submissive vs An independent and strong woman
What type of wife is right for a healthy right-wing man?
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Doesn't really matters, brain and body is what matters. Don't care about personality.
One who will help you kill Jews and lie to the police after
The submisive part really gets me aroused, but I also would like a woman strong enough to protect our offspring and avoid danger if posible
Submissive. Any other women is one with penis envy.
i just want for japan to turn into a waifu factory and ship here ;_;
Speaking as someone who is happily married to a wife who shares many of my right-wing views, I'll say this;
You don't want someone who is a mindless, submissive slave who bows to your every whim and echos your every thought. On the other end of the spectrum, you do not want someone who is so set in their own ways and beliefs that they refuse to even consider any viewpoints that aren't their own either.
The perfect partner is someone who inspires you to be a better you. Someone who can recognise your faults and help you to fix them. Someone you are willing to listen to and take their advice onboard, and in turn they also take your advice onboard as well.
Contrary to what says, personality is paramount. A sharp mind and a shapely body means jack shit if you cannot stand their company. I would rate it as perhaps the most important aspect of your partner, because the perfect partner is someone whose company you enjoy. If you see your partner as a trophy rather than a close friend, you're doing it wrong. Honesty, loyalty and devotion are important traits to look for here, but that goes both ways.
You and your partner do not have to agree on everything, but at the same time they should be open to debating their views and being swayed if your arguments have merit. That said, there are a few red flags to avoid. Daddy issues, feminism and hedonism to name a few.
independent and strong woman only if your views aline perfectly