Has anyone ever contemplated suicide due to feminism?
I don't want to live in this world.
Has anyone ever contemplated suicide due to feminism?
I don't want to live in this world.
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No. Grow some balls and quit whining faggot.
fuck you
don't give up
hes right though
either do something about it or quit complaining
bee urself
Grow a spine please
>grow some balls
Tough case...
like What?
Stop watching (((porn))) you cuck
You need to balance learning(Sup Forums) with experience(pursuing your goals aka accomplishing quests in life)
>Rejecting the struggle
Do this
Save money
Work out
Take a trip to Panama
Weak people should end themselves. They are in our way.
No, only pussies think that. It's what the jews want you to do.
See?! Already getting offers...
are you on steroids? It's almost required these days to even get an average woman. Black Pill: 100% of Chads are on gear.
Fuck you ahmed
>women actually find those ugly ass tats attractive
Disgusting I can't stand how everyone has full sleeves now. Your not in a biker gang and you're not in a fucking rock band. You're not a badass you fake fuck.
Figure of speech Bulger
if feminism makes you want to kill yourself then you're a massive pussy who probably should
I actually am on steroids 900mg test e
You're just as much in our way, you kill yourself
i dont want you in this world either
/r9k/ wants you back faggot
kill yourself you fucking homo
if you do decide to kys please record it
for posterity you know
no you fucking faggot
No, I'm not weak minded.
You have alternatives like eastern Europe or Asian. If you're a western white man you're pretty much an apex predator to the rest of the world.
>Clint Chadwick instagram
I'm 24 and have never been cut out for this world I can't see things getting even the slightest bit better
>due to feminism
Wow you really love Sargon don't you.
No. Existance is a prison, if you are in a prison, that means someone put you in it, what makes you think, you can escape it by killing yourself? There is just another prison behind that door.
grow a fucking pair you nonce
actually, no, go kill yourself.
if you actually think this shit because of such a petty reason you don't deserve life.
at least fucking try and make a difference instead of trying to be a false martyr
British women are the worst man. We have direct access to all the anglosphere brainwashing (hollywood) and UK women see it and are affected.
I recommend going to any non-English speaking nation and meeting women there in their own language. If they don't speak english - they are less likely to be brainwashed feminist psyc-hoes
^^This^^ reaction is the (((shills))) shaming you into thinking with your dick and getting cucked into their system. Once this happens they have you for life
Go back to r9k.
Start lifting, start eating healthy and read books.
Nobody said is was gonna be easy good luck britbong
Sowhining like a baby is good then? kys bong. or wait for the dune coons to do it for you.
Better yourself/get rich and just fuck the girls that start flocking to you. The degenracy of the West will soon spread worldwide; you must adapt if you want to play ball
You don't want girls like that in the pic anyway, 99% of the time they are nuts and not long term material. Getting non stop attention since middle school destroys them.
Pussy ass Faggot. Work out. Go to /biz/ . Make cash. Fuck bitches. Be happy. Jesus Christ
I already do those things
Yes. I am married and having a child (who will probably be retarded due to its mother being a stupid cunt who can’t handle stress without freaking the fuck out). I don’t see any way this works out besides divorce and me getting financially fucked for the rest of my life.
Even women who claim to be conservative and honest are completely fucked in the head. All women have been poisoned by Jewish feminism.
So yeah fuck this world.
natural selection. do it
>due to feminism
haha hell no, fucking pussy. who the hell would kill himself over that
finally someone who isn't a teenager has posted itt, I know the struggle and pain
Why wouldnt you just empty your accounts and disappear in some latin country? Or orchestrate some kind of "downfall" of your cunt wife so you and your kid can live happily without her?
Why are you complaining?
LITERALLY one and a half month on roids and 2000 quid worth og tattoos.
You can become pic related in two months and bang all the sluts you want.
Happily is kind of an overstatement while you have to slave for a little shit, but still, would be much better if you get rid of the hoe, get creative.
No, you fucking pussy.
Feminism is not to blame for you being a weak kissless virgin, you'd still be one 100 years ago. Most women don't even know what feminism is, get off the fucking internet and start living your life.
Then you just have to stop being a faggot
Whining is for women and children
Clean your room and read the bible
Because that would land me in prison? Also I’m not a psycho who wants to hurt people. I still love her even though things are not going well. I just know eventually I will cheat or she will leave me. It’s just not going to work and in modern day US that means I will pay child support and alimony for the next 20 years.
I'm waiting for the battle of armageddon in 7 years. Chinese 200,000,000 incel army prophesied to kill 1/3 world population. That is after America gets nuked. Do you feel lucky?
>This guy is a total cunt..
hurry up I want to die killin chinks just like my grandpa
>Most women don't even know what feminism is
oh the delusion
Good for you.
>contemplated suicide
>due to feminism
This is something I'd expect to see on reddit, not here.
Whos whining? The tactics are obvious and I think its hilarious.
>the virgin suicider vs. the Chad martyr
You know what you have to do.
Stay the fuck away, go mongrelize somplace else.
>Has anyone ever contemplated suicide due to feminism?
Not at all mate, one of the reason i'm still here is because i want to see how allt his pans out. Just imagine the situation a few years from now, millions of batshit crazy future cat ladies hitting the wall and realizing they wasted their prime years dying their hair in various warning colors, whining about the patriarchy and scaring of every single suitable man that could have given them a progeny and a purpose.
Its going to be hilarious.
just don't think about sex, what drugs are for? keep going up with your life and do drugs a little bit then eventually you will meet a woman desperate enough to stick with you
You're the deluded one.
If attention-whorish suicide attempts are enough to justify tax payers having to pay for tranny surgeries, then what can claiming suicide because of feminism gib me?
/thread fuckin numale epidemic I swear GET OUT OFF MY POL
kill yourself
Stupid fucking Cuckservatives always crying about Feminists when they don't even know the true threat to our civilization.
Trip to Panama? Would you care to explain?
they'll just blame men, in fact they'll probably propose a bachelor tax so we pay for their shit anyway
nice one
I agree. Most people are retards even in this so-called high IQ country. Illiterate trash who don't read and don't know shit about anything.
Would you want to marry a retard? Maybe not, but it's up to you.
a) Shes ruining your kid.
b) She will ruin your life, and you know it.
Stop being such a fucking mangina, muh feelings and shiet, destroy her, get rid of her the way she will never be able to get close to you and kid again. You have a problem and you just sit doing nothing pitying yourself.
Fight back instead.
Im in a uni where I can learn a lot and get a highly recognized degree, but hey guess what? I have to write about how my race, gender and ethnicity affects the way I do research next week. It all has to be based on this insane article Mapping the Margins, racialequitytools.org
They want me to cuck myself basically. But I am going to tell them how this is racist and misandrist against me.
I know this timeline sucks, I have been falsely accused of sexual harrassment three times, I have been broken up with and shamed because I never let myself get cucked by women. The worst weapons they have are attacking your reputation and falsely accusing you of sexual stuff. If you can face that then these bitches can't do anything to you. What drives them nuts is when what they say just rolls off you like water on a duck.
>being so beta that contemplate killing yourself just because of women
kill yourself
>they'll just blame men
Yes, and its going to be hilarious to see them have mental breakdown. A woman without a child is sadder then a man without work.
>in fact they'll probably propose a bachelor tax so we pay for their shit anyway
So just fake marry your bro then, these are the same leftist that thought same sex marriages where the best shit ever.
But you're already alive. Man up, and make this world better for the next generation. It doesn't have to be this way, faggot
that's way too much ink. if he's mostly black from tattoos, does that technically make her a coal burner?
Nah only homicide.
Feminism? That shit is something every man should disregard.
You are probably a young, white man with almost no or very little experience of life.
Understand this - find something in your life worth living for. What is wirth living for is also worth fighting and dying for.
Stand up for who you are, take care of your family and DO NOT accept disrespect against your people or country.
For example; people around asks me "hey user, why do you say you love your country?"
And I always reply - "my love for my country is not for what it currently is, my love is for what my country have been and for what it can become".
Fight for your birthright as a man, do not run away like a coward.
kill yourself
There are stories of men that anneheroed after false rape accusations. These go straight on the account of feminism.
But you should be no pussy and look for a girl that hates feminism as you do. They are growing in number.
do it u fucking soyboygoy
Think about it, you'd be letting those hairy armpit chubby, gross cunts trick you into killing yourself because they're too weak to do it themselves.
Feminism turns decent countries like Sweden and Germany into future Islamic states
No, just do other shit that makes you happy. You see the world for what it is, now deal with it. Or not, kys if you want to. No one is going to miss you anyways.
lol that faggot shaving his legs
>Black Pill: 100% of Chads are on gear.
I'm surprised Sup Forums for once is not a naive cuck when it comes to this
Oh, wow. Cannot unsee. What the fuck is wrong with the West?