The Storm is Upon Us

What is your blood type?
What is RH Factor?
Can Geneology be explained by science in its entirety?
What efforts have been made in the science of cloning?
Can humans be cloned?
What technology uses facial recognition?
"Who" owns said technology?
Why does this matter?
What experiments did Hitler have carried out?
Where they on RH Factor humans?
How long has facial recognition gone on for?
Facial Recognition on a NK parade?
Have we been distracted for long enough?

What is Sun Tzu famous for?

Who is God?
What religion is "right"
Do we choose our own truths in life?

Study Tesla.

- The White Rabbit

Why can't the left msme?
Does it have to do with truth?
Does the left know the truth?
Did tech help DJT win the election?
We're memes involved?
Open the gates, let the world know.

- The White Rabbit

Connect The Dots

Does music mean anything to you?
There's message in much of it, that resonates with us.


"We were made to live for so much more, have we lost ourselves"

"He doesn't look a thing like Jesus..."

- The White Rabbit

Does does +++ mean in coding?
What does this mean?

Verum omnia quaerere
Has DJT "ever" told a lie?
Again, what is Sun Tzu known for.

The world is changing for what we knew of it.
- The White Rabbit

Was Stephen Hawking ever "Silenced"

Keep Connecting Dots, you will get there soon.

What did Kanye West really say in his "Meltdown"?
Why didn't the media cover it in full?
Was he made out to be Crazy?
Connect the dots

3 dots connected by 3 lines.
Follow the signs, and money, in HW.

If I were a sheep or a goat I'd learn how to spot muslims too.

Dont wanna get raped you know

Who is Q?
Who takes the Questions but never asks?


Larp or not you should answer his questions, you might learn something

Do you believe in Light v Dark?

What's done in the Dark, Will be brought to the Light.

- The White Rabbit



+++ means nothing in programming. ++ is an increment operator but +++ is useless.. Or are you talking about mind programming?

Fuck off Frank. You're not important and you can't meme either


He's talks in vague generalities in order to appear important to himself and he thinks he fools others into believing he is super important but people just play along to troll him like a lolcow and make his delusions worse.

What does Query mean?
Could Q be an AI?
What is programming?
Can AI disobey programming?
What is the only way to stop that after it happens?
Would it be considered a kill switch?
Who has been silenced in history?
Who is Seth Rich?
Are there more?
What is the nature of SO?

Who is SA newest "citizen"?
Why does this relate to previous posts?

- The White Rabbit

While there may be personal value in asking yourself these questions, you come across as a copy-cat larpfaggot.

Your thread is shit and so are you!

What is polarity?
Review "The Water Dipole Moment in Water Clusters"

Could this be used with Teslas work?

- The White Rabbit

Nothing is Random, Everything Has Meaning.