You Trumpcucks will defend anything

>30 sources for accusations against Roy Moore
>"WaPo paid off the accusers! fake news!"

Lightning speed shilling, what the fuck did they just stumble on?

Washington Post is dead. Get fucked.


And those failed fake rape acusations


there is apparently a single tweet of someone saying that they have proof about WaPo paying accusers to come out against Roy Moore. Honestly this is idiotic because it's the same level of plausibility as the whole (((russia))) thing. The whole Russia thing is based off of accusations that aren't even proven yet, so Trumpets will say that it's fake news. But when a baseless accusation like the one against WaPo comes out, oh fuck Trumpets will jump on that like Niggers to KFC.

It's honestly just revolting how retarded Trump's cult is. Who gives a fuck about Alabama, the place should just sawed off from the rest of the country. only thing there is AIDS and Meth.

Russian shills are always the first ones.

>Accusations are proof

Youre a fucking faggot and no one will miss you when you're gone.

if it were single accusations without corroborations then I would agree with you. That is obviously not the case or people like McConnell wouldn't be rolling over.

hey, leaf, your country is being run by an SJW cuck. Shut up and let the big boys talk

How the fuck did all of these accusers stay quiet for decades, wait for him to win the primary and then strike all at the same time?

Finally WaPo is dead. I can't wait until everyone that works there is fired and begging for work. Who is going to hire liar propagandists from a disgraced piece of shit media whore company?


maybe it has something to do with the fact that Roy Moore holds a position in government that is powerful in his state. Also he had been kicked out of his position and reinstated, so you can't ignore the idea that "yes. people were probably afraid of him and didn't come out for years."


Honestly I think the Harvey Weinstein watershed effect is what lead to the accusations; not the fact that he's running for senate.

>Implying anyone knew who Roy Moore was before the accusations
>Implying anyone still knows who he is
>Implying every Trump voter supported him, despite 99.9% "literally who"ing when this news broke
>Implying Trump a vote for Trump is a vote for Moore
>Implying a political endorsement before any wrongdoing came to light is indicative of support for his actions
>Implying WaPo is a credible source for anything in 2017


saged & reported

>places with higher population have more people doing bad things

Thank you genius

If someone actually had this tape they would be absolutely retarded not to just release it.

>No guys I swear it exists but the police aren't letting me prove it exists but it does indeed exist.

>I don't like what this user is saying so I'm going to report them


Thinks Alabama works like Hollywood....................

Get fucked cuck, enjoy the reaping!

Yeah and NASA engineering headquarters

>only thing there is AIDS and Meth.
That, and 20 new factories from overseas automakers built in the last 20 years and a fuckton of foreign investment. And Remington is moving all their operations here. But yeah, nothing of note here. Stay away.

Reported for fake news.

>people like McConnell
Advantageous blowhards? Weak-kneed wieners? Politicians looking out for themselves?
Still doesn't address his point. If YOU PERSONALLY were grievously wronged, would it not make sense to speak up within the extremely WIDE timeframe in which your speaking up would actually accomplish something?

That's still not corroboration.

They spent $30 million in opposition research but they found out about these accusations AFTER he wins. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUREEE

fuck off and die, deepstate niggers

we're going to kill all of you when the time comes... and it's coming soon

A tape of the coercion conversation was sent to WaPo. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

PROTIP: Typically it's us having the last laugh on our home turf, CIAnigger... lurk moar

For haters of fake news you really love to take evidence-less tweets as sacred. Irony is soaring

>typically it's us having the last laugh
Yeah and I've been here long enough to know that people here laugh like they've won regardless. Trump could literally Rape Melania in the front lawn of the white house and people here will still call it fake news and laugh like doing so made it a fabrication.

And when you're wrong again for the thousandth time you'll carry on as though it never happened. You were are and forever will be worse than retarded, you have no ability to learn from your many failings.

WaPo has no real evidence in the first place, so that's hardly an argument you can be making. This is all just you using their word over Moore's and dismissing both the political bias of WaPo as well as the incredibly convenient timing of this attack.

that's a lot of words for someone who doesn't have anything to say backing up their beliefs in this matter. Tbh go learn how to read more than a few minutes at a time and you might learn more about how the world works.

Oh i'm sorry I guess all of those accusations against Kevin Spacey are just completely baseless too then right? Also the ones against Bill Cosby? Those were totally different cases right?

There is no clear political motivation for the attacks against Spacey or Cosby. They're actors, not anti-establishment politicians one month away from an election.

Neither party has any evidence and the entire situation is shady as fuck. Siding with anyone at this point is fucking retarded but I'm still leaning on that politicians side due to the timing of everything.


A lot of words. Wow you got me...

And each of Trumps accusers didn't receive at least a million dollars for there stories... Stories which in most cases were actually debunked.

I wonder if WaPo even has that Jerry Springer director running point on coordinating their stories you fucking moron.

Sorry if thats too many words, I'll just leave you with one more.


>How the fuck did all of these accusers stay quiet for decades, wait for him to win the primary and then strike all at the same time?

maybe because a national newspaper finally dedicated its resources to looking into Moore's past?

Dennis Hastert was Speaker of the House for a decade and his pedophilia didn't come out until years after he left Congress.

There's also photographic evidence and admissions of wrongdoing.

Fucking lefties cant even place Moore and an accuser in the same place at the same time and though they can't seem to comprehend the difference they think they're right and your wrong...

Get something right liberals, I'm fucking bored already.

There were accusations.......... Hastert got caught breaking laws to get an accuser his hush money................ You fucks are so incompetent............................. Why are you still breathing?

Moore has been at the forefront of many controversial (according to the left) political issues. They wanted him gone many many times. Why didnt this come out then?


It's not like this was the first thing they've tried to hit Moore with, but they realized that none of the rest of their namecalling was working. They were getting nowhere by calling him a madman or hateful or any of their usual words. So now they try this dumbass hail mary, just as they did with Trump. And just as with Trump, it will fail because Moore is sticking to his guns and Alabama is more conservative than the rest of the US. There will be no pussy hat protesting here.

That would be like if Moore broke laws hiding the flow of money to pay off an accuser... That would be legit and no one would argue against it.

You can see the difference can't you?

Fuck off soyboy

Hahahahaha This band. It's an absolute scream.

Because Roy Moore wasn't a household name until recently. Thanks for demonstrating the average retardation of a trumpcuck, kiddo.

You just fucked your self a little... seems like you didn't even notice.

Roy Moore's own corrupt behavior earned him the negative attention of the media. It's not like hes just being innocently targeted

They didn't. It's called investigative journalism. They didn't speak up simultaneously, they were sought out simultaneously.

>>Implying anyone knew who Roy Moore was before the accusations
Are you retarded? Roy Moore has been in the news for months now.

>Fucking lefties cant even place Moore and an accuser in the same place at the same time
Literally the opposite of what is true.

From WaPo itself:

>Debbie Wesson Gibson says that she was 17 in the spring of 1981 when Moore spoke to her Etowah High School civics class about serving as the assistant district attorney. She says that when he asked her out, she asked her mother what she would say if she wanted to date a 34-year-old man. Gibson says her mother asked her who the man was, and when Gibson said “Roy Moore,” her mother said, “I’d say you were the luckiest girl in the world.”

>Among locals in Gadsden, a town of about 47,000 back then, Moore “had this godlike, almost deity status — he was a hometown boy made good,” Gibson says, “West Point and so forth.”

>Gibson says that they dated for two to three months, and that he took her to his house, read her poetry and played his guitar. She says he kissed her once in his bedroom and once by the pool at a local country club.

>“Looking back, I’m glad nothing bad happened,” says Gibson, who now lives in Florida. “As a mother of daughters, I realize that our age difference at that time made our dating inappropriate.”

Yeah, sure sounds like the kind of man that is totally guilty, better lock him up

>And just as with Trump, it will fail because his supporters' morals are so fickle that they would rather vote for a kiddy-diddling sexual assailant than let a Democrat win

>mfw this trolls all the underage b& on here

>N-n-no, this is fake news guys!
>But Bill Clinton is still a rapist.
To every partisan hack, I hope your daughters get groped by niggers and they like it.

People finally stopped responding to this faggot in the handful of threads on this topic, so he makes his own thread, lol.


While you dumb fucks defend Hillary?

Nothing suspicious about that...

>20 new factories from overseas automakers built in the last 20 years

So they're capable of doing things that Mexicans can do for much cheaper.


Use fake news to fight fake news.

So your saying he dated a 17 year old for 3 months when he was 34 and never had sex with her? Lol. Was he waiting for her to turn 18?

Know what? At least we ain't suckers. Sucka. Know sompin else? That "14 year old" was smarting off to the judge, whom poked her in the presence of 40 plus people, ON THE DOCKET. Where your desperate ass-wipe WaPo fag fictionalized the account. Have fun bumping into obvious shit till you get sick of feeding immigrants AND having bump migraine all the time.