say that it's wrong to force your nation's political system onto others through warfare? You know communists have also been doing that?
Do you not know what "parasite" means?
Israel couldn't survive without the aid of other countries.
You are a savage.
Mao starved people that did belong to his nation.
They're behind it all moron. They are communism. You fucking idiot.
Kek. Just say it, leftist. "Yes, communists have fought wars to force their ideology on others, but it's okay when we do it."
China isn't USSR.
Why none of you retards knows what "communism" means?
It's an actual term, you autists.
>thinks the west should give unending aid and support to africa
you tell me
Give me source on a communistic invasion that invaded a country and replaced their government with no defensive motivations.
Where is your sauce on that I stated that the west should send aid to africa?
Muslim "motorist"????????
He came on a diversity visa most of the country didn't want.
obvious alphabet agency cover up. Way too many fucking suspicious things going on with that. American populace will likely never know what actually happened.
literally yelled "allahu akbar", definition of a politically motivated attack - therefore terror and preventable without infringing on US citizen rights.
some crazy shithead who should have literally been in jail was walking free and illegally obtained a weapon. Trump publicly stated we should address mental health issues if we want to fix problems like that.
Notice that he obtained the weapon illegally, so gun control would literally have done nothing that wasn't already in place.